Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , November 4, 1898, p. 1

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The Era gives more home newtf every week than any two other papers in North York combined be sent subscribers till January for x balance of this year for cents cash NOETH INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER 8 i1 Give mo liberty to know to utter and to argue freely according to conscience abovo all othor liberty No paper sent outside of North York unless paid in advance Vol No 11 Single Copies Cents Newmarket Ont Friday November Terms if or paid THE RAND JEWEL Si Square 4 Sizes Shoot Stool with Ti Hue in front of Oven Extra cc- ties lv To irK cut in four Westward Hoi in advance o A Trip Rockies Charmingly Described by a Boy the constant succession of new won- a huge amphitheatre spreads out be- car is moderately There den and new Mortis beyond descrip- fore you to North is are home magnificent building and lion that enable one the rounded by great peaks and away up residence but lerror that arises at finding thousand feet above the has not I the soid in and valley five or six glaciers may be of an It 1a a wonder for fear for at lhese flow sparkling age wbicb is but twelve summers part of journry the ho J J jndeed but the vearn of the future calm and is not to be on trade and wealth leaps and glides down to almost per- mountain side No scene be more stupendous and more into a wide deep than the one now before I valley at Golden ft trifled with Nearly the CANADAS GREATEST STOVE NOTE THE FOLLOWING POINTS The Top is cusfc in four pieces rendering breakage lens liable Wide Short Centres 2i inches making it possible to use the our holes one time Four large pots or two large puts and a wash boiler can sit on the stove together without crowding Long Centre is cut to provide for expansion and contraction Short Centres are lined Heavy Ringed Covers one Combination King Cover supplied with each stove The is made of Cold Rolled Annealed Steel Plate from scale The top of the Oven where intense heat of fire etrikes is pro tected by specially prepared tireproof cement lue infront of Oven is quite a factor in the successful operation of stove man in warm of a bed on eon morning For many yearn I hod strange longings to that wonderful back bone of the American continent the Rocky Mountain but atrangu to nay when now at hand I felt that it was a decided hardship to leave ihe warm TUB whole trip in through valley on each HER in a aide of which great capped atrange fnacina- mountains rear their heads And the tiou for the or- nearness with which we get to the the water of the join the herself in producing great but man little man who seemed just then so infiniteadiraa had conquered all and was master of all Passing the summit we now in the Hummer time thin the point of to descend to tbe valley of the for famous Kast which can be seen away down will give it more than at present that peculiar charm which comes with maturity Jons E A broad Columbia ami flow toward ihe north The Columbia is navigable for at least a hundred miles above this and fl Diamond mine KOI THK OF ALL KCO- IIOUES snowline shows what an the great engine in front us But we are not up the top yl On wo go pawinK peak peak of unbroken altitude district On the west bank of to the right and on the side of A diamond the Columbia stretching as far North- j the valley far below us can be seen cast and Southwest the eve can the railway seeking the rivers level he in by numerous curves doubting and re- beautiful snow doubling on itself in a most Where Right here in our own Canada and worked for the benefit of all economical homes The variety of diamonds in tbia sublime grandeur pant Castle Mount- and forestclad bases of manner mine is wonderful and the supply is ainontlierightaHheerpeipiceof ihe We hood reached Glacier a most practically ft well called a giants keep The railway now follows the stretching for miles with turrets Of the river far as Beaver mouth bastions and complete and then abruptly to the left Still moving upward pass enters the by the Gate of the charming where we stopped for half an hour The hotel is a pretty little place resembling a Swiss Chalet Water is brought from some moun tain stream in pipes and beautiful blankets and my comfortable situation at an altitude of ft and turn- Beaver river A little further up the lhe and go through the necessary from the valley of the Bow we road crosses to the right bank and j m08l leaaa tics to dress in the limited spaco of a ascend a tribuUry from the west now at the rate of feet to the line mountains i Bur- top berth of a sleeper As hesitated which courses through a gap in the mile creeps up the mountain side roUD it and thought of the wonderful dreams Bow range Here gazing to the soon leaving the river far below lype y e past the joke of the porter northward in the direction of Bow scenery here becomes more im- id me to shake off- my laziness Lake and Hector we sec our first posing than ever A thousand fet about am I jumped on the glacier a broad crescent shaped river below winds the quiet waters the platform at For the first- time I saw the realization of ray dreams the Rockies The morning to warp Oven Plates are so secured that it is impossible for them Oven is large and GREAT FUEL SAVERS We have received unsolicited testimonials as to this point from those using these stoves these Stoves are now in actual use For Sale by BINNS Repairing Promptly Done NEWMARKET UNDERWEAR of the past the joke of the porter northward helped l and aoout am iuoidvu on un glacier a crescent river below winds the quiet waters of ice 1300 ft aboyo us and a dozen Beaver The sides of the valley arc miles away lined with giant spruce Douglas fir Up up go until passing and cedar trees Nature here is on air was decidedly cool and I was not at an altitude of we such a grand and stupendous scale long in looking for my overcoat How reach the summit of the Rocky that almost naturally fails to no- shall I describe to you my feelings as tains from an engineering standpoint ticc such small thing as trees but during that day and part of the next j lived in natures wonderland marvel succeeded another until I be- came perfectly satiated and I