Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , November 11, 1898, p. 4

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Head and Limbs Ail Covered With Not Work the Suffering Was Has cured dowo to my I broke oat on my body limbs and hand and my til out I under tha doctors treatment a long without benefit called trouble aorema Finally I began taking Hoods and after I had used three or four bottle found I improving I kept on until I bad taken several more bottles and the sores Itching sod my has grown out J a Brentford Ontario all ran down sod had no appe tite I had tired feeling ail the time I was to try Hoods I did and It mo bo that I would not be without It I Central Norton Sarsa- partita In fact the Odd True Blood Ontarios Interests Hoods art wit mm j mil a warn nOOd PUIS Hood Era Best Advertising Medium York County mcou for Ural a purlin Insertion run Inches Inch II i MO WO MO KM 3JW AdvurtlHfinuutd with writ- tea and charged will once month For cbanirc than month the composition bo paid for lit regular Changes Tor contract bo In by on Special Low for Notice Hem Article and Found A rertillriK nolle will he tor any where or when Ii wilt a execution to rule CENTRAL TAILOR SHOP Dont too In III call Fall lock I bat arrived Hie wont In any or for mi Have Kail Slock ENGLISH IRISH and SCOTCH TWEEDS WORSTEDS We can ault muni In quality price experience baa already taught public iJimuiy work bos been satisfactory to nil patrons you and Anything thai doea suit we ere ere to Our back Call and be convinced or the above facte a Jas R McLaughlin NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS In a previous issue wo oalled at tention to thai Hon A Hardy had made the views of the Ontario Government respecting a certain despatch from Judge Day Sec retary of State in the American Gov- eminent in regard to tho timber reg ulations of this Province requiring logs to be cut into lumber before ex portation It will bo a source of sat isfaction to the people to note the de termined stand by Premier and his touching Judge Days suggested Interference on the part of the Dominion Government with respeot to restrictions impos ed by the Ontario The American of State claims that the Ontario is a vi ctual confiscation of largo investments in Canada by American lumber men and should bo disallowed by our Federal authorities Hon Mr Hardys reply completely vindicates tho aotion of his Government and presents a a noble stand on side of Provincial Rights After pointing out that condi tions licenses to cut tim ber were sold and the state ment that purchasers must be subject to such as may from time to time be passed affecting li censed territory Mr Hardy turns his attention to the question of Federal disallowance The provisions of the British North Act arc cited which to the Province juris diction over the public lands with the wood and timber thereon also over property and civil rights and over matters of a local or private nature Under those provisions the Pxemior affirms in unmistakable language that Ontario Legislature has the right to pass the act of which the American Secretary of State complains and as disallowance cannot reasonably bo exercised by the Federal Govern ment of Canada in the cage of acts which ore illegal or or which affect the intHiestft of the Dominion general v tin con clusion is irrefutable that any such action would be a direct interference with Provincial Rights On this point decisions of the Committee of the Privy Council iu England of Hon Ed the late John Thompson and others are in stanced to prove this part of Hon Mr Hardys contention He further that the timber upon Crown Lands in Ontario being one of the most valuable of the assets of the Province it is the paramount duty of the Legislature to adopt such policy as will at least preserve the forests of the Province not for the purpose of pres ent revenue only but also to supply the needs of the people in the near and remote future Hon Mr Hardy concludes with force by calling attention to the fact that the tariff legislation of the United States imposes a duty of per feet upon sawn white pine lumber imported into that country while at the same time admitting pine logs free of duty This tariff says Mr Hardy while practically prohibiting the importation of certain classes of Canadian lumber sawn in Canada makes it certain that Canadian logs should be sawn in the United States and not in Canada when the sawn lumbar was intended for the American market yet no one can allege that congress was not within its rights in enacting these clauses of its tariff laws however hardly they may operate upon those who are adversely affected by them So long as tariff of the States im poses a duty on sawn lumber sent in to that country from Canada just so long will the Ontario Government be upheld in compelling American lum bermen to out up their logs in this Province The interests of Canadian lumbermen should be paramount to foreigners North election protest ban been As result Mr J Liberal holds his sesf Ok Friday las protest sgainit the return of Mr J J for Booth Toronto was withdrawn North Toronto 1b before the courts A CONDITION THAT Steamer Destroyed by pipe at Sea Taw week we aro in receipt of a bound copy of Dominion statutes passed last session got op In usual style sad makes at addition oar library At the election In lbs Territories last week the