Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , November 4, 1898, p. 2

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a T NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY NOV 4 hi Advertisements Roche Co H Davison Grocery Davison In the Lead A Special Toronto Jobbing House Suit C Good Photos Smith Bra Teacher Wanted John Crone Bull for Bale Albert Shank To Farmer TIioh Leicester Lambs John To Brooder Win Thompson Piano Theory Mia Furniture Ifcafcr A Cemetery ad owing Britain and withdraw from Rossi to to the call of on lbs acoond of In Chin of be and IrlboB of the earth go to kbit one- fourth of people of the world die before age of the age of and only in buodrod bom to the age of flyo Oar Toronto Lib Gautlt gives a number of in the militia force of the country and among them the follow- GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY OIVIHIOH a ana a K So- t I fl a X it J P ft CO If 9 v a a- Ball York No Company to bo Edward Hartley Port vice Elliott pro to be lieutenant Alfred Taylor Hunter from No Co Port to Year Book Canada ox- doriDK a total of Ibe of bad a of Of earn worth sent to Great Britain worth to the United States in Valae to Newfoundland balance to ether coaotrice a Utile item to West Indies 9b 4 91 w w y y- ft i UK KA UP OUT AMD WITH EACH Piloted oil FRIDAY NOV South Ontario the contest in this Biding on Tuesday last Hon John was elected by a majority of about 100 and constituency re deemed to Liberalism Compared with the election in March last the moat notable changes were in the Town of and Township of East Whitby former wiped out a Conservative majority of and gave Hon Mr over his op ponent- while East Whitby increased its Liberal majority from to The total vote is said to be the largest over polled in the Riding After the result became known the friends of the successful candidate demonstrated their satisfaction by and a procession from Whitby to thence to Mr home in On the whole the contest was a hardfought battle and the friends of both sides played the game for all it was worth The Hardy Government now complete and this of ita popularity will strengthen the party in the coming in constituencies now the in Lennox The writ for a byeelection been for this Nomination on the Knit and polling one week later The cable annODOoet that Lord been made a in view of appointment to of Lord will next week of the International Com will at next bat while Sir and Sir Cartwrigbt will bo on hand at that time it is understood that Premier will not be able to reaob till 16th ioet The has already that when its ia completed it will reassemble at to sign treaty papers and thus give honor to the Ancient Capitol It is a source of satiBfaotion that the Liberals of North Waterloo pressed their election protest to a trial the principle affirmed treating valid for vcidintf an election It that tbe candidate only followed bis upuaI by general trusting but the that this implied that tbe of people moat be and if ibis were allowed any amount of for wrongdoing would be enacted by with impunity Tue Opposition organ Toronto objects to of the of the Interior pei royalty to bo paid miners iiiK the district of bat why objection is made is Surely oar cotem would not alio miners from all parts or the earth to carry off of the Dominion without some return especially he miners are by mounted police and have other and advantages assured law at expense At Ottawa the other day at a meeting of AIM Trade and Labor among the in their oomtng muni cipal camp ign is If following lion of properly qualification for votera in all and right to vote to Rive right to represent The Gov ernment that would pass a law giving a person not assessed for property either as ten ant or owner right to vote taxes on or to give totally irrespon sible power equal to the man whose energy enabled him to become pea- property assessed for thousands of dollars would never see when the next general election came round fa airthe whole coun try its pulsation Recently the To ronto IVoWo had this to say Never the time of the boom a few years ago land been so valuable or houses so scarce at present In the northern part of the city It impossible to get a bouse or store of any kind in that vicinity and extensive building operations that are now going on there apeak well for the prosperity of Toronto This renewed clearly there a boom in real estate Yea and it proves too our fears a boot the country to the bow- wows in esse Liberals got of the beaches at Ottawa was all a lotion I The story circulated by Ottawa pennya imers and reiterated