Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , November 11, 1898, p. 5

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ONTARIO BANE NEWMARKET BRANCH A Business General Banking Tit AN ACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits it ABE NT BATES DRAFTS ISSUED I AT POINTS Sterling and American Drafts bought and Partners Note Discounted promptly attended to Manager MEDICAL Dp Campbell at opposite Christian International SiUmon PIoxxxzpb I The Wow glistened and the Nov King shone in brightness of as York Golden Text God is our refugo turned furrows on strength a very present help ridges of King on Nov It was in trouble j plowing an event which the skill and prowess of the c I township farmer is pitted against the Monday Nov King distant fields in Tuesday 2nd Kings Wednesday 2nd Thursday 38 Friday Saturday Psalms id 3 and pm a W arc nrouiiblonB to Jio to p bell at Dp Alfred tbuLatc- Rogers unit doorSouib Of Post to J Wesley Surgeon and Coroner Main North CorainunlceloD INSURANCE Joseph R Cody also Insurance at beat rates tic oral for Halo At Town Clerks next to Fire Always In on J Agent for yiro and Lire- Money to Loan at Current Rates At the Now market INTRODUCTION reign king of Nineveh bad captured Samaria carried ton tribes away That wan nearly twenty years before this lesson son of was now king of Assyria He had marched all the way from Nineveh taking almost every city on his route had wiped out all that remained of Israel and Phenicia and little was now loft to poor King kiah but Jerusalem and that was threatened first mes sage thoroughly frightened but lengthened the kings heart and In trusted in God with good immediate results also for Hen nacheribs attack on Jerusalem was Then came another message from he Assyrian king which spread out before the Lord and the ana war to his prayer is our lesson to day Prayer is power prayer means grace prayer brings peace God answered- That accords with his promises If you need help ask for it If you weak turn to the never- failing source of strength If you find yourself beset by enemies tell your danger who all power When things look dark pray When your are in doubt pray When you aro afraid pray When there is trouble to those you love and your are anxious for them pray Neither king nor prophet is above the need of prayer Tho Lord has no lack of servants to do his bidding It may be a brother or sister close at hand who brings the answer to our prayer for help It may be a kind friend who meets us unexpectedly and gives the very aid AGENT flssunanoe Co INSURANCE AT RATES Money Loan order to test his adroitness in striking out a land finishing a furrow or turn- jing a sod place was the farm of Councillor near and from the large i number of persona who turned out to witness event the site was Thirtynine competitors ap peared to take part in contest in sod and in stubble The judges awarded the following prizes First open to all James Mo- Lean I Mr King Charles Bennett Becond class to plowmen who have taken two first prizes in second or any prize in firstclass G Stiver Mark- ham James Cameron Ben nett Third class open to plowmen who have not taken two first prizes in third class or any prize in first or secoud class William 1 John George Williams King 3 Smith King 1 Fourth class to vears J Reeve 1 Silas Baker King Fifth class boys under Roy Norman Mc- King Charles Norton King Sixth class open to plowmen who have never taken a prize in sod or first prize in Thomas King Thompson Whitchurch Henry Shropshire King J Ferguson King Seventh class boys under 17 years in stubble Sam McClure Vaughan Thomas Jar vis King Edward King Eighth class open to boys under 10 years George King Mil ton King Edward King Boat crown furrow and finish in sod James McLean Best finish in third class John Best finish in fourth class Silas Baker King Best ins and outs fifth class Norton Best finish seventh class Samuel I will bear much I think that giving liber al to a local concern is a splendid movo on the part of the ratepayers If the citizens bod given matters of this kind more consideration when there were other firms seeking a location there it Is quite safe to Bay that your town would be today a great centre In conclusion I may say that I meet Canadians here my travel and the usual bond of Can- adian fellowship reigns supreme With kindest regards to all I yours most respectfully Frank Philadelphia Pa Oct Collapse of a Theatre Detroit Nov new five- storey Wonderland Theatre building is tonight practically in ruins and or more lives have been sacrificed by an appalling accident occurred therein this afternoon Shortly fore 2 oclock while some 800 men were at work in various parts of the unfinished the roof fell in without a seconds warning Nearly every workman was carried down ioto Capt of the theatre pit the top gallery was IN TUB QUAKER CITY To hi Editor of Era Being under the impression that your many readers would bo glad to hear of anything interesting occurring in this part of the hemisphere I have taken liberty of writing about the great Naval Civil and Mili tary Parades held last week which covered a period of three days during which time business was prac tically at a standstill in fact our factories and warehouses were closed for three and a half days owing to insufficient number of employees The principal feature of the marine parade was small gunboat Winds- which ran the gauntlet of the en- tiro Spanish batteries in the late war and was nearly blown to pieces while nearly all her brave crew were killed or wounded