Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , November 25, 1898, p. 5

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j J ONTARIO BANK CAPITA hud REST j Ho Manager MARKET BRANCH A General Banking Business TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits it DRAFTS AT ALL and bought and Old Farmers Note promptly attended to BOSS MEDICAL r Dp Campbell P Q at opposite Christian Bocae to 10 a lot I to and to P in Drug Store Now market to p Night boll at Pharmacy Main HI and to Dp Alfred Now market Ural or Poet OHoo Off lot to am 4 1010 Text My on if sinners on- tico thou not Monday King 1- Kings 820 Wednesday Kings Thursday Kinjp 23 Friday Saturday Dcut Sunday 19 714 INTRODUCTION- Pretty Homes Gardens How trio use of photography la coming to be adopted by the modem as a moans of- illustration is shown in the announcement of The Some Journal that to publish now distinct series of articles which will include not less than photographs The idea of the is to present hun dred of the prettiest country homes in America to encourage artistic archi tecture one hundred of the prettiest gardens to encourage taste in floricul ture churches decorated for festal occasions of all kinds King of the ages sat on I wrings and Easter Bor- vices etc some forty of prettiest girls rooms in this country twenty- five floral and vineolad houses and the story of the native wild flowers in America told in soven- tyfive photographs Over photographers in every part of the country employed by the maga zine to get these pictures and several thousands of dollars were paid in prize awards for beat photographs The choice was made out of over photographs received by the maga zine Dr J Wesley and Coroner Mala hi North Communication INSURANCE Joseph A Cody AGENT also Tiro Insurance at rates Good Farms for ale At Town next to Fire Mall Always to on J ft for Ire and lUfc Aaaurnnco Money to Loan Current richest throne of the world All the earth sought him to hear his wis dom which God had put iu his heart and they brought every man his pres ent But of all wonderful things that spake none excelled in the brief passage which has been wisely for our study next Sunday Here he urges youth of his nation and of all time to to instruction of the good and avoid evil Although neith er the business nor habits of intoxication aie mentioned in the On it is in iOi statement of general principles one of the dircctest tern lessons that can be taught PRACTICAL The picture of the Two Ways before each young person should be presented as clearly and impressively as possible The child should heed the fathers instructions ami be an improvement upon tho parent Elders who know more of life should teach young wisdom Wo should avoid the company of the wicked shun the path in which they walk knowing that it is beset with danger and leads to death An evil cannot do justified because it is not excessively indulged It is fearfully remarkable to note the efforts to ruin others that are themselves already ruined Walking in the path of just the Christian rises even when enemies apparently dim his light for a time The way of the wicked grows dark er ami darker with all his efforts to make it appear thai his life is bright and pleasant Beats the Klondike Mr A C Thomas of has found a more dis covery than has yot been made in the Klondike For years ho suffered un told agony from consumption accom panied by hemorrhages and was ab solutely cured by Dr Kings New Discovery for Consumption Coughs and Colds He declares that gold is of little value in comparison with this marvellous euro would have it even if it coat a hundred dollars a bottle Asthma Bronchitis and all throat and lung affections are positively cured by Dr Kings New Discovery for Con sumption Hold at any Drug Store size cents and Guaranteed to cure or price refund ed fin Thanksgiving Dinner How well that old Thanksgiving dinner I Fat her at one cud mother at the other end children between wondering if father will got done carving the Oh that proud strutting hero of the barnyard upside down his plume gone and minus gobble Stuffed with that he can digest The day before at school we had learnxl that Greece was south of Turkey but at table we found hat turkey was bound by grease The brown waited for the fork to the breast bone unci with knife sharp ened on the jams of the fire place lay the folds of white meat to the boy disposed to bo the heart to the to music drumstick Give to the ono disposed to theological discussion the nose Then the pies For most part a lost art What mince pies in which you had all confidence fashioned from all rich ingredients instead of miscellane ous which are only a sort of glorified hash Not mince pies with profound mysteries of origin But mother made them sweetened them flavored ihem and laid the lower crust and the upper crust with here and there a puncture by the fork to let you look through the light and flaky surface into the substance be neath No brandy for the old folks were stout temperance but cider about halfway between new and hard Dear me What a pie Jon rrial T firanton Canada iPIBB RISKS AT LOWEST RATES A ft Ramsay Insurance Iaw on Farm Bisks and Isolated Town Property Hodges Tin Shop Newmarket PAINTING Fainter and Pave Hanger yean In branches of the Una Of samples of the latest designs in the Primary 6ohool7church Street Bolton Paints House urn a and About Catarrh It is caused by a cold or saocession of colds combined with impurs blood Its symptoms are pain in the discharge from ihe in ilia ear It la oared by purine and blood soothes and rebuilds tissues and sieves all