Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , October 7, 1898, p. 7

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1 i CHINA THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY OCT v Wo ready for UGARS- As many pounds for dollar as any and of tho best quality fruit Jars All Sizes at Closest Prices PURE SPICES For SUPPLIES All kinds of Moats Fruits and Vegetables DOTS SHOES Prices to Clear Out All Summer Shoes CROCKERY LASSWAR Our prices have made the Dinner and Toilet Sets move If you want a Set at a Snap Price come right away No matter cheap you tear of goods being sold re member we Bell Just as Cheap Leading Grocer Cor Main Timothy Sts l Weeks WHAT IS OX IK A ABOUT f Government ThoTroMOror Itio North York received a cheque laat from ibo Provincial Treasurer for being of grant lo this for payable alter Board meeting tomorrow afternoon R Bad poll Batarday Messrs ami Frod Harrison wheeled to Hi to visit friends took a and received a number of bad about head and face besides being hurt internally Ho was able to return homo tho evening and Will bo again in a fow days Thanksgiving Day A press despatch from Ottawa announces that an has been passed naming Thursday a day Thanksgiving throughout this Do- minion Wo of New- nmhot will make usual arrangements for a Union in one of our churches A bountiful harvest general prosperity of country and manifold national enjoyed for devout thankful ness to the munificent of all oar goods and God of all our A Mr Ernie Dawson of fit was coming home from Toronto Exhibition on his wheel and wbllo passing through How- some boys sot a dog at him result was that ho was thrown off and his shoulder blade was fractured After resting for a while bo rodo home on wheel with die- comfort and for two days before going toa doctor thinking that it was only a sprain It is now five weeks since the ac cident and kola not able to use his arm yet all through a mean thoughtless trick On the Mrs Fletcher of Eagle Is making preparations to to in order to bo near her son and daughter Rev Flotoher and Miss Pearl who reside there Mr A fronton and family about settled in their new homo on Street Mr did a fine Job of graining Mr and family who formerly resided on Main North have leased the West half of Mrs house on Eagle Bt and moved in last Saturday Mr Isaac bandy the weaver has moved into the house gangers At tho annual Rifle Match in Toronto last week the following North York Volun teers won prises Points Capt Sharon 00 Aurora Newmarket Capt Allen do Col do Corp MbKenzio Aurora Be voltes Match 25 Capt Allan 00 Still Another Convention of York County met at residence of Hill on 28th of 8ept when It was decided to hold annual conven tion Newmarket on October and 1Mb pipe Brigade At Brigade mooting on a financial statement regarding tbo Excursion was presented After passing tho accounts the balance 970 was divided pro rate the Hooka and Sections to bo disposed desire Solvation flpmy Captain Williams and wlfo are meeting with telling success meeting for past week has not been better attended for a number of years Ono convert has been added to the roll Next Sunday evening the Capt will speak on A Solid Found A special mooting wilt bo held at Glonvillo tonight Friday by Captain and staff poll pallia and and Bolton Tuewiav Oct and 12 Schomberg Oot and Sutton Oct and Oot 18 and Bradford 20 and ENSILAGE CORN OF THE BEST VARIETIES RED MAMMOTH SOUTHERN SWEET EARLY LONGFELLOW EARLY ANGLE OF MIDNIGHT GERMAN HUNGARIAN AND TURNIP SEED c Huron Street TELEGRAPHY Typewriting Bookkeeping and all Commercial Sub J op taught BUSINESS COLLEGE Toronto Fall term open Members admitted at any time 8 regular teacbers equipment Writ for Catalogue Principal J Mr Meads has added a woodshed to his residence on Park Avenue and Is grading the front op nicely heat last Monday fairly made people wilt It pays to read the ads in the Em Wheat is looking floe the warm weather is bringing it along fast The trains stopped carrying the logical signs last Friday On one of the Show days here Mrs trippod on a loose board on Niagara street and sprained her knee so badly she is not able to walk yet with comfort Mr Wilsons sale was largely attended last Saturday The old pipe organ used by the Children of Peace Sharon over years ago sold for The tax collectors on their rounds Get ready for them A lad named Fred Doyle knocked the skin off the back of his band Saturday Blood poisoning set in