Government by very majority hold- In of the SI seats Of the Opposition ore Independents oat of classed against politics on Lines of and Conservative were not in contest Word comes from that Conservatives of that have abandoned the protest against Dr land Liberal The many personal friends of the Dr in and about Newmarket Irre spective of party will be to learn that bis is not sttrlbotsbleto other than legitimate The protest Mr Douglas return for East Northumberland has resulted In the being voided by consent This another Riding whore a Liberal was returned at the general Mr Douglas Liberal and Dr Conservative will Kin in a byeelection A from Vancouver states Hon Postmaster Gene ral will vleit that ore lone Assur ance Is Sven that he will receive a hearty welcome from the Liberals as believe he is one of the Ministers who is striving to do bis doty and practice what the Liberals preached in Opposition A despatch from Ottawa states that all the returns in the recent prohibi tion plebiscite election have been reoelveo by the Clerk of the Crown in The majority for prohibition in Total v polled wan All parts of the Dominion except Quebec gave a majority of for prohibition Que becs majority prohibition was These flgares are to be official The Banner considers that North be considered by ninrio Government when selecting a o late Morton and Mr A Regno a mm for the office Of course urn in Its claim but that lost when it Lrnde and country part of Wrntworlh now elands a better ohanco of I recognition LATEST IN Monuments and Head Stones- Call fore Ordering Elsewhere ft Allan It slated in these columns a of week ago Mr become Deputy head of the Ontario Fish eries Department This is now confirmed and he will have quarters In the Parlia ment Buildings In this connection we also leard that Mr J S Webster who has bean connected with the Marine and Fish eries Department at Ottawa will be trans ferred here and will be assistant to Mr Mrs of- Value of to- Pinks Pills la This Condition From the Acadien Tho case of Mrs of who some time ago was cur of a distressing through tho medium of Dr William Pink is of value an illustrating the rapidity with which this remarkable medicine operates A representative of the who called upon Mrs other day to elicit informa tion her cure found her to be a very intelligent lady and a hearty advocate of use of Dr Williams Pink Pills Upon learning the object of his call Mrs ex pressed herself as pleased at the pros pect having an opportunity to give publicity to her remarkable cure I have told all ray about it she said but have felt that it was my duty to have a statement of my case published in the paper Three years ago this spring my system wo in a badly run down state In thin condition I was attacked by a heavy cold and an enlarged of great sire and extreme the result Pur weary I was unable to turn my head ami health became such that I could not exert myself in the least Several physicians consulted but without the slight est benefit The swelling was finally hut the operation only aggra vated the matter as my blood was so impoverished that the incision did not heal but developed into a running sore Despondency me and at times I almost that I was dead At last by a happy chance I was advixed to use Dr Pink Pills After using a few boxes the swelling dis appeared and peifect health and buoy ancy of spirits returned Since that time Mrs has had implicit fidencein Dr Williams Pink Pills and has used them for any physical disorder of herself or children with the same happy results Dr Williams Pink Pills create new blood up the nerves and thus drive disease from the In hundreds of have cured after all other medicines had failed thus establishing the claim that they are a marvel among the triumphs of modern medical science The genuine Pink Pills are Mild only in boxes bearing the full trade mark Dr Williams Pink Pill for Pale People Protect yourself from imposition refusing any pill that does not bear the registered trade mark around the box If in doubt send direct to the Dr Williams Medicine Co ville and they will be mailed to you post paid at a box or six boxes for Clyde lino steamer from Now York for Wilmington North Carolina was burned and sunk off Cape Charles on Nov 1st Five sons were drowned The steamer car a general cargo The was but hours front New York and at a good rate of speed with a smooth sea and calm weather when at 3 pm a fireman camo hurriedly on deck and reported that the ship on fire A general alarm was given and an effort mode to lower the boats but the fire with such rapidity that all efforts to reach them were unavailing In less than ten minutes after the fire was reported the ship was com pletely enveloped in flames from stem to stern Shortly after the fire was discovered an explosion took place in the cargo which blow off the after- hatchway A second explosion fol lowed a few minutes later and the then a of flames Captain Hale seeing that to re main on the vessel meant sure death gave orders for all to jump overboard and save themselves as best they could The captain and firt nil cor suc ceeded in securing a yawl boat which had been damaged in lowering and by hard work rescued eight from the water The burning ship was lighted by the Alice Clark of Portland which lay becalmed six mile off and her captain sent a boat crew to aid in the work of rescue They wl in saving twelve persons