Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , November 4, 1898, p. 3

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Weeks Reals 9 WHAT IB ON IK A ABOUT The Bradford WUntu says The New- market Band and aba ad a no of it both of the Fair meeting The meeting was attended last Sunday afternoon when Twos Hooter Mr Andrew Hunter presided attba organ Addresses by Cap Williams and Hunter family contributed several selections daring mealing Thief Caught While breakfast about seven oclock Saturday morning Mr A Terry beard a flutter the chicken Locking oat of the window observed that a hawk after owl Mr keeps hie shotgun lotted or all kinds and stole weapon he the A iwri men of hawk tribe tumbled over and Mr In having bird slutted to ornament hi Form Produce Big crowd in town and splendid were firm at and butler HI to aomegood era held for A large quantity of both dressed and live fowl were offered Drubb ed sold to per pair from 50 to per pair from to per and from to Mo per lb Live geese sold at Do per- lb duoka from to per pair and live from to 0c per pair Lamb by the and per lb offered for farmers were asking Apples from to SO per barrel and from 10 to by basket Large quantities of potatoes offered and ready sale at per big Cabbage for 10c or per So per bud or per Cor Pears per pail winter per do- A lot of wild ducks with the feathers on were sold at per pair Organ Opening The new Pipe Organ for tbe Methodist Church is being constructed for the Ladies Aid is to be on the evening of Thanksgiving Day Thursday Nov by a Grand Concert to anything ever given in this town The have been specially fortunate in se curing the following brilliant artiste for the occasion OK of Prof Tandy at Ladies College Toronto and soloist la Andrews Toronto Mb J Organist of Methodist Cburob for 8 years an accomplished player who has a thorough knowledge and prepared the specifications for thin organ Mb Euwabo J or Choirmaster of Winchester and for years Tenor in St Baptist Toronto Mb Author or Toronto Organist of Trinity Episcopal King Toronto for the past 16 years designer and one of the of this Organ These will be assisted by tho Church choir of under the able of Mr A ana a by an orchestra Worship Mayor Cane has consented to and an evening of extreme delight to all lovers of is assured Watch for program thousands of readers remember Mr A P Dodge the man who speot in purchasing beautifying his property at Roachs and who defeated Mr of East at an election for of Commons Dome years ago He died in Brunswick la and was buried on of last An American newspaper has just reached giving the following particulars The burial of Rev A P Dodge of the Episcopal a minister of great wealth yet who preferred the charge of the humble little parish on St Simons Island a luxurious life took place here today Rev Mr Dodge was eon of William Dodge of New York and was also related to famous Phelps and Blokes families of was unusual A says of it We asked If do anything to With that spirit his tboughtfulneas of others he re plied It is hardly of Use to put you to trouble now but if you would like to please me go ray and get ope bottle of and one bottle of dry wine and bring both here We did so and he gave dire for each to take a small glass and fill it about foil- him also and holding ours before we while he rafts fata hand and said Here Is wishing health and Gods Weeslngs the days allotted to each of job earth and a spiritual Ufa the great beyond We drank and in sllenoe while band of the dying man did not tremble aa ha re tooaa W afterward ha died Hookey The annual organization meeting of the feookey Club for the of will be held at evening Nov that ft oclock Sent tramp who had no ace to go was given lodgiog in the Felloe Station on Thnrwday night of leak week and next day be and too feeble to move out of Town He was feeling better on Saturday and committed for BO days as a va grant Constable took him down Ankle Broken Nearly tbree week ago Mrs David Mitchell went to Woodetook to villi her aoo Mr C a On Satur day after btr arrival aba fell and broke her leg above the ankle Her many friends will to learn news but at last report was doing well A Bod Smash Last Wednesday oclock wayfreight in charge of con- palUd in order to let train pass In so doing the engineer mis judged tho distance of the stop block and shoved a box car with good force against it a the block was smashed lo pieces at same time derating the front wheels of the car