the hand has been very painful ever since Getting in more ooal at the Water Works this week A car does no last long The selectors of jurors in every muni cipality meet next Monday that handsome display of Majolica So the window at China Hall Mr has orders for nine furnaces Two are going Into the Eagle Hotel The Royal Hotel is building a new front Mr Watson is building a new botcher wagon at blacksmith shop It will soon be ready for the road Contractor Hunter erected a brick chimney on the new addition of Mr house on Eagle street this week Mr delivery horse that was badly hurt some three weeks ago by coming in contact with a barb wire fence passed through hands of Vet Lloyd and is again tbe road A number of our town laborers now engaged catting ties in township for the new Electric Mr Richard is adding soma improvements to bis property at the North- end The farm of Mr Isaac on St was sold last Saturday at the House to Mr Silas Armiiaga of same St for Mr Harold did selling Two more applications week for water service Mr James Banning is nursing a felon On one of his Sogers this week Sick many friends of Mrs of Ave will regret to learn that she Is confined to her room as a result of another weak spell Mr John is recovering after a weeks illness The wife of Mr Abo is very ill Mrs Squires who was thrown out of husbands wagon one day last week on Huron St is recovering from in juries received R Serious Case Papers are issued for a man in Scolt Township to at Police Court hero next Monday to answer to charge of perjury It that a note was purchased by a party which has this signature is now due and man has made an affidavit before a com missioner that ho never signed note It Is either a of perjury or forgery and tbe guilty party is liable to go to penitent for any term between seven and four teen years Constable Savage served the summonsed yesterday Cruel Last Friday night several young men wero standing near the car track on Tim- Street where they the night hideous and in the midst ot their fun a small dog owned by James of Gor- ham Street happened to wander near by One of the party seized the little animal and threw it under a passing freight train As a result it lost two of its legs and short ly afterwards died from its injuries This did not complete their evenings program of what considered sport The dead animal was then hoisted on the Public School flag The dog was a pet of the family An example should be made of the party of saoh trick Since the above was pat In typo we the boys deny placing the dog on railway track Depot shipments past week ore follows INWARDS cars car splice bars car fruit car goods cars care wooden ware cars stock cars goods cars 1 car Christian Great preparations sra going on for the American Christian which opens hero next Tuesday The back seats in choir being and thooburchis being decorated with ever green flags and mottoes An evergreen arch will also be erected in front of the It will be greatest gathering of Americans ever saw and the the congregation is preparing to give them a hearty Canadian welcome J J of Dayton of fitraldoGoiptt and son of Rev Summorbell who was pres ent at the dedication of the present edifice will preach next Sunday morning and evening Bells A and felicitous event took place at home of Elder P Pearson St afternoon occasion was marriage of Lehman drug gist to Mtss The ceremony was performed at 430 p to on tho lawn witnessed by over relatives end most intimate friends Nellie Cowie- of and Dr Ho of New market supported and groom while discharged duties of Maid of Honor The bride was tastefully ftttired in white with bridal veil carrying while her attendant wore blue orcpon carrying pink rosea After the tying of tbe matri monial knot the guests graced the table spread with tempting delicacies in profu sion Tbe happy couple left on the even ing train south Presents numerous and costly evidenced the high esteem in which the bride and groom aro held May have a long and prosperous life will reside over the drug store the premises been renovated and handsomely decorated by Mr Bolt Hewitt for their re ception School reports crowded Anniversary services will be held Ibo Methodist Churchhero next and Monday sermon will be preached by the Rev Dr Carman General Superintendent of Metho dic Church of Canada The a service will bo held at oclock and p service at At both ser vices collections will bo taken up for church purposes and a Thankoffer