by the Opposition press that Lieut Gov Patterson was tired of hie job at Manitoba and Hon Mr was about to become hie oat a fake The Premier given a denial to the rumor Hue Hardy Cabinet is now complete On South Ontario again elected Hob Mr Minister of by a majority of about This riding le a historic one as the political birth of Sir Oliver Si Ace date many have been from one po litical amp to the other The vote last Tuesday was largest ever relied tbere Ottawa oorrespondents to Western On- papers tbie week state that Fed era Government of Canada has been noti fied that the American coasting laws have been extended to Cuba and Porto and that will also take effect immediately those islands total annual trade in fitb between Canada end those possessions is veined at pearly United States has therefore a leverage In the settle or the fisheries question the lots of this trade to Nova Scotia would he Tne November Canadian Magazine con tain a some good things Camer on as I Knew Him by Dan is something unexpected and delightful J Gordon founder of the Maga zine compares the Canadian and European summers and brings some which wiU startle even the proudest Canadian J Jones Bell an officer of Lord force gives the first of three illustrated articles on the Red River Expedition John A Current Events Abroad tea permanent feature of the magazine which adds mnoh to Us value Besides several ebon stories there is a department some storiettes of exceptional interest Anew serial A Daughter of by Joanna E Wood is rather striking Tub big pulp mills to be by a strong company of capitalists who have secured the palp wood on acres of land from the Government be located at Sturgeon Falls These will be the largest on continent We have four Sturgeon in Province one near the head waters of the River in County ooe in the Rainy River District another In Victoria County through which flowa the and one in tbe Thunder Bay District in addition to this two rivers ri Ontario go by the name of Sturgeon and the name is used in designating two villages in On tario known Sturgeon Bay Point The name ttifcrefore la a little confusing aa to location but when it is stated Fails where the mills are to by are miles west of North Bay the intended will be readily understood Mr Fred Millar was home on Sunday Bo is now at Mr Riley paid a visit to Mr Ferguson at last Toesday Misses York and Skinner spent last Sunday at Mr Herb of Toronto Junc tion In Town over Sunday Misses Lena and Amy Thompson spent last with In oily Mr Will Thompson of Toronto spent over Sunday in Town with friends Miss of was of Mrs Goo Hughes last week Mrs Cans is in Ottawa Ibis week attending the Provincial Mies Coffee of Toronto new stenographer at of Canes Mrs Rogers of Eagle St baa from tho city after a week with friends Mr Potter from father of Mrs Tencb was here on a visit tbe past week Miss teacher of school spent last Sunday with Mies Thompson Mr and Mrs Noah Lepard of Scotia spent Sunday avher mothers Mrs Wm Gray Newmarket Mr Chan of wheeled home on Sunday morning and got caoght In the rain The Era bad a friendly call on Sat urday from Mr editor of To ronto notion Mr Manning of Ottawa is vJBitiug Cousin Alderman in Town this week The many friends of Mr Webster of King will be sorry to earn ilia- lie daoxerously ill at bis borne Mrs of Millard Ave wh ims been viaitiug in Bradford for some time returned on Friday Misses Etta and Marion Ran- tor spending few at home re turned to on Monday Mrs Jos Blanker is moving to city this week Her two sons were here at tending the sale last Saturday Hill Mrs Han- of Newmarket making a visit with Mr and Mrs J Lawrence Mr J of Philadelphia cousin Mr Reg is visiting with him for a oouple of weeks Ateesrs Cane and last Friday for deer on the north of the Georgian Bay J and San- dew were the of the tlets Smith Bros on Sunday Mr Roy Stuart formerly of New his bride of New Glasgow were Quests of Mrs hat week An interesting letter from Mr Philadelphia is at band but too late for this week It will appear next Friday Mr John Correy of Newmarket was a judge on Grain and Roots at the Brad ford fair and Lloyd delivered his opinion on poultry Mies Miss Miss Tiffin Mr Nelson Mr Mr all of Toronto spent Sunday after noon In Aurora with friends Mr Harry Bod bride have re- tamed from Detroit after log honeymoon aod have taken op their residence opposite the Presbyterian Church on Water St Mr Leslie Forster who went out to on the Crows Nest Pass Railway in British Colombia last Spring is back home He had an eye injured by the limb of a tree and nearly