many of whom had been an hour or more in the water and had become nearly ex hausted They were taken on the Chirk and given every possible at tention IT IS COMMONLY MOWN AS GRIPPE dan Dope Wit lie Visitor r The old enemy grippe is now pre valent in many sections of the land and as in the past it is the same old insidious foe cruel and deadly The eminent English physician Sir held that grippe was the result of poisoned nerves Sir compares it to an extrordtnary disturbance in the tele graphic system produced by a thunder storm which is nothing compared with the freaks played by the liver con ductors in the human body when the governing centres are out of gear It is certain that the majority of medical men now agree about the theory of poisoned nerves which explains the almost infinite variety of the attacks tht mark the disease The profound impreasion made on the nervous system by the poison explains all the after affects of the malady and more especially that curious loss of vital energy experienced by victims of grippe In past seasons when grippe was epidemic the ablest and most thoughts doctors prescribed Paines Celery Compound a medicine that acts di rectly on the nerves of the body cleansing them from all deadly toning and bracing up the entire The mysterious visitor grippe may pass many of this autumn and win ter we have however no guarantee that we shall he spared so that it be hooves all to be prepared for the arch enemy To those who are run down weary tired sleepless nervous who have periodical headache and debility say Use Paines Celery Compound to fortify the system for all emergen cies Physically strong men and wo men are not readUy attacked by dis ease the halfwell and weak I v mor tals are the firat victims At this time precaution and prevention at allim portant the banishment of nervous ness sleeplessness languidne de bility and headache should thoughts with old any young To guard and all other common diseases Pained Celery Compound the one effective medicine the only sure preventive of danger Do not be misled by dealers who at tempt for the sake of large profits to substitute something they call jtt where health is concerned there is no other medicine that can take the place of Celery Compound and The London Guarantee and Ac cident Company who were sureties for County Treasurer of County the extent of have been held liable on their bond for that amount by Mr Justice Ferguson The case was at Bar- last June The judgment follows the decision given three weeks ago by the of Appeal in the J suit against J Burton who wan tern this way fresh vitality give satisfaction to those who are bestowed and health desiring a new life restored The Magistrates court at Goder- acouttted Mr Fox charged What narrowly escaped a with the shooting of Fred his accident occurred on the farm during a recent Wolves are reported plentiful in A very large elm tree which waiund- t close by the house and stable was fthffe North Renfrew County About blown down squashing the stable to fmr hundred sheep have been killed and striking the ground with- The in a few feet ot the house which is which was raised by the only a small structure Mr A ii at Santiago foundered in a and two children were in the house at surety to the amount of 5000 That being towed to the United the time case is now in appeal to the Supreme Portable person bavin ana up to cu them cut on from 30XKD ft of lumber Land also fihina1eaehoud have their own fa tUTbauUngMved Writ for particular to Holt PO To Farmers I a Portable Engine an Belt to cut corn or do other farm work can accommodate you A THOMPSON Mr J Davidson was struck by a train at and killed for or by Mur ine Government A at as written la at Ban with General tho at Honolulu la In American trenches at Manila In Insurgent camps with on Ibe doc of tho with Dewey and In the roar of of Manila for Brimful original photographers on book Low prices credit given Drop all trashy unofficial war books Outfit free A Card We the undersigned do hereby agree to refund the money on a twentyfive cent bottle of Dr Wills English Pills if after using three- fourths of contents of bottle they do not relieve Constipation and Head ache We also warrant that four bottles will permanently cure moat obstinate case of Constipation Satis faction or no pay when Wills English Pills are used Wilmot Lehman Druggist Newmarket Ont J Y Druggist Newmarket Scotts Pharmacy Main St Newmarket Ont -Chicago- ay There is a small strike on the Winnipeg Street Railway Dr Milton of St Cath arines was killed by a bit of glass get ting into his throat while eating his supper St Vitus Dance rapidly cured by Millers Compound Iron Pills Cases of years standing now enjoying best of health as a result of taking them Sold by Lehman It in now stated by usually wellinformed in fact aemiofflolaUy that la accordance with the general ex- wish of newspaper press as voioicg public sentiment Thanksgiving Day another year will be fixed on Thursday In Instead of November as it is this year Although perhaps Thanksgiving Day is not designed to be a holiday In the sense yet a very large par of our people so regard it and with the religions interweave the pleasurable and this year takes place on the Inst This Dominion baa as much to be thankful for any other country under the sun No internal troubles no outside threaten- to awaken unpleasant apprehensions no plague