Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , November 25, 1898, p. 1

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Eka gives more homenews every week than any two other papers in North York combined and will be sent to new subscribers till January balance of this year for cents cash 1 I SBBi YORK INTELI AND ADVERTISER PA w me liberty to know to utter and to according to conscience all other liberty Vol XliVII No Cents No paper sent outside of North Ycrk unless paid in advance I Newmarket Friday November 25 per annum if paid in advance At least some of them They all use the Celebrated Grand Jewel toves Rational Thanksgiving raise the song to our God belong and join to sing Praises to the heavenly Blessings from His liberal hand Flow around this happy land Kept by Him no foes annoy and freedom we enjoy Here beneath a virtuous sway May we cheerfully obey Never oppressions rod Ever own and worship God Hark the voice of sings Praises to King of kings Let us join song And the grateful notes prolong Day BOUGHT AT A- The general verdict is they are Excellent Bakers Good Heaters and small Wood Eaters Newmarket Mrs John Play tor Newmarket Irwin Sharon Charles Case Pino Orchard Richard Boyd Sharon ft Kottloby William Charles Haines Newmarket Michael Lemon ville James Cannon Aurora James Wright Nowmarkct Benjamin Sharon Buy a Grand Jewel an Repairing Promptly Done I Mr Warriner Keswick John Rogers Newmarket Mr Frank Pine Orchard Industrial Home Newmarket J Mills Dunkorron Mr Sharon David Hamilton Roachs Point William Purdy Roachs Point John Newmarket Seymour Queensville Morton Keswick you will be happy For sale at A BINNSV NEWMARKET UEENSVILLE SPECIAL VALUE IN ALASKA SASKATCHEWAN YAK giving dinner at homo -0xo- are In Flannels Flannelettes and Underclothing we showing Surprising Values In Boots and Shoes Rubbers Soxwe guarantee these Goods Our Stock of Groceries comprises the newest and freshest goods that can be procured All the above goods have been bought for Cash either from the Manufacturers or the Wholesale Agents thus assur ing the lowest prices g J AND DENT R I Dentist Office Block opposite the Methodist Church vitalised Air for Extracting Satisfaction Guaranteed J Rogers Dentist Aurora to Street Aurora Dentist will be office of Dr Porter Cap A and Tuner of and all String Fat is absolutely neces sary as an article of diet If it is not of kind it may not be digested Then the body will not get enough of it In this event there is fatstarvation Scotts Emulsion supplies this needed fat of the right kind in the right quantity and in the form already partly digested As a result all the organs and tissues take on activity joe 1 ft a to to mother atd Aunt Ami Ive noticed that pretty thats the that makes Aunt wit by tho window peeling pumpkins for the Saturdays baking was a little old woman with black rimmed that added a pecu liar owlish effect to her dim blue and wore her scanty irongrey hair screwed tightly up in a knob at the back of her head Mrs her sisterinlaw was plucking a fine fat turkey for the impending New England festival She was one of those fore- handed Women who always liked to get everything done a little in advance of time Luke the head of the family sat on the edge of the table chewing a goldglistening rye- straw He had just brought in a basket of rutabaga turnips and had remained a minute or so to hear what the women were talking about Yes said Mrs doubt fully but Im afraid hes in clined to hi stingy Abigail aiid that aint a desirable quality in no voung man Its bad enough in old folks Let What makes you think so mother asked Mr Hes so dreadful close with his money of late answered the house mother He wouldnt give nothing to the subscription forgetting up a free public library last week and hes dropped the idea of buying a new horse and ho drives old Dobbin of his yet Dobbins a good horse reflect observed Mr Yes but hes such a looking Mr chuckled You women are all for looks said he I never see the beat on Well I suppose theres no law agin a man doing as ho pleases with his own money No said Mrs dry ly But all the same I dont want my Orinda to marry a miser If Oriudas got her mothers spunk said the farmer laughing shell do pretty much as she pleases about marrying Orinda at the end of the room was chopping suet industriously and al though she has heard every word of the discussion neither spoke nor look ed up She was a roundfaced blue- eyed girl with long lashes that went to her cheeks as she looked down a dimp led cherry mouth and a nose inclined to the retrousse type commonly call ed pug Her hair of the richest glos sy brown was braided like a crown her color was high and she chopped away with a vigor that indicated tho disposition To speak the truth Orinda had been rather lowspirited for two or three days Her darling desire of a new winter