the die- agreeable Hoods Pills all liver His Mailed for I Hood A- Co Lowell Mass a ii i i i John Us a AND THE MOST IK AMERICA Potatoes keep better in a pit than anywhere else but they must be well protected to prevent zero weather from catching them They should never be covered deeply enough to al low them to become at all heated or they will start to grow The first covering should be not more than six inches deep and this should not be increased until the ground has frozen enough to bear up a man Then put on a covering of straw over the soil already on and put on more soil pat ting it down to make it shed rain Leave the pit until actual winter has come and the ground is well frozen and then over all put a foot of fresh manure from the stables Dont be afraid of driving the frost in for this will not happen Keep the manure on until the potatoes are needed in the spring for the covered pit will not thaw out nor will the manure allow it to freeze any more and the pota toes will not sprout until time for planting in the spring if left in the pit House tut Millards Church Street MISCELLANEOUS I Simpson Main St prostata Fancy to Low pr0Pcr Davidson Money to Loan At Five per hot A maid a housework but be His comment bears the marks of painstaking study and preparation talk smooth easy and yet earnest rising at times to enthusiasm of a real eloquence writes of John addressing The ftlost Interesting SundaySchool in America of which he is superinten dent hearers do not nod- nor watch for a chance to slide out before the service is over Some personal experience how when be was a boy he bought a dictionary to learn the Bible words he could not understand some breezy anecdote how when he began the SundaySchool he had to wash the faces of the slums some bit of advice how his hearers should carry a notebook and jot down their thoughts and impressions from day to day some rule of his own personal selfgovernment how one ought even when the life shadows deepen to got more and more out of his time by re solving not to pick over and at things but by doing them once a striking simile how a man may have the Ten Commandments frescoed on face or one painted on each finger and yet not be a Christian some story of his travels how when he stood on Mars Hill and peopled it with a multitude of Athenians that listened to the of Paul some gentle strains of pathos how one Ella Hurst a girl in the earlier Bethany days gathered bones in a bucket sav ed up her earning into a gold dollar from her humble mil for a new and how a poem that commemor ated it before the tot passed away brought in hundreds dollars and showed the power of even the lowliest these are speci mens of his suggestive way of applying the text or lesson with a Franklinlike vein of practical examples We the undersigned do hereby agree to refund the money on a cent bottle of Dr Wills English Pills if after using three- fourths of contents of bottle do not relieve Constipation and Head ache We also warrant that four bottles will permanently cure the most obstinate case of Constipation Satis faction or no pay when Wills English are used Lehman Druggist Newmarket Ont J Y Druggist Newmarket Scotts Main St Newmarket Ont In Scotland at one time capital punishment was by drowning Astronomical instruments of glass were used by the Chinese early as More than seventylive percent of the trade of Egypt is with the British possessions Indiana cement belt covers bout twenty square miles Seventeen miles are in operation The Womans School Alliance in Milwaukee provideB clothing for poor children to enable them to attend school Chinese who twenty years ago were looked up in may now be seen bicycling through the towns Queen Victoria who has of late taken to wearing spectacles in public has for many years regularly bathed her eyes morning and evening in weak tepid tea This oldfashioned remedy was in favor with the Duchess of Kent A heps Will Break Under the Strain of the Testimony of the Preacher and His Wife Back sliders From Health the Power of the Great South American Rev Barker of Peterboro says I was greatly afflicted with indigestion and nervous prostration and my wife was all and suf fering much from general debility and we heartily join hands in giving testimony to the great relief and cura tive powers of South American Ner vine Splendid results followed the taking of the first bottle arid a few bottles have cured os both and we cheerfully recommend it to our by Lehman Newmarket Chatham Nov 15- In the case of Mrs Essie Barclay v and 11 R heard at the assizes to day the plaintiff was awarded damages for the death of her husband while driving over a crossing Ridge- town The two children of deceased were also given 500 each fiats Off In The latest movement comes from Cincinnati Ohio- where ithas been introduced of the churches Many of the newspapers of the count ry have commented editorially upon innovation exception favorably There Is scire- that all of comments however have been with the writers turned more toward the theatre than toward church Their remarks proved this They spoke of a womans when without a hat of her de3ire to keep watch of the speak- and of a religious not a place for bobbing restlessly about in an attempt to see To begin with the appeal to feminine vanity was not the happiest notion in reference to a church service As for the de sirability of keeping watch of the without distraction moving around that But very few of out are so athletically inclined that we cannot keep them in sight without any ex ceeding great effort A minister de livering an address from a corupra