It was afterwards discovered that block rotten in many places and nut of standing continued strain train was two hours on account of the oident CD Hughes Goods Thin week Flannelettes Ladies wear Feather Boas Eiderdown wool trimming Gloves and Mitts Pink Embroidery boys were to all sorts trlaka on Monday evening kept Chief Andor- on run It was apparently more a spirit of misohlef than destruction Numerous gates transferred to differ- localities and a couple of built but no damage dope A Great Improvement The fonodatlon for the new Royal Hotel Barn Is about ready for tcre The building will be feet and will have accommodation or horses Tbe yard room will bo Immense One could hardly Imagine that there is so moob ground on premises without seeing It No This Yeov The Metropolitan Railway will not likely extend line beyond Lake this Mr CD Warren president of the com pa ay has writ Aurora that the ited to locate the line in that has not located it satis factorily to the Hallway Company and with such a local Ion cannot give an effective satisfactory this win ter Mr the of his tenement bouse near his ware rooms the roof re- shingled shingles Mr is also having bis house done with the same material A Binns filled contracts St Owing to various lbs has asked for another month to ar range matters before taking hare consequently Rev Mr of To ronto will the again next Sunday Cheese Board on da last week 1620 boxes of cheese were offered Four buyers were present Five factories eold at and four other refused to sell- Newmarket did not have obsess on the Bard This closed Market for this season Factor ies will now sell whenever opportunity r J IN THE LEAD AS USUAL lbs Bright Sugar t f iMtMt9tlftf9 lbs Redpaths Granulated Sugar i lbs Granulated Sugar Sold by some as best Select Layer per lb English Breakfast Coffee 1 lb Tins per lb Surprise Soap Comfort Soap Morses Mottled Soap and Electric Soap Christies Sodas lb Box Old Brown Windsor Soap Goods At Less than Wholesale These are only a few sample prices Our whole stock is on the same Price Level The election took place last Monday evening and resulted follows after considerable yotinu Meads 1st Vice P Miss 2nd Vice Mian 3rd Vice P Mies Millard Vice P Edgar fish Vice p Miss fleo Dr Trees George Btark Auditors J and Cane SecMies Millard Organist new officers took their positions once and hold till April At con clusion the election Miss Madge Brown of Bradford gave an address Physical Culture Dp Dentist Opposite Bakery every day Painless extraction Open Waiting A Tin from livery was drive out to on Mon day afternoon and while standing in front tbe premises the horse jerked the tiestrap loose and started off for its own stable Mr W J Readhead was out the Town Line and meeting rig without a driver took of it and brought to the Central where it was afterwards found by ibe owner No dam- sice was done but person that engaged the rig ha I Horses do not appreciate standing outside at this time year and care should bo taken to see that they are securely Police Court In the case of Smith vs Pegg before Jackson J P judgment was given for complainant for the sum of and coats This one of those kind of cases in which jurisdiction of the Magistrate was in question According to the Master and Servants a J P can only make an order for for wages no mat- how much master may be indebted to servant As total amount in volved over five months wages at per month it was contended by defendant that tin case would not come before a Magis trate although it might be shown that the defendant had paid plaintiff on account sufficient to bring the claim below 910 Tbe Magistrate overruled this went into tbemerita of case and gave judgment or elated pay able In eight days Judgment has been arrested by defendant appealing the case to another court Brand told by Wn7w They In Wedding in We clip the following the Fergus Wwioflast week One of the prettiest wed Inge of the season was celebrated on the tnst at the residence of Mrs Burg line West Wellington Co tbe parties thereto being Jennie E daagbter of tbe late Burr and Elmore guerre of Button West York County eon of Peter Esq of interesting ceremony was performed by the Rev P Am at oolocfc to atralne of the wedding played by Miss Annie of The bride en tered on arm of her elder brother Mr John Burr handsomely attired In a cos tume of Kile green covert cloth She waa attended bridesmaid by Miss who was prettily gowned in grey the groom being supported