Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , November 25, 1898, p. 3

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WHAT IS ON ABOUT County Council Mr Woodcock its for It Is sitdhst Messrs sod ft going to ran metropolitan Rail amy ft result of ft ftt Aurora between the Com of York President- ftnd of the end bo through town the to the suggested by tbo railway manag er It fa now dip with Aurora bee boon arranged that the road north from Bonds Lake to Newmarket wilt bo pro ceeded with at Fraternal Visit There will be do meeting of the League next Monday On the are to take of the Endeavor meeting in the Church and provide the program to be followed by a hoar Laat Monday evening the was read by Mies Monroe and led the meeting The Members Pledger taken op in throe parte- The first part by Mrs Cane the second by Rev the by Dr Methodist Sunday School There wan a large attendance day and the brief address by Rev A Brown was full of coco a regiment to those the work and greatly appreciat ed Commending next Sunday afternoon MreC E Jane will a Normal Glass in the body of the eta rob from to to which all young people invited who are not attending Bon- day School The Invitation la also cor dially extended to people more advanced in years who have neglected the study of the bible for some time Prom already given we are led to believe that Cane will have a very interesting The Sunday School Christmas Enter tainment will take the form of a tea yaw and be held on the Wednes day before Another Treat The Christian made a great laat when they combined the eloquence of Rev Morgan Wood with a Hot Fowl Supper the crowd being so large that the church scarcely accommo date it and it was no wonder for the per is worth ft quarter any day and Lecture thrown in free However it each a that the of the congregation have decided to repeat the dose So for as they are concerned we are satisfied that they will spare no effort to eqaa of year whiob was in every particular eminently So far as Morgan Wood it concerned we have equal confidence in aaying bis lecture will be belter than the last Where are we at the title and it is aaid to ftbouad In eloquence pathos and wit Dont forget the date Deo See up the ReioDlngV This Weeks sltf of Roche A Co likely- act a good many of our readers thinking J small of Acton pot down a walk and s of thou who have the In front of their premises walks so much more kept roe of suovv Clubbing FOR Weekly Globe 1 Mall 1 Montreal Star t Toronto Daily World Evening Globe Farmers Sun Montreal Witness I Some boys are in habit of standing on the in the and passing remarks as people go by The In- specter laid an information against half a dozen for and four of them on Col Lloyd As a of the they paid fine and to settle the matter One or two more lessons like this will pot a atop to the Church The Brvica attended by large con gregations last an day and the by Rev A of were very acceptable In the morning he on Fathers care giving Incidents came under pergonal observation and inspiring in an omnipotent God sermon was a conrKo on Kingdom Heaven and bow to it Protection and trust were aptly by child life The music as was good The pastor will preach next Sunday Off inn to the alterations being made in the Audience Room of the church the ladies have requested that the service will be held in the School Room next Sunday Club Owing to the very disagreeable weather on Tuesday evening there was not as Urge an attendance be usual but the meet ing was full of interest and instruction The Convocation of Trinity University Is this year offering of on various subjects to the residents of towns and cities in tins Province The commit tee appointed for but purpose that they had peenred Rev Hunting ford Professor of Classics in Trinity University to give lecture on Why some things are beautiful others not on Tuesday evening Dec 13th No aion will be hut a silver collection will be taken up to defray expenses Tbe wardens of St Pauls Church have kindly placed the school room at the dia- of the Clob for tbat occasion We aeo a good attendance In view of a concert in the Town Hall on Tuesday evening Nov the decided to meet on Wednesday evening of next week The meeting will be at promptly at when the reading of In will be continued the direction of Principal Dickson of Mr Walker of taxes for church Township wis at the Royal Hotel ana took in l012 ood for aaob bad roads i On Monday evening the corner of end Park Ave fell to the grdandwlib ft