Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , October 14, 1898, p. 3

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I f T v THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY OCT14 Weeks OK A ABOUT TOWN Chelation Largo congregations last Sunday The by Rev Dr of Eddy town woro appreciated in evening louoh of No doubt wilt bo packed next Sunday to hoar Amor icon visitors Serenade Town Band turned oat on Tuesday and serenaded Chris- prtlccd specially for occasion and comprised The Stars and Stripes For- oyer by J Sousa and a re arranged by Mr MoDonald in introducing Tho Star Spangled Banner ad Queen Serenade was duly Public Board mot on Tuesday Mcasrn Pretty bell and Principals Report shows on 110 roil for Sept ana attendance of Nonresident fees for Oct and Model Accounts amounting lo of which amount for blackboards waa Instruct- to procure a sufficient number of Verti cal Writing for ueo of float and Arc goods no ara for Fall and Wintor and Overcoats Prices are consistent with good workmanship Bee goods aod you will bo place Merchant Tailor to Atkinsons Depot shipments pas week mo as folio wit cars Coal oar Cement oar Bolts car Fruit car cars Goods cars cars Grain cars Stock car Snow Shovels 1 car oars Apples cars Mcrohandeo Mrs Willis of Pino Farm was In off First prizes batter out of nine entries at tho Fair but had misfortune to have a basket of butter stolen No of It bo found flmepican Visitors invited to look through Departmental Store It has of soiling brilliant- lit by attention has been given to layout of store furniture and fixtures cost ovor hardware fixture la of tho beat fa Canada There aovoii lines of Bar Cash firm expects to put in a modern front next spring which will one of most up to stores in Canada Gospel Tempeponqe League provided pro- gram last Sunday Iho Mr Jos in chair Miss organist Miss Ella Brown gayo a read ing Miss a original paper entitled Marring and Moulding duett by Misses and capital by Mr J Johnson of Mr Johnson an illustration of a distillery in full turning out at the rato of every two hours ana dumping thorn a pit of flame after tho manner of a refuse burner attached to a sawmill audience was unanimous in Ha that s captivating and hie to very forcibly presented of program next Sunday Hall Interest Rote Remains A prcsa despatch from Ottawa states that of Interest on deposits in Government Savings Bank will continue as horotoforo at 8 per cent proposed reduction to cent having again been poetponod indefinitely after reduction In tho rate of Interest to effect on July last de cided to 3 per cent atook to do to mako up for of this has been deferred cut In interest jvas postponed un til 1 and now Government has out notices that rate Is still cent St Pauls Church Tbo J has been ap pointed Rector of Pauls Church of England and will toko of tho first of next month Communion will be celebrated next Sunday at the Service Another of For Ladies and Misses wear this at Run Over Last Friday a lad namod Joseph sou of of Bast bury fell off an empty bind ran over him and he was so badly bruised thtit ho was confined to his bod for three or foor days Luckily no wore broktu Deer Among list of appointed to Is- for this season wo following in this and adjoining ridings Major Lloyd Newmarket A Pollock Aurora King J Gould and J G Bradford James Dougherty Stouffville Tbo season opens on 1st of Novem ber and closes on tho pro Town Another Holiday Friday will bo a holiday in all Public Schools in North York All teaohcrs required except In of sickness to attend the Teachers Conven tion at Aurora on that day and day following when praotical pbaeca of school work will bo On Friday oven- a Musical and Literary Entertainment will bo held in Library Hall Aurora Photo Studio Smith Bros bavo in another column of Ibis that they will open a photograph studio two doors south of Forsyth where will bo pleased to any and all of readers Call and get with them as a way of Ing you feci right at homo whether you do or not Mr Smith has been foor SI I years In tbo thoroughly and learned art in Change An amendment to the Municipal Codo in 1898 which appears in Boo The Council of every Township shall consist of a reeve who shall be head thereof and four who shall bo by genoral vote Hereafter deputyreaves will no place at municipal council Act of 1898 also wipes out both and deputy reeves in towns with a population of not more than and declares that the councils thereof shell consist of a mayor who shall be head thereof and of six coun cillors to be elected by a general vote in next January under this will not only wipe out the Ward system but will give a chance for the people to pronounce whom will devolve the conduction of muni cipal Places to Visit Though Newmarket is only a small Town our American friends go away with the idea that there is to see Dont leave without visiting Town Water- Works supplied by arte- fiian wells from CO to feet deep giving 150000 gala of pure water every hours for domestic use Electric Light Station municipal control supplying current for lights on the streets and 1S00 with allnight service Market on Saturday morning High School Model School Primary and Separate Schools Fair Grounds is finest between Lake Ontario and the Georgian Bay Industrial Home Davids Temple at Sharon Canes Factory employing constantly from to men Specialty Works employing constantly from to GO men Seven Churches brick and ons stone five