almost longed for the marvelous to give place to the ordinary that I might sit down j quietly and think out the meaning of this one of most remarkable pieces of Gods handiwork Such however was not the feeling at first I had been accustomed to one wonder at a time in natures Ontario had been ho used to exploring and investigating all the details that the quick succession of giant peaks and everchanging beauty and grandeur of the scone as train rushed up the valley of the Bow was more oppressive than picas ant as one felt that every moment Hero is the Great Divide where a truly they are worthy of notice and you were- loosing the chance of seeing sparkling stream separates in two seem almost to try and vie with the Scene In the Roeky mountains We are Showing Great Values in Ladies and Gentlemens Underwear Mens and Boys Overcoats Boots and Shoes Rubbers Crockery Give us a trial we feel sure we can satisfy you J QUEEN some new startling beauty The waters of one find their way down Here I saw snow for the first time the Bow and Saskatchewan into the since last fall snow that away up in Hudson Bay while the waters of the survives the other after tumbling down through DENTAL Poet Office Block the Cburcb Vitalised Air Painless Of a Rogers Aurora Successor to the late Dr AHn late realdenoe Aurora Dp will bo at office of Dr Porter i every OH Culture Violin- of Piano and all How a person can gain a pound a day by taking an ounce of Scotts Emulsiom is hard to explain but it certainly happens It seems to start the diges tive machinery working properly You obtain a greater benefit from your food The oil being predigested and combined with the pophosphites makes a food tonic of wonderful flesh- forming power All physicians know this to to be a fact AH tad mountain crevasses summers heat and ruin the Kicking Horse Pass join the About five miles beyond Columbia and press onward to Rocky Mountain Park is entered Pacific and traversed for several miles Here Some ten miles we we leave the Bow River for awhile round- the base of in Stephen whose and follow the Cascade Directly in lofty summit towers over ft front of is Cascade Mountain above us On one of it shoulders which seems to stop up our pathway nearly overhead is a feet and here let me feature in thickness which is slowly pressing which will impress anyone who for forward over a vertical cliff of dizzy tho first time gets four or five thou- height and being crushed to atoms sand feet up among the Rockies that below is the wonderful clearness and purity As we pass onward a sight is caught of the atmosphere Objects that are of a right along the face miles away seem quite close It looks I l mountain leading to a silver as if lb would bo only a matter of a mine ft us The few hours climb to reach summit JS Jilt the of mountain us when in i wails seems fact its base is miles and miles away in the extreme It was a long while after leaving through a short tunnel we Anthracite where there is a charming coalmiles that we reached the of of Cascade mountain It seemed hut We went down to the rivers a short distance away as it towered deeded that a bath in be pi hut waters would not be pleasant would bo needed to cool it for mountains in their height most wonderful sight is the view of the giant mountains to our right and in front of us There peak after peak rises before us clad in eter nearly feet high but still woj went on and Shortly after wo turned at the of the Cascade wo reached has built here a most picturesque log station Here busses and cabs await to take you up to the hotel a for quite a while wo IK wan ice itself having just come from some melting glacier After stopping hero half an hour for breakfast wo proceeded on now crossing deep ravines now piercing projecting rocks now quietly gliding through a picturesque valley we soon plunge into the lower Kicking Horse Canyon down which railway dis putes the passage with the river The scenery now is grand and awe inspiring The mountain sides rise almost vertically thousands of feet and an easy stones throw from wall to wall Down this chasm tho rail way and rivor go together the former crossing from side to side and passing every minute or two through pro jecting angles of rock The screech ing of the engine as it echoes and re echoes through the rocks tho clatter to get no nearer It many It was cold a miles away when we first saw it yet it seemed close at hand This something that has to bo taken into account in all this upper country Never start out on a trip up to some mountain peak which seems close at hand until you ask the distance from someone who has been there I one day asked a small boy if he had over attempted to climb a cer tain mountain which seemed quite close and not very high Yes he said How far did you get I didnt get half way to the bot tom was the answer the I snow and bearing on their backs 1 glaciers that for ages have been fighting a loosing battle with the still mightier Sun Winding alone the mountain side we cross on high bridges the bed of many a mountain torrent The high est of all these bridges crosses Stony Creek feet above its running wa ters After leaving Bear Creek station the line leaves the course of the Beav er and turns up Bear Creek along con tinuous grades of 1 16 feet to the mile Near here we made the acquaintance of the snow shed but as were then riding in the observation car we did not appreciate them However they are necessary to protect the tract from avalanches in the winter time They are properly speaking great tunnels of massive timber backed with rocks so fitted into tho mountain sides as to bid defiance to the most terrific avalanche In one of these sheds our engine got tired or in other words got stuck and we had to stop for more steam But it was a most humane proceeding on the part of the engine for as we patiently waited a fine dog came racing up all dripping with sweat The poor animal had probably been curious like many email boys and had got off at one of to the country and had beon left behind Ho was got safely on board and after awbile the engine got steam and we again climbed upward- Our way now lay between enormous precipices which at one time were likely united but by some great pow er have been torn asunder Mt on the left