crash scattering glass In all directions foe County of market a being sued by Johu Martin of North for damages for false arrest and malicious had Martin arrested and tried last winter at the General on charge stealing grain U the Time The receipts from Light for the year ending 1st of November are more than the corresponding period last year The system gives universal satisfaction All we have to complain aboot that the meter rate Is too high for lighting compared with fiat rate It shoo Id bo or instead of Bible A well attended meeting of Executive of Newmarket branch of the Upper Canada Bible Society was held on Friday evening when it was decided to bold the annual meeting In January The address will be given by talent and if it can be arranged the will be by a choir of the Town faave con sented to exchange pulpits on the Sunday previous and tltue bring the matter more prominently before the public Be Cautious approach of winter making thieves and robbers throughout country active and unusually bold The cold weather slim- them to ply their trade with extra ex ertion This a time therefore for tak ing extra precautions In protecting against depredations of tbe gentry Business men will do well to keep their windows and doors securely fastened Tbe overcoat thieves have still an desire to take from and places of the best overcoats io be The childrens service Sunday morning- well attended by them not manv of the older people present at should been such occasion to both the and workers TbeaaperintendontI Mr took pastor Rev A WoNabb gave to the children in Hoe of The children led by organist and all ware pleas- with the service throughout Court here King Association baa to hold its next convention at Kettleby on of Jan Mr John Carrey has added a fins poultry house to his barn on Victoria Ave Candidates for office will be with the common people It to thinking of Christ mas It Is not too early to make oat a Hat of the expect to make Mr Albert Tra visa has shipped over barrels of apples to the Old Country aeasoD Matthews will service at the Industrial Home at on afternoon Staff Capt wife of Temple Headquarters will lead meeting at next Sunday Where tbe circulation is there should advertiaementabealso Mr made some improve to hisbonse on Ontario lbs Bright ii lbs s Granulated Sugar lbs Granulated Sugar Sold by some as best Select Layer Rasins per lb English Breakfast Coffee lb Tins Cooking Figs per lb Surprise Soap Comfort Soap Morses Mottled Soap and Electric Soap Christies Sodas lb Box Old Brown Windsor Soap 100 5 4 I At Less than Wholesale Prices Goods These are only a few sample prices Oiir whole stock is on the same Price Level Wc DRY GOODS Come and See for yourself at Equally Low CUT PRICES The best Cakes are always made with Baking Powder W A BRUNTON CORNER STORE mm on Illicit On Friday morning last Constable Say age met a atraoger at ten oclock train and two left Town at once in a livery rig Many ware tbo conjectures about their hat speculation five oclock they with the whole plant of a atill and six of the pore article Th atiU was a good one made of copper and of tnrnlng oat dew They with them ar rest William Foster of Holland landing at whose it found- I The none other than the of the Inland Revenue Secret Service He la known to be a very efficient officer and having hie the liquor conenmed io the Landtag greater than the indicated through the proper acuroe be wired Constable Savage to meet him Suspicion reatod on and proceeding to hie home at the northern limits of the Landing they commenced to About gallons of wort of a high stand ard poured out on the ground much to the of some who thought it a shame to waste so much good material The raid was made quietly and no one had the least auapioion aotil the officers swooped down upon the away from home at the time of the and leaving the coupler Officer charge Savage then left to id Great to Swell him up He was four away When Savage informed him of what had found at home be may well throw up my hands and he offered no reactance All three left here on the evening train for Toronto taking the spoils with them They met at Union Depot by Chief Stratton who much at the success had been by others with5ut success The prisoner pleaded nest morn ing before Magistrate Evans and the lightest namely a oJlWJ nd and one month in jails in of payment six months in w given Ovgon Opening The alterations in the Methodist accommodate the New Pipe Organ will be this week Is pro gressing satisfactory