lit incandescent light and one by Covered Rink ft long by ft wide Foundries Cheese Glove and Works Planing Mills Roller Flour and Mills Marble- Works Splendid mercantile has three flats ft long by 45 ft wide employs hands and is lit by incandescent lights- Printing Offices Telephone Telegraph and Banking Facilities Fleece For Men and Children at Hughes Another Convention Womens Christian Temperance Union of York County hold tholr annual Convention in the at on and Tho pro gramme is as follows 1100 Devotional Meeting by frs L Jackson Cody Noontide Prayer Adjournment Opening by President Roll and Appointing Committees Duett Misses and Boo Miss Hill Treasurers Mrs Abbjtt Toronto Junction Singing of Welcome by Mrs Cano Mrs VicePros of Mrs Stouffville 340Ueport of Work Mrs Wilkinson Tor Junction Mass Meeting of Children by Mrs of Richmond Hill on Juvenile Work- Adjournment TUESDAY EVENING 8 Opening conduoted by Rev A Anthem by the Choir from Societies by Rev L Pearson of Barrio Solo by Mrs Irwin of Collection Remarks by Resident Ministers Solo by Mrs Powell of Sutton Anthem by Choir Closing WEDNESDAY HORNING Opening Services conduoted by Richmond Hill Onion Minutes of previous meeting by Mia E Cane Singing Roll Call Election of Officers Singing Report on Evangelistic Work by Mrs Cody Newmarket 1145 Report on Legislation and Pet- tfons by Mrs Richmond Hill 1155 Report on Narcotics Mrs Richmond Hill Adjournment WEDNESDAY Opening by Union Reading 1 Report on Flower Mlaslon Mrs Toronto 150 Report on Lumbermen Work MraC Hughes Newmarket 200 Report on Purity Literature Art and Fiction by Mrs Kaake of Weston 210 Report on Press Work by Mies Wiley Richmond Hill Report on Railroad Work by Mrs Morton of Report on Social Purity by Mrs of by Miss York of Newmarket Report on Parlor Meetings Mrs Proctor of Richmond Hill Report on Fair Work by Mrs J Green of Newmarket Report on Curfew Bell by Mrs Flint of 320 Report on Lords Day Observance by Mrs Body of Toronto Report School of Methods by Mies Rogers of Richmond Hill Report on Systematic Giving by Miss Kough of Weaton Reports of Committees Question Drawer and Closing The Invited to all the sessions and particularly the evening meeting Paste This Up If you want to any sum money away you on get a Bank Money Order payable without at any bank in Canada exoipt in Yukon District at folowiug rates Any up to for From 10 Tho Orders can bo had Bank Tremendous purchase of Flannelettes Bargains for Everybody Flannelettes at per yard inch Flannelette regular for inch Flannelette do to for 6 REMEMBER inch Flannelette dark patterns do for all these goods really measure 32 inches wide Bargains Reinforced Corsets 14c at Ontario Braid Rings thread and patterns now at 1 Day Compared with Americans wo as Cana dians vory backward io impressing up on tho children greatness of our own Country and its magnificent resources as well as to honor Canadian flag The Ontario Government is to bo commended In appointing Day as a com memorative occasion in the school calen dar The day selected is the 23rd of May It will not be a holiday but will call for special exercises by scholars on that day of a patriotic nature Produce The market last Saturday was only an ordinary Butter and eggs were tbo principal commodities Hucksters offered for both and townspeople invariably paid for either Poultry was plentiful and still in great demand Dressed sold from to per and live chickens from to per pair One lot from was sold for per pair Dressed duoks and per pair and live ones from to Live turkeys from to Coper lb Apples to per barrel according to quality Both cooking and eating apples by the basket Pota toes by the bag and by the wagon load Ripe tomatoes per basket green tomatoes loo Pears bushel Crab 15c peck Dres3ed frogs legs sold readily at per doz XL fig Society A meeting of the Directors of the North York Society was held in Chamber Newmarket Saturday last Mr Wilson President in the chair The appeal of School against the award of 1st prize to St School was but the Hoard could not see its way clear to entertain the In the case of Mr lis against Mr Hurst animal exhibited by de fendant not the appeal was sustained The decision of the appeal in the flat race was left 10 the judgment of the editor of Sporting or one of the sporting editors of a city daily The prize list was then confirms and treasurer or dered to nay the same Accounts for labor at Fair and for improvements Ac were presented and after going oyer details ordered to be paid Arrangements were made for collecting subscriptions All parties haying claims against the Board can now call on the treasurer and get their pay The treasurer reported oh the amounts paid to him as receipts from the fair such as concert booths rent of stables a total of which was approved Tbo and Treasurer were instructed to have the insurance readjusted on the So cietys buildings and the Board adjourned Jumped Bail Tuesday evenings Star thus reports a case from this Riding Something oyer a week ago Charles Defoe of Albeit was arrested for the theft of a buggy from a dealer named Jacks He was taken be fore Magistrate Ramsden at Mount Albert and was remanded and bailed out A few days later the authorities learned that he had left district the meantime a second charge had materialized against of stealing five head of cattle from Kester The police all over the country were notified and Defoe has been located at Marie County