Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , October 14, 1898, p. 2

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1 THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY OCT Roche Co flcftBonablo Goods Montgomcrys Shakers A Bread Photography- Smith Bros Home for Halo Win Residence for Stray Milton Mainprise Wanted Mrs Wanted f l Apprentico Wanted Ross ice RAND TRUNK RAILWAY p a a a ft 5 I IP CD 5 en fc VOTES for holding in South Ontario and Wellington to 1R1 vacan cies In tho Ontario Assembly wcro Issued on Monday Nominations will lako on lost and polling on tho A from Ottawa elates that Lord Aberdeen has fixed upon Nov Int no upon which ho will accept farewell banquet to bo tendered him by citizens of Ottawa It Is ex pected to bo an imposing spread A from says reply of the Turkish to nolo of powers on tho of Island of vas handed to the Am of this week Turkey accepts tho proposed but expresses n wish for certain modifications Oar Society Column CI a It is announced that application will bo next of Dominion Parliament for an act to a rail way to build a railway from the head along Trail to and Dawson awl this is not end of charters likely to bo ap plied for Tub Ontario Legislature was formally proroguod on Wednesday last by Ills Honor Sir Tho effect of prorogation Is to put an end to a voidanco of an election through a legal respecting tho is- of writs for holding dorin a of tho 4 She LETS UP 1 BUT AND WITH EACH IRSUK The Pointed all FRIDAY OCT It is Mr Chief has appli cation for a chango In tho place of trial of Dank in Ponton Maokioand charged with rob of Dominion Dank Justice thinks a fair trial can bo had at and Addington a population of nearly from whioh a largo panel may be drawn and Crown hue rights far in excess of accusod jurors Hon J IW Gibson dominated At the Liberal Convention of East Wellington held at Fergus on Mon day a splendid compliment was paid Hardy Government by ten dering a nomination to Hon J M Commissioner of Crown Lands to succeed their member Mr Craig deceased No other was mentioned and no appeared to have any person in yiow for position The conven tion was both unanimous and enthusi astic and Mr Gibsons return in that known Liberal Riding is beyond all question When oppor- is given for South Ontario and Wellington to again speak at polls tho Hardy Ministry will bo com plete and will to do business at old- stand fearful forebodings- of Messrs Whitney Co At Conservative Convention last Tuesday Dr their late de feated candidate was again unanim ously chosen to Com missioner of Crown Lands and now tho fight is on in real earnest Provincial Department The annual report of the Provincial Secretary and official Registrar for was this week which wo learn that Hon Mr Davis Department has been a very busy one In the Registrar section is entered all the new subjects which arise dur ing any given year and present report shows that in no less than six thousand four hundred and seven tyeight now matters cam before him as Provincial Secretary for consider ation In a recent conversation re ferring to volume of work of his Department Mr Davis incidentally remarked that during 1897 eleven thousand eight hundred and sixteen communications embracing letters telegrams Ac were received that fifteen thousand two hundred and thirtyfour communications of a ltko character were out In addition to these references- of fyles etc to other Departments were made and references and reports were re ceived from other Departments and acted upon Evidently the office is no Turning now to receipts of this Department of the Government we learn that the fees for 1897 readied a total of or more than twice tho amount received in 1890 Most of these foes wore- paid into the Provincial Secretarys office for letters patent issued for of in corporating mining companies in On tario No less than companies chartered after April last year with a total of Notwithstanding large amount of personal supervision the work of his office involved Mr Davis also visited public institutions of tho Province and made himself famil iar with tho operations and needs of same in order to tleir efficiency and economy of management Accoroiko to a statement In he a loading journal in tho majority against prohibition in that Province is It poos on to say majority in favor of in rest of Do minion is 71201 and that thero will therefore to a total majority against of 20034 In above returns the result of polling in the counties of and Ionttao not included If official verify tho above figures in whole Dominion that tho antlprohibltlonists aro in the majority It ie understood that Crown Lands Department has notified tho American operating in this Province that the against tho exportation of loss must bo observed In speaking of this aotion on part of tho Government De puty M White intimated that wished to warn lumberman for if they disregarded law it would mean the forfeiture of their license and confiscation of their logs No trouble but the warning is given to prevent any misunderstanding Of course this aotion will not prevent lam getting logs oat which they cat last scsson Fboh Ottawa wo learn that an Counoil has been passed giving power to Minister of Interior