Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , November 4, 1898, p. 4

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ISA A i I r ABOUT HEALTH of Conditions to The Importance of good Is tod a fllraplo matter If we of la stomach fllf oils food thus blood is employed to carry til to ibo organ sod which need It It Is a The first great tor good health pare blood Now is The laaaa is an exceptionally number and tlitl Ib iu a gfcL judges spoken of excellent eat juvenile paper In the highest terms Bond A for a cars subscription to L Mas a Child Iiife in Japan I boy spin tops- ss V by Rev ffiethodist have racoived from the Print Co limited Toronto a cony of Ilia iaot no such Keeper by record of ourcs as well known author of Elm are hundreds Thin is It li Morally there are hum of people alive end today who would In their they not Hoods It Ib depended upon as a family medicine and goneral of the system by tens of thou- of This is Hoods blood para This the secret of its greet so cocas Keep your system In good by your blood pure with Hoods when other to do any whate PIUS By Request of Junior lieaguo She Era I JACKSON Best Advertising Medium n Ygrk County it- tot J tents only a told In manner bin is lull of help of greatest of is ably dell The in tho region arc upon occurred during among lliu in of and which wituoDnod by iho iulbor read it Tho Printing Co Toronio already of liriT to thu Log- ielalurc on nit resulted id re turn of Hon J M Crown by ft majority of over Dr in Kid morning of the day of polling tbo this observation election of in East Wellington will bo a to Ibc a blow that Is do nerved Kant tumid down and member iliu Jo the rough on 10 Incbm I y MO 1 Mil ten until forbid mid oharKud will In- once each IT divirfl iliiin iiii ixjiiipusllloii lit paid for ruU nunii on lw Ibme fur Notices Parma to Ail Idea etc will no Inserted lor any taken fifty crnte will iiolluc No to HO I a of On class of to know tlicoicficaliy at lwwt more ttliout children than all others yet I ignorance of tliia and my unfit- to write upon it Several have I matin attempt to fulfil my promise to thia article for tin Junior Iaigum but whenever I undertook the I found that I really knew ho it that time I yavi it updiHguaUyl with for having mode a rash and I have eillrRti in a book called The Mikados Empire and I enquired about Japanese children of their to and teaeliere and I have talked to and played with them until I feel at home I with them if I do not with aubject of my Icttcc faces powdered lips and hair well oiled and arranged in most attractive are out on the playing ball or battledore and shuttlecock which to be a very popular game her One of their like our wetT gome of wants a Coiner tliit I will ftWhon the average Japanese child in old an event called Maya- takes place is a Shinto temple and means going The child is dressed up in full dress given a badge called a mid taken to wlmrt- an ottering is made to the priest on of child by the parents Pussys Is by qualified ropresent or devil IImt many LEO A I Thos RobePtson Public ftO to on ftood security On ult people of wore up the Ontario by Hot J court jii ground out the of Hon Air a fiuppurtera in Mr John who lor at ai in id rum ored in oiroloa ir Bat- not but Liberals will Air in and will be of Then if the child a girl on this mention ft few mors One game third day of the third month of Iih cards is called Alphabet Cards and second year pair of dolls are bought another is called for This is ilimi Poets suri which means doll tjnruta and Isshiu festival comes on the Mime lay if you want the original In all little girls for they all begin the Hist game half of ih cards have second year on New Years piciuren on and the other have they are said to be year old on proverbs The cards go in pairs one that day even tho they have cmd a pi over and one will have old on on of tin lust the old year so the of Dolls The inui lilts it a to illustrate the prove proverb begins with some one of comes on the 3rd of March for all the character- of the Japanese al alike days Khoikt are hence the name gay with dolls of all shapes and sizes being the characters beginning the The purchases are mode before the alphabet It is just as if we were to T Solicitor tor Kln Court llulldlnir stii ollolior etc Lato Se o and collection promptly made cf Money to loan at lowest ratefl Main St BKBBCHT Manning King West Toronto one to W Barrister Block Morjoy AUCTIONEERS prank fiogatrfe for York Co Farm aud Chattel receive attention Main 8t or Box Newmarket PO Duncan fur he Co of York sold Terms reason able Farm Salts attended to A trial solicited Street Newmarket MISCELLANEOUS Opposite Fir Hall Mala Street MPs Simpson Suodnes and Fancy Goods Tux the vil la Council and the Hallway are si an bub the Mi- luge an i giving to the feet to a no i wilt iu in and thus the 1 1 lit t to This shown may be valued by a poraialeut a railway unreasonable to comply wishes of who giant An states of Ohio has was like the old Oneida which formerly existed York State of Ohio organ been existence for nearly a and of to almost It for a to divide the of land among the to a share The was not according to area It was aatisfaotory members who voted in approval and each one of whom deeded to other the right in the