Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , November 11, 1898, p. 2

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Houso To Rent H Lloyd Vegetables Starr Now Goods Toronto Jobbing House- Wanted Wright Photos Graham Caretaker Wanted J Wanted Mortimer wr Bale P It In Conservative at Toronto that recent by election id South Ontario will bo enured upon Ito volume this For it bu hold the position of being leading loo lo GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY TIMS fa 4 I CD to a a 5 a A cauiobam London Nov says Prince of Wales has nearly recovered from bis accident i ha in where ho has neon by tbo Ho in now able to walk about the hoaao without the aid of The Duchess of York and arc ftleo at they par remaining till after celebration of the Prince of Wales birthday S it ft to V j tf a a j- The Earl of to Lord Aberdeen as of Canada will arrive at he will iftko the oath of On afternoon of day Aberdeen puled by Lady and will embark for old country Wilfrid will be present at installation in auguration and from will proceed to to his on International enough His- majority anno by Ibb to bo will bo the of AgrlcaUorea tarn to the of Opposition when Ontario again of as the Lieut Governor Ontario in the he through an to usurious of Interest One of these sued a note of in Montreal other when it found that to was lo W265 per annum or per The court for the but rodaoed the to per Here Is one good law Liberals given breaking the power Mies Palmer of Toronto who delight last Bund here again next Bunday morning Break morning Mr the while on way for a load of oil one of the hind of the wagon collapsed Fortunately the accident happened near own BIGGER AND BETTER it aj Our Society POINTS Clubbing FOR Era Weekly Globe Mail 1 Montreal Bur Toronto Daily World ii Evening Globe Bun BtaKU UP I BUT WITH EACH is Pointed Home Tub wont to trial at North Bay on Monday Treating on tbe pari of reepondeot agents was liabod of so extensive a tba voided with costs Throe will be roportod for haying bton yuiUy of corrupt practices Mr Lough- Liberal waa thr Bitting A new will follow It is a source of to note no matter which aide hit that no favors to the of elec tion treating and the examples they are now making will have a on electioneering in future coo- The US Elections election day in the United States when the of the fortyfive Stales went to polls except Maine Vermont and Twentythree States electa IKisla- cures which will name United States Senators twentytwo States selected and Officer and nine voted for treasuiers auditors and other minor The contest in the adjoining State of New York the hottest experienced for many years especially in regard to the Govern or Roosevelt was Re publican candidate and Augustus Van Tammany Democrat his opponent former won by a plu- of about 20000 American press reports indicate that New York State delegation to Congress stands as follows Republicans 19 Democrats and one district not heard from This means the election of a Repub lican to the US Senate in place of Senator Murphy Returns all over the country indicate that Re publicans and Democrats have certainly been elected to seats in the National House of Representatives These figures indicate a Republican loss of and a Democratic gain of 21 as compared with last election So far as New York is concerned the success of RooseveJt is a set back to and The will the late John BrowD of ltd disposes of an of which la divided amongst bis four children a sister and a grandchild Port Wash Nov The of arrived last night from Alaska bringing 114 passengers She reports that heavy snowstorms have visited various sections of Alas ka and nearly all mining operations have been suspended except quartz mills located near tidal water On November four feet of snow fell on and White Passes which completely put a stop to travel Tel ephone messages from to announce that about four hundred persons are snowbound there Nov George lot con died under peculiar circumstances on the 2nd Coroner Robinson was called and deemed an inquest The evidence showed that ceased had been suffering sto mach at times two or three years and on Saturday last he visited a heraiat in Toronto who gave him an emetic and shortly after taking it he lecame violently ill and so until death medical testi mony showed that death was duo to perforation of the bowels of an inch below the fttomach at the site of an ulcer tho perforation being pro- accelerated by emetic given but that ulcer would ulti mately proved fatal in any event Tux Galveston Ntwi referring to returning gives very suggestive It says arrived at on their way home ward of great majority were deadbroke man remain at home and dig potatoes The Cleveland Leader also knows of three Illinois young men who returned the Klondike recently with cold nuggets valued at they are not as they brought back all their fingers and teeth These inatanos may be taken as Klondike kicks but likewise a whole waxon Load of wholesome