small platform is not to be com pared with a company of players rang ing over a large stage It cannot be denied that there are preachere who make the most of their platform area and they are often the men we most keenly desire to keep watch of Still they are exceptions As for the idea of women taking off their hate in church there is no fault to be found with that and there is much to be said in its favor Before it is uni versally adopted however let us hope that the problem of ventilation in churches may be nearer solution than it seems to be now Harpers Bazar African elephants can climb mountains with remarkable ease The Tartarian alphabet contains letters being the longest in the world the Philippine insur gent leader is said to be a very hand some man rf3 i awJK If is Dr Samuel prescription for Infants nil Ore It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic substance It a harmless substitute for Paregoric Drops Syrups and Castor Oil It is Pleasant Its guarantee is thirty years use by Millions of Mothers Cos tor la destroys Worms and allays prevents vomiting Sour Curd cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic relieves Teething troubles cures Constipation and Flatulency assimilates Food regulates the Stomach and Bowels giving healthy and natural sleep is the Children Panacea the Friend CftitorlS n excellent medicine for children Mother have repeatedly told me of its good their children Da laueli fan is w well adapted to children that recommend it uperior Any known to rat A it V THE SIGNATURE OF WANJED Good Strong School Children To Test our New Lines of APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER NEWMARKET BOOK AND NEWS DEPOT Baker Grocer A Fall School Boots They are strong and durable made of leather and well put together Call and see our MENS LONG BOOTS MENS LEGGINGS and MENS GRANGERS Custom Work a Specie WRIGHT We to have it understood that we re inarching hand in hand with Low Prices Although we have not advertised to that effect yet our many customers are well aware of the fact We do not make a great splutter when there is no reason for it We believe doing business on business We are prepared and in fact in a position to meet any prices We are here to do business and we want your trade We are handling Pure Food Dandelion Coffee it is recommended by all leading physicians Ceylon Tea is another trade special we have it from 25c lb up try a sample package Pork and Beans is new only Another car of that Celebrated Manitoba Flour came to hand Saturday it is making most Beautiful Bread You ought to try it We would be pleased to have wagon call upon you if you are buying elsewhere A call solicited Central Telephone Office and Robertsons Old Stand Opposite Starrs Book Store W N STARR la hereby given that an Application be Province of Ontario at it iitatBcfialco Act to confirm the Town of and Rich mond 1111 and of Whitchurch Dawson has been swept by a fire which caused damage estimated at half a million A woman in a saloon fight started the blaze by hurling a lighted lamp at a companion To a Cold In One Hay Take Laxative Qoioino Tablet AH DragntB the Hit falls to core Notice is given that an applica tion will be made at the next of Parliament for an act to a company to build railway from Dawson City through the Yukon district -loaa- WJW aei-d- The tet physicians speak well of Millers Compound Iron Pills Bold by pew of Louisi ana reqoireeonly a jury to find a verdict in a not capital DURE ALL V0UII WITH la Hurt KHCUHJiTISIIp- end BO BUY ONLY PERRY New 18 During a dense fog this morning an train on the Pennsylvania ran into a gang of railroad The train running at high speed to make up lost time There were a- boattwenty men in the gang Poles Italians and other foreigners Eleven men were killed six injured three escaped Nov The coroners jury to the Hill disaster find the responsibility lne of the ten on Engineer Brady of No express for passing signals eel as danger at Hill on the morning of 15 A rider was added in which the railway company censure of the jury for the actions of the present Ont Nov 18The jury 9pjpaneled to into the death of who was killed by a fall or being from balcony of the Queens hotel found that there room for- suspicion of foul play We are further of the opinion that the liw prohibiting the selling of liquor to Indians is pratical- a letter and would advise that the stHngerit measure be taken general ten any of January IB under which ByLaws toe of the in and and In tbeTownsblpaof Whitchurch King and to exempted from taxation for period or ten years and also to con firm mode between the said and entered between parti to the the WRIGHT Toronto Solid for applicants Wherever The Era Goes WANTED 3 The be prepared to purchase ud Draught weighing to ttoirane King City Monday Nov Hotel k Bill Wedneaday S Hotel Bond Head p House fltouflMltclcareday House Bradford Friday fioyal Saturday a A To larger Across the Street Coal arid fit kepi In It is always a welcome visitor because it container the latest local news with a large amount of useful and inter matter Then it is no doubtful or unwholesome advertising mat being accepted Hundreds of dol lars worth of advertising which many other papers accept are thrown into the waste basket annually by us Why Because we value the good opinion and confidence of the public above the profit therefrom That we enjoy this confidence may be iecn by our subscription Hals which are constantly increasing and are always open to inspec tion EdmMMisherv J -V- violation of a good law m

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