Lieut Hobson who sank the right under very guns of enemy in order to cut off tho of the Spanish Ad miral Secretary Long of the Navy de partment a survivor of the terrible Main disaster and which subsequently brought on the war with illfated Jo wo longed It may be our pastor speaking in a sermon which seems Best ins and outs in second class written wholly for us If necessary Stiver an angel from heaven will come to us God is in extremity fl fl Ramsay Fire Insurance Agent bow Bates on Farm and Isolated Town Property OynoxOvorHodstfaTln Shop R Frightful Blunder Will often cause a horrible Burn Scald Cut or Bruise Bucklens Ar nica Salve the beat in the world will kill the pain and promptly heal Cures Old Sores Fever Sores Ulcers tt Felons Corns all Skin 9 tions Beat Pile cure on earth Only 25cts a box Sold by all druggists Best groomed and equipped team Harvey Wells King The judges who acted upon this occasion were James Fennel Brant- ford J Morgan M Port Perry Walter Patter son Churchill George Smith White Rose John Black Newmarket Blaze at Out Nov Short- ftfcfiZ this corning fire The leading House Painter and Paper Hanger 30 years experience In all branches of the Full lino of samples of tho latest In to them door North of the Primary School Church Street Bolton and House Decorator lane and Church Street Simpson Main St and Facer A of Tuner of and Stria or of Hamilton and Miss were hurt in a collision between an D car and their carriage The car jumped the track and crushed into their I vehicle Chilled Sidneys Refuse to Work Foreign Matters Col lect and Disease American Kidney Believes in Six Hours A remedy that has the tests that South American has had- a remedy which has met cases of disease whose victims were at deaths door and has led them back to perfect health a remedy compound ed for the kidneys alone a liquid specific a remedy that has testimony piled on testimony given unsolicited by those who have been cured must be a remedy of wonderful merit South American Kidney Cure heals disease diabetes dropsy gravel alone in the bladder It can be your life preserv er Sold by E Lehman Bentleye Pharmacy Newmarket Money to Loan At Five per cent on Farm Security by David for taking Affidavits Agent Conveyancer Marriage ocnaw Agent for the rt fl of London nd aDUtrYotKutual alao tor the To- rontO Corner or Main Glass Is being extensively used for church bells It can be toughened that there is no risk of it cracking and the tone is said to be beyond any thing yet invented soft arid sonorous broke out in the Grand Trunk railway freight sheds and the building and wharf is now a total wreck The Great Northern Transit Companys steamer Pacific Captain was also burned The fire is still burning but the fire brigade have it under control The fiie is supposed to have been caused by a live wire The Pacific was lying close alongside of the freight sheds and had commenced loading for the trip to the today The flames spread so rapidly that it was impossible to save the steamer espe cially as there were no boats the harbor with steam up The Pacific was a general favourite with the travelling- publio and was valued at She is insured for in different companies There was a amount of goods in the shed which were destroyed Tho Grand Trunk loss will be in the neighborhood of 000 All their books records and papers were also destroyed The Majestic cleared on Wednesday afternoon Port William and and took all the through freight The goods in sheds belonged to local merchants and in storage Mental and physical vigour follow the use of Millers Compound Iron Pills Sold E Lehman Time improves everything but women they of course have been the beginning- ANTBDK7KBAfc our bual- and nearby counties ftonslnthlsetatoto our in their own and nearby It ia mainly work at homo year and borinQdeTnomoro no loss sal depend health and Chicago by Mrs Howell Dante An explosion of gas followed hv says land Millers Worm Powders fire Capitol at Washington a good medicine Sold by CftUS immense damago to the build Lehman library of the Supreme fc w Court was almost destroyed San Nov The catch up to Oct will prove What eat and enjoy it and feel profitable as nine vessels have taken comfortable after it is the all day between them or an aver- e7er indigestion age of each Four whales will pay Advice Eat all wholesome the expenses of a sailing vessel and things dont worry take Dr Von six a steamer Stans Pineapple Tablets to aid Nature in doing stomachs work Theyre 5 a mild tonio act gently on bowels Millers Compound Iron Pills They they prevent and relieve distress possess the great vitalizing principlo Pleasant and positive cents which depend health and strength Bold by El Lehman the little gunboat who tinguinlied liiumelf by engaging two ironclads when to escape and other distinguished naval commanders all received an well worthy of the occasion The parade itself in general consisted of the powerful and modern war- today as well as other notable vossel of calibre and to the casual it was a sight worth travelling many miles to hoe It at once impressed upon the memory the and stupendous power of the American nation Nine hundred policemen tried vainly to handle the good crowd and had a beautiful concert unto them selves a personal view I think the parade was a magnificent pageant comprising power effectiveness and beauty and readily impressed one with idea of what war must mean when monster crafts of this description get cleared for action The civil parade represented by all the principal industries and called forth much