Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , October 14, 1898, p. 8

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vr- 8 THE ERA FRIDAY OCT in Little of Hoods 1IHi tor no tins contained so power In tfO small spco They a whole medietas bait always ready always eat- a cold fever cute all liver Mi headache Jaundice cCMtlpMJonf etc 2fv The rills to with fiarsanaritia Fill i HEAD TORONTO a fald up Capita Fund Assets 1 A of this BRADFORD deposit aro or wards the rates Vr Specialty of Discounting Fanners And Notes n LOWEST RATES For further Information to JOHN ELLIOTT Agent 9 Murray mans FLORIDA TUB SWEETEST MOST FRAGRANT MOST REFRESHING AND ENDURING OF Alt PERFUMES THE HANDKERCHIEF TOILET OR BATH ALL DRUGGISTS PERFUMERS Ml DEALERS I I I the tab JIAT AND COR- TO BRADFORD On Thursday morning of last week about oclock of Mr Albert a boy about years old was cleaning a gun with of going snooting After ho got through bo loaded gun and then placed his loft to tho when the gun went off and blew sido of his head away Death wad in stantaneous and fowl upper under auspices of Church will probably bo held on the and Oct St hotel have big during two weeks A founda tion befell built underneath and roof is being covered with metal lic shingles Mr of Toronto Grand for Ancient Order of United Workmen visitod No 108 past low days At meeting on Monday evening eight now init iated into tho order and a number of others expected to join on next night of meeting Mr Clint Davis was driving into village laat Saturday with a bron cho animal ugly when The fall wheat is growing rapidly Frank Hancock is a happy man it is a boy temperance vote was strong in descending Leonards hill and polling division were j vated its hind feet ton sudden and votes for prohibition and 17 against often in close proximity to Clints head In manner it throw its driver out and got away with the it Mr Holts of occu pied pulpits of this Bun- day Mrs Wallace of Toronto is visiting her sister Mrs It Mrs of Sharon spent a couple of days last week with Mrs Webster Mrs continues very poor ly two of Mrs children arc also ill in the house Mr Isaac Gilpin of occu pied the Methodist pulpit very accept- ably la8t Sunday VIRGINIA Tho anniversary services in the Methodist Church on Sunday and Monday wero a capital success On Monday evening wo hold our tea and entertainment It is not necessary to that tea was good tho Vir ginia ladies a reputation in this direction and Monday was no excep tion What was pleasing in pro gram was a practical exhibition by the professor He read three persona for the benefit of the audience GRAHAMS Art Studio It want your picture taken dont be old method of 20 years ago but It produced in latest ami bo with your city friends Work A Specialty We are giving in oar work Call and see specimens and you will bo con vinced GRAHAM JONES OLD STAND NEWMARKET MOUNT PLEASANT Mr James Hamilton jr has gone to Model Farm to complete his education Services at to bo at usual time ten and oclock the future Mr Samuel Johnston of Newmarket is visiting Uncle Johns Mr JasXCunningham and sister of guests at Mr Several from hero will in the Fair at on Friday The Bird Children Cry for cart Fortunately no children woro on the street at time the runaway occurred It turned corner and ran over to Lloyd town where it took a omeiault over one end of a bridge into water below Mr Donald Graham of this vil lage passed away peacefully on Thurs day morning Sept in his year deceased was the father of Mr Win Miss Mary Graham and Graham V of this village Tho funeral which took place on Saturday was largely attend ed The remains were interred in line Presbyterian cemetery funeral obsequies licing performed by Jos Watt of After in terment tho funeral sermon was preach ed in the church by Mr Watt who delivered an impressive discourse and paid a fitting tribute to life of de ceased Children dry for CASTOR I A CASTOR A Too late for fast week KESWICK Mr is home visiting his Your cor has to another wedding this week This lime Mr Smolder was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Fannie second daughter of Mr James Scott on Wed nesday of last week They left by evening train for London where they will spend tho Wo called upon to chronicle death of Mr John Ireland aged an old and respected resident of this place Deceased has been failing in health for a year although able to go about until Wednesday of last week when ho took paralysis which ended his on Sunday morning Deceas ed was born in Scotland and was in his eightysecond year Corning first to Canada ho settled at Kingston where he carried on the business of building and contracting for several years He afterwards fixed his