lost the sight It In connection with St Pres byterian church Markham a Peoples Association has been organized of which Mr Delbert Evans of Virginia now In attendance at High School been elected Mr Hiram Wilson formerly of New market who has been In Chicago the past year gone to Seattle Washington State to accept a situation in a wholesale grocery establishment On road there he visited friends and relatives in North Dakota a few deputation from Fair journeyed the exhibi tion at Omaha has returned fair a good one they and Cana das exhibit very creditable Man ager Hill picked up a few pointers for next Industrial BIGGER AND BETTER The military officers including Major Gen Button when visiting the Rifle Ranges a short time ago rode the oinder path of the A and now the latter are after them for damages Serves them right too many people clothed with a little brief authority put on bub and do things they have no rispht to Mr Rogers President of the Board of Trade is hack from his visit to the coast Game Warden says that the number of hunters license issued this year arc double those of last year A prisoner named John Wilton sen to Toronto Jail for six months for larceny has boon pardoned Sher iff received official notice from Secretary of State last Thursday and Wilton walked out next day afreo man let us also hope a wiser one Early Friday fire did damage to the Tin Stamping Works in the old I Canada College buildings io Kin- St West In the neighborhood employees men boys and girls are thrown out of employment The citizens banquet to Lord Aber deen takes place next Saturday even ing at the Pavilion York Assizes are now on at the Court House Judge on Mon day Allan McNab applied on behalf of of East for a new trial in the action brought by Joseph April for possession of land occupied by The motion was opposed by A Jones and was dismissed by the court because the defendants delay in bringing on his appeal The Legislative chamber is being prepared for a reception which to be tendered to the Earl aud Countess of Aberdeen on Monday evening un der the of a committee of citizens Fred of Aurora while coop- ling cars at York station Monday had his hands seriously crushed was taken to tho Gensral hospital in ambulance After the theatres bad discharged their shouting Monday night the streets became the scene of the annual Halloween celebration Leav ing the theatres the various colleges formed in columns and proceeded up street On Tuesday last the Queens Bench Divisional Court made the injunction perpetual against Lear and A Macdonald not to publish certain let ters in their possession which they implicates certain persons in defrauding the corporation of Toronto out of money or franchises The court holds the documents were ob tained by of trust or confidence judgement carries costs against the parties restrained On Tuesday last Mrs who a short time ago her three in this was acquitted of murder on the ground of insanity Our Stock in every Department is larger and the prices more in the buyers favor than ever before In addition to regular goods we have been exceptionally fortunate in getting Clearing L and Manufacturers Samples Last Saturday was a recordbreakingday in the Mens Clothing and Ladies Cloak De partments The very tempting prices for Mens Fine Suits and Overcoats and Ladies Win ter Coats brought us the crowds and customers eagerly purchased the many splendid lines advertised THIS WEEK WE OFFER Mens Good Serge Suits at 2 90 5 Mens Good Tweed Suits at Mens Double- Breasted strong Tweed Suits at Mens Fine Clay Worsted Suits sack or morning Coal best Linings price is 14 all sizes at Boys Strong Overcoats at Mens Heavy Ulsters at See our fine Dress Overcoats we can fit all sized men the price is and you cannot get a better one made for BOOTS SHOES Girls Strong Neat Pebble Lace Boots reg 125 at 1 Boys Strong Lace Boots at Mens Fine Dongola Lace Boots reg 200 at Mens Fine Buff Lace Boots at The Best Value in Canadian Long Boots Ladies Fine Kid Button Boots at Ladies Strong Lace Boots at 95 Another big purchase this week of Ladies Fine Sample Coats We have every kind at any price and on any Sample Coat you buy you save thirtythree per cent Get here early BARGAINS Ladies Wool Vests at Ladies Extra Fine Vests at 50c Childrens Vests every size The New Supreme Corset at Ladies Heavy Ribbed Cashmere Hose Pillow Cases ready made at Bleached Sheets hemmed ready for use 50c GROCERIES We never take a back seat where prices are concerned and guarantee to meet every cut made by other houses and even then We Will Pay Our