community property that portion alloted by the commission These members in good standing profit by the Urge Dumber of from the taken within the ant three yes re Each has land enough on to make a living and each will be entitled to an equal in the money to be obtained by a of of the society next month It is estimated each will have la land and personal property a valuation of about TV fathers and mothers of the earned and saved the money the children will a good time it festival day for ami takes cou ch re They are call the game A Cards The players sit in a The cards are drosMwl fur iliexe two dot Ik and One who isicwler Rev D of Out to do Sewing at private residences guaranteed In all the latest rash sent through Newmarket PO will receive prompt attention NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS LATEST IN Monuments and Head Stones Call Before Ordering Elsewhere Allan Fa to farm and property by o pool and lonoon and Union Midland Wutua and Also for the Standard Lire Assur- and Northern Life Assurance Co Hopkins Block Mount Albert for On a Reeom Mrs Cure for the Heart and In stant Lasting Immediate Belief Is what the Sufferer Wants and Gets when Dr for the art is Used- I was for a long time a great suf ferer from heart trouble I had pal and smothering accompanied by great weakness and painful spasms I got very Utile relief from remedies and doctors failed to give me real bene fit A friend of mine had used Dr Agnews Cure for the Heart and it had been a great relief to her I pro cured a bottle and it has proved a great blessing to me I think it a great cure and heartily recommend it to all sufferers Mrs Bishop Toronto Sold by E Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket J Morris purchased the school house tor What eg- I believe Hoods a good because I have seen its good in the case of ray mother She has taken it when she weak and ber health was poor and she says she knows of no- thing better to build her up and make her feel stroog flEaiB KnoffLBa Upper Wood Harbor Hoods Pills cure all liver ilia Mailed for by I Hood Co Lowell given to the child on her festival are to be kept by her until she grows up and when she marries and goes to her new home they will be considered as part of her inheritance They may represent the Emperor and Empress or some heroes of history or monsters of mythology On the day of the month of the second year another festival is held called in Japanese which means Flag Festival This is a boys festival as their birthday is reckoned from the first of the year in which they were born just as in the case of the girls their festi val comes on the of May for all boys Streamers banners of every description dags with varied toy weapons of regalia of an cient military processions etc arc for sale in the shops A set of these is hasthe cards with the proverbs He reads a proverb The others look at their cards and the one who has or thinks ho has the picture to correspond calls out and they match cards The one who gets his cards matched first wins the game The one holding the last card must undergo some punish ment such as having his or her face blackened with ink or some other comical forfeit In the game of the Poets there are one hundred quota tions from poets printed on two hun dred cards A stanza of Japanese poetry consists of two parts of phiea to use a familiar term One of these parts will be printed on one card and the other part on another card If you will take your bibles and read the Psalms you may notice that there are two sections or parts in each stanza The construction of bought for each boy in the family Japanese poetry is very similar matter how many there may be and Another game is called Wisdom they are his treasures ever after Up- j Boards In this blocks of geometri- on no consideration will a Japanese cat shapes are dealt out and the play- lad part with this treasure and relic ere strive to see who can make the of his first festival When parents most perfect figures from their blocks can afford these presents are very One game the verancular Go brilliant extensive and Costly Ban is very similar to a game that I may indicate and perhaps help to played in my days and called perpetuate the military spirit of the it by the very similar name of Go people During this festival if a son Bang I believe that the game was has been born in any family in from China to the west previous year then a large paper fish Kite one of the most hung on a bamboo pole outside thelar sports for boys Kites- ate house on the street This fish is made of a great variety of styles made of a hollow paper which will They are made to resemble inflate if there is any wind and the women birds fish fans Chinese fins and tail will move in the most characters and other things Some- natural manner It the times the boys have kite fights They carp which is able to swim broken glass to their strings and I boys also spin tops on the streets They make very beautiful tops from sea shells One curious game i colled A number of boys meet together before dark and each must go and plant a flag on or in a lonely by a temple or some such spot When it is quite dark meet in the house of ono and tell the moat frightful stories of ghosts goblins and evil spirits Tho older people help in this