Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , November 11, 1898, p. 8

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If Biliousness by torpid liver permit food to ferment and lbs stomach Then follow nines Headache and If not relieved bilious few or blood poisoning Hoods HOI stimulate stomach the cure diwlncw co- lo Mil Bask of Canada HEAD OFFICE Paid op Capital Reserved Fund Total A BRADFORD of and make of Discounting Farmers And Hull- LOWEST RATES luforiiiiiltou JOHN life the WHAT WDEAWAXB Alp TO SANfiFORD The now ted will bo opened Christmas ova has social Friday night proved a irked Each lady AVoaro Informed that appointed to tho ml as ion J Hi Prosper mourn a loss of a pair of corpulent removed from their perch by Saturday evening following parties Jiavo loft section to thaw on doer In country Noble lad twog demon to and trio from to take pro after baskets were i Jacob Yakely has gathered this season from 2 acres of land three tone of cucumbers tons of cauliflower and fifteen bushels of onions Mrs Sutton widow of ho Julius Button and mother of Mrs Joeio Cook of this place died on last at residence of daughter Mrs Whit Children Cry for CASTOR I A llrmlforO- i i I The erviten in cornice- lion with the in spite of the lo a marked The church wan comfortably filled morning norm evening and do not to Murray mans FLORIDA WATER THE SWEETEST HOST FRAGRANT MOST REFRESHINO AND ENDURING OF ALL PERPUMES FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF TOILET OR BATH ill DRUGGISTS GENERAL DEALERS say the services conducted by of Toronto and He v Of were ably delivered delivering grain at prices job of building temporary river commenced yoetorday Tlioy expect to have it finished in a few days old one will be torn away and the erection of the iron immediately proceeded with Hi Honour Morgan at Court hereon most interesting was that of Woodcock Martin On July loOT tho dofts crops were sold under execution and pllff bought for including full wheat pea and bailey and engaged deft to harvest same at per acre- During the tint grain puff claimed he paid deft on account The latter won according to to receive for tin threshing and 3e per for cleaning and delivering the grain in the market Deft de livered bushels oats lo at Newmarket a quantity of peas and barmy to Mr and hold in of wheat worth thus accounting for The cleaning RpoiTts kihc Asr Biohniou3 Hamilton Ufntftf 8r John 3rd Sadie Dow Sommers 2nd Fred Gerald 8r Flora Fred Belfry Jessie Donaldson Violet Cook hen wo 3rd 2 ml Milgate Mag gie Conk 1st Tablet Frank Cook Violet Grant May j Present every day Ham ilton Belfry John Cooper Fred Cooper Flora Jessie Donaldson Violet Cook Frank son Frank Cook Florence Belfry Walter A Teacher la a Of el or any that cannot be- at once anrl myIY8PEP8IA At ah a to Health and Arch eye CHANGE DYSPEPSIA CURE it Jt advances a Change in Bight takes place TbiB Change aid properly and adjusted replace the loss of eye power We understand this work particularly well Try us ATKINSON CO It Of OH OB THAT HE- FREE TRIAL OF Dr Tuckers ASTHMA The only Positive Cura for Asthma Fever Nasal Catarrh ttroiicliitis Complete Outfit for two weeks trial Free of Charge on application to SCOTTS PHARMACY NEXT TO POST OFFICE NEWMARKET Hay will leave a good impression on the mind of the large attendance Sunday It is that was the amount taken in on the col lection plates This will do doubt off the dent and the church in a condition Mr P Jeffrey attended the ploughing match on Tuesday Mr was canvassing the neighborhood during the week for potato pickers Mrs J Elviss while visiting her son William at Pickering was taken ill and is not able to return Halloween night passed off rather tame year The young are not ho as to go lugging around aint a very good paying job I a so Hoy Geo Green wood Minnie Clarke Sweet Jr 3rd Georgia McDonald Sweat 2nd Charley Green wotjd Pollock Violet McDonald Florence Leslie Smith 2nd Eva Willie io Pollock David Sweet LOOKOUT JOB IMTATI0HAH0 THE THE NAME DAVI8 BOH Shop to Rout Water and Stable op How House to On Niagara St by and j llarrmiQr CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children tea AURORA came to nod deft- admitted that he from on account of harvesting and proceeds of grain sold waking in all This Iftft a Imlnnce on deft a hands of which he was ready and willing to pay The latter was not satisfied with rot urns awl in April had deft arretted for stealing and the case came up for hearing at- Sutton April 19S lefor Messrs and The evidence at the investiga tion did not show a direct of stealing yet on the advice of the Crown Attorney their worships com mitted Martin for trial At the trial in Toronto in September Mar tin was acquitted Then brought this action for damages against Martin for improperly looking after and harvesting the crops above mentioned for not accounting for all the grain Judgment for Wood cock for and costs of court only Woodcock in person Jtobinctt for deft THE NIGHT CLEMS STORY A FACE LIKE CHALK Jr Pu 2nd Fred Johnston Chan Smith Roy 1st- Amy Pollock Jr Perry Flora Cullman Teacher words written by TWO LOTS On Street Desirably old Wuollen For Sale on CJACKSON Ileal Estate TO RENT Do you