to grant loca tions for mining of copper in the with power to collect royalty not exceeding five per cent on the gross output Certain newspapers are taking the howl of the miners against the Government because royalties are exacted These critics dont want tho whole to pay for opening up bat at the same time cry out against the only way the Government can possibly make a reasonable levy to meet the of doing what is neces sary in the way of affording protection to people visiting that district and for opening up communication thereto Toe Sessions Grand Jury at Toronto made their presentment this week and in it is following reference to Central Prison This prison is conducted on business and humane principles with a proper man at the helm The discipline there is excellent Every part of this large place is kept In perfect order We could enlarge on the subject bat the reputation of the P Is too wellknown to necessitate our taking up your time As bear out our foregoing remark that the is now ran on business principles we would mention that it is a good Government as set as the amount realized from the dif ferent interests netted oyer expen ses last year Indeterminate sentencing was recommended Otts tannery at was badly on Sunday morning Kingston Oct Last Thursday a man called on Rev Mr Short and stated that ho was a rep resentative of the Canadian Loan and Building Association and solicited After some talk Mr Short dis missed the map saying ho would think the matter over Horn saw Mr Short again and the deal was closed The clergyman gave stranger whom ho bad never seen a note for and cash This was in payment for ten shares of stock Later Mr Short found Horn under influence of liquor and this caus ed Mr Short to loso confidence He telegraphed to headquarters of the company asking if Mr Horn was an authorized agent and received the reply that he was not Then Mr Short decided to him arrested for having collected money under fake pretences The man was se cured to day The police got Mr Fred Miller has accepted a situa tion at Mies Ella Blocking was visiting at Mr Isaac Silvers Miss Maria is visiting Miss Mor ton St Miss M Mitchell of Is vlsltln with Mis McCaulcy Mr Timothy of Toronto was visiting In town over Sunday Mr of Norwood Is visit ing with her son Mr W Messrs Frank Kcena and John Horn- gan of spent Sunday In Town Mr Howard Mo Arthur who is attend ing College in city Sun day Mrs Varden of Gait has been visiting aunt Mrs Marshall Millard Aye Mrs Mooro and daughter arc visiting at for a week with friends AH Terry and of stono visiting relatives and attending Christian Convention Mies Olivo Hunter of Toronto Is spending two or three weeks with her grandfather Mr familiar of Elder of Little Britain is among the Conference hero and also his wife Roy Matthews attended Mission Hoard of Methodist Conference in To ronto a couple of days this week Hairier and of vllle renewing acquaintances while tho Convention M spent over San- day with his mother left this week for Toronto to Hall for a term Mr and child from guests at Mrs Mo A St a couplo of days last week Mr Bert Gardner a of the left for StoofTyillo on Monday to accept of tho office Mr Lehman visited Holt Mis- Sunday School on con of East last Sunday and taught the bible Mr Lloyd con of Whit church was taken very ill with inflamma tion on night and had a serious time Mr Philip Jones formerly of Bloom- has gone to Collins Inlet to accept tho position of bookkeeper for Inlet Lumber Co Mr Clifton baker for Messrs Groome moved his family hero from last week Mrs on Park Elder P W Fletcher of See- of the Ontario Christian Conference la visiting his parents and attending tho American Christian Convention Mr J Winch of has mov- to Town to tako advantage of our educa tional Institutions He occupies Mr Al lans brick residence opposite the foundry Mr A Kerr from Christian Mission Booms at Dayton Ohio occupies a seat at tho reporters table in the rennial Conference here and a very geni al fellow Mr Howard and of Pray ton oyer to attend the Christian Con vention and spend a few days with his lather Mr Stephen Howard and other relatives Mrs Jones of Toronto waa the guest of her mother Mrs Irwin last week The latter left on Tuesday to spend the winter with her daughter Mrs Manning at the Revs Ockley and of Toronto were of Dr Campbell on Tuesday They intended wheeling to Orchard to lay out their lots for summer residence but the rain interrupted their plans Mr J H Johnson of wap In Tewn over Sunday visiting bis sister Mr Johnson hell meetings in four Town ships in during the plebiscite campaign using original cartoons to good effect Mies will represent the Methodist Sunday School at Convention Mr Lehman who is a member of the Provincial Executive by ap pointment at the last County Convention also expects to attend Mr Adam writes us from Vancouver After a few days of rain the weather Is really beautiful The first enow of the was visible on the 1st of Oct on the mountain peaks There has been no frost as yet the delegates to the American Christian Convention Is Elder Fowler of Kalamazoo Mich a man over years of age who was pastor of the Christian Church here years ago He Is renewing many interesting acquaintances