advice to young men with comfortable surroundings and ately fair prospects before them A indeed is tbe picture of Tory party in World on Monday Under the heading Will be the Baud Wagon it gives the following dialogue comment Is unneoeBeary Tory Do you know what I think ia hurting Whitney and our Tory party What The newspaper Its being laying on so thick that the public judging the Tories as a party by the record that paper it makes even Tories sick- too dang bad that weve gob to be responsible for treachery to our selves I its really working for Hardy like all discredited p it on climbing up into our band wagon A it made in one of the city that marriages are occasionally being solemnized in Ontario by clergyman resid ing In United States The question now arises they legal Under Revised Statues of Ontario Cap it is provided that the ceremony of mar riage may in Ontario be solemnized by persons resident in Canada except in oases covered by Section pro for legality under certain circum stances Sometimes a fad takes possession of one or other of the contracting parties to a marriage to have a ministerial relative from tie the knot but Ontario law it an illegal tie those in should bear this in mind This is what the Brandon Sun has to say respecting the Crows Meet bargain The reduction of freight rates resulting from Crows Neat bargain is well exempli fied on a car of shipped from Ontario to Brandon Last year the freight would have amounted to this year or a difference in fa vor of the consumer of 99810 Brandon imports every year about cars of fruit and the difference in freight will amonnt to about on this one item for Brand on alone Other districts save proportion ately Yet some papers would ns be lieve that Manitoba gained nothing by the Crows Nest agreement and that no credit is due to Mr ton for reduoing rates Mies Palmer of Toronto is the of Mrs Hewitt Mrs Angus is away visiting at Loudon Ont Mr and Mrs Oliver were At Home on Wednesday evening Mr Both and family have moved back from Yale Mr and Mrs Phillips are visiting in Western Ontario Mias York to leave for Whitby Ladies College next week Mrs Andrew Hunter is recovering after a three weeks illness Hannah Davis on several Wends one evening last week Mr and Mrs J P Hunter spent Sat urday and Sunday viaitiog old friends in and Barrio A birthday party wee given to Master Tommy by his friends St last Monday evening was in the oily over Sunday on her way from Perth to She is home next week Mr Henry Winch and wire are here from Keswick and will spend the winter with their eon Mr Timothy Mr Samuel Miller of Maple Hill Bruce was in Town on Wednesday on his way to to upend a few days with friends Mr Art Oliver to leave for New Orleans next week He is goln to try a month or so In the South for the benefit of his health Messrs- Cane and Thomas got back from the North on Satur day night bringing two deer and a let of partridge with them Mr Wall Crone was in town on Wed He travelling for a wholesale has just returned from the Coast He looks well Mr John left his home in Philadelphia after spending ten days very pleasantly with his Mr Reg and going away with a good opinion of Newmarket and its people Mr Herbert of Perth grandson of exMayor Jackson is taking a course of theory and cornet instruction at Toronto College of Music He baa writ ten several pieces of brass band that Are popular already A very interesting letter has been re ceived from Dr son of Esq of this town The Dr re ceived an appointment as Army Sur geon and Is now located at Camp Alabama The letter will appear in next issue Dr Patterson does not feel quite at home these days Through Illhealth be has been unable to leave for the bunting grounds and this Is the first Benson he has missed in fortyeight years During that time he has shot in the neigh borhood of deer the first being when a boy of fifteen in the township of Whit church Mr Adam Borngssser of Vancouver writes an agreeable sur prise narration of the history of Children of Peace together with a photo of the Temple must have been to the read ers of the especially who can review the past of forty years ago The editor is entitled to special thanks from his patrons for taking the trouble to remind them of those days whan peace and unity prevailed in the grand old village of Sharon But I am somewhat surprised that in eulo gizing that most famous Baud of that period no mention was mads of the very leader the late Jesse Esq a musician and composer the father of Mrs and others It certainly was an oversight A Heavy are now 1268 incandescent lights on the town and lights on the system A oar of coal only lasts about two weeks now the electric light plant being in motion about hours out of The fact that the current has practically been without cessation ever since the plant was Installed about two years ago aocounts for popularity of the Our Stock in every Department is larger and the prices more in the buyers favor than ever before In