v v I NEWMARKET ERA D NOV 41 ONTARIO BANK CAPITAL MoOILL Malinger NEWMARKET BRANCH A Business General Banking Interest Allowed Deposits AT CO UK NT DRAFTS ISSUED AT ALL Draft bought and cold Farmers Notes Discounted Collection promptly attended CO Mans if or M1SD1CAL Dp Campbell at Christina in- 1 to and to KM p in if Main Drugstore to and at sibday School Wesson Child in Japan Great Passover Continued from Nov GO ladles who told me jhor story that wet Text yourselves unto of hot or or a feast day the Lord and into bis j which moat of the children from School yet Han will bo I to bo In later years his son Rio Kudo Ban a girl in one of Jo thaw acted as regent and a little our Once heard upon later for one year as king Then the subject of giving to the Lord and Alias whoso bad rule she felt very worry that could give brought war and national privation nothing She aid that if alio could Ho introduced foreign innovations would give her body to her and an idolatrous altar was sot up by teacher for teacher wan weak not him in Jehovahs temple It was a ttUuw Japanese groat relief to Qodfoariog part of climate very well hut who could not the nation at the death of in Hozekiah ascended the throno venerablo Isaiah was still pro phesying so was began his reign by a series of pro nounced religious acts PRACTICAL Do not neglect Gods ordinances worship baptism LordB Supper Turn to tho Lord Ho delights in tho prayer of penitent Borne laughed and mocked is promised to ajl who neglect An Epileptic Sufferer to Dr Alfred Newmarket Office or bo late Dr flret door South of to 10 am Dr J Wesley and Coroner North INSURANCE Joseph A Cody AGENT Life also at bout rates Good Farms for Clerks to Always lb Saturdays J A Agent for and Life Money 10 Loan interest at Current AtthePoetOffiooNewmarkot A OF 1118 At Intervals Ho Was to Fits and Doctors Told him Trouble was Incurable Now Free From the Malady not need her body and her teacher did Soon after alio of a foreign lady who wanted to hire a Japanese girl during tin in Karuizaim a plate in the many jioople go lo the heat and contagious diseases that are in the great of the Orient Then reaolved to hire out as and her earnings to the Jjordx the was under no obligation go out to Not to take rare of being to inanagu or carry than Jap anese babies she found the work very hard and soon to that had not undertaken it Then prayer alKint it and then said felt mean to think that she hod asked the Lord to give her work and hud mi soon grumbled because it a little hard She confided this to one of her friends and her friend well with the lady for whom Rio San was working asked her one day when calling if she was not working her girl rather hard consider ing that she was unacquainted to ser vice Then the lady that she had been rather exacting and made it easier When the summer was over and they had returned to school and were recounting their experiences O San said that after she had told the Lord how hard the work was he did something or other that made it easier for her But you Junior Leaguer must pro mise that when any of you come to as missionaries in few years have succeeded in canting and when the door is opened is a rush for there is not always enough for all There are poor rugged children bent men and lame and blind so eager to get just a A young woman now in a mission school had been fed on and this child never had enough even of that Perhaps sho had always been hungry When 10 years of age she was taken to a mission school She had been so accustomed to short allowances that she would cat very little at meal time and then steal cold rice etc from the closet between meals The matron reproved her fori this and told her was to eat nil she wan Led three times a day and then if alio got hungry meals she I would find food ready for her and not go hungry- But can I cat all I want said the child in amazement Certainly said the teacher alt you want Then the child laid down Attn it win- tbit Kldoey Cure will cent Of All forms of kidney sod la instances the of dlseaie If disease com plicated send a of We will It sod you trt wbtt to do fill Guide to Arch it SOUTH END OUR BR KIDNEY CURE School NO VII TRY OUR CAKES AND PASTRY IS GIVING GREAT SATISFACTION Sales Increasing Daily Br Lome Fred T- AGENT Canada flaeupanae Co FIRB AT LOWEST RATES r Raiiisay Agent on Farm Property Newmarket PAINTING The lefidlogHouBO Paper Hanger years experience la tranches of business lino of samples of the latest designs In Wall Papers Ask to see them find door of Primary Bolton Hewitt Painter and House Decorator Church Street From he Warder Lindsay Mr MoGee of the con cession of Victoria county Bays in speaking of his euro from this terrible malady I am years of age and on the old homestead where I was born and have lived al ways and there my own little family were born This part of Ken Ion is known as Settlement there are so many of that name living in the vicinity Never in my life did I know what a days was until March when without any known cause and without any warning I was down with an epileptic fit I when you grow up you must not tell came in the night causing great con- of whom I sternation in the household as writing that I have written about wife who never saw anything of the them or they may not like it so if kind before thought it was my end you will promise I will tell you of an as for myself I neither felt nor knew other