Creditors One Hundre4 Cents on the Dollar If you are not already a customer here give us a trial order E HOLLAND LANDING Prof Smith of Orillia was the guest of Mr Stephenson a few days this week Mr George Robinson formerly of this place now of was call ing on- friends on Sunday last Miss Tate left on Monday for a few weeks sojourn at the Rev Mr Littles Bolton Miss MajorieWest of Toronto is home on her holidays Miss A and left on Monday for Toronto Junction on a few days vacation with friends Maggie Daley of Toronto is home on a short holiday Mr Asa Stephenson turned from the North West on last and sneaks highly of that country It is his intention to return again next spring Mr been en gaged again as principal of the public school for next year Oct per barrel- a Wuito Wheat per bushel Bid Wheat a a a Barley per 045 a Oat per bushel a art Pea per Rye pet 000 a Butter roll per lb a Butter tub per lb 0 a a rt Wool per lb a Hay per too new SCO a aw SO a SCO a 700 lb a Chickens per OSS a a live ore a a 10 a a mm Sale Register WeoKeerMY Nov Peter will an on- of end Grl- Cuttle etc commeaciiiit at oclock 11 credit except for hay and nm Kavnh Nov The Furni ture etc Joseph be Btld at bi late residence Holland Landing Terms made known on day of sale Sale to commence at oclock J Auctioneer Furniture Dealer and Undertaker Brooks Block Mount Albert AURORA A serious accident happened to Mr on Tuesday evening While backing horse from under the Methodist Church his horse King Met at Oct The following bills were paid A Kelly repair to con Jos Wilsograntonlltbcon reared and fell on him Later in the j railing con evening he was removed to his home j Ballard repairs to road on cushions Two camps of deer hunters have gone north one to the neighborhood of the Severn and the other the Moon River This Friday evening the High School opening concert will he held Already most of the seats are taken It is the popular concert here order prompt attention receive carer At the residence of Elder Pearson St Newmarket and the came oftolatiog on the 2nd of Nov Mr King East bury to Miaa Eliza of North BoLtiOH By the Rev Hfi Mat- on tbe alt at Method- iit Parsonage Mr William J Ball man of West to Mies Jessie of Sing AND THEORY 1 BY Miss Curt from Metropolitan School or Music To ronto tea ding Furniture and Undertaking House Tomato Markets Oct 1898 Wheat per bushel Wheat per bushel Goose Wheat per bushel a Buckwheat per bushel a WANTED SEVKBAt to our nearby counties mainly office work conducted at straight a year and definite no more Month Chicago no lead salary Mommy envelope Herbert itMtt ft a 9 9 ia6heJi per Pefia per bushel By per bushel Potatoes per bag Apples Wool per Hay per ton pair Turkey lb y Seed per per per i a I I i on a a a a a a a a 900 a a a 50 a a a ft oil a 00 a So 1 1 Tomb Davzsat Port Perry on October John Davisaged year and month was interred at Pine Grove Cemetery Prince Albert on Tuesday last Deceased was the apprentice to Mr Jos of Newmarket in years ago and wee father of Mrs who resided for some years on St Newmarket Dknt At 8ntton on the Den aged yean and montrs In North on the Oct wife of John years R Pleasant ffook ia invited away from home they naturally not pleasant ojmpsny bat other The chairs and comfortable cabinet and sideboard mat rive mirrored Do yon need there things to home a nook only for the occasional guest hot to gratify your own of I Then see at once j a Royal Hotel J TORE Main Newmarket AU Orders will receive and Prompt Attention Electric By Leave and am and machine Alex Hurst repairs to road machine F Walton gravel Jos Billings one month sal ary Geo repair 6th con James Wells railing Gillies hill Black Court of Revision labor and board Gib son Watson attending Court of 1 Patterson re Court of Be- vision 16 Job Wells re Court of Revi sion Hart marriage re gister World blanks express telephone etc W cedars Bell Telephone Co rent telephone Proctor cedar railing Robert repairs at Bells lake Ferguson culvert con- P Gibson survey town- A J gravel Watson wood for e Myron town- in work on road machine Rumbls work on S on m A Campbell culvert q ha Brown balance N Milton Wood claim do Ireland do to write I King San ft- Sift plan of their villages pro- 75 10 1 79 and jut on Booms Ill S J Pound SPBGIHIft Next be On tourtan Lake M HI to Toronto and for He children Ijmvb Hill 26th 8 pm Leave Toronto 0P3 Crosalnsl tin Mich NnV Toronto the premises of AGENTS an aged Michael Barns latter fired and Imtwming work or Mr mind ibis book -T7- A W cheap book CO 4 t

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