Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , November 4, 1898, p. 8

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Constipation to lu world retains the digested food too long In the bow land produces torpid Hoods Pills bad tonxue headache In- etc Hoods 1lUs cure consUpaUon and all lis thoroughly Prepared by I- Co Mass- lake with Hood Standard Bails of huh HEAD Paid up Capital Reserved Fund Total nearly a 00000 A Hunk In Ml BRADFORD truer dviHMiia d up- Sindully Discounting Faimers Ami Sole LOWEST RATES for Information John Bradford Idle around the flub WHAT TO and are mov ing to Toronto Mr is the future manager i View Win of Island shipped til of legs to Toronto laut week The County wore up on Tuesday lo make arrangements for new iron bridge Illegal fishing by ia going on lively around Pi Port Bolster and Georgia island We that Mr Park has secured tbo school here in of Mr whose duties will cease at Christinas The Egypt bicycle club a very enjoyable taffy pull at of Mr Daniel Cameron on Friday even ing last Notwithstanding the amount of rain that waB falling about forty of young of neighborhood assembled and speut a very time in making the taffy playing game and listening to some excellent music Fir Tired ail Wives Celery Compound Gives Them New Life vigor and Needed Strength It Purifies the Blood and Braces the I I BRISTOLS It Gives Bright and Clear end Healthy Com plexion ad PILLS attendance the first day of he was small On the second day about were on the grounds Mr Oldham hut preserved in a bottle of alcohol a miniature reptile three inches in length The strange thing about is that Miss Mabel Jenness whose wonder- system for the correct trainintr of women and girls well known all over the North American continent is a firm believer in the virtues of Celery Compound When overworked by her multitudin ous duties she always recuperates and strengthen her system by using Celery Compound In a letter to Well Richardson Co proprie tors of Celery Compound she says I was induced to try Cel ery Compound a time when was Buffering from overwork and the effect of an accident I began immediately to realize tonic and blood nourishing effects I take pleasure in saying that although opposed to medicine in gen eral really consider this an excellent preparation 1 have not been able to take one reptile was discovered in a hard boiled I days rest since I returned from my The Greatest of all Liver Stomach and Blood Medicines A OR Rheumatism and Chronic Complaints They Cleanse and Purify the Blood All Druggists and General Dealers GRAHAMS Art Studio If you want your taken dont be satisfied with the old method of years ago but have it produced too latest style and be up tod ate with your oily friends Work A Specialty We are giving excellent in our work Call fend see specimens and you will bo con vinced O T GRAHAM JONES OLD STAND NEWMARKET The S ASSURANCE ESTABLISHED PROGRESS The new aesuranco carried through by Standard Office for the lastnine equinquennial periods have been as follows SUMS aSSUBKDi 18701881 18601865 18651870 18761880 30140172 18801886 83720028 Since the progress has been equally Investments in Canada 18i500000 Profits to policy holders 29200000 Ramsay Manager J Balfour of Agencies Charles Hunter Chief Agent Ontario by one of our citiens a couple of ago The question in how canio the reptile there and to what species docs it belong Mr Oldham intends sending it to Toronto for further in vestigation The annual Concert of Agricul tural held in Town Hall on the evening of the was the greatest succoss of any yet given under their auspices Mr Harold the celebrated tenor appeared for the fourth lime a Bradford and in solo duet and trio numbers de lighted as perhaps never before the largo audience which filled the hull to the doors Misses Eastman soprano Beyer contralto both of Detroit made their first appearance hero and in their first numbers amply fulfilled the expectations of those who were promised an opportunity of hear ing some of the best concert talent of the United States These and each succeeding appearance were greeted with rapturous applause with which testified their approbation every number on the program securing an on ore Fax did the comiclsection of the program in his usual pappy manner The part of ac companist was ably filled by Mr J Morgan Barrios clover pianist Selection given by the Or chestra were also greatly appreciated The gross receipts will be Witness Children Cry for CASTOR 1 a Mr and Mrs A and daughter