towers a mile and a quarter above the railway its sides bear and rugged with occasional deep fissures in which rests the eternal snow From these snow banks flow beautiful streams of water that plunge of train and the of river The scenery around Banff is mostU tem fil1 ua constant sense and dash down the sides of the to imposing Groat giant peaks tower j of the stupendous and awful powers of the river below to tho skies all around In fact nature around In fact it is only Leaving the station at Rogers Pasfi are of the most gigantic type Sir Donald rises almost abruptly more than a mile and a half above the railway and many other peaks are hardly less lofty in their aspirations Just back of the hotel about a mde and a half is the Great Glacier of the which is said to be as large as all the glaciers of Switzerland combined But why need I linger longer in these faint bints at some of natures greatest wonders By this time we had got so accustomed to towering peaks rushing torrents and deep can yons that they no longer amazed us About dusk we passed and soon after sought the gentle arms of Morpheus in whoe embrace we lingered until the rosy beams of the rising sun crowned the hills with their splendor We then arose to gaze to our full upon the mighty bearing golden sand down to its shoals the impetuous force of its waters sparred on by an innate longing to visit the home of its childhood strag gled the still more precious salmon whose longing for the upper streams and rivulets knows no such word failure It is success or death At North Bend we took another servation car and from that down to the lowlands is one succession of awe- inspiring wonders Now we dash through a tunnel cut in mountain side to save a long detour by the rivers edge Again we crawl along the bank of the river but on a road hundreds of feet above it The boiling rushing torrent below us ready to re ceive us if only one rail is unfaithful to its trust On we go Side by side with us is the old Cariboo road whose history is intimately associated with the his tory of the province Further back we saw the road pinned as it were to the mountain side on the opposite bank of the river and as one gazed at the almost perpendicular wall out of which it was cut we form some idea of the steady nerves and tbe indomit able energy of the early settler But let us leave these scenes for the lowlands which we are fast approach ing As we reach Agassiz the valley becomes quite broad and the flows on it lazy course not at all like the rushing waters we have known before There seems to be a great deal of swamp land here At Agassiz is the Government Experimental Farm where nearly all kinds of fruit and grain are Now do not think that because have got into the neighborhood of the fishy that the following is a fish story but at this place they cover their shocks of grain with umbrellas to from the frequent rain As we passed through our road up the country we saw considerable field of so protected Most of the way from Agassiz to Vancouver is through low broken country very little of which has bei reclaimed for agricultural purposes We reached Vancouver about 1 p m thankful that our journey was over but glad that we had had the privilege of seeing beauties memory of which will never leave us Vancouver is a most proggresive city It is finely situated on Inlet But one is not impressed with the way in the business part is laid out Mount Pleasant is a lovely for residential purposes The street fat colors are represented in these diamonds they are of the first water and under the most severe tests they are always found reliable true and genuine These diamonds are known as Dia mond Dyes celebrated all the world over for their brilliancy purity and durability These Diamond Dyes possess marvellous and astonishing powers When used according to di rections that accompany each one they give new life and beauty to all faded dingy and deadlooking garments Each of these Diamond Dyes gives a return to the user in money value of from ten to twenty times their cost Have you tried any of these Dia monds Diamond Dyes If apt then look up some old faded dress you have laid aside or some jacket blouse ribbons or hose and give these wonderful Diamonds a trial They will surprise you with the magnificence of their work Now just a word of warning if you are a novice in work of dyeing Beware of package and soap grease dyes tbat bring only trouble disappointment and Vexation of spirit as well as complete ruin to your ma terials if Are the Campions The great game is over and for once in a good many years the La- crosse championship honors go north the fast young lacrossists de monstrating beyond question Thursday at in the final game of the Canadian Lacrosse As sociation senior series that the all- conquering Dufferins of were decidedly far removed from the really excellent form displayed by the The simply a good thing out of it and galloped home in a one horse race During a little less than two hours play Orillia ran up eleven games to their oppon ents single tally Eleven games to one is quite a decisive beating and strange to say it is a citerion of play Orillia were not only about ten too good for the but westerners were actually at times standing in rapt admiration of their opponents play mother Joys I A Dimpled Dot in Her Arms and a Body Without a Pain Heres a Case of a Mother Owed of Tor menting Piles by Dr Olnt ment- After baby was born I suffered great torment from piles Nothing gave me any lasting relief or benefit until I had used Dr One application of it gave me almost instant relief and a few ap plications cured me Mrs Pacific Ave Toronto Sold by E Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket 3 it 1 i J I Jacob a Kingston hotel- keeper was the face by a mask man who attacked him while he was locking up New Dope for the Dr Von Stans Pineapple Tabletsare the Dyspeptics haven of rest and They contain no injurious drug or narcotic hurt the most delicate and sensitive stomach aid digestion stops fomentation of the food good for the blood good for nerves good for the brain makes flesh fav5 crease cure tbe stomach cents Bold by E Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket

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