part of tho game Then the boys must go out one at a time and bring in his I might here add that I have been told by a Japanese gentleman who has told me many of their mythological stories and explained many of the signs and charms that J have stn that the idea which the great majority of the people e of their gods is that they are evil pints who want to injure them and they are continually making offerings in order to appease gods or evil pints think that people are veiy of their n to the bust of their ability love but they have a of keeping the heads of children shaved in all sorts of fantastic styles make them look pretty I suppose Some will have a round spot in the of the top of the head about si of a penny shaved besides of the head and all of the- head but one little spot on side will be shaved Among children there if a disease of the head a sort of eczema which is largely spread and perpetua ted by this custom of shaving the head at least it dies out in places or uniting children of those who din- continue the practice as com munities where Christianity influential for instance Here in there is hardly a day that I go out upon the streets that I do not see one or more head of some child all covered with a rash or a dis gusting scab from this cause Children usually begin to to school at the age of They spend years at the common school and then pass into the high common school The next slep is into middle school and thence into the higher school There are of these Higher in the Empire One is in and most of the mem bers of my bible classes arc students of this school this school then- are about In July of the told me of the ureal number trying the entrance exami nation and said half of liiem would be plucked I asked him he knew He aid hat no more would than there was accommodation for and that each year there were just the same that were ad mitted so no matter whether there were or trying the examina tion there would be the same number pass In the primary department the children begin with their ha or Japanese alphabet Then they are taught writing and reading Chinese characters and arithmetic In the High Common School they have ob jective lessons in science and moral stories teaching loyalty and filial duty Of course they keep on at the Chinese characters in this school and in the next alsoand if they go on as far as to graduate from the Imperial Uni versity in they will have been studying Chinese characters all the time and then may not know all of them In the middle school the jecte are mathematics drawing Eng lish conversation English literature principles of science Chinese litera ture moral stories and military gymnastic under military officers From the high common school a stud ent may enter the normal school where after a years coarse he may if success ful become a public school teacher and get the magnificent salary of yen or yen a month in about or of our money By the report- of the Minister of Education published last month I noticed that the average monthly salary of these teachers is yen and teachers receive less that yen a month In the normal schools the discipline is most rigid The students are not allowed out of grounds after 6 p A it will Pay you to get your Boots and Shoes at FF He has the Best Quality at the Lowest Prices In Town and you can be assured that me Good are no trash to be imposed upon the public but the very that can be bought CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES at s H GRIFFIS Block one door south of old shop introduced I enquired to what col lege or university they graduated from thru school and was gravely told that they went to no higher school but gel married At what age J asked Oh about 18 or so but they used to get married much before western customs were introduced said informant Then is a pretty little girl comes to Sunday School called hich means Miss Little strong currents and leap up cascades and portends the future success of the boy and his victory over all his foes On these as on all festival days vendors of toys of every description and of all sorts of wares throng the streets near the temples and the temple giounds There is a ten day festival at New then when the kite is well up in the air so as to pull hard they run the string across string of another boys kite and if the string is cut and the kite brought to the ground that kite is claimed as spoils of war by- tho owner of the successful kite opposite to my house is a large parade ground on which from my study win- Years Girls in brightest and I have seen dozens of boys out robes and gay sashes having their with their kites They are not allowed here in to attend any of the christian schools if religion is also taught to get help in their English as many the students do from the other schools Three normal school students come to my house in the afternoon once a week for instructions in the Bible- They told me that if they were to come to my regular Bible Class in our school the authorities might stop them but they are allowed to be out from 3 to oclock and they can call on me with out being in danger of trouble From the common school up girls are taught in separate rooms There is no coeducation here Girls are taught Chinese and Japanese ture moral stories principles