resi dence in Toronto and for some years pursued his calling at various points between Toronto and Bradford There after giving up his business he set tled on a farm in and fin ally moved many years ago to the School SKIT NAMES IN ORDER OF fl NO OWILMIJRURY Br 4th Hoy George Green wood Jr McDonald Hugh Pollock 3rd- Mary Sweet Welly Clark Jr Hodden Frank Agnes Sweet Jr 2nd Greenwood Leslie Smith Violet Ross Pol- look Br Part Cupplcs Pollock David Sweet Jr Part 2nd Fred Johnston Boy Charley Smith Part Amy Pollock Walter Smith Jr Part Percy Flora Coltman Pearl Donald Mc Donald Present every day Minnio Fair- barn Eva Teacher SHARON PUBLIC SCHOOL Annie Mary Wesley Bert Earnest HI Etta Stephenson Henry Cbarlie Saw- don Laura Joe Peter man Jr HI- Violet Curtis II Ralph Edna Trent Frank Walter Arthur Doun Morrison Annlo Curtis Ed Maud Shaw Jr Peter man Wright Pi Evelyn Garnet Kirby Roy Vernon Eddie Wernham Jr Jean Kitely Vera Morrison Smith Ill Tab Bert Lulu Rose Pearl Worn ham Tab Bella Frank Leonard Curtis Morrison Frank I Tab Sherman Kirby Ruth Haines Edith J Teacher NO Ill Shaw Kollington Nina Rose May Charley Arheey Nellie Harlan Wood Jr Ill Morrison Glenn Shaw Willie Wellington Stonehonso Arthur Jr II Sarah Sedoro Mary Harold Wilkinton Leslie Rose Part II Sr Annie Sedore Lizzie Grunt Part Jr Allen Bennett Blanch Reed Br Tablet Stanley Eva May Jr Tablet Harry Bennett John Heggs H Teacher What vuman in all Hie wide world would not be to be a tandem for two happy healthy prattling babies When Nature whispers the Ml in a womans car that toon a little stranger will come to areas with fingers makes the fondest rrival hat a womans taste can imagine is provided for the newcomers wardrobe Nothing Is overlooked one thing and that one thing in the most important Too many mothers babys strength and health its ability to withstand the usual ailments of childhood and vigor and welfare as a men or woman are de pendent upon her own health and physical condition during the period of prospective maternity If during that critical time she weak sickly and despond ent because of troibles peculiar to Mr sex these arc bound to have their influence her babys health Neglect of lhee conditions invariably EYE her and si firepsrationa for ita means that baby w Dr Pierce an unfailing cure and it As age advances a gradual Change in Sight takes place This Change necessitates compensating aid Glasses properly ground and adjusted replace the loss of eye power Wo understand this work particularly well Try us ATKINSON CO OPTICIANS be weak puny and i Favorite Prescription or all troubles this nature and it will reinforce a womans bodily and nerve strength so that she safely undergo the fcrials of maternity It gives health strength vigor elasticity and endurance to the organs specially con cerned in mothcrWxKi It gives bodily and nervous hardihood to the child After filUeij bottles of your Favorite Prescription and a of your Pellets I am entire cured of uterine trouble I had suffered for n three years writes Mrs P a J Ave Newark NJ I had such t riMc hearing down pains I hardly and head ached had terrible in my legs very ant felt miserable With firtt I hod to be chloroformed the child was delivered villi instruments the Favorite Frew with my second child instead for two day I was in labor only an lour and a beautiful child was lorn I was to leave bed the day I commenced medicine about four mouths lie fore confinement My baby Is three month old now fine big fat baby am in very govd health have aches J would I pleated to adle Wo mm who as I did your W 1 ME Rom TWO TOWN LOTS On Desirably near old Woollen Factory For lialo on Terms Apply to JACKSON Real Ks Agent BICYCLE Carried over from must be sacrificed now New High Grade All Styles Best Equipment Guaranteed TO Used wheels late all makes TO SI Wo ship on approval without a cent payment Write for bargain lint and Art Catalogue of swell models sasy For season to advertise them Rider Agents Wanted Learn Bow to Earn a Bicycle and Make Money J MEAD CHICAGO ILL WILEYS PINK Residence for Sale POW WILL at Woodstock which ho died Ho was a Mr Dick has returned TANDARD ESTABLISHED PROGRESS The now assurance carried through by tho Standard for lastnine quinquennial periods have been as MEW BUMS 186018G5 18660670 18661870 18701875 18761880 18901895 43687601 Biuce the progress has equally satisfactory Investments in Canada Profits to policy holders 29200000 homo after a few days visit in Toron to Mr Frank Crittenden has gone to Chicago for winter Miss May and Miss Mary are visiting friends in Dame Rumor seems to think that there will be a wedding in the near future from all appearances We understand that Mr and Mrs had a narrow