Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , October 14, 1898, p. 5

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY OCT ONTAEIO BANK CAPITAL HEAD OrriCB president Manager NEWMARKET BRANCH A General Banking Business Interest Allowed on Deposits AT COllRKNT DRAFTS ISSUED lAYAOM At AM American Draft and sold Collections promptly to Manager MEDICAL Campbell a p ao opposite Christian to and to in Oman at Church to 10 a if a A Main Hi to Dm Newmarket lOJAin too and p Night boll Dp J Wesley an and Coroner at North Communication INSURANCE Joseph Cody AGENT FOR Life also beat Good for At Town Always to Fire J A Agent for I Fir and Assurance Money to at Currencies ft AGENT Canada Co FIRE Money Co Ramsay Agent on Farm and Isolated town Bhop Newmarket 5 PAINTING THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON III QUARTER INTER- NATIONAL OCT Text of the ir Memory Golden Text Commentary by the I House Painter and Paper Hanger years In all branches of the business Full Hoe of samples of the latest designs In Wall Papers Ask to see them door North of the Primary School Bolton Practical Painter PaperHanger and House Decorator Millards and I Residence- Corner Street MARRIAGE LICENSES Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Ens Office Private XT Papers issued at private residence If desired Money to Loan At Five per cent on Firstclass Farm Security by David Commissioner for taking Affidavits Heal Es tate Agent Marriage Licenses igont for the following durance Companies queen of London and Liverpool England Citizens Montreal Gore District Mutual established In also for the Confederation Life Association To ronto Office Corner of and Lot PRIVATE SCHOOL English French and Music Pupils receiving primary hero have stood highest after exam I i And to pais after this that Jonah was minded to repair the house of did right In tho sight of the xx the story Is tad one of rebellion until at the guidance of priest began to do right In tho sight of Lord verses It may been years or after thedeath of that the so long neglected again to bo honored The neglect of meant Gather of nil Israel money to repair of your from year to year and the ye matter It Is Interesting to that tho house of the was a hiding for the Jonah Kings 8 What a comment upon the disuse of Cods dwelling place In midst of Israel and utter of attempt to for repairs very much way most Christians act now but It Is not the lords The probably under stood this and were slow to kings collection of the of and of the congregation of Israel for the of witness The king called for Joholada and asked why the hod not required to bring this In The of Is not given more powerful than or- and possibly priests and gave themselves to prayer In Kx thero Is record of ransom or atonement monoy man gave In the army of Israel but this monoy was utod to build taber nacle Ex In 10 there Is a record of on offering free ly given when camo to Jerusa lem Lord and this I think would bo the offering for there- pairs that was brought to temple Tbo sons of that woman bad broken up the house of and also all tho dedicated things of the of Lord did they bestow upon Is any danger of our taking things that belong to and like that wicked and her ions giving them to Lot stand for all other lords the Lord Jeu6 Christ thon If hon est would wo not have to say Lord our other lords thco have bod dominion us lea IS What ever Is given to or the world of belongs to Lord Is like taking from to give to 8 They a chest and It with out at of tho of Lord In Kings xll to have placed beside altar on the right side as one Into the of the Lord By comparing the two verses wo that It was dune by priest at tho commandment The alter suggests tho Gods love to us of our redemption lovo of Christ us to yield all we are and have cheerfully to Him Giving Is easy when we who so loved us that He gave Himself for us What we giro compared with His gift And they made a proclamation through and Jerusalem to bring In to the Lord the This Is wholly different from sending out the priests to gather It verse Is the Lords the other Is mans way When the was to bo built proclama tion was mode that all who were willing might bring their offerings and the result was that wmuoh came In that had to command the people to atop bringing Kx xixt It was same willing spirit that provided for temple I Chron I that If people were taught the privilege of log because of Gods great gift to them they would today giro as freely as In of and of David I have wen It and know it end have heard of the same spirit In other parishes where the efforts to raise money set aside and the permitted to give willingly And all the princes and all the people rejoiced and brought In and cast Into the chest until they bad made an end David prepared for the temple with all hit might because he bad est bis off ca tion to the of bis and when the people gave be said Who am I and what Is my people that we should be able to offer so willingly after this sort for all things come of Thee and of Thine own have we given Thee I fl There Is that and yet Every man as he parpoteth In bis heart so let not grudging ly or of necessity for God a cheer ful giver a hilarious giver Prov Cor Thus did day by day and gathered money In