fuvorable comment Music was in the parade galore and bands for nearly every exhibit while the beautiful turnouts added much to the general appearance The great military parade in the annals of history of this country took place last Friday The blue and thej marching side by side the old veterans thousands of colored troops rough riders scouts the now celebrated 1st New York boys who saved the rough riders from being wiped out at San Juan hill by the Spaniards little of fame General Miles Commander of the US army Joe Wheeler the griz zled Indian fighter and many lesser lights participated To express the delight of the multitude who greeted the heroes would be an impossibility I may say however that the special feature of the great military parade proved to be who has immor talized his name in connection with the affair who dared the Spanish cannoners while he sunk a ship to kejp the Spanish Admiral from escaping and whose ships were subsequently all destroyed principally through his instrumentality There was little or no comparison between the two shore parades owing to the diametrically opposite character of each The military parade was more imposing the civic parade more diverting was the complement of the other So well were things in general arranged that not a grand stand accident marred the pleasure of the day The military parade was 11 miles long or nearly twice as long as the route itself and consumed four hours to pass the reviewing stand which was occupied by the Governor of the State of Pennsylvania and the Mayor of the City of Philadelphia The city was superbly decorated and the weather was perfect though chilly The police and hospital service could hardly be surpassed the formw were located few feet and tint latter at every street corner prepared for any emergency Grandstand seats cost from up to ordinal y little peach baskets and small boxes readily brought 25c each There was one thing that impressed me more than the rest that Americans depend to a greater or less extent upon advertising as a means of prosperity this being the very reason why we have so many immensely rich business men Tho civic parade was nothing more or less than an immense advertising scheme Perhaps a little advertising enthusiasm would be a good pill for the Canadian business men to swallow I note from reports that the street railway is emerging into life in your vicinity and think from a business standpoint it will be- of good results financially to the town as well as the Toronto merchants but the idea of permitting the company the right of way through your narrow main street Children Cry for crushed down upon the lower gallery forming a slope down which slid broken steel girders planks timbers bricks aud a great of cement from the and carrying along a company of men into pit below very few of whom escaped injury The front wall of the build- remained intact but the east side wall bulged and threatened to fall Notwithstanding the latter danger work of rescuing the injured and the dead oui was rushed and good progress was made until when the upper portion of the east wall fell a shower of bricks striking around the crowd of laborers officers and newspaper men extinguishing the temporary electric light and causing a stampede for the front Fortunate ly none of those struck by the second downfall were seriously injured the and Bowels of SEE THAT THE FACSIMILE SIGNATURE OF Infants Promotes and neither nor Mineral A perfect Remedy Sour Worms and LOSS OF SLEEP Simile Signature of NEW tXAcrcopyor wrapper ON THE WRAPPER OF BOTTLE OF pet la battle only act Dont to tll yoa iajthla ca the or it li it and par- Bm get I w The Costliest Cough Cure is Change of Climate and its a cure thats not often possible and not always sure Theres a better idea about coughs and cures Why not fit the lungs to the climate instead of fitting the climate to the lungs It is the power to do this that makes Pectoral THE BEST COUGH CURE in the land It is a Sure cure for colds and coughs a specific for Asthma Bronchitis Croup Whooping Cough it prevents Pneumonia cures La Grippe and it so strengthens the lungs and heals the torn tissues that many cases of disease marked by all the signs of Incipient Consumption have been absolutely cured by its use We tried almost everything for without success At last we used your Cherry Pectoral and the relief was Immediate A ELLIS Keene When I had almost despaired of ever finding a cure for chronic bronchitis I derived most excellent results from Avert Cherry I can testify as to its cacy PROCTOR Oakland City Ind I There were sixteen children in my fathers family and there are seven in my own- Wo have never since I can remember been without Averts Cherry Pectoral and have never bad a case of cold or a cough that this remedy did not cure Hon MASON Chicago Newmarket My wife was sick In bed for ten months and was attended by six different doctors All of them said that she had consumption and some of them said she could not live a month I bought one bottle of AVers Cherry It seemed to help her so I one down bottles Before these were all used she was completely cured and tolay is strong and J Camden Mo For more than a year my wife suffered with long trouble She bad a severe cough soreness the chest and experienced difficulty In breathing A three months treat ment wi Cherry Pectoral effected a complete cure We regarded it as remarkable the had tried hid i m I Best Medical Advice all diseases Free Address Medical J Co Lowell Mass i

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