by Mr Burr guests to the number of fifty then partook of sumpt uous repast and spent a very pleasant afternoon and evening There were a great number of handsome and presents The happy couple are to reside at Button West on of Lake whither go accompanied by the beet their many friends Church Full Sunday morning and evening and very good music four new pieces- The pastor during the course of sermon the morning made some remarks He said There are moral obligations that we owe to our brother men that deeper wider and in finitely more farreaching thin fluancial ones The financial ones refer only to this life but the moral may touch springe that will through eternity It is dlffl cult however to with christian integrity tbe habit of some men getting head over care into debt without the pros- of meeting their obligations it is immorality There was a large congregation In the evening the sermon dealt with the pillars of Hiram in the entrance to Solo Temple They symbolized strength and beauty strength of our Uvea lies tbe of our faith in God and beauty of our lives In the simple- trust of our Heavenly Father columns are the foundation and then the lily work If in Christ as foundation then are we sate in decision of character and if we trust in Christ then will we have the loveliness of a christian Next Sunday will be a special day Love Feast FellowshipMeeting at and at of the morning One of those delightful and popular Song in tbe Everybody wel come Cones Factory Every department is rushed orders and business is booming The piv roll month numbers men the ever had A photo of the men in front of tbe Factory was taken by Mr new pall lathe with a new gang of men will be put in operation next Monday Factory is still working overtime DRY Come and See for yourself We Sell H Equally Low CUT PRICES market Depot The shipments past week are follows The best Cakes are always made with Bruntons Baking Powder A BRUNTON CORNER STORE OS oars logs car bolts earn lumber cars coal car shingles ear oil 00tW4JtW osrs cars grain 1 car flour 1 car shovels 2 cars stock oar settlers effects SEASONABLE GOODS oars merchandise car eggs car cars merchandise Salvation Rvtny Next night and all day Sun day brigadier Complin and Adjt of territorial headquarters will conduct meetings at the Barracks Brigadier was formerly to Com Coombs in Australia and io that capacity ravelled over the greater part of the Island Conti nent Has seen to South Wales and Victoria England and Soot- land also editor of War Cry at to for years He is now general score tary at headquarters a fluent speaker and gifted musician the banjo is his favorite instrument is an platform man His recent visit here will be an evi dence of bis capabilities In meetings Saturday night the brgladierwillconduot a musical FlareUp on Sunday afternoon he will lecture on Modern Miracles and wife con ducted the meeting here last Tuesday night and were pleased with tbe condition of the corps Lieut of bae been appointed to assist Caps Wil liams and wife 8ee Hughes new lot of good Stamped Linens and other Embroidery Silks shaded crochet Cotton Institute- At meeting In Aurora laet month of the North York Teachers Institute the following officers were elected for the President A Wilkinson Thompson Aurora Newmarket Librarian Miss Ross Newmarket Executive A Sogers and Boss and Fewer Terry and Auditors Messrs Terry and Dickson A Committee appointed to consider the Public School Leaving work the Riding brought in the following report which was adopted by The Public School Leaving since- Us in- has been unsatisfactory and the majority of pupils never intend taking Resolved therefore tliat the fifth course bo not made any integral part of a High School but be more in accordance with the needs of pupils That alge bra and be omitted from course the work in geography be more clear ly defined That the work In bookkeeping be shortened and be simpli fied That tbe whole be mads such that it can be covered En one year by the average pupil That the shall not be made compulsory in ungraded Schools bat bo left the option of the School Board was to hold meeting I in Newmarket Bad The local polios are determined to put a atop to filthv which is uttered on our publio streets from time to time parti during and after mail time not only by men but by kids who should be in their homes or in care of their guardians During the past week a of have been made In tbia line praotice la becoming common and it will