famine flood or other mark of displeasure The bat- been amply rewarded for hie toil by an abundant harvest laboring have found Increased employment and trade and commerce of the country bae manifestly Improved Truly it may be said If Canadians are not devoutly thank ful they ought to be and the hearts should go out gratefully to the Giver of all Good Nov John Carroll ia confined to St Josephs Hospital as the result of being attacked by a vi cious cow The animal broke out of Coffees field as Mr Carroll was pas sing and made a dash at him She caught him in the back and tossed him into the air When he alighted it gave him another toss and he fell on the fence The vicious brute made a third attack upon him and would have killed him had not assistance ar rived Court Mr Burton seeking to restore the judgment of Chief Justice Ar mour who held he properly re lied upon the statement of the county auditor respecting To Your Best Interests Will be served by making of health It will be a loea of time- to be stricken with serious illness Take Hoods and purify your blood In this way all perms of disease will be ex pelled and suffering will be avoid ed and your health will be preserved Isnt Ibis a wise course Hoods Pills are the pills to take with Price A occurred to a young son of Mr of town line and Brock The ad who is seven years old- was mounted on a load of roots and was shaken off the wheel of the waggon passing over bis ami and shoulder blade breaking both hip was badly To Cure a Cold One Day Take Laxative Quinine- Tablets All tbe moo- if ft alia to The house arid its contents of John Jones concession two or three miles from town were destroy ed by fife Tuesday afternoon The family all- picking potatoes not known how the firo ori- There was no insurance- The Presidents Stotry A Slave to Chronic Catarrh for Years Palled Specialists Palled Dr Catarrhal Powder Simplest of all Cured Him- p T Sample President of Samples Instalment Company Washington writes For years I was afflicted with chronic catarrh- Remedies and treatment by specialists only gave temporary relief until I induced to use Dr Agnws Catarrhal Powder It has proved the only good thing in my case In almost an instant after I had made the first application I had relief and a little in its use entirely rid me of this offensive malady I would be glad to person ally recommend it to any and every body by Lehman Newmarket A Pure bred Improved large white York- Boar will bo kept for service on or Lot in coo of East Gwilllmbury- Terms Bull for Sale- bred Hereford years old and Is Quiet Apply oa Id Kettieby Teacher Wanted Section No East Male or Female a Second or Class Applications received Nov 1Mb etc JOHN CRONE 8ecretaryjCreaBu Sw41 Mount Albert To Boar Prize Winner cheap THOMPSON 3wU White for FARMERS Now ueoour FERTILIZER With Fall Wheat Bowing It will produce more to acre and give better sample than on ground where not En quire at Store and obtain circular free Main St Newmarket Cement kept In DEADLY CATARRH baa fastened its grip upon some member of nearly lathe Una Competent that to ninety per cent of the entire of continent from feral this repulsive and dangerous malxdr yon or any of your suffer diner rccogniicd catarrh or from the liDgcring colds which mark early stages dont trifle with It is the precursor of and death Dr Catarrhal Powder never fails It is the remedy of remedies endorsed by the most ex perienced and eminent throat specialists of the day and having a record of a multitude of radical per manent cures of chronic cases which had been declared Incurable It also cure cold the head Influenza bay fever loss of deafness sore throat toosuius asthma and all lar diseases It Is delightful to use despaired of aver being cured three bottles of Dr toeVi and my catarrh has en only kg Est a of St Matthews Episcopal Chnreh Ontwuagreattuffierer He used Dr AgnaVs Catarrhs Powder and now po- It a safe and certain The Lord Bishop of Toronto Can- remedy his enrn Signature Sold by Dr Agnews the Heart relieves heart disease In minutes Dr for doses are the best Dr AgeVs Omtment relieves In a day r letter and all sldn diseases Coresj toatpblghtai- But Good Rabbit fur is now an important commercial article It known to tho trade as electric seal and when dyed so closely resembles the genuine article as to defy detection except among experts Is is said that is invested in rabbit culture in England alone There is economy in working as much land and in growing as many crops as can well bo taken care of but there is no economy in doing more than can be well done This latter fault is only too common among Canadian farmers Because ft farmer has a big farm is no indication that he is making money out of his business If he can work all his land carefully and well the returns be right but if not ho- would bo hotter off with a farm half size properly and carefully tilled LEHMANS Herb Tea FOR ALL BLOOD LIVER STOMACH and KIDNEY TROUBLES PRICE a box for BULBS FOR FALL PLANTING ELehman Chemist tind Druggist Wight SOLD AT LEHMANS DRUG STORE NEWMARKET A It will Pay you to get ana at S FFIS He has the Best Quality at the In Prices and you can be assured that trie Good no trash to he imposed upon the public but the very best that can be bought CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES a GRIFFIS south of old shop

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