wrap had been denied her You must manage to make the old one do for another season her mother had said But mother its so shabby And Pease has got a new seal plush A couple of yards of fur trimming at a dollar a yard will make it quite decent reasoned the thrifty matron And Lucy Pease is nothing to us I could buy a real pretty beaver- cloth mother at Rogers sale for fifteen dollars pleaded with tears in her eyes But daughter wo havent the fifteen dollars to spare Your father has had bod luck with his oat crop Forty bushels were spoiled by rain before they could be harvested and the red cow died of horn per and the bam on the hill was struck by lightning and burned down with two ton of hay in it Weve got to economize pouted I never have anything like other girls said she I might as well wear Aunt old plaid woolen shawl at once and be done with it And she had been quite silent and dejected over since What her mother said she reasoned within herself was quite true If there was anything miserly about Wallace Grant she did not want to cast in her lot with his She had been pinched and cramped all the two and twenty years of her life if there was to be any change she de cided it should be for the better There was John Jar vis who wore such stylish collars and drove a high- stepping horse to a brandnew yellow- wheeled buggy it Thats my own girl he knew you would say yes You take a deal for grant ed said releasing herself with a toss of her head If a man cant trust the girl he loves who is there to trust in said Wallace simply And now look here Ive been saving up my money for months I knew that tomorrow was not only Thanksgiving day but your birthday as well and I wanted to give you a present Orinda dear Wil you accept it from your plighted lover He opened the box start ed back with a rapturous cry For me Wallace A sealskin jacket My mother said it was the economy after all dear and you will look like a princess in it She heard you say how much you needed a win- tcr wrap and we have been saving to gether for it She is as much in love with you as I am Orinda What a model motherinlaw she will cried the girl with a But oh good for Some Thoughts for Prohibitionists me on his way to the Iron Works where he condescended laugh that was half a sob to fill up the position of cashier until Wallace this is a deal ton some one else could be found Orinda knew very well that Mr Jams ad mired quite as much as Wallace Grant did and Wallace was only a farmer after all and had her ambi tions By the way said Mrs her words chiming in strangely with the vague current of OrindaV unguided thought Mr was saying yesterday that he should not eyes glittered her checks glow ed like roses she turned herself around around and around to view in the clinging luxury of the new garment Im glad I accepted you before I wiw this said she Otherwise you might almost have thought it was a bribe knew you too well for that lie able to get home thanksgiving said he smiling gravely Why dont you ask him here father I sort feel sorry for any young man thats by himself in a strange place on Do father said quickly Just as you women folks say said the farmer but will there be room at the table Therell be Cou sin Nathan Bartletts folks and Wal lace Grant and his mother Why do you invite the Grants impatiently interrupted And you and your mother will come here to dinner tomorrow Wal lace Of course since you ask us said he simply There are only a few of us said Orinda Mr and Mrs and the girls and Mr Jarvis John Jarvis Of the Iron Works Yes You know him dont you Know him Yes a little But us exchanged a look of surprise change of at the annual feast of the neighborhood meant a radical change of opinion Wallace Grant had waited on Orinda for a year to use the neighborhood phrase Was the dashing cashier of the Iron Works to promoted to his place In such matters as this how ever hulas will was law and so the affair was settled Im sort feared shes makin a mistake whispered Aunt I dont know responded Mrs Featherfew I dont believe in these closelisted men It was the night before Thanks giving There had been snowHurries and a keen Arctic gale all day With sunset the world looked wintercold and dreary and Wallace Grants fin gers still as he guided the clumsy old Dobbin up to the in front of the farmhouse and lifted an oblong package out of the wagon Hes come to return the his mother borrowed of Aunt said to herself She sat at window and had hurriedly risen to her feet then sat down again at the of the visitor I dont know why I should run away from him she thought defiant ly Fm glad here alone Or said Wallace I wanted to talk with you Somehow I cant let Thanksgiving day go by without saying what I have on my mind to say Orinda trembled A strange thrill ran through all her veins She had definitely made up her mind that she did not care