think of BUILDING THIS SUMMER If you do write Ti Ssil MS NEWMARKET ONT And get prices of Vaneered Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows ALL Artistic Effects Hart of as lOavrCM takn lil fctall raUow Fall plowing to be done tiKeu a una com Well watered good about on lungH cough let in and finally Rem a food For 111 Consumption Four apply to George lot south of gave up I could in Inside Woodwork he S ire ASSURANCE CO ESTABLISHED1828 PROGRESS The now assurance carried through by the Standard Office lor the last nine periods have follows SUMS YEARS 18601866 18861870 27807223 30140472 Since progress has equally satisfactory in Canada 18500000 Profits to holders 29200000 Manager Balfour of Agencies Charles Chief Agent Ontario Inspector Miss corps of young ladies are to their drills at King City on Nov at a concert under the auspices of All Saints church of that place There a gathering of young folks at Mr Oak Ridges last Monday evening A bus load from here drove down and spent a very pleasant evening Mr Mark Brown of the fourth con cision of King was severely kicked by one of bis horses on Wednesday while turning it out to pasture He is con- lined to his bed Mr Linton returned from To ronto on Thursday morning where he been purchasing cattle for Ron for fattening He pur chased head and they passed through here on Wednesday evening on their way the form The following members of the Hunt Club left hue on on their annual hunting excursion Dr Ruth- and Messrs J Davis B J Lloyd D Eade J Miller and A Mrs Benjamin Andrews formerly of this place but who removed to ton two years ago died last Saturday years The funeral took place on Monday to the Maple Cemetery Deceased was mother of Messrs and Milton Andrews of the third con of King Rev Mr Webster of Toronto will conduct the services in the Method ist church here next Sunday morning and evening The pastor of tbe church Rev Mr Dewey has gone to near Montreal to visit an old and assist him in evangelistic work for ten days On Monday afternoon it was dis covered that the stringers on sec ond bridge on St in the north ern part of the town had given way and the bridge was in a dangerous condition Word was sent to the County In the mean time the Mayor caused the bridge to be temporarily fixed ONWARDS BLOOD NERVE PILLS A very bad attack of Grippe one year ago last winter left my system in a very weak stale and my nervous system completely unstrung After getting over the dangerous stage of the disease I naturally expected to gain strength but unfortunately did not do so On contrary my blood became weaker I daily lost strength and vitality and my nervous system became so weak that it was a constant source of suffering both day and night I lost appetite the sight of food nauseated me the weak state of my system caused shortness of breath and unnatural action of the heart as fluttering and violent palpitation and my face was like chalk I was in this condition and constantly getting weaker when I began taking Dr Wards Blood Pills I had read the books they distributed and their advertisements in papers and thought Well I have taken so much medicine without benefit it is useless to spend any more money However finally made up my mind is a forlorn hope I can but try If am not benefited I will not be hurt So I bought one box and received great benefit therefrom so continued their use and today am a well man in consequence my is strong my face has the ruddy hue of health my appetite has returned I steep well I have not the slightest In dications of nervousness or heart trouble and from a sick weak nervous man Dr Wards and Nerve Pills have transformed me in six weeksto full health and strength I am yours very truly Signed WILLIAM Night Clerk Grand Central Hotel Dr Wards Blood and Pills are sold at per box boxes for at druggists or mailed on receipt of price by THE DOCTOR WARD CO Limited Victoria Street Toronto Book of information free live but a short time I up to my determined if I could not stay with my frfends earth I would meet my absent ones above My husband was advised to get Dr Kings New for Consumption Coughs and Cold I gave it a trial took in all eight bot tle It lias cured and thank God I am saved and now a well and healthy woman Sold by all druggists cents aud Guaranteed or price refunded lThe Italian Gov ernment to avoid further bread riots has in view of the sudden rise in the price of bread issued orders for the opening of public grain stores in af fected districts where grain will be at price It is quite common to see Oat FOR SALE Residence on Lome Ave at the airy and In excellent order modern coo- venlencce ranee Water Closet Hot and Cold water Good stable Garden well Blocked with fruit trees and shrubs Would exchange for property J Newmarket Factory in Canada for the manufacture of PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc BICYCLES We High Grade and Repair all kinds on short The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co NEWMARKET Farms for Sale The Executors of Estate of the late Edwin Hunter Invite propositions for of the following farms POWDERS first piece of grano lithic sidewalk was Tues day It is ten feet wide and feet long The work was