Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , October 7, 1898, p. 8

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a THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY OCT Mp rape you take Hoods Pills ii ttliicli you all to It Hoods mid easy to of Hoods which inspect and AH ugghla Hood Co only to with fatal Bank Hi a Fa id op Capital Reserved Fond Total nearly f A of thin In BRADFORD deposit arc received and up wards current rates Wo of Discounting Fanners Notes And ftt LOWEST RATES For further Information apply to JOHN BRISTOLS BRISTOLS I and Of 1 The Greatest of all Liver Stomach and Blood Medicines A FOR Rheumatism Gout and Chronic Complaints They Cleanse and Purify the Blood i All Druggists and General Dealers v- a GRAHAMS Art Studio you want your picture taken dont be with the old method of years ago but have produced latest stylo and be uptodate with your friends Arlsto Work hold in lion with Albaris church Kept proved to be a grand suc cess I ho weather being a crowd was present The enter- of the- highest ordor the being short and spicy and tho music being All rendered in first- class stylo church was beauti fully decorated with all the fruits of season MiESlara Agnow has returned to for the fall season harvest homo in Church of was a grand success entertainment which was held in tho drillshed was largely attended Everyone seemed well satisfied Great excitement was caused this wee by loss of Mr Archibalds aged six years who went out to bring cows on evening and wandered away se veral miles from homo When ho was found on Friday morning ho was sit ting with his arm around tho dog which was with him is becoming well known as only place in this part of the country where magistrates court is hold and whore justice is meted out A week or two ago Geo Gould was wrJking homo from village and had not gono far when he was set upon by three individuals and roughly handled Hid cries help were heard by citizen who to scene lantern in hand Before ho readied tho spot of encoun ter three who had made the as sault had fled leaving their hats bo- hind Gould picked up hats and forthwith proceeded to have warrants issued for the arrest of W Potter Geo Potter and Geo Munshaw as the parties Constable Jeffrey served each with a warrant to appear at on Monday the when tho case was adjourned until Thursday at 10 am In tho meantime tho Potter tiros and secured ser vices of Lawyer of and Gould was represented by Herbert Lennox of Aurora Cherry sat with Magistrate Armstrong cose first case that of Gould vs Potter was threshed out and Potter was found guilty He was fined and costs costs being 18 Tho second case Gould vs Geo Potter resulted in a verdict of guilty and a fine of 5 and costs of was imposed The Gould vs case was adjourned till Mon day the and Munshaw was found guilty and fined and costs of Potter has since appealed case to tho sessions Children Cry for CASTOR I A SUTTON L Rev Bishop Carman general super intendent of Methodist Church in Canada will favor us with a visit on of month and reach rooming and evening in tho Church in connection with tho harvest home On following Monday evening ho will give his Get and grow fat W McKay of Button and an other boy wore thrown out their rig in going to church on last and Mr MoKay was injured bit broke and ran away throwing out all occupants Mrs McKay was also considerably bruised and shaken up Mr to to his duties Burglars entered the tail oring establishment of J J and successfully got away with pairs of pants five pairs of vests and the cloth of a suit for a local clergyman also broke into Mr store and took a lot of shirts Rev A preached on impressive farewell sermon to Baptist congregation hero on Sunday last from words Bo- loved now are wo sons of God and it doth not yet appear what we shall be but we know that when he shall appear we shall bo like for wo shall him as he is And every man that hath this hope in him fioth himself even as he is pure The church was crowded to overflow ing A Specialty Wo are giving excellent in our work Call and see specimens and you will bo con vinced GRAHAM JONES OLD STAND NEWMARKET TANDARD ESTABLISHED a PROGRESS The new assurance carried through by the Standard for periods have been as follows SUMS r 8 30140172 18851890 the progress has been equally satisfactory Investments in Canada 181500000 Profits to holders 29200000 Ramsay Manager J Balfour of Charles Hunter Chief Agent Ontario GEO If HUNT District Inspector J A Agont The rate of taxation for the Village for the current year has been fixed at mills as against 10 78 last year The commutation of statute labor in Goodwood division at per day has resulted in more work and better results than under the old system While putting on a belt with a stick in his planing factory last Thursday George