not be a surprise it we hear of the Inspector dropping down on them some fine night when an example will be made Christian Though the weather was unfavorable there was a good congregation Sunday morning and although the Elder bad a bad cold he preached a good sermon His sub was A new weapon This great thought that having a new a word he could easily kill David the new wea pon In tbe hands of a giant proved a fail So will new weapons or tie of the wicked- fail to On is until give us s better Bible better than Gods love for humanity which is as broad as the requirements of humanity The evening subject was of Character There is nothing In this nor ever can be Important as We finally arrive to a state which no change ever takes plane in the condition in our past lives have placed us are engraving lives our characters each day and is eternal it is what we really are as God sees is a mighty force for good or evil we calculate its import ance Our Stock is now most complete in Fall and Winter wear never had such a fine stock for you to choose from Men and Boys Suits and Overcoats Boots and Shoes Gents Furnishings Hats and Caps We VS 4 Fresh Groceries In these lines we are the leaders Our stock of Clothing and Boots and Shoes is the largest and cheapest in the County A A travelling evangelist drew a fair sized audience at the Temperance last Tuesday night where be gave a lecture on the Second Coming of Christ The of the audience went to ball with expectation of hearing something startling but instead the lecturer only presented a dlscoursA which is briefly told as follows testimony which we de liver to you is summed up under four heads namely We declared that the Lord Christ is about to return to this earth speedily That the time of the har vest of the Christian dispensation has come that first fruits of the harvest are now being gathered purified and in structed in one faith once delivered to so that they may be found ready when Jeans shall appear that to this end God has restored the fourfold ministry given in the beginning for the perfecting of saints That the time spoken of by the Apostles of old as the last days is a and that in consequence of the unfaithfulness of the Christian God is to send judgements bis children that they may be purified through the bloody persecutions of AntiChrist and by the troubles of perplexities the great tribu lation and lastly we declare to you he said the Gospel of the Kingdom not mere ly the Gospel of Salvation which is in deed a part of tbe great and marvellous Gospel of the love the father by ell in his son Jeans Christ en titles us to participate in certain great Stud glorious oca sea but also enjoins onus grave responsibilities The speaker con cluded by referring to the distress of nations with perplexity the and the waves roaring He predicted that pres ently will be seen The Beast of the rise tip out of the sea alt the world will wonder after him and that God Is about to poor out his terrible judgements upon Babylon because of unfaithfulness and of church The People a of Newmarket Want good Photos We are to Satisfy their wants Wot Second To Hone GALL AND SEE SAMPLE8 At Gallery 2 Doors South of Pipher Hotel Sed SMITH BROS PHOTOGRAPHERS Leading H Store Stoves and Tinware A LARGE WELL AS- SORTED STOCK OF TOGETHER WITH A SPLENDID OF SHELF HARDWARE PAINTS OILS All kinds io- a specialty of Tinware made to order trusting us with their orders will be flare of splendid workmanship Es timates given on contract work YOUR SOLICITED and Ate the goods we are showing for Fall arid Winter Suits and Overcoats as are consistent with good workmanship the goods and you will be convinced Remember the place Merchant Ration Next door to Atkinsons J A ALLAN CO Jacks to Hire Wood for Said- A quantity of mixed soft wood A Newmarket Self r J- Strayed from tot ftth Con of East one DARK JERSEY HEIFER years old person girinx that will I to recovery of tame will be suitably rewarded Ogilviea Strong Bakers Pastry Best Ontario and Manitoba wheat Flour for Family Use Feed of all Kinds LAND PLASTER A car of fresh American Gray best fertilizers for Clover and Grass LIME LIMEv The very beat Grey Time J Storehouse Cor Main and Enron fits No FREE TRIAL OF- n Dr Tuckers ASTHMA Specific The only Positive Cure for Asthma Hay Fever Vasal Catarrh Bronchitis Outfit for two weeks trial Free of Charge on application to SCOTTS NEXT TO POST OFFICE

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