addition to regular goods we have been exceptionally fortunate getting Clearing Lines and Manufacturers Samples Last Saturday was a recordbreakingday in the Mens Clothing and Ladies Cloak De partments The very tempting prices for Mens Fine Suits and Overcoats ahd Ladies Win ter Coats brought us the crowds and customers eagerly purchased the many splendid lines advertised Oar Toronto tetter 75 5 From Ottawa comes the Intimation that Mr J the wellknown explorer and son of the exReeve of Weston Esq has resigned his position on the Geo logical Survey staff He has travelled greater part of the Canadian Western wilds and now goes to the Yukon to engage In mining A Globe correspondent at says Mrl spent the past sum mer the Yukon district preparing a re port for the Government and the fact that he is returning to engage in a private en terprise is excellent testimony as to the wealth of the Mr believes the Klondike a permanent amp The country Is half the size of Prov ince of Ontario and Is covered with rich gold deposit He says that placer mining will last for years and the necessity for introducing machinery to work the gravel deposit is not a question of present There Is no doubt but there are gravel deposits but placer mining so rich that it Is easier worked and much more profitable The Chinese have devoted them selves for nearly years to the artificial propagation of fishes shell fishes pearls and Copenhagens round tower built in the eleventh century and feet high ia to be moved a distance of feet to widen a business street Russia is going to abolish the difficulties of navigation of the month of the Volga by 6 citing a canal direct ly from the river to the Caspian sea Cheap and good coal is now be ing conveyed down the Zambesi river to The quality of the coal is described as equal to the best libh straight a year no more no lees Monthly Enclose cased stamped envelope Herbert Pre Chicago trouble between Weston Coun cil and Toronto Suburban Railway Co having been adjusted cars are now to the end of the tracks in that village Lord and Lady farewell visit to the city has been the chief feature in sooioty circles during the past week A meeting of the Committee of the High Court of Central Ontario Fores- tore was held in the city yesterday is now proposed to institute a of coffee taverns in this city It looks as if the movement would prove a success At Assizes on the trial of the for manslaughter in connection with the death of J was changed to assault and the court imposed a fine of on Fred Pratt and each on the other two brothers York Township is reported to have quite an epidemic of scarlet fever No less than seven cases and one of diph theria were reported this week Mr Hugh Ryan the well known railway contractor is said to be very ill Mr Frank Ford has been appointed privatesecretary to Premier Hardy iu succession to Mr 8 who bakes the secretaryship of the new On tario Department of Fisheries I Hon Ross and Hon John are down in Lennox this week taking part in the election campaign now going on there Among other receptions to Lord and Lady Aberdeen during their farewell visit to this was one given at the new Court House The on which stood was exquisitely arranged with plants the palms chrysanthe mums and colored foliages being group ed artistically The crowd in attend ance was immense Over carcases of deer arrived by the P trains this week Hunters are clearing them out A meeting of the Executive of the Methodist Book and Publishing Co was held in Toronto on Tuesday Rev Dr Potts was elected as Chair man and Dr editor of the Guardian acting as secretary The regular halfyearly statement was made by the book steward and the publication was authorized of a new League monthly to be known as Canadian lira The and Mr Frank Roper professional accountant- were appointed auditors and Rev Young A and Mr Frank Carman B A were appointed assistants on staff of the Christian Guardian The new assistant editor is son of Eg- Young the missionary His grandfather was Rev William Young a pioneer Methodist clergy man He was ordained in Mr Carman is a son of the General Super intendent The case of James of Ux bridge who was charged with perjury was tried this week at the Toronto Assizes and was acquitted He was a voter at the last Provincial election on March He took oath that he was years of age and had lived in a certain length of time left the court room as the judge told him without a stain on his character For years the Ontario Gov ernment hag been- paying the city of Toronto upwards of a year for water at the Central Prison for which they received a Very efficient ser vice Under tho direction of the member for North York Govern ment has now in operation an ef fective water works system of their own at less than half the annual cost paid the The late Arohbisbep Walsh left an estate oyer He to Roman Catholic asylums WdbospitaIs- THIS WEEK WE OFFER Mens Good Serge Suits at 2 Mens Good Tweed Suits at Mens DoubleBreasted