escape when re turning from Keswick last Sunday The took fright and threw them from buggy but there were no serious injuries Mr Ernes is painting Mr Andersons store at Mrs John is still quite low Children Cry for CASTOR I A Ramsay Manager J Button Balfour of Agencies Charles Hunter Chief Agent Ontario GEO MHUNT District Inspector J Agent SUTTON The cheese factory closed down on Oct 1st A brother of Mr Frank Crittenden who left these parts some years sincei is here on a visit to his North friends Alderman Kemp is making great improvements in his residence erect ing a verandah and general painting and renovating Mr who was with Ramsay Co at the Point mills for so long a time was here renewing old acquaintanceships He is now re siding in Brant ford Last Saturday while Mr Ira Foun tains little boy was engaged in removing a portion of a high fence around a chicken enclosure a scant ling in it struck the boy on the thigh breaking it when fence fell over The sufferer though receiving a bad break is progressing favorably If some people didnt believe every thing they hear they would not hear so much and respected wherever known a life- lone member of tho Presbyterian Church and an active and zealous Liberal He leaves a family of eons and daughters who have married and settled in neighbourhood of his late home Rally night of the of T was a grand success out of members answered the roll call and regrets were read from members that could not- at tend Short speeches given by OBrien J Johnston A lum Elmer Davis A Davis and J A Watson were the order of the evening D McCallum compiled and read the history of the Division since its organ ization in which was very inter esting and instructive A flashlight photograph was taken of the group of members present after which the ladies served cake and hot coffee Al together a very enjoyable time was spent The North York Dist Div of met here on Saturday Business ses sions in the morning and afternoon and a entertainment in the evening Harvest home services will be held in the Presbyterian church on Sunday Oct Rev of Toronto will preach morning and evening Wesley choir have kindly consented present Foooa Ferment and Indigestion fol lows as sure as night follows day Nature has supplied in tho pineapple a wonderful supply of vegetable pepsin Dr Von Stans Pineapple Tablets con tain all the elements in a pure harm less vegetable compound that heal all forms of stomach disorders in quick time Make you well and keep you well Pleasant and positive Sold by Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket bylaw submitted to the rate payers of Bolton to borrow the sum of to provide a system of waterworks was defeated by a majority j five votes NORTH Tamo IlofJio Allan Terry Br Class William VanNormaa Mann Roy Rose Jr Class Helen Jessie Glen HI Clues Norman Morton Dora Baffle Jenkine Jr Ill Class Mary Morton Myrtle Prosper Martha Brooks Levi Morion Agnes Jr Bessie Elliott Old- ham Part Class Lloyd Rus sell Effing Marie Draper Jr Part Class Beagle Cole Arthur Cole Br Tablet Class Isaac Carrie Jenkine J Pardy Jr Tablet Claes Maude Jenkins Earn Percy Cole every day- Carrie Dora Myrtle Martha Brooke Bessie Arthur Huntley Raymond Huntley Isaac Ada Prosser Orvan Carrie Jenkins Maud Jon- kins Percy Cole Bessie Cole Teacher Big Fife in China A SQUARE MILE IK ASHES A fire on Sunday at Hankow China destroyed over a square mile of the city including the Government build ings and temple It is feared that a thousand lives were lost Hankow is to the Province of on the YengTseKiong miles west of Shanghai and has a popula tion of On the opposite bank of the river is the capital of and alongside HanYang These three cities before being almost wholly destroyed by the had a population of between them Hankow is however again one of the first commercial cities of the Chinese Empire and the centre of the commerce of the Provinces of Sechuen and chow It is one of the treaty ports opened to foreign commerce t Regular lines of connect it with Shanghai For trade with Russia Hankow is next to Tientsin the most important place in China A bride always starts in by giv ing her husband half the clothes closet but within three weeks all his clothes will be hanging on four nails On now occu pied by the This Is falluHtcd In desirable part of the Town and Is lilted up with all modern con veniences Excellent garden well stocked with fruit trees J A FOB BALE HEADACHE and RHEUMATIC PAINS Mrs 20 Erie Ave Hamilton says I have been a sufferer from Neuralgia for many years often been laid up for a week at a time I have tried many other remedies but found nothing so good as Wileys Pink Powder It is very seldom I to more than one to stop the