for Wallace Grant and yet at the sound of his quiet deter mined voice she knew that she did care for him love you Orinda said the young man I want you to bo my wife and come to the old brown house under the hill It will he better than any palace to me once you are in it Ive been dreaming of this year and now the time has come that I can venture to say whats in my heart Will marry me Orinda And looking into his dark soulful eyes she answered in a whisper Yes Ho put his arm tenderly about her Theyre sort family friends j I hardly think he will eat his Thanks- said the farmer apologetically giving dinner here tomorrow No more than other spoke Wallace composedly them eat their Thanks- Oh yes lie will He has promised to come eagerly uttered Mrs Featherfew and Aunt What meant said Wallace Grant with a curious twinkle in his eye was that he has been arrested for forging signatures and falsifying the accounts at the Iron Works He was taken to jail this morn ing and the chances arc that he wont come out very soon Orinda drew a long breath In voluntarily she nestled closer to Wal lace Grant There was such a sense of safety of security in being near him So this was what Mr Jarvis free expenditures and dashing liber ality meant I never was gladder to hear any thing in my life said Aunt as she bustled around on Thanksgiv ing morning dressing the apples and oranges with autumn leaves and turn ing out the jelly in quivering moulds 1 always liked Wallace Grant and I never believed a word about him being miserly or mean Miserly indeed said Mrs Featherfew when all the time it was lie was for And I must say the jacket is the prettiest thing I ever saw As for Mr his comment was entirely characteristic If the woman folks are satisfied said he I am Red pot From the Gun Was the ball that hit G Stead- man of Newark Mich in the Civil War It caused horrible Ulcers that no treatment helped for years Then Bucklens Arnica Salve cured him Cures Cuts Bruises Burns Boils Felons Corns Skin Eruptions Best Pile cure on earth a box Cure guaranteed Sold by all Drug- Three Italians were arrested at Point aux Trembles on a charge of counterfeiting A large quantity coins and counterfeiting tools was found in the teat occupied by them I wonder if that pale weakly woman knows of Millers Compound Iron Pills If not some one should tell her It seem quite unnecessary that anyone should be in her condi tion of health when such an excellent remedy is to be had and so cheap too a remark made by a gentleman whoso wife had taken them Sold by Leiinan To the Editor of Newmarket Era Sir Since the Dominion Alliance Delegation waited on the Dominion Government I have been thinking over what was then According to the Premier there seems to be nothing in the way of the Government moving on in the line of prohibition He says Quebec is will ing to keep her peace under Providence in the Dominion and remain a law- abiding province The major part of the Province is under local prohibition and they are a temperate people Now if local prohibition is good for Quebec and the rest of the Provinces are Biking for a measure why j not give it Sir Wilfrid also said Prohibition does not mean an in crease of taxation but a transfer of taxation It is satisfactory to know that there are other sources from which revenue can be derived than liquor license The best transfer that I know of is that under prohibition when there will be transferred to the peoples pockets about one hundred and forty million dollars out of which they can pay the eight million doilara now obtainable from the liquor traffic yet have one hundred and thirty- two millions left for themselves The premier referred to the work done in Quebec If his remarks are correct they should stand as pointers for the Dominion Alliance and all temperance workers until prohibition comes to stay Yes let us agitate and educate by press platform and per sonal canvass until the ignorance still remaining on this question is removed in the main at least When at work for the plebiscite I was astonished to find people who would work and vote for the measure on account of manslaughter distress etc which they had seen yet seemed to have an idea that we could not have public entertainment without whiskey So I adduced arguments and illustra tions to show that the dunk business produced dead drunkards at the rate of one every two hours or about five thousand per year After showing this up one evening I overheard a group of men discussing it when one said it the whiskey beat the devil This was one of the few cases in which I found the people moved to discussion among themselves I have heard temperance people that such figures a3 the late W Howlands on the barley question wert calculated to do more harm than good because prohibition could not make such a marvellous change Now Sir there are too few