of science by objective lesson and dress making housekeeping and kinder garten management The last that they may know how to care for and manage children so I was told by a teacher in a Higher School from whom I gained much information in regard to these things In the Higher Girls Schools Japanese music is taught and if some our western music lias been Chan flower in Japanese the Miss or Mr comes and Chan is for Miss This childs mother is very poor and it is nut often that the child new clothe But this summer she re a new dress and immediately that it was put on she would riot let her mother talk to her until she had first gone into the next room alone to thank God for having sent her the new pretty dress After her mother has asked a blessing on their food at meal time will put her fat little hands together and say Kami Arigalox which is her way of thanking God lor the Of another modest sweet little Jap anese girl with whom have become i I want to tell the juniors ago she came into our Sun day School here and for the fint time heard something of the wonderful story of the love of God and the life of Jeus She went home and re- icaled what she had heard to her parents and to iter grandmother who was a helpless invalid- She had a wonderful memory for a child of her years She was but five then and Sunday after she the Sunday School and then carried home the strange story The family were very devoted Buddhists and very much opposed to Christianity the old grandmother being very bitter against the Christians But the child inter ested them very much by what she told them and she was very anxious to go Bo she was allowed to go because she was a great favorite with her d sick grandmother who did not like to deny her anything that she wanted The old woman said that she knew the Christians were bad people but it could not hart the child to go and listen to such interesting stories Months passed and still the girl came and received her message and went home to be a preacher of Christ to her family she was quite unconscious of it After some time the grand mother died much happier by reason of the light that she had received in regard to the nature of God and what He had done to save her But that was not all The grandmother bad received no teaching but what the child had brought to her but the father and mother lost their prejudice against Christianity and began to come with San and in the course of time they both became christians and were baptized spring the older sister was baptized by Dr Carman when he was here so the whole family are now members of the church and happy christians as you would all say if you were to see them walking homo together from church or to call them in their home as I have done The father is recording steward of our church So in doing very things in a very quiet manner we may really be ac complishing great things for God Perhaps some preachers who preach eloquent sermons to great crowds have not been more used of God to lead to Himself than this little child who is but 1 years old at present and would blush and want to run hide if you were to suggest that she could work for God She is still as faithful as ever in her attendance upon the Sunday School and her teacher one included en next page Kidneys Clogged Many Victims of Bright Disease Dropsy and Distressing Urinary Troubles Have Been Sav ed by the Timely of American Kidney Cure- The kidney are natures filters in expelling from the body all impurities If the kidneys are out of sorts the whole system becomes impaired and disease follows as sure as fate disease diabetes dropsy aud distress ing urinary troubles infest four fifths of the race It need not be so for South American Kidney Cure is a power in dispelling all tendency to the seating of disease It has cured cases that have long and stubborn and have baffled medical skill Bold by Lehman Bentley Pharmacy Newmarket Farmer James Edwards of King two ago worth His farm is in Jot third concession The house and lot is in the same lot and there are eleven acres in lot worth Mr Edwards made special provision by will for children and widow during their lives Then it is to be divided into four parts one for the son William one each for the daughters Mrs John Black Mrs William Patrick and one for tbe son Henry Intrinsic worth is sure to be re cognized sooner or latter There never has been any extravagant advertising of Millers Compound Iron Pills no flaring headlines followed by exag gerated statements but notwithstand ing it appears to be pretty well known that they are the best medicine for building up system and curing all diseases resulting from poor blood Sold by E Lehman Children Cry for CASTOR I A CENTRAL TAILOR SHOP ii till you and Bee the Full Mock that arrived at the Central Tailor Shop which wont be in any shape or form Have received our Fall Stock of ENGLISH and SCOTCH SERGES TWEEDS WORSTEDS and Or an patterns can suit the fastidious In and price Repairing Specialty R McLaughlin for TbC of bill opiate Mar at War merit Pacific Ken roar of it for a taken Pictures fiVTB Something Mew But Good LEHMANS Herb Tea FOB AM blood LIVER STOMACH and KIDNEY TROUBLES box for BULBS FOB FALL Lehman Chemist and Druggist J I r

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