of Newmarket were guests of Mr and Mrs A Wilkinson over Sunday Mr J of and Miss were united in wedlock in the Church by the Rev J on Tuesday morning the inst in the presence of numerous relatives and acquaintances The concert given in the Music Hall Monday night by the KenneyHarvey Entertainers by Miss Thomp son elocutionist and Miss Darling soprano soloist was in our opinion the beat over presented to a audience The hall was crowded and the order maintained by the large audience throughout the evening was Dr occupied the chair in a worthy manner To say that the program was thoroughly en joyed is indeed putting it in a very mild way The entertainers particu larly Mr Harvey were called bask again and again Owing to the weather the attendance on Monday was not as large as in former years bat the ex hibits were a good average The principal speeding events were as fol lows Farmers race Smith 1 Mr Hall race Little Fred Mr Kais ers horse 2 222 race Mr horse 1 Mr Kaisers Mr Darlings Colt race Alex Ferguson l Mr Several fakirs operated in the village and as a consequence there is much spurious coin in circulation A horse belonging to Mr of Aurora was Btolen after the fair opening services At tbo Mcth odlat church Sunday and Monday were almost beyond sanguine financially and otherwise Tho Sabbath services were attended and the discourses by Rev Dr Marvin of Wilfrid wero of the highest order On Monday evening the hot fowl supper was a fitting to the opening services After the sapper pastor Rev Mr Berry took chair and introduced an ex cellent program of speeches and music The speakers were Rev Hart and Mai via and Mr The mimic was furnished by the Zephyr and choir nod lli The collec tions Sunday mounted to the of the hot supper to other subscriptions making a grand total of Only about were required for the repairs Once more the congregation of St Andrews church Toronto has looked abroad for a pastor The Board of Management to send a call to Rev Dr pastor of the Regent Square London England A cable message it cost to send it was wired to Yoko hama whore Dr is now on a mission tour ottering him 5000 a manse The Fifth avenue church of New York is after him to ill the pulpit left vacant the Dr John Hall A tree two or more It- may be useful ax wind break and suitable for inirff or even for it may he valuable planting of trees i one of the fanner lion of his home the surrounding landscape Trees and family a real interest in and visitors gel a good WOMEN OFTEN OBJECT EtE- J GRANGE vac a Court a Society bocauio one or two a but bereaved of their bdpeaect Iho o planned J for loved fbo cabled do Heads of Ordar of 1 than ihcjoowidowi and orphan who hate kept frqoi waul and poverty by the anc and Sick Benefit paid by Society- not a charity the money i fairly earned and not lea part of the work of the who attend J and conduct the business of society with- out feo or prko for their services It is for benefit of wives sons and fathers and others Ui at the carries on its great work and noble principles have been asnpty sustained by Canadian Sxkand As age a gradual Change in takes This Change necessitates compensating aid Glasses properly ground and adjusted replace the loss of eye power We understand this work particularly well Try us ATKINSON CO the attendance of a skilled physician during High Court gives a weekly allowance of from to during illness Or disability a pro vided in the and funeral Law on the death of a member contribute towards hid funeral expense After tit factory proof of death of a mem ber in standing the wife children or desig nated payees of deceased receive from the Order amount of insurance provided tor at in Insurance Certific3le or Cerlifwates may bf Si coo For further particular enquitc of any of the Officers or Members llie Order or ELLIOTT WHITE High Secy or ERNST long hard western trip 1 am sure wore it not for Celery Com- pound which has a tonic I and the be able to keep up and T tucluig the first imprevionh given to a are important and in selling a oftentimes a little work hard I recommended Celery Compound to a friend who dined with us yesterday and on leaving here she wont and bought a bottle 1 do all can for it for I believe in it A QUICK CUBE FOR COUGHS and COLDS Pectoral The Canadian Remedy for all THROAT LUHC Large Bottle cents DAVIS LAWRENCE CO Limited Preps- Davis Palo Doouf gy THIS SUMMER If you do write t MDE LIMITED NEWMARKET ONT And get Vaneered Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows ALL TUB LITEST New