bat misses many familiar faces of bygone days Mies Fowler Is also with him Hon J Davis Provincial made all arrangements to attend Fair on Tuesday bat the weather was so wet and disagreeable that he was denied that pleasure It was rain ing alt morning In the and be tele phoned up to about the weather here before giving up his intention Ho use trying to rob a printer Nearly three months ago a tram entered the resi dence of Mr W of the World staff Toronto formerly of the carried off silver spoons Mr got all the spoons and ths thief got two years in the Central Last week three boys his cellar after making the pastry scarce proceeded to do up the dining room bat they were disturbed by Mrs voice and skedadled They were traced by the policemen bat we did not learn the sentence Mica Mary spent over Sunday In Toronto with her Mr Driver of Sharon got back from la on Monday Mr Martin a attack of hearttrouble yesterday morning Mr Both and wife re turned from Mich and purpose re- siding in town Itov J Burnett of Ohio Secretary of tbo Quadrennial Convention Is a capblv and obliging officer Ho an editor that accounts for It Mr Clay who has been in employ of Offlco Specialty Co for a number of years left for Tuc last day to accept a situation Delegates and visitors attending Quadrennial Convention from nearly in tho Union besides many places In Ontario Sovoral from Sooth Carolina arrived yesterday morning Mr Stoddard is representing Liberty published at Day ton Ohio at Convention and is a very agent Tho last issue of tho paper has a splendid photo of Newmarket taken from tho High School Tower and also a photo of in Convention is being hold Oar Toronto Letter A daring on Saturday evening snatched a purse from the hand of a young lay named Mies whilo standing at corner of Queen and and made good bis escape purse contained death of Mrs A Ger main occurred on Saturday night last Mr Gormain hus band is the gentleman connected with autocar innovation Pronator of Manitoba was in the city tho forepart of week Mr Ronnie exported for the week ending Oct clovor seed valued at to the European markets Geo Robinson was arrested this week on a charge of shooting with in tent While under tho influence of ardent so it is reported he went to the home of a relative on Street and because they would not allow him admission he shot a revol ver tbroucrh the door the ball grazing arm of a lady who held door against him The Commandant of tho Canadian forces in Canada arrived in Toronto on Sunday morning Ho was present during the church parade last Sabbath and will for London Saturday Her Excellency the Countess oi Aberdeen has her willing ness to be present at a meeting of the local Council of Women in Toronto on Friday afternoon November trial of the North Toronto election protest has been postponed by Chancellor Boyd November Jacob a farmer of Whit church Township was awarded damages by Chancellor Boyd this week against Thomas McQuillan who had unlawfully distrained goods from him Permission has been granted Eaton Co to tunnel under Albert Street from the rear wing of their pre sent store to a fivestoroy factory which they purpose erecting on the north side of Albert Street The tun nel will be seven feet wide by seven and a half feet high and sixteen the street surface The burglary season in this city opened this week Two private resi dences were entered by thieves and gold watches brooches and clothing carried off In the Police Court a Mrs Adams Street was fined and costs for keeping an unlicensed farm At the city councilthis week Mayor Shaw and Aid Saunders challenged A Macdonald to formulate charges against them in any court of compe tent jurisdiction A special committee of York County Council will meet the Ontario Council on Friday morning the 14th to try to come to some arrangement concern the Pickering bridge difficulty S Indian Walkeb Minn Oct The sit uation night was more ominous than ever At the Agency a Council was held between the Indians General Bacon Col Indian Agent Sutherland and Marshall OConnor The result of the Conference was not in any way unlike that of those pre viously held except in the fact that not one of the leading men of the dif ferent bands was present There were however representa tives present from Bear Island Cass Lake Otter Tail Point and Pine Point but none of those had any influence with the tribesman The only con clusion to be drawn is that the leaders of the different bands sent men there merely as stool pigeons and that others of their number are now pre paring for tho war path This morning of Minnesota left for towns on the extension for the Great Northers Road on the northern border of the Leech reservation Lieut Col Johnson was in command The men carried tents rounds of am munition and several days rations A special to the Journal from Bem- idijo Minn says A rumor this Ladies Jackets We have the finest range of Ladies Coats we have ever shown and have good reason to believe that no other store north of Toronto can show a better or bigger stock The prices are always below what you would expect to pay Ladies stylish Coats real date goods at 2 Ladies handsome Kersey Coats made to sell at 5 We got them cheap and they go at Very