girl whose a tatuel anything that was going on about pie or cluster Japanese children to After coming out of the convulsion me seem pretty and rather cute if which they tell me usually lasted from only their faces arc clean ax many arc to minutes I would fall into a not Some Japanese and ladies heavy sleep from which I would awake are very pretty hut few have I seen with a dull heavy and all the that I would call handsome judging my body would be by western standard But this would pass away and in a day or of whom I am now writing is as hip after the attack I would be able to nea being handsome as any that I attend to my farm work but strange seen The story of her life is to say every four months as regular as clouds of sin and shame a clock I would be seized a fit not which always came on in the night and heartless wretch Various doctors and specialists were Atpre6ent in a mission school consulted and I look several different have met her and had several medicines without effecting a cure Mnvewatiofl8 Several doctors said the disease was that read of Dr Williams a j ni u me a reception after I had given Pink Pi Is tn newspapers and was r advised by my friends who had ex- f the from other seemingly which she is studying incurable to try them In she received the monthly November I commenced omittance from her father who is kept on taking them regularly for a I wealthy and she found an opportunity year The dreaded period passed and OCTOBER Class John Mortimer on the floor and cried for very joy at Dike the thought that have all HI Frank Hopper Fred Boyd wanted to eat She has a ehrw- j years and will doubtless Ill Rector Maria never when ylie for the Moulds Frank Evans time in her life had enough to eat I bring my long letter to a for I wmiv of you H Jr Annie Annie will getting and nidi i Ada Mary told vou lit son Percy yet If during the reading Mabel Mortimer Pegg Arthur Har ford Tablet Stanley Boyd Roy Evans Ida Bertha Swain Charlie Moulds Minnie Hunt Eva Moulds I Tablet Emily Wesley Alfred Walter Stickwood Boyd Swain Gordon Harford Myrtle Moulds Ida Teacher You will want no other Wedding Cakes a Specialty Or lions for all Cash Purchasers Ask lor them BOGART Portable SiwMili of this letter you have all sat at still children will nit on the floor then I fear that you are not well or you have not the life and energy that I think Canadian young sters have as compared with the youngsters of this land J can assure you that yoO have very much to be thankful for in being born in Canada instead of in some other laud If you are ever tempted to think that your lessor ik are hurt think how much better arc in having an alphabet of only diameters instead of one of many thousands as the people who use the Chinese characters must Any ft litivliiyr from Im and iai- cm indrawn ioi a a rtil la iiuuliii tin- mill men- Five more cf the convictedof taking part in the mas- get up and that is but one of the many British at Crete on advantages which the children of September have been hanged Canada have over those of Japan and other nonchristian lands Hoping to hear from you now that have written to you and knowine that the Junior Leaguers of the Brad ford District will all become true and noble men and women and praying that the blessing of Our Heavenly Father may be yours abundantly I am hut your senior brother Daniel The D EMULSION The EMULSION Ida ud mow of Ccd Lire The ft EMULSION It of The EMULSION a fleih tod will you see ft 1 1 LAWRENCE COh FARMERS I In iMinnr FERTILIZER Win It Kill to I he here rdtnpli than on ground whore not ft Main New In stock To Farmers A while lor oh Ti in con Ease To If a EpKiiH- and lit It torn or can I GEO A Newmarket tan add MARRIAGE LICENSES ut Jackson of CARRIAGE LICENSES At the BRA Office Newmarket office Private XT Papers at private If Money to Loan At Five on Farm Security by lilbyd Oommlaloner taking Heal Be passed again without a repetition of my trouble and I felt that I was at last released from this terrible mahuiy am now in the best of health and I attribute my cure to Williams Pink Pills In conversation with Mrs she said that her hus bands trouble was the cause of most seriously effecting her nerves and general health and she was always Jiving in dread and could never enjoy a nights reft The slightest noise would startle her and if it had hot been for the kindness of a neighbor who always came and stayed at the oyer night she believes she would have brbKen down altogether She also is thankful for the great change that has been wrought and is only too to let others with si mi lar afflictions know there is a this terrible disease Dr cure by go- tag to the root of the disease- They renew and build up the blood and strengthen the nerves thus driving disease from the system Avoid imi tations by insisting that every box you purchase is enclosed in a wrapper bearing the full trade mark Dr of sending it to the bank to be cashed without going herself as she generally did This her the fare which was considerable as hank was some distance away She met her student friends and told them that as she was some or so in she would give them a treat Soon after she thought that it would have much better to have given the money to the missionary society for she remembered that to the mis sionary society through the goodness of God she owed all that had made her life bright or worth living She wan in great trouble