York ZEPHYR A most pleasant evening was spent Oct at the home of Mrs Win when on the invitation of Mrs Knight her Sunday School of together with their brothers the Superintendent Mr and wife and Rev Mr Hart assembled together After ample justice had been done to roast goose plum pud ding etc various games were indulg ed in until eleven oclock when to the teachers great Miss on behalf of the class presented her with a beautiful lemonade sett as a token of the high esteem in which Mrs Knight is held by them Mrs Knight was so taken by surprise that she was utterly unable to express her self but thanked them kindly for the expression of gratitude to her as their Sunday School teacher She said she often thought of the pleasant times spent here below but what a gather ing it will be when we meet to part no more The gathering then broke up all expressing themselves as having spent an enjoyable evening the re sult of an intimate friendship between teacher and pupils By their action on the Stomach Liver and Bowels Millers Worm Powders correct all such troubles as lack of Appetite Biliousness Drowsi ness Sallow Complexion etc nice to take Sold bv Lehman In some places butternuts nient decides the traduction When children are pale peevish and restless at night they require a or two of Millers Worm Powders They are pleasant to take no physio required Sold by Lehman There is a wide difference between having a crow to bear and being as as a bear Also remember thai ten cents in your pocket will purchase- more than a dollar one owes you Weak constitutions are built up by and good health follows the use of Millers Compound Iron Pills Doc tors say they are the best tonic after sickness They make the weak Sold by W Lehman Fire at Portage la Prairie destroy- the block The principal ten ants were The Review Printing Com pany J Honey photographer and Pierces wall paper and music store Dwelling House Shop to Bent Together or Immediate it Domestic Water and Stable ho premise Item Moderate JACKSON Artistic Effects in Inside Woodwork to Bent Largest Factory in Canada for the of PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc present occupied by rlaod Furnace and water I Apply to J LLOYD Barrister BICYCLES We- construct and Repair all kinds on short notice TWO TOWN LOTS On Sir Desirably Bituatcd neai the old Factory bale on Terras Apply to Heal Agent The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co LIMIT NEWMARKET ONT FARM TO BENT ball of lot con King buildings fences acres fallow Fall plowing to be done seeded Well watered good soil about 1W acres cleared J P Kent moderate to a good man For terms apply to George next lot south of farm Kcttleby P or to J WILEYS PINK POWDERS WILL HUNT District Agent selling per bag Why do not some of our enterprising farmers plant groves of butternuts and make out of them just as money is being made from chestnuts in the States The groves would be useful for shelter and the nuts would have commercial value SNAP Worker STRENGTH For Physical Worker STAMINA READ THE PROOF I have for a long needed something to make blood and build up ray system My blood was watery and thin lacking strength and vitality Last January a friend said Why not Dr Wards Blood and Nerve Pills ft ids and told him was very skeptical as to any They wilt supply the oxygen your blood needs and give you health and strength HA- Children Cry for CASTOR I A benefit that could be derived from any proprietary medicine and had no faith in them There the matter rested until four months ago when reading so what Dr Blood and Nerve Pills have done for so people with blood I concluded to give them a trial I have taken four boxes and ray unbelief so far as Dr Wards Blood and Nerve Pills are concerned has been entirely removed They are a splendid blood builder and strength restorer and an invaluable medicine for weak ener vated people This has been my they having given me strength of body and strong healthy blood Signed Piter Lawrence Queen SL West Toronto All good druggists can supply you If they wont wo by mail per The Doctor WARD Limited Toronto Excited OVER CATTLE STEALING Four or five hundred people turned out at Mount Albert Thursday night to attend the public court where the cattlestealing charges were investi gated by Magistrate The Salvation Army barracks some times called the Town Hall was the court room and around it surged a twice as large as it could ac commodate Many climbed up on the window sills and stood there in the cold frosty air for hours