strong Tweed at Mens Fine Clay Worsted Suits sack or morning Coat best Linings reg price is 14 all sizes at Boys Strong Overcoats at Mens Heavy Ulsters at 5 See our fine Dress Overcoats we can fit all sized men the price is and you cannot get a better one made for 20 BOOTS SHOES Girls Strong Neat Pebble Lace Boots reg 125 at 1 Boys Strong Lace Boots at Mens Fine Dongola Lace Boots 200 at Mens Fine Buff Lace Boots at The Best Value in Canadian Long Boots Ladies Fine Kid Button Boots at Ladies Strone Lace Boots at Another big purchase this week of Ladies Fine Sample Coats We have every kind at any price and on any Sample Coat you buy you save thirtythree per cent Get here early 00 BARGAINS 25 00 95 Ladies Wool Vests at 25c Ladies Extra Fine Vests at 50c Childrens Vests every size The New Supreme Corset at 50c Ladies Heavy Ribbed Cashmere Hose 25c Pillow Cases ready made at Bleached Sheets hemmed ready for use 50c GROCERIES We never take a back seat where prices are concerned and guarantee to meet every cut made by other houses and even then We Will Pay Our Creditors One Hundred Cents on the Dollar If you are not already a customer here give us a trial order H E MADDOCK Sale Reqisfcep Not will have so extensive sale of sod Grade Cattle Horses Hogs Implements at one oclock sharp for hay and soma The smokestack on the factory was blown down the other day during a windstorm Mr James of Stratford was run down by a train while work ing near the St Marys bridge and killed Interest in the trial of the West under Kavsnsgh York election petition continues Nov The Household abated After throe days none of the tare h late Joseph Johnson charges BO far have been proven will he sold at his residence site Holland Landing Park Terms made known on day of sals Sale to at oclock J Auctioneer i A man named Harvey employed by the Bell organ factory of had his hands badly scalded by their coming in contact with the sand paper ing machine John Gilpin of Brantford escaped being trampled to death while putting his horses away for the Ho managed to crawl out of the stall and escaped with a broken foot bone and badly foot E of the Halifax General Hospital may loBe his foot from a seemingly slight A needle which he stepped on penetrated the flesh so close to the bone that it was impossible to gat It out and it is thought the foot will have to be amputated Seven men were killed and three fatally injured at the Exeter colliery of the Lehigh Valley Coal Company at West ston near here this morning The accident was due to the alleged care lessness of Engineer David Price who acting in disobedience of positive or ders caused three cars to run into the top of the shaft These cars loaded and weighing eleven tons fell down the 360foot shaft and crashed with frightful force upon the carriage carry ing ten men Seven were almost in stantly billed Furniture Dealer find Undertaker Brooks Block Mount Albert FLOURFEED Strong Bakers Hungarian Pastry Best Ontario and Manitoba wheat Flour for Family Use Feed of all Kinds LAND PLASTER A car of ground American Gray beat fertilizers for Glover and Grass Leading Furniture and Undertaking House R Pleasant one is invited away from home naturally anticipate not only the pleasant but other surroundings The chairs elegant and shin cabinet and sideboard carved massive mirrored Do you need these things to make home a pleasant nook not only for the occasional bat to gratify own the appropriate and beauti ful Then eoe at once J Opposite Royal Hotel- and A orders prompt attention receive cartful and PIRflO Rfit THEORY nr Miss Of Carl Forsyth from The Metropolitan School of Street Certlficatta Cook At her St Toronto on Nov A beloved Jams Cook and eldest daugh ter of of ville In King on the Webster 3 on Saturday at King Chris tian Church F J Main St North Newmarket All Orders will receive Careful and Prompt Attention LIME LIME The best Grey Lime W J Marsdens Storehouse Cor Main and Boron Telephone No Nov in lees barrel a fio White Wheat per bushel a 0 Wheat per bushel Goose Wheat per 0 Buckwheat per Oats per bushel Peas per buahel 060 Bethel IS Butter roll per lb It Batter tub per lb O Potatoes perbajr Apples per Wool per lb SCO Pork per Beef per lb- 0 Chickens per pair Ducks live Turkeys per dressed 0 Bran per ton Shorts CO 016 000 oia 060 COS a a 18 CO a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Electric 4 and 7 pm CroMlDjr St nod and Bicycles put on taken off at Waiting Port per Toronto Markets ssawa Bed Wheat per bushel a so White Wheat per bushel Wheat per bushel Buckwheat per bushel Barley per buahel Oats per bushel Peas per bushel o CO Bye per bushel Potatoes per bag Applet per Wool per lb OK Wednesdays and Saturdays for Ko children Beef fore Geese Wednesdays and Saturdays per pair Crossing- Turkeys net lb and pm Clover Excursion every from to Richmond- and return leaving at for a a 0 a a 13 a a Ml a a a a a a a a a a a a a A tTvif

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