and the Organ Open ing will take place on Thursday evening of next week Dec let The program in exceptionally fine and all lovers of first music will not miss this fare treat Tbe talent secured is of the beet known in Toronto and the most capable of bringing out all the com- this instrument since one internal architect and the other external designer and builder Following are the specifications Two to A Notes from to 1 feet Metal notes Wood stop- 1 a Principal Metal 58 Open Diapason Metal Stopped Diapason Metal fiOamba Metal Harmonic Flute Metal Metal Metal Bourdon Treble lin wj Bourdon Baas PKDil OHO AN Bourbon Wood Total Institutes Government has appointed T of and A McNeill of Farmers Tostltutes in North York follows Jan Hall do Newmarket Andrew Elliott of Gait and of a the following February Aurora Sutton Albert Make a note of the Institute Toronto A recent of Journal of an exceptionally flattering notice of the Institute Toronto of which Alex J Stewart- Aber deen Ontario la manager It in fashionable and moat beautiful part of the and ear- with spaoioas and wellkept grounds rendering it an ideal retreat with the rcquirements of a cultivated exact ing teste It is stated that the dining- Ingroome are well appointed while the ouisine cannot hot aid materially in restor ing the depleted and enervated Prior to the exploitation of Dr treatment drunkenness and the every remedy known to materia Stewarts friends in Newmar ket will learn of the attending under management with great satisfaction SEASONABLE GOODS Our Stock is now most complete in Pall and Winter wear never had such a fine stock for you to choose from Men and Boys Suits and Overcoats Boots and Shoes We 1 Mr a rare Dont Grand in Town on Tuesday evening singing is treat in itself while Mr Carlisle as a humorist is a tremendous hit Miss Hayes fame as a violinist has preceded her and all the will be artistically render- Mr was highly pleased at intelligent and appreciative audience which greeted his former concert and hopes in second appearance to give Newmarket people entertainment that will be a delight to all lovers of music Tickets may be had at Lehmans Drug Store Bee programe Dont fall to hear Stanley Hayes the boy singer if 1 Pod la Forte to Great Piano to Great Forts to Swell to Swell bandy Bakery Open W Pedal to Pedal Bellows Signal Tremulant to Swell Swell Pedal Organ Seat Both Mr JN Shannon and Arthur Lye are musicians Miss Davidson Is a trained singer and said to possess a voice Mr Edward J Lye also highly recommended as a tenor Mr is making great preparation to have the choir and in excellent form Mies Nettie the organist will do her first playing on tbe pipe organ in anthems Notwithstanding her pro- fioienoy in has been taking leeaona from Mr in for time This will the musical event of season dont mite it Considering the roads Saturday there was a large market but nothing to compare with what wo have bad the Sat urday before Thanksgiving in other years Butter was very plentiful and was all from to Fresh eggs were scarce and the buyers paid for them on eight and 18o paid for packed eggs chickens sold to 45c and a very fine pair for Ducks at Wand per according to sire Geese per lb and turkeys from to The regular price was and live turkeys Live chickens from to per pair Beef and So by the quar ter Pork per owl or per for front quarters and for binds Motion and by the quarter 1016 and per basket to per barrel Pears per basket Potatoes plentiful by the bag and per bag by the load The hucksters were loaded aa follows Mr Smith duaba geese turkeys chickens butter and eggs but not a large quan tity of anything Mr geese turkeys and 160 lbs butter and one case Ogge Mr Bell 12 geese lbs butter and f Mr 10 pair ducks geese eggs and lbs butter Mr 20 geese pair duoka turkeys pair chickens Mr 20 pair turkeys 500 lbs butter eggs Mr pairs ducks and barrels apples The Thaokagiyiog market on Tuesday was not as largo as an ordinary Saturday market and prices of poultry rather discouraging to the farmers sold at cents and at cents as a general rule of course there were a lot sold cent higher and some a cent lower batter and eggs wore same prices as on Saturday Thanks at P Last Wednesday was ayala time at our School A few weeks ago tbe idea of holding a Tbankagiving among the started and the matter heartily taken hold of by teach ers and pupils At spare moments drill was given during the past weeks and result was an exceedingly enjoyable enter tainment Two kindergarten