holding on by a narrow ledge above them The three prisoners Charles John Thompson and were all arraigned and to add to the excitement a fourth arrest was made by Constable Burns in the person of Duncan son of third named prisoner these being charged with receiving stolen property All four were committed for trial by the Magistrate bail being granted in the case of the lives at Mount Albert while the other three come from Goorgina Township The evidence was very strong on gome points One rather interesting feature was statement of young Milton Draper who said he helped drive the five cattle from field to farm which it alleged stole from Of course young Draper did this innocently and as a friendly act believing a story had told him is also charged with stealing five cattle from Drapers father and a buggy from The of Drapers cattle occurred about August and of the others about October The of the various transactions by which cattle were sold has taken some time Some of them were found in the Toronto market The proceedings of the court lasted nearly oclock Friday morning Mr acted for the Crown and Mr for the pri soners The two who not bailed out were brought to the jail here yes terday by Burps and They will be tried at the Sessions and the Crown believe they now have the clue to the extensive robberies which have terrorised farmers this fall FOR SALE SoBideace on Ave at West End of Booms large airy and In excellent order All modern venlencca Water Closet Hot and Cold water Good stable Garden well Blocked with fruit trees and Would exchange for desirable farm property HEADACHE and Mrs Erie Ave Hamilton Bays I have been a sufferer I from Neuralgia for many years often been laid up for a week at a time I have tried many other remedies but found nothing so good as Wileys Pink Powders It is very seldom I have to take more than one to stop the most severe attack They are nice to take and leave no depression afterwards For Sale by all Druggists and StoroZeepera 10e per Package or write THE WILEY PINK POWDER CO per Bos ATTENTION PRIVATE SCHOOL English French and Music Pupils recelvtaar primary Instruction here have highest in after examinations Portland THE ISAAC USHER SON To make Good Is guaranteed to be quite equal to any or the Portland Cements for all sorts of farm structures such as bankbarn walla stable hog pens bridge abutments arch culverts cisterns etc Cement Is gold at about the price of the Portland given freed all work warranted For further Information appiyto DUNCAN General Agent A line of first secondclass lath etc always on lowest prices NOTICE Parliament of Canada at next thereof of Divorce from wife Mary brock of the City of TcrootosrrieU woman on the ground of bigamy GRIBRflON IB Toronto Solicitors for Applicant- Butter Antonio Baron the Italian who a at Buffalo and then body and stink a canal va found guilty of murder and will be electrocuted one must have good milk and healthy cows The blood must be kept clean and pure and the digestion good to ensure this result There is no thing so good for this purpose as Dicks Blood Puri fier This preparation is fically made for milch cows and possesses real merit and power to do what is claimed for it Given regularly with good food it will convert mere hide and bones structure into a profitable member of the herd FOR TWENTYSEVEN YEARS DUNNS BAKING POWDER BEST FRIEND largest it Canada CASTOR For Infanta and Children fees eta and ft package- HONEY TO LOAN Private Farm Property first Real Ea is to Agent Dont be discouraged if you make a mistake the only man who neer made a mistake died when he was a boy ACTIVE WASTED Official Historian to the war Department book was written In army camps at the Pacific with General ritr In the hospitals at Honolulu In Hong trenches at Manila in the camps with Agulnildo on deck of the Dewey and In roarof teefallof Manila Bonanza for agents Brimful of original pictures tak- hereon the spot unoffici al war books Outfit free Barber fitar Insurance Building cago Oct This even ing at J mill was discovered to be on fire and could be obtained the mill was enveloped in flames The building a total loss estimated at j folly insured The lumber and shingles were all saved The fire is supposed to have originated from unction of the FOR WEAK GIRLS AND BOYS Dr Wards Blood Nerve a William Burt an far mer was dragged by runaway team and S our nearby at horned salary a year and finite mow Monthly fcrj no more no lwv Kncloftij

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