ing will be asked for It is hoped that every member of Church and adherent will do all in her pow er to make these services a success On Monday pm at oclock Dr Car- will deliver his popular lecture Trade and Get Rich The manage ment has placed admission at cents in order that everybody may a chance to hear Dr Carman lecture on a subject so full of prac tical wisdom interest and power Dont raise the lecture as Dr Carman is one of the ablest men in Canada John a man of twenty was riding a harnessed horse home Wed- night when the animal took and started off throwing Joyce to the ground His foot being en tangled in ibo traces the frightened dragged him about half a mile Life was quite extinct when the body was found J A LARGE AS SORTED STOCK OP toves and Tinware TOGETHER WITH A SPLENDID VARIETY OF SHELF HARDWARE PAINTS OILS ETC i a specialty All kinds of Tinware made to order Those in trusting with their orders will be sure of splendid workmanship Es timates given on contract work Thieves Of late in this vicinity complain of baving their orchards robbed trees broken and vines spoiled by boys and young under cover of darkness Last Friday night a number of young men wend ed their way to lbs of Mr Coatee south of the High School where after loading themselves down with fruit they commenced to them selves in an manner They then pro ceeded to the of Mr Richard boo on Prospect Ave The noise soon brought Mr Ed on the scene and he succeeded in capturing one of the wouldbe thieves While in the act of chasing the offender one of the larger members of the gang hit him in the forehead with an ap ple causing a peculiar sensation We understand Mr Richardson intends to prosecute the offenders Dp Dentist Opposite Robertsons Bakery Open day Painless extraction Wedding Bells A pretty wedding took place at the resi dence of Mr Niagara last Saturday afternoon at when his only daughter Miss Ada was united In holy bonds of matrimony to Mr Alex ander fireman at Lombard Toronto ceremony was by Elder pastor of the Christian Church The bride was given away by her father Miss Monroe support ed bride while Mr William of of Toronto ably assisted the groom bride wore a dress of white lustre trimmed with white chiffon The bridesmaid was dressed in a very becoming dress of cream The following invited guests from a dis tance were present Mr and Mrs Mr Mr Mr Miss Miss Mr Frank Miss Mrs Prof Harrison Mr Duncan McLean Toronto Mr and Mrs A Mr A Mrs Hut Aurora Mr and Mrs Bradford Mr About forty guests sat down to a sumptaoni wed ding The presents were many useful and handsome a fine dinner set pre sented by fellowfiremen at Lombard and Richmond Sis a mark their esteem Mr and Mrs left by the evening train for Parry Bound where they will spend their honeymoon Torjun Regular meeting last Monday evening Present and Councillors Cody Bonier villa Manning Hughes MoDocgall Following bills passed Boll Telephone Co rent conversation Joseph wiring re Electric Light Express on Electric Light Goods freight on wire paysheet No do No Fire Light pay sheet Geo and services on Fair Days Jag 240 Following accounts were referred to the Fire Light Com Packard coal Can Gen Communication from asking lor referred to Finance Com Mr- enquired if all those who were hauling rails in Town had procured a license The Reeve stated that the Mayor inform ed him that the It were crowding the Co- to remove their off R- premises having procured the licensed carters available permission was given lectrio Co to em ploy others as it was a case of Mr asked How many out side of licensed were employed and was the iutrucied not to Inspector Anderson said there were seven teams without license and the Mayor told him not to take any action Mr said the Mayor had no such authority If it was a case of then those without license should pay a nominal fee The carters who pay for a license should be protected Mr Manning supported Mr Tbe said course they are liablo to be prosecuted for violation the By- Law but if the before him and the Co showed that tbo licensed carters could not remove the rails as fast as the necessity demanded he would not bo inclined to impose a fine Mr called attention to a couple narrow escapes from injury at west end of Lot street and asked it the board fence on the corner of Miss Smiths property could not bo removed Tbe Inspector was instructed to see the regarding the matter Council adjonr nod at MOUNT PLEASANT A very wedding took