received a bad blow on the mouth which broke one tooth below and loosened four Tho case of Eli Connor who was down for trial a short time ago by Au rora magistrates for alleged forcible entry upon his brother Georges pre mises line Whitchurch came up for trial last week at Toronto and be was acquitted Monday night- of Stouffville lost a very valuable short horn heifer which he was preparing for the fall shows He let the animal out on a field of good pasture and it is supposed she ate too much wet grass The animal waa worth about The annual convention of the Ep- worth Leagues of the Methodist Church in the Uxbridge district was held at the Methodist church here on Tuesday Delegates were present from Goodwood Sunder land Udora Victoria Corners Sand- ford Locust Hill Markham Union- ville Sutton Zephyr Albert and other places The reports of the com mittees and officers showed the society to be in a flourishing condition Three sessions were held in the morn ing one in afternoon and a public meeting in the evening at which the Revs Mr of W of Mt Albert dolivered instructive addresses Theofiicors for ensuing year were elected and are as follows Hon Pies Rev J J Ux Mr Fieury 1st Vice Pros Maud Locust HilL 2nd Vice Miss Uxbridgo 8rd Vice Mr M P Fair Sunder land Vice Miss Pringlo Sutton SeoTreas Miss Horn Uxbridge Cor Sec Mies Btoel convention will moot at Uxbridgo year Children Cry for AURORA The annual convention of North York Public School Teachers Associa tion will bo held in public school house Aurpra on Friday and Satur day the 21st and 22nd Oct noxt At a meeting of Public Library Board held on Wednesday evening it was decided to have an entertainment on Friday Oct when a program of songs instrumental and re citations will bo furnished by capable artists On Sunday evening tho members of the Royal Templars of accompanied by several members of tho Sons of Temporance from Kettleby and Yongo St attended the Metho dist Church in a body Mr Blacks horse which was hitched to a road cart met with a peculiar accident on Tuesday The animal was tied in front of an office on Street and becoming restive started to back and in doing so fell backward over the crossing turning a complete somersault in shafts of tho cart Assistance was soon at hand and tho animal was extricated from its awkward position uninjured and with very little damage done to the harness On Thursday morning our towns people were shocked on learning of the sudden death of Mrs Andrew Bell On Wednesday evening the old lady appeared in her usual health and was about house looking after her household duties About ten oclock she retired On Thursday morning she did not come down to breakfast and Mr Bell went up stairs to see what was the cause and was horrified to find her dead Heart disease is supposed to have been cause Mr A is building an ad dition to his already large storehouse at the station Per El Castle It now before my vlow That gray oldfashioned tower Whoso top Is by In myatio hour flag tbo pride knight Waves fluttering in breeze With lonely tarroUhaH revealed Argcn trees oven when I viewed the- The sunny month of May But though so late the Spanish moon Made all as bright as day I rowed my bark wave And stepping op the shore Gazed ou never aeon Nor neer thought of before i The fitraiHng walls of stone All vines The like of which wo never see Except In southern climes The old gray turrets head Reared high In haughty pride As it to cay Look you I Heboid mo heroes died Tho tender green of stout young trees All baptized with dew Morrows walla a richer tint And shamed tbeir sombre hue lowers with fragrant petals Towards the sweet blue sky Looked like a with upturned face Invoking power from High Down by shore fishers cots Lay calm beneath the moon And from the trees hard by there camo The shrill cry of the loon In peaceful sleep inmates lay from every fear Their Jives streams glides on The same from year to year I stood and gazed as in a spell that grand scone so rare Till the evening breeze Whiqh brouKht me bck to care Ay yes though peaceful was ficeno My life was full of woe felt as if I dared not move I could or not go At last I and slowly rowed Back In Kl stream My thoughts camporowding thick and fast It so like a dream El Morrow Castle To thin day That name so quaintly meet Bring back thoughts of that fair scene At o and sweet Minn if o7XJoEvrmjr Ah bit moment Death an trillion iusr near in one hold We know that sooner or conic lo all but car never a u rely when the dread will appear No imminent the moos may seem it still in Gods good deuce be far away pan of mans hu manity to man to avert and death far as lies mortal power Nearly thirty years ago an institution founded in Buffalo known as the Invalids Hotel and Surgical Institute which has since become one of the most