done exceedingly weather but is considered a first class job Eleven cents per square foot is the price everything found ThatThrobbing Would quickly leave you if you used Dr Kinds New Life Pills Thousands of sufferers have proved their match less merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches They make pure blood and strong and build up your health Easy to take Try Only cents back if nut cured Sold by all druggists ratepayers of have vot ed in 1 favor of a municipal lighting Millers occasionally will keep child- hearty eaters very thin this indicates faulty nutrition The system of people crave nourishment and dont get although overworking their digestive organs they are starving slowly they doesnt as similate Millers Compound Iron Pills increase the powers of digestion and assimilation so that the full be nefit will be derived from what is eaten This is noticeable in increased weight and strength and the general feeling of comfort that follows their use Sold by Lehman Archie Brown of the con of King township has nine potatoea weighing 14 lbs largest of the nine weighs lbs Mr Brown had bags off three acres Thomas Morris a Guelph boy had his clothing set on fire by a can of exploding He was in of burning to death when Mr Frank Cote came to the rescue and extinguished the flames with his own coat Ohio Nov Artie aged 18 of Kirkersville near this city out on a Halloween lark went into the cornfield of Thomas Randall last night to procure some corn Smoke was mistaken for a thief by Randall who shot him in head killing him instantly A easy of fatal occurred at miles north of Bow- The only son of if Fred Smith a farmer a bright little fellow of two and a half years on to a table in the pantry and got a bottle of poison from a shelf where was supposed to be secure from bis reach Childlike he drank of the con tents to produce fatal result There some curious facts about the calendar No century can begin on- Wednesday- or Sunday same calendar can be used every years October always begins on the same day of the week as January ApriJ as July September as Decem ber February March arid November begin oh the same days- May and August always begin on different days from other and every other month in the year The first and acres West half lot 7th con Gwillinabary acres East half lot con acres East halves lots 3rd con King Acres of 3rd cod King acres Part of Northwest quarter lot 95 2nd con King acres Part of lot in the con 10c per Package of j25c per Bos Apply or send propositions to Mr J Newmarket Ontario or to Mrs Annie Hunter at the homestead on Street one mile of Newmarket If relet at leases expire WILEYS PINK i WILL BTOP- and 20 Erie Ave Hamilton says I have been a from for many yeare often been laid up for a at a time I have man other remedies but found nothing so good a Pink Powders It s very seldom I have to take more than stop the most severe attack They are nice to take and leave no depression afterWds For Sale all Druggists ana StoreKeepers or write THE WILEY PINK POWDER CO Toronto Ont FARMERS ATTENTION THE USHER SON Wanted dayeof the year are alwAYS the samp ren healthy Sold by Lehman These rules do pot apply to leap year Men of force character who furnish horse and rig for months Straight salary to rlKht j H Toronto Is guaranteed to be quite equal to of the Portland Cements for all sort of farm as bankbarn walls stable notice is hereby siren David Stock of City of Toronto In the County of York In the Pro vince of Ontario machinist win apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next thereof for a Bill of Divorce from his wife Mary Stock of City of Toronto married woman on the ground of bigamy Bt Toronto Solicitors for Applicant Dated at Toronto province of Ontario Ut day of July Personal Instruction given free of charge all work warranted For further Information apply to ZING General Agent FOR TWENTYSEVEN YEARS 1 company f Q Limited Toronio ttlw loll DUNNS BAKING AGENTS nay straight to BEST FRIEND Largest Sale if Canada MONET TO LOAN Private funds on Farm Property first mortgage only Heal Agent of De mand for this wonderful book keeplog all hands working early and late The only Ca nadian and British work published Endorsed by Family and leading public men A big cheap book CO Limited Toronto wanted Farmer or other industrious of fair education to whom a month would be an Inducement I could also ngajf a few ladles at their own Toronto Women- way learn a lot about neighbors from their hired girls but the men to the barber shop or hotel Engineers investigating the cause of the recent collapse of the railway bridge at Cornwall report that the pier was built on of insuffi cient strength- to stand the weight i Children Cry for ACtlVK at by Official Historian to the war Department book written l nanny at the Pacific with Genera Id tho hospitals at In Hong the American trenchea at ilanlla for Brimful of thelosurgtfnt AguioaWot and In tb roar of Bonanza and eta- a package- J war OuiAt free P Barber sV J Peter Allan a the Trunk sheds at Buffalo was shot and while on yea- sons In state our at home talary and no no Itas selfad envelope How Presto Chicago J v

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