for some time then she resolved to call her friends in and to them that she was sorry that she had promised the treat for she felt that she owed the money to the Lord on account of what He hod done for her Then the other girls said that it was certainly better to give the money to the missionary society which had been the means of doing so much for them than to spend it on themselves Perhaps some of the children who hear or read this article may sometimes be inclined to grumble and complain con more nutriment than any other food being the easiest to digest Williams Pink Pills for Pale People because they do not always have what If your dealer does not keep them they want Perhaps some of you envy they will be sent post at cents the children of Japan Let me a box or sis boxes for by ad- tell you about the children of this dressing the Williams Medicine who have to live on Co Ik the leavings of soldiers The Stmt employees the barracks strike is causing there much A mass meeting there are soldiers and was held last night presided over by the number is to be increased soon the Mayor and a subscription taken At these barracks the cold rice bite of up to aid the men Some small meat vegetables soup and all sorts of took place in the city during things that are left arc dumped in to- the day and a car in which two or and sold to dealers who retail three officials of the company were it out to the wretchedly poor people riding was pelted with rotten who are not few The following is The average woman spends more time than money when she goes shop ping Mr Isaac Bargeants planing mills at London were burned the loss being placed at About English ships en tered the 19 free harbors of China in 1806 They carry only English goods A rearend collision took place at Paris between a freight and a cattle train t Driver Bothwell was seriously hurt and a number of cars were smashed Mr Salter of Ottawa was as saulted and robbed in broad daylight by three men at The police have made three arrests in con nection with the case London Oct It is an nounced from St Petersburg that all the powers have now accepted the Czars invitation to send delegates to the proposed disarmament conference Each power will be represented by three delegates and it will be a record diplomatic assembly in point of num bers The best remedy scrofula is Millers Compound iron Pills a cents Sola by E Leh man Ottawa Oct Ottawa was shak en early this by an earthquake shock which aroused in all parts of the city The shaking la- led about ten seconds and was by a loud rumbling Professor Stone Wiggins this morning states that the unusual storms of this famine of Mount Vesuvius and the earthquake are all the result of planetary conjunc tion f w Bait rheum and all conditions of the skin are cured by the of Millers Iron Sold by E Lehman Ottawa Oct The Postmaster- General has decided upon a change The position of chief postoffice in spector for the Dominion held by Mr of Toronto is to be abolished This will effect a saving of over including- Mr and travelling expenses late chief inspector will of course receive the usual retiring al lowance The That Will Is the Pill You Want Pills are necessary but not nice Cathartics are not confections The fewer pills that you take the better Its aggravating to take pills that dont and pills that wont Its soothing to know that when you take a pill its the pill that will do the work for which its taken Pills AC have gained a reputation for their sure results The pill that will is Ayers For all liver troubles diseases of the stomach and bowels sick headache biliousness and heartburn Dr Ayers Pills have proven a specific and they as they have cured thousands of others whose testimony is a matter of record Cure Book is sent free by Dr J C Lowell Mass for it if you want to know more of the power of these pills than is proven in the following testimonials I suffered nearly all my life with bowel enduring much pain and I tried almost oil the cathartic rem edits advertised in the newitpaper without obtaining permanent relief until I used Ayers Cathartic Pills The result obiained from the ie of these pill waj wonderful They not only gave immediate relief but effected a permanent cure To a Cold in One Day Take Quinine Tablets refund the money fails to core from the Evangelist Jan- There is a place near here and three times a day there is a crowd of people waiting with a few sen that The cornstalk will no longer be an incumbrance to the farmer under a new system of treatment will become a commercial add commodity of high value As a result of the experiments of the development Company paper cardboard and newspaper stock of the finest quality are now manufac tured from corn and the dis covery is expected to revolutionize paper manufacturing country I was for some time with liver trouble My back ached and my turned as yellow as saffron I became unable to do any work and it last was confined to my bed too weak to move assistance I commenced the us of Pills and lex than half them WM a box cured me hare used Ayers Pills with excellent results for constipation I find bat they do not gripe purge but do give relief CHARLES WHITE J i I I have used Ayers Pills since and consider them superior all other pills oh the market always keep them in the house in case of emergency and at one time wife of dyspepsia I have them good for all diseases caused by Southern A v r