by the little ones several besides recita tions and songs by individual pupils were given fa stylo that edit upon those who trained them and themselves were foilowed an exercise of a distinct charaoter in which the burly in the gentle Sooth wind Thanksgiving bearing the fruits of tbe year from field orchard and garden and happy with their songs and pastimes and Dame appeared each performing Beyeral attached to represented At this a part on the writ ten program took place Mr Clarke on behalf of Teachers inTraining read the following address to Principal while if IBs Powers presented him with a gold mounted Pen Dear Mb We the Teachers- of ibe Newmarket could nut let this opportunity without showing in some way our appreciation of untiring zeal We feel we have in you a kind and instruct or ever ready and willing to aid us by wise and useful counsel in our new field of labor ch one of is your warm friend Kindly then thie pen not for tbe intrinsic value of the gift but as a slight token of the esteem in which yoa ire held by May it be tbe mean of recalling pleasant memories of the Mod elites of Signed by In Training Ella Brown Brock Clarke Ella Powers John Alice Low Timothy Wesley Elmer BSmith Edna Millard May Walker Mary Doyle Fred Harrison Mr replied thanking the stu dents for their kind words and the hope their term at the Model School would be productive of much good to themselves personally and through them to the children of our homes who will In the near future become the homemakers and citizens of oar country entertainment closed with the Hymn We plow the flelda and scatter the good seed oer the land followed by God Save the The blackboards of the First Division room to which the entertainment took place were profusely decorated with ap propriate symbols of the Thanksgiving festival the work mostly of the pupils themselves The difficulty of putting in two hundred and seventyfive pupils and their frienda into a room Intended for fifty while reserving room for those taking part in the exercises was no small task Arrangements made beforehand had to be changed at the moment owing to lack room la building oar school the matter of assembly room overlooked The necessity of some such place was amply on Wednes day While the teachers would gladly have seen a large of lbs friends of the paplls preeehi no general Invitation could be leaned owing to lack of room Gents Furnishings Hats and Caps Fresh Groceries In these lines we are the leaders Our stock of Clothing and Boots and Shoes is the largest and cheapest in the County DAN FORD ROCHE CO i The Cheap Store MERCHANTS ALL OVER THE WORLD Say Goods can be bought very much Cheaper for Cash than when bought on Credit THEN WHY SHOULD YOU PAY CREDIT PRICES IF YOU BUY FOR CASH Our whole business of Departments is conducted on a Cash Basis straightfoward one price selling No Jew business or Jugglery No marking goods a high price in order to make easy sales by selling goods less than they are marked We rely on your knowledge and judgment to know the Values and Qualities of Goods We invite your freest inspection in all Departments We welcome comparisons in fact we like to make them it pleases us Take for instance Groceries you all know the regular prices of these goods seeing them You are charged the same price whether you paid cash for them or bought them on credit Why should you Compare these with what you have been payings Cleaning Goods Harveys Household Ammonia bottle Sapolia gef cake Gilletts Lye 9c tin Bath Bricks 4c I a IOC IOC Silver Polish Furniture Polish James- Dome Lead CooneyY Black Lead PepperBox Stove Lustre Nonsuch Stove Polish 9c Nonsuch Enamel small Enameline large Batgers Table Jelly in Orange Lemon Strawberry Rasp- berry Vanilla Pineapple Etc P package Crosse Orange Marma lade in lb jars Preserved Ginger lb jars Rennet Tablets bottle Baking Goods in in 1 Tahle Jellies MarmaladesEtc Coxs Gelatine Chalmers Gelatine Plymouth Rock Gelatine Phosphate package tl Kitchen Queen Baking Powder lb tins English Cr5am Baking Powder lb jars English Cream Baking Powder lb jars mm Mm Royal Baking Powder in 6 oz tins Imperial in lb fee Pure Gold in 10c Royal Yeast 5c boxes Hops pressed in lb packages Hops bulk lb Cow Brand Soda in lb packages Baking Soda Bi Carbonate pure lb Baking Ammonia Carbonate pure lb Cream of Tartar pure lb Ask for our Grocery and Medicine of nearly 1000 articles It will pay you DANFORD ROCHE CO mm j T

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