temperance people who understand the worthless- of the liquor business Hence the necessity of keeping up the agita tion I that Mr Deacon of is right in keeping at work let us all do likewise We cannot afford to stop until we have put an end to the worst cash mono poly in existence I believe it the great cause of the money stringency which is hampering commerce today The thousands slain annually tends to lesson consumption and revenue power right along I think Mr Foster was right when he said If this waste could be made to cease Canada in ten years would not know Now as Prohibitionists we must come to some definite line of pro cedure in order to succeed Though I was born in and not far from the scene of the rebellion and in view of the suffering of many of my near friends at that time I have been a lifelong reformer yet I have seen since then suffering and loss on ac count of drink which has been more terrifying than anything I ever heard of by the Family Compact therefore I feel like suggesting that all Prohibi tionists forego their politics for the present and say to the two political parties If you bring out acknow ledged Prohibitionists we will support them and in case there should be two to choose from then we could turn on political preferences In this way we will be uniting our forces Let us adopt definite lines and get- right at Thanksgiving Day Turkey in the oven Pumpkin pies all made Lets peep in the pantry Haint a bit erf raid I Haint she full uv goodies My how we will eat When we get a chance Tackle turkey meat Say I turkeys stuffed J Full as he stick though taint no fuller bo pretty quick My I wish theyd hurry Dinner time comes slow When a fellers waited All forenoon know Here she come- Hip hid hip hooray Say Theres nothing finer Thanksgiving Day To Die HOME WITH DIAMOND PLEASANT AND PROFITABLE I IS Beautiful and Brilliant Colors That Will Not Diamond Dyes Have Special Colors for Cotton and Mixed How Wise Women Economize in Hard Times A Ten Cent package of Dyes Often Saves Ten Dol lars- In these of enforced economy it should he a pleasure to any woman to learn how she can save the cost of a new gown for herself or suit for the one or how she can make her husbands faded clothing look like new Diamond Dyes which are pre pared especially for home use will do all this They are so simple and easy to use that even a child can get bright and lovely colors by following the directions on each package There is no need of soiling the hands with Diamond Dyes just lift and stir the goods with two sticks while in the dye bath and one will not get any stains spots In coloring dresses jackets coats and all large articles to get a full and satisfactory color it is absolutely neces sary to have a special dye for Cotton and all Dress Goods and a different one for all Wool Goods This is done in Diamond Dyes and before buying jdyes one should know whether the article to be colored is all wool or mixed or union goods and get the proper dye Do not buy dve3 that claim to color everything with the same package for their use will result in failure The Diamond Dyesalohe can do your work success Uy they are the only guaranteed dye3 of Thanksgiving Days set apart national thanks giving or humiliation are not likely to be long observed unless there are good and abiding reasons for their appoint ment Even in Eng land the days once kept in commem oration of the nations deliverance from the gunpowder plot and of the murder of have for many years ceased to figure among Anglican holi days and barely retain the notice of the penny almanacs That the insti tution of Thanksgiving Day in Ameri ca originally prescribed by the Puri tans as a substitute for Christmas day should have survived almost to the close of the present century iSAirr therefore presumptive evidence of and its necessity New York Herald work I hope the present Govern ment will note Dr Carmans closing remarks as given in last Saturdays Globe Yours o J Nov Many persons suffering fiora rheumatism have been permanently cured by Miller Compound Iron Pills Sold by Lehman Mr J Beaumont barrister of Gait shot himself in the leg with a revolver and it is feared amputation will Sooner Die Than Is the PainRacked Rheumatics Wail American Rheumatic Core the Swollen Stiff Joints- Gives New Life New HopeCures Permanently- J Garrett of Liverpool I was a great sufferer for years from acute rheumatism Was unable to walk or put my feet under me I tried everything recommended was treated by best physicians but relief was in vain I was recommended to try South American Rheumatic Cure I procured a bottle when half of it was taken I had great relief A few bottles cured me I claim today it is the only remedy that will euro rheu matism Bold by Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket

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