nhieo In this last Wednesday when Miss Jennie Barker was nnited Marriage to Mr William Mitchell of The at the home of the at throe oclock after which the wedding party consisting of three couple pro ceeded to home of sis- tor at Albert where no doubt they spent an enjoyable time diphtheria patients aro all mend at present Crowdtd Out on Mr Brown spoke briefly and very earnestly last Sunday morning on the evils of the liquor traffic and the violation of the law just before beginning sermon A few words coming from the heart spoken in sea son and from ones own experience or observations leaves a deeper won and more good than arguments and discussions His text Our Father which art in heaven was dwelt upon in a charac teristic and unique manner Rev Mr Webber preached in the evening an earnest eloquent sermon from the words of Paul Put ye on Jesus Christ Largo congregations at both services Epworth League held another suc cessful social last Monday evening at which about young people present Rev Mr Brown makes a very good chairman A good program of readings recitations and music followed by refreshments made a very pleasant and enjoyable evening Pro ceeds Mr George returned last Saturday from a trip to Manitoba and the North West He reports a good time and an increase in weight of lbs since leaving here about a month ago Mr Foggs first destination was Winnipeg miles from Toronto and was surprised at the size and busi ness of the city From Winnipeg he visited friends and relatives in Portage la Prairie Brandon Estevan and Moose Jaw meeting Messrs Ira Crittenden Charles Mrs Henderson his sister and others formerly of these parts who are not only doing well but are happy and well pleased with their new homes in the Northwest on the river the center of great grain crops North Portal on the bound ry line with Canadian and American custom houses were also visited Estevan the home of Mrs Henderson is the center of a rich ranching district where cattle fatten on the open prairie along the streams- At Moose Jaw the P are build ing one of the finest stations along the line Four or five days were spent at the center of one of the finest wheat growing districts in the world Some of the crops were already cut and as far as one could on every side were fields of ripen ing grain Farmers in speaking of their harvests count their bushels not by hundreds as here but by thousands Villages springing up all along the lines west of Winnipeg elevators erected about every miles Activ ity and progress in view everywhere Dont forget the Fair next Tuesday Oct is noted among many other good things for its successful fairs which finish each year with the balance on the right side of the sheet Some reasons is the center of a good farming district and the directors treat its liberally in the way of prizes and entrance fee which is only 10c giving justice to all and partiality to none This is as it should be The directors are expect ing fine weather and a big crowd Willing Workers of the Presby terian Church will have diningrooms in store adjoining Mr Silas residence where dinner and tea will bo served in tho usual excel lent for which those ladies are already noted They have always been well patronized and no doubt will be this year but Mr building where they formerly spread their tables being occupied has neces sitated a change of rooms Come and all to Fair A concert will be held in Hall on the evening of fair day for which Mr Harry of Toronto as humorist Miss as reader have been secured Carpenters are putting the finish ing touches on outside of Mr Cunninghams now house YOUR CUSTOM SOLICITED J A ALLAN CO NEWMAEKET L Jacks to Hire THIS WEEK On Friday Morning we expect a CarLoad comprising Peaches Tomatoes Melons Bananas Other Fruits will be on Hand Just arrived direct from Manitoba a Car Load of Patent Flour IAL 0 Dr Tuckers Asthma Specific The only Positive Cure for Asthma Hay Fever Vasal Catarrh Bronchitis Complete Outfit for two weeks trial Free of Charge on application to SCOTTS NEXT TO POST OFFICE PHARMACY NEWMARKET PURE SPICES Rubbers for Fruit Jars AT Bentleys Pharmacy Lehmans Drug Store KILL ALL FLIES by using Pure Insect Powder Sticky Fly Paper Fly Pads Houses To Bent WRmot E Lehrnan Chemist and Druggist BARGAINS BARGAINS I GO TO W LUNDYS And what he has in i SUITING down at Cost for the next days made to suit the Customer W C Old Stand i J

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