mo3t- severe attack They are nice to take and leave no depression afterwards For Sale by all Druggists and per Package or write THE WILEY PINK POWDER CO per Box Toronto On A good 100acro farm cleared In lair fetato cultivation brick house of rooms large barn atone foundation good stabling beneath Stream crosses farm miles ft Station and a mile to school Apply to DAVIDSON Real Estate Agent Mount Albert Valuable Property for Sale TO Private funds on Farm Property flrsi mortgage only JACKSON Real Aicent modern with convenien ces lawns rood garden etc The residence of Mr win Main Street Newmarket For price and terms apply at the premised or RJ DALEY Airent TO RENT West of lot con King Good buildings good fences fallow Fall plowing to bo done Heeded Well watered good soil about ICO acres cleared from P Rent moderate to a good man For terms apply to Georgo Ramsey next lot south of farm P or to J To Sell or to Bent- is hereby given that David Stock of the City of Toronto the County of York In Ontario machinist will apply to tbo Parliament of Canada at the next session thereof for a Dill of Divorce from his wife Mary Stock of the City of Toronto married woman on the ground of bigamy KYLE St Toronto BoUeltjra for Applicant Dated at Toronto Province of Ontario day of July FARMERS ATTENTION I THE ISAAC USHER SON Part of lot 3rd con Whitchurch contain- ing acres finest garden lad with brick house stable blacksmith and fine orchard on premises Situate miles from a I good market and would be suitable for or butcher Possession can he given at once For apply on the pre mises to MRS JOS BLANKER M Newmarket P arms for Sale that Your correspondence will be at tended to with more promptness you keep a supply of station- cry on hand We can give you Note Heads Letter Heads and Envelopes printed to suit your fancy at prices that will sur prise you Call at the Office and see samples Is guaranteed to equal to any of the- Portland Cements for all sorts of farm structures euch as bankbarn walls stable noors hog pens bridge abut menu culverts cisterns etc This Cement sold at about onehalf the price of the Portland Personal Instruction given free of charge and all work warranted For further information to SING General Agent A line of first Shingles Lath etc always on at lowest price FOR TWENTYSEVEN YEARS LARGEST SALE IN CANADA WANTED man of character to travel and appoint agents Salary and expenses paid CO Limited Toronto AGENTS in to manage our busi ness In their own and ANTBDBZVMAL Is mainly office work conducted at home lU6l- definite no more straight a year and expenses- no lees salary -ad- dreesodatinpcd envelope Herbert References Enclose self envelop Chicago of the Estate of the late Edwin Hunter invito propositions for thepur- cbaseof the following farms acres West half lot con 100 acres East half lot coo acres East halves lots 32 ana 3rd con King 100 Acres South of con King acres Part Northwest quarter lot 2nd con King acres Part of lot in the con of Whitchurch We pay straight weekly salaries of from to according to ability for canvasser on Life Work of Mr Gladstone The de mand for this wonderful volume is keeping all bands working early and late The only Canadian and British work published En dorsed by the Royal Family and leading public men A big cheap book COMPANY Limited Toronto AGENTS Write for our interesting books Invent ors Help and How you are or your Invention or Improvement and we will tell yon free our opinion as to whether it is probably patentable We make of applications rejected in other hands Highest references furnished ft SOLICITOR A EXPERTS a of Polytechnic School of aichelon in Applied ficiecces IolTenltf Waterworks Nor Water Works Assoc Assoc Member Cn of Clril cam or lend propositions to Mr J Robertson Barrister Newmarket Ontario or to Mrs Annie Hunter at the homestead on mile West of Newmarket not sold expire Holiday books ready ono prospectus representing four books range in price from one dollar up Cheapest and best holiday published cheapest book bound la actual cloth while other use cloth Wo pay freight premiums you pay us after you make delivery Capital and experience not necessary so dont let this chancogo by CO Limited Toronto Tho are log discounting certain note the sum of given payable at the Onto ho value was give obtained by wllfnotber warned against dealing in any way with a date Sept for by the undersigned Town Carting signed of the said note as for the said and was The for the payment AllklndsofToamlPgdoneonBhortNotlce and on Terms MILLARD Cor Main Ontario Newmarket OLD J For sale at the Office to per lbs EXPERIENCE strictly boat charts us TO A of

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