famous institutions in the world for its enormous benefits to the sick and suffering all over the United States Thousands have conic there for treatment and tens of thousands have received professional ad vice by mail with for inexpen sive whereby they nave been cured of severe and in many in- apparently hopeless diseases A man Mr John of BoylfAotli Worcester Co writes About a year ago I was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lung- The doctors I and could not get well I took of Cod Liver Oil and it did good- After taking it four mouth I heard of your Medical and wrote to you for advice I have taken your medicine and it Mvcd my life- I so sick when I wrote to you that thought I would not live through the hi the 1 raided an awful lot and would all the And had pains in my cheat My bowel not move more than once or twice a week my strength was nearly gone could not do a work Now my bowel ore repair everyday and I no more pain iu my I feel a great stronger 1 am working hard every day driv ing a team in the owe my thanks to Dr Pierces Medical I know it saved my life The most difficult diseases to cure arc those which arc aggravated by constipation In such cases Dr Pleasant Pellets should be taken in cvi junction with the Discovery They never gripe All good dealers sell ihein EYE CHANGE age a gradual in takes place Change necessitates compensating aid Glasses properly ground and adjusted the loss of eye- power Wo understand this work particularly well Try us ATKINSON CO OPTICIANS 3 J ICY Carried over from must be sacrificed now as School Reports FOR SKIT NAMES IN ORDER OK MERIT NO IV Stewart Young James Edgar Emery Young Jr Ill Ida Smith Gertie Norris Roy Jr Ill Leslie Young Allan Guy Stanley II Carry Mary Rose II Smith Marshall Barbara Young I No Rose Comer Russell Walter Rose Raymond Howard No 2 Ralph Ross Smith No Lloyd Davidson Teacher The EMULSION Tho EMULSION 1 tht Cod Tho EMULSION Ii by of Ctnidt EMULSION It fleih tod trill DAVIS j CO New High Grade All Styles Best Equipment Guaranteed TO wheels late all makes TO Wo ship on approval without a cent payment Write for bargain list and Art Catalogue of swell 08 models -o- o sr For season to advertise them Rider Agents Wanted Learn How to Earn a Bicycle and Make Money J CO CHICAGO TWO TOWN LOTS On Street Desirably old Woollen Factory For Hale on Terms Apply to JACKSON- Heal Rotate Agent Children Cry for CASTOR I A The Supreme Court of Ontario issu ed a new set of rules lelating to the question of interest on moneys paid into court It provides that on and after Oct 1st interest shall not lo credited in any action or matter in respect of moneys paid into court with a defence as security for of an appeal 3 as security for debt or costs of stay of execution as a deposit for in mortgage actions as a condition imposed by any injunction order as proceeds of sale in or to abide tho result of in terpleader proceedings or for any other temporary purpose unless or until tho same shall have been in court for six months and then only at the rate of per cent per annum not compound in any case but the presi dent or in his absence the next sen ior judge of High Court may for special reasons order that in any par ticular case interest shall bo allowed on such moneys at any higher rate not exceeding Ah per cent per annum It is further provided that on and after Oct 1st tho interest to bo credit ed on tho assurance funds shall bo at the rate of per cent per annum compound as provided by rule Interest to credited to suitors ac counts on all moneys paid into court after 1st of October other than for the purposes above mentioned shall until further or other orders be at the rate of per cent per an num S NO 4th Class Annie Edith Minnie 3rd Class Annie Curtis 2nd Class Lucy Kelly Beatrice Wesley 2nd Robert Trusty Hetty Lizzie Trusty Edna Salter Norman Curtis Curtis Tablet Denne Alfred Kelly Squires Harry Trusty Mary Trusty Present every day Beatrice Annie Lundy Wesley W Teaober Wells Street Aurora at lees than the valuation rooms kitchen aod pantry J fruit trees and bard and per Box water Small payment down balance to suit buyer Apply to STEPHENSON Davenport rket Era WILL STOP- HEADACHE NEURALGIA and RHEUMATIC PAINS Mrs Erie Ave Hamilton says J have been a sufferer from Neuralgia for many years often been laid up for a week at a time I have tried many other remedies but found nothing so good as Wileys Pink Powders It is very seldom I to take more than one to stop the attack They are nice to take and leave no depression afterwards For Sal by all Druggists and StoreKeepers or write THE WILEY PINK CO Toronto Ont Mention MONEY TO LOAN Farm for Sale or to Rent One Hundred Acres and well at bouse W East In the of four station farm is well watt spring creek For particulars apply LI AM SWJHE bridge