Con- stable Steeper has gone to the to bring him Mr Steeper arrived here yesterday with his prisoner and over to Albert Church sermon last Sunday morning on Hope was of bent that Rev Matthews has over in this Town Splendid and good congrega tion Sunday both morning and sermons will bo given by visitiog Aineri- cans attending Christian Convention At a meeting the Trustees on Wed evening a committee was appointed to prepare plana for necessary alterations in church to room for new Organ Tho Organ Opening will take place of Thanksgiving Day Tho Workmen of No had a visit on Monday night from Messrs and J of Toronto and the Grand Organizers were received with grand honors in tho presence of members On the conclusion routine business they both glowing accounts of tho progress of the order Nearly new members were added to roll last year and already this over 3100 ap plications been received graded syBtem is doing wonders for the Order Mr Chayter is spending a few days in town and is meeting with much success A special meeting of the Lodge was called last night to initiate now candidates when it is expected that some or more will join tho order Dp Dentist Opposite Robertsons Bakery Open every day Painless Police Court On Monday last Alex Tate of before Squiro Jackson and Reeve Robertson on a charge of perjury preferred by John A Sharps Mr Lloyd appear ed for the prosecution and Mr of for the defence The offence was occasioned by defendant mak ing an Commissioner that ho did not make a certain note now in suit before the Division Court and which was payable to the prosecutor for the sum of eighty odd dollars Defendant claimed the note ho made was for dollars and it was given for half- yearly insurance premium while the note in regard to whicb the present charge was preferred was for a whole years premium and for an amount double the sum he had signed for As tbo evidence of the prosecu tor lacked tbo testimony re quired by statute to sustain the same the charge was dismissed Before E Jackson J P on Thursday of last week three young men from the country charged with disorderly were fined and costs in default to be sent to j fur 20 days These parties had a little tussle Town on the Saturday previous but promise to be better boys in future Squire Jackson will Id an enquiry in the Police Court under the Master and Servants Act respecting wages wherein Smith is complainant il tomorrow afternoon Best Scotch Fingering Wool per lb cents Baldwins Beehive Yarn per oz Ladies Wool Undervests long sleeves Lawn Handkercfs hemstitched Mens Wool Socks We keep the best assortment in this district with all the new Broche and Shot Silks to Match The best Cakes are always made with Baking Powder CORNER 1 Our Stock is now most complete in Fall and Winter wear We never had such a fine stock for you to choose fromc Men and Boys Suits and Overcoats Boots and Shoes Gents Furnishings Hats and Caps Fresh Groceries In these lines we are the leaders Our stock of Clothing and Boots and Shoes is the largest and cheapest in the County It is your ai To investigate all statements advertised us one we invite you to see about this week Here is Our Assertion is 1 That we sell THE BEST VALUES and have the largest stock to choose from in North York of R Former filled Mr George a farmer who re sided on Lot Jnd concession of King met with a fatal accident on Wed of last week The threshers were at work on his premises and after doing their morning run went to the house for dinner Mr Cutting finished dinner early and proceeded to the barn to get his horse for the purpose of drawing water for the engine He untied the animal and was leading it oot In order to reach the door he had to pass in the rear of other horses which were standing in the stalls As he passing a horse belonging to Mr Jas kicked with both hind feet striking Mr Cutting a tremendous blow in the region of spine was sent headlong against stone wall causing him to fall to the floor and before he could rise his own horse trampled on him An other report Is that he was kicked by a violous cow that was also in the stable He was afterwards found by one of the men in an apparent state of unconscious ness The injured man was taken to the house and medical aid sent tor Upon ex amination it was found that ha was hurt Internally From the time of the accident till Friday Mr Cutting grew worse His suffering was intense Finally a con sultation was held and all hope of recovery was given op On Saturday morning at oclock he breathed his last The do ceased was well known and highly respect ed He leaves A wife and two grownup daughters The took place from his late residence last Monday afternoon Revs of and of Iiloydtown conducted the service The remains were taken to Aurora Cemetery fox interment Nearly sixty rigs were In attendance ens and Boys Dont accept our statements for it but e Fair to Yourself By investigating it Dont buy from the first store you go in not even if it is ours look around then if you are not satisfied with what we can do for you dont buy This is fair in Mens Suits Boys Suits Youths Suits Mens Overcoats Mens Ulsters Mens Pea Jackets Boys and Youths Overcoats Boys and Youths Ulsters rf from from from from from from from from from 300 150 3 150 225 to 12 to to to to to to to to 1400 1200 600 250 Boys Pea Jackets The Largest Stock to Choose from in North York a J DANFORD CO NEWMARKET

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