When the chest was full they counted It and put It In bags and put the chest in Its plaoe again Compare Kings xll It was so easy to thus gather It No one was eskod to give All gave as they were led and no one but tho Lord who gave much or little Doubtless then as when long afterward Ho sac aver against the treasury many who were poor gave more In then some of In day of rewards each one shall be recompensed according to his works Rev and He who reads heart will reward righteously Aud the king and gave It to such as did the work of tho service of the Lord The money Is first provide and then the work Is carried on When the Lord woujd send His servants Joseph and down to Egypt Ho first provided tho gold that was necessary through the men who came from tbo east When He want anything done He always provides fur it fully When as if It end Is nothing to it not Imis work ur it is not the time to do It But His work Is done In Ills way end in His time all Is easy How few are found as faithful as these men Into whose hands the money was given and no reckoning kept II Kings 13 So thu workmen wrought and work was perfected by them and they t the God In his state and strength ened It The verse says that the work was finished end they had a sur plus of money There Is no In Lords provision He docs exceeding There Is a house now being the church of God the body of Christ and many are In many ways to gather to do tho work and Is a leek of funds and many hin drances R Pitiable From by Doctors Till Ho Didnt Know American Performs a Wondrous writes For months I was to work had rheumatism in part of my body I was blistered by doctors at ten different limes My hands wore drawn out of shape my fingers distorted and my wrists and forearm were their natural My leg was encased in a plaster for 1 months I tried South American I took two bottles hours after first I felt like a new man One week after I was able to go to work Now I am as hearty and strong as over Sold by Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket Colery Compound Them Well and Strong The One Reliable for Young and Old Mil BROWN BAYS I YOUR AM THE CREDIT FOR RESTORATION Abraham Piper was injured yesterday by being run down by a runaway horse at Markharn A Rood story in told of the judges who rrvattls of honey at the thin year It had little trouble deciding as to tho butter but the honey was a tickler One bottle looked clear and nice too clear one judge thought and a jar was a little darker but looked beautiful was finally decided to toss a copper which was done and bottle one A largo table spoon was procured and filled with first prize article which was handed to the senior judge who placed it to his lips and downed it a close observer might have noticed a look of agony but the victim said nothing Again the spoon was filled and the junior judge swallowed about half of it when ho gasped for the fluid running down his beard his shirt front and tears down Ins checks Finally ho exclaimed Oh my tis castor oil Hanover Port Cant Sleep Wells Richardson Co Gentlemen I am truly thankful for good results I obtained from use of your Celery Compound For a long time I have been a sufferer from general debility and indigestion and have made of many medicines but none given me the grand results as far a improv ed health is concerned as has your wonderful Celery Compound It done wonders for mo and though I am years old I have been able to do light work for the past six months and have not lost a day 1 give your medicine all the credit for my restoration JOHN BROWN Truro N Manila Oct There have been fourteen cases of smallpox and six deaths from that disease among the American troops during the past two days Eight deaths from typhoid fever have also been recorded Within a few months weeks or days the conditions may have so changed that a person will be with us instead of against us bo Life is too short to be devoted to the settlement of old scores Oct At 10 oclock on Wednesday night brick hotel at miles south of hero was destroyed by stores on the opposite side of the street were saved with great difficulty The hotel for several years been a temperance house the temperance people having been successful in preventing a license being granted in the village The building was owned and occupied by Richard Kirkup Was worth about and was insured Incendiar ism is alleged The weary vigils of the night anxious hours that drag like days How often they come and how unwelcome they are A system robbed by sleeplessness of natural rest cannot be vigorous and strong The nerves are at fault and must built up Dr Wards Blood and Nerve Pills are the remedy that cured MISS EMMA TEMPLE HERE WHAT At after eight months of physic and ncrvoui proitratloo cmuied by over exertion want of durJojr which time I suffered greatly on account of the shattered condition of my nerves and for which unable to find any found a medicine Dr Wards Blood aod Nerve Pills that In three month made say nerves strong- removed all nervous troubles built up my physical system and m and well They removed despon dency and In consequence of taking your valuable Pills I look forward to the tutor hopefully have to thank your great cur for nervousness and bodily weakness for my present good health