FOE SALE A good acre farm 75 cleared io fair state of cultivation brick house of rooms large barn on stone foundation with good stabling beneath Stream crosses farm miles from Station and a mile to school Apply to DAVIDSON Real Estate Agent Mount Albert Valuable Property for Sale ICOD Private funds on Farm Property first mortgage only JACKSON Real Estate Agent NOTIC hereby given that David Stock of the City of Toronto In the County of York In thePro- FARMERS ATTENTION THE ISAAC USHER SOJ but Is guaranteed to be quite to any of the- Cements for all of farm Portland structures such as bankbarn stable silos hog bridge abutments arch of Ontario machinist will apply to the culverts cisterns etc This Content at Parliament of Canada at the next cession about onehalf the price of the Portland pergonal instruction given of tbargc and all work warranted For further apply to SING General Agent fl n fchingies etc always on at lowest price as jext thereof for a Bill of Divorce from wife Mary Stock of the City of Toronto married woman on the ground of bigamy KYtE St Toronto Solicitors for Applicant Dated at Toronto Province of Ontario 1st day of July yuw 3 3 VII IV Class John Mortimer Dike Ill James Fred Boyd Frank Hopper Jean Barker Jr Ill Hector Frank Evans Maria Moulds Sr Lome Evans Fred Morti mer Jr II Annie Annie Moulds Percy Flossie Gibson Ada Mary Geo Pegg Pt Mabel Mortimer Floreree Pegg Samuel Arthur Har ford II Tab Bertha Swain Minnie Hunt Ida Pegg Eva Moulds Stanley Boyd Roy Evans Charlie Mould I Tab Wesley Walter Emily Swain Alfred Stick- wood Gordon Boyd Rachel Myrtle Moulds Teacher modern with convenien ces Nice lawns good garden etc The residence of Mr Win Main Street Newmarket For price and terms apply at the J premises or address RJ PA LEY Estate Agent Ont TO RENT West half of lot a con King Good buildings good orchard good fences acres fallow Fall plowing to be done Heeded Well watered good soil about acres cleared miles from Kettleby P Rent moderate to a good man tor terms apply to George Ramsey next lot south of farm Kettleby P or to J McGINKIS rt that Your correspondence will bo at tended to with more promptness If you keep a supply of cry on hand can you Note Heads Letter Heads and Envelopes printed to suit your fancy at priced that will sur prise you Call at the Era Office see aupk Soil or to Bent Part of lot con Whitchurch contain- log 3i acre flne garden with brick house stable blacksmith shop flno orchard on premises Situates miles from a good market and would be suitable for gard- or butcher Possession can bo given at once For terms apply on pre mises to MRS BLANKER Newmarket P WANTED WANTKD-flKYZJUI- thU state to our their own and nearby It mainly office work conducted at home flnito no more no lew Monthly and lx Iy Herbert Hew Chicago FARMERS Now is the time to use our FERTILIZER with Fall Wheat while sowing It will produce more to the acre and give better sample than on ground where not used En quire at Seed Store and obtain circular free Main St Newmarket Cement kept in stock man of character to travel and appoint agents Salary and expenses paid CO Limited Toronto AGENTS straight weekly salaries of from to to ability for canvassers on Life and Work of Mr Gladstone The de mand for this wonderful volume Is keeping all bands working early and late The only Canadian and British work published En dorsed by the Royal Family and leading public men A big cheap book COMPANY Limited Toronto FOR TWENTYSEVEN YEARS POWDER LARGEST SALE IN CANADA To If you wish to hire a Portable Engine and Belt to cut corn or do other farm work can accommodate you GEO A THOMPSON Newmarket AGENTS I am Just starting the thing for money- making you have seen for many a day lour name and address will bring the golden Toronto AGENTS PROMPTLY SECURED Write for our Interesting books Invent ors Help and How you are swindled Bend use rough sketch or model of your invention or Improvement and we will tell you free our opinion as to whether it Is probably patentable We make a specialty of applications rejected in other bands Highest referencce SOLICITORS A Ctrtl GrduKs of In Applied Let1 Iolrenlty Water Works f Auoc tf Can Society or Y0IK CAM Holiday books now ready one prospectus representing four books range In price from one dollar up Cheapest and beat holiday books published cheapest books bound In actual cloth while other publishers use lltho cloth We pay freight give premiums you pay ui after you make delivery Capital and experience not so dont let this chance go by COl Limited Toronto Town Carting All kinds of Teamingdone on Short Not Ice and on Reasonable Term MILLARD Main Ontario Newmarket at tbo Office per lb in lota over BO YEARS EXPERIENCE ryc2uiwtk Trade Mimo -Octiarti- CoYniatrra Ac

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