dressy Beaver Cloth Coats at Girls Coats with elyet trim mings special at Ladies stylish Coats with latest velvet trimmings worth go at 4 Ladies very handsome curl cloth Jack ets the latest and nattiest coat shown well worth 10 our price 8 and Curtains Mens and Boys We are selling loads of clothing these days Nothing is too good for our customers and the prices we quote are lower than you often pay for slop shop trashy goods Mens heavy Ulsters lined with Tweed high storm collar good shades a bargain at 5 Big boys heavy Ulsters tweed lined at Mens very stylish rough finish cloth Overcoats best farmer satin lining velvet collars one of the nobbiest coats shown this season well worth 1250 our special at 8 Our 850 Beaver Overcoats for men are equal in every way to tailormade goods at 12 00 Mens doublebreasted solid wool tweed Suits made to wear and very dressy 5 bo Our mens Suits at 790 and 10 are big value and you will save money by seeing them Heavy Union Carpet at Good Tapestry Carpet at 2 See our special Lace Curtains at See the Curtains worth 225 we sell at Lace Curtains from to per pair Crockery A big snap in Dinner Setts 97 piece at5 00 A big snap in Parlor Lamps at Handsome piece Bedroom Sett at 2 We have a big range of uptodate Crockery Have a look through morning Indians were coming caused a stampede The people were greatly excited and mossed at the Court House Tho were tele graphed for St Paul Minn Oct A Walker Minn special to the Despatch says The Bear Island pillager In dians will surrender and war has been avoided It only remains for the terms to be arranged Akhok Ont Oct 10- Clara En- 13yearoid child of Mr and Mrs Livingston street died night in agony The doctors pronounced her caseone of welldeveloped hydrophobia August 18 last the girl was attacked by a large cat which bit on her on leg between the knee and the hip A doctor dressed the wound and it was learned later that the cat bad been bitten by a dog supposed to be mad On last Thursday evening the first symptom the malady present ed itself She grew rapidly worse and the last few hours of the unfor tunate little girls sufferings were pitiful in the extreme Sale Oct at land Landing will eel hie residence d other property together with effects Sale at one oclock See If J Orillias High School was burned on Sunday night Arthur Fee of 18 years of age was accidentally poison ed by bis mother who while he was ill gave him carbolic acid instead of the doctors prescription The Marquis of Lome has a high regard for the future GovernorGener al of Canada Writing to Mr Henry J Morgan editor of Canadian Men Women of the Time by last post he think you will much appre ciate Lord who is an able man and a very old friend of mine The Cradle At Oct 2nd the wife of Fred of a daughter In the 3rd of Oot to Mr Harry a Leading Furniture and Undertaking House R Pleasant one Invited away from borne naturally anticipate not only the pleasant bat other The elegant and comfortable cabinet and sideboard carved massive mirrored Do yon need these things to make home a pleasant nook not only for the occasional guest hot to gratify your own of the appropriate and beauti ful 1 Then see us at once Royal Hotel Undertaking and A FLOUR Strong Bakers Ogilvies Hungarian Pastry Ontario and Manitoba wheat Flour for Family Use Feed of all Kinds LAND PLASTER American Gray The flltQP the Hermitage on the by Rev Mr Campbell Mr jr of to Mary McLaren township At Maple the residence of the brides mother on the Phillips w St to Bertha daughter of Mrs Amos Shar on At on the by Rev Mr Wilson Mr An- to Miss Lily Keys Keys Esq and niece of Mrs Mo3ier of Newmarket fa The Tomb King on the lost George Cuttingaged years 6 months and o Interred at Aurora on Monday Sutton on the oil JessiE daughter of Mr and Mrs J in her year on the 3rd infant eon of Mr and aged months and days October Christina A wife of Henry loach at West New York formerly resident at Newmarket in the year of her age At Thursday Oot 6th Macoie beloved wife of John P Egoi and eldest of A of aged years S fit J FpHlfOBJ Main North Newmarket- All Orders will receive Careful and Prompt Attention beat fertilizers for Clover and Grass LIME LIME The very best Grey Lime J WILLSON Storehouse Cor Mam and Huron Telephone No Newmarkot Markets Oct 1603 w Wheat per bushel Wheat per bushel Goose Wheat per bushel Buckwheat oas Barley per bushel bushel 0J Pauper bushel Bye Bushel per ton Pork per live aypertonnew o CO a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Toronto Oct Wheat per bushel fir I White Wheat per bushel on Goose Wheat per bushel Buckwheat per bushel Barley per bushel OaU per bushel Electric By Richmond Hill and am and pm Leave Toronto Crossing and 944 am Bicycles put on and taken only and pm off at Waiting Peaaper bushel K Bye per bushel Potatoes 0 016 per fibevpafcios Popper Reef fore 450 Chickeos per pair a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a SPECIAL EXCURSIONS Saturdays Richmond Hill to Toronto and Return for children Richmond Hill and J J Excursion every evening from P Richmond Hill and return leaving Crowing at for from Toronto P CO Timothy Seed per a a a 063 on 0 SCO 0 CO 0

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