and strength You ra truly EMMA TEMPLE Hastings Oat Dr Wards Hood and Pills are sold at cents per box boxes tor druggists or mailed on receipt of price by Ward Co Victoria fit Toronto Book of Information free AGENTS I am just starting beat thing for monoy- you seen for many a day Your nameftrxdaddrcea will bring Toronto EXECUTORS Notice to Creditors Notice is hereby given pursuant to thoStat- la that behalf that all creditors of the Estate of Seneca Into of Newmarket gentleman deceased who died on the day of July are request to Ale their properly proven with C Newmarket Solicitor Tor the Executors on or before The 20th day As immediately thereafter he Executors will to tribute theaald Estate amongst hose entitled having regard only to claims of which notice then have been received by TO Newmarket hi LEHMAN Sol for Executors Executors fl Gnawing Irritation Have a Short Stay After One Application of Dr Ointment It Helps mediately and Cures Quickly Howard Peaks Island Me writes Enclosed find 85 cents for which kindly send me a box of Ointment I have been af flicted for a long time with eczema and it has done mo so much good I want to try another box The first application gave ine mow relief than anything I over tried Its going to cure me outright Sold by Wilmot E Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket A committee of the Dominion Alliance is investigating alleged frauds in connection with the plebiscite at The Packet For the firdt time in the history of the country farmers are getting an unlimited mar ket for red crab apples Mr Thomas Haywood is buying all that oilers For a time he paid a bond but the price has now advanced to SI Arthur Wilson was killed yesterday by being thrown from his rig Thirty hundred and fifty French Catholics have arrived at Rome on a pilgrimage from Quebec Clinton Elder in jail at London for an assault on a boy made a dar ing escape from the institution yester day he having climbed up tho water pipe to the top of the wall dropping to liberty Tho British steamer Ganges which sailed from Montreal a few days ago is reported ashore of New foundland She is said to be full of water and will be a total wreck Many people have been to death in the Rice Lake district of Wis consin Bodies have in wells where the victims jumped for safety Disastrous forest fires are also reported from Western Colorado the Spanish Prem ier believes that working for the formation of a new triple alliance comprising Russia France and Ger many which would leave Japan as Englands only in the far east Sidney Poisons the Life Spring and Make the Health Fountain Sooth American Kidney Core and sons In Ihlsolatoto our busi ness In their own and nearby counties It work conducted at home nxnunaci-dc- no more no Monthly Enclose self ml stamped envelope Herbert lira M Chicago If the kidneys fail to do their work organs become involved poisons generate circulate through and vio late the whole system Disease and disaster are as sure as sunrise if neg lected South American Kidney Cure acts on the kidneys liko magic its a liquid and attacks the parts stops the spreading of disease rives out the foreign substances and brings this important organ back to a healthy normal state Its a kidney specific Bold by Lehman Pharmacy Indian Outbtreok A in the States AND INDIANS I LI Kb Walker Minn Oct found conflict come from Bear Inland all day Major Wilkinson nix privates and Indian policeman are dead slightly wounded Thirty Indians dead There lias been desperate fighting OP THE time previous to Sept I Dep uty United States Marshals Tall- man and Warren visited the In dian agency hero to effect the arrest of Chief and other red men at the agency who are wanted in connection with the of- liquor to some Indians The at rests mode but the In dians would not allow prisoners to taken from the agency A baud of a hundred the Leech Lake men attacked the United States ollicials and rescued the prisoner It would have been folly on the part of officers to have another move and they departed leaving the men who had be their for a few among their friends Warrants were again issued for the arrest of the men in this time- on a charge of resisting the and Deputy Morrison was chosen as the proper man to serve them He camo to Walker and an Indian agent two or three of Indian police and another deputy marshal went to the agency to make the arrests This was on Sept 15 when the Indians were receiving their annuity payments Big Chief was the man mostly wanted With him under ar rest and out of the way there would be little further trouble and in com- with Colonel Tinker Inspector Morrison went after him His efforts were successful and noon both the and were again in handcuffs The Indians were turbulent and made all sorts of threats but Morrison and ins party with the Indian prison ers paid no heed to them and started through the agency toward the boat which was to convey them to Walker Suddenly one of the most important looking red men uttered a peculiar sound and Morrison knew it was a signal to his fellows There was a sudden closing in and all of the or more Indians present took up the call of their selfappointed leader They came closer and closer to the and their prisoners all the while chanting the peculiar signal given them but a moment before Deputy Morrison still contined his march Suddenly from out of the crowd an Indian with a raised toma hawk rushed at the deputy You touch me and Ill blow your brains out cried the deputy in Chip pewa as he reached for his gun and this had its effect The Indian stop ped for a moment and then rejoined the crowd But another moment had elapsed when a second rush was made by a second Indian and again the ever- ready of the deputy had the desir ed effect By this time however the Indians were thoroughly excited The prison ers were all the time shortening the distance between themselves and the boat and if they were to be rescued immediate action was necessary The Indians knew this Like trained soldiers however they waited for someone to give the signal of attack It came and when it did there was another rush hut this time there was Indians in line instead of one Morrison was seized by the collar of the coat and both arms and his hands twisted from his hold on the handcuffs of the Indian chief He was ordered to give up the keys to the cuffs but firmly refused And theres the key now he re marked pulling it from his pocket as he related tho story The Indians knew Morrison and therefore knew that his refusal to give was final Then they wanted his gun for with a gun the deputy was a dan gerous man even though his enemies were a hundredfold stronger than he Youll kill me before you get the gun was the quiet but firm reply to the demand made Then the Indians wanted to give the weapon to one of the other deputies which he agreed to do Because he added as he told the story there was auother gun in an other pocket and I cant handle two very well at once In the meantime because of their greatly superior force the Indians had effected the release of the prisoners and this done they departed Deputy Morrison remained on the agency until the next day Sept when the Indians called a council Talks made by many of the lead ing Indians and finally it was given out that they had laws of their own which they would obey but that thereafter they would pay no attention whatsoever to law of the white man Deputy Morrison returned to Walk er and made his report to United States Marshal Conner at St Paul and as a result twenty of Uncle Sams soldiers are hero and more t i i As similating the Stomachs and Dowels of 9Emafi3BnBBi Promotes and neither Opium Morphine nor Mineral Not otic Sum i i m M i i A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion Sour StomachDiarrhoea and Loss OF SLEEP Signatu of NEW YORK FACS1MILE SIGNATURE OF IS ON THE f WRAPPED OF OB EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER fi Is pit to In car It III tt cH to tall tte Is Jest terser Mir hit that yea get Dr Tuckers Asthma Specific The only Positive Cure Asthma Fever Catarrh Bronchitis Complete Outfit for two trial Free of Charge on application to SCOTTS NEXT TO POST OFFICE PHARMACY are possibly on the way by this time to show the red men of the Leech Lake agency that the laws of Uncle Sam are to be enforced whether his subject be red white or black COOOOOOOh P It is announced that the plans for the proposed P line from To ronto to Sudbury are now ready to be Bent to the Government for approval The route of the line from the city via Kleinburg as now laid out will pass a little west of and thence crossing the Northern and North Western a short distance east of and touch at Thence it will go straight north to on the Midland of the Grand Trunk then west of the lakes to on Lake from there direct to Parry Sound and on to Sudbury crossing several Indian reserves on the way To make Good Butter James McCarthy a young man hurt in the cyclone is dead He makes the fifth victim of the storm Ont Sept young men Jas Work man Thos Forrest and J who came up from Winchester to at tended the fair here called to see Mrs j Workman and family about oclock evening While some were in the house Mrs Workmans son John about years of age was showing his rifle and while handling it rather care lessly it discharged Jas Hillsman of Winchester about 25 years of ago was shot in the head and died in stantly Alex a farmer of the township of King died August leaving estate valued at one farm being vulued at and a second at 1000 there being cash and balance being in stock etc To widow is left an annuity of a year chargeable the larger farm which is be stowed to son William other farm being given to daughter Janet along with cash The balance of the estate is divided among widow and the two children one must have good milk and this comes only from healthy The blood most fee kept clean and pure and the digestion good to ensure this result There is nothing so good for this purpose as Dicks Blood Puri fier This preparation is speci fically made for milch cows and possesses real merit and power to do what is claimed for it Given regularly with good food it will convert a mere hide and bones structure into a profitable member of the herd HUE I Ca DICK CO and eta a pack ALWAYS KIEF thus is no or ACM INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL THAT PAINKILLER WILL RE LI EVE LOOKOUT IMITATIONS SUB STITUTES THE GENUINE BOTTLE BEARS THE PERRY DAVIS SON

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