Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , October 7, 1898, p. 5

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1 THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY OCT 1898 ONTARIO BANK CAPITAL head GKUCOCKBUHN President REST General Manager NEWMARKET BRANCH A General Banking Business TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits AT COJiUIMT DRAFTS ISSUED AT AM Sterling American Drafts bought and Fanners Note Collections promptly attended to ROSS Malinger THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON FOURTH INTER NATIONAL OCT MEDICAL Campbell if P A to a I to mid to pm at Church J Main Newmarket in to and lo P Night bell at Pharmacy bit Alfred Newmarket of Office to am J Wesley physician Surgeon Coroner North Tclcphono on INSURANCE Joseph A Cody also at rate Farms Clerks next J to Fire wall Newmarket J A Agent for fire and LI i Money to Loan interest at Current Kates Canada insurance Co FIRES INSURANCE AT LOWEST RATES A A Ramsay Fire Insurance Agent on Farm and Isolated Town Property how Shop Newmarket PAINTING The leading years experience brunches of the business of samples of the latest designs In Wall Paper door North of the Primary School Church Street Bolton Hewitt Practical Painter House Decorator Millards Lane Church Street Ui MARRIAGE LICENSES- and Iiyofan Issuer MARRIAGE LICENSES I At the Newmarket Private Papers Issued at private residence If desired Money to Loan At Five per cent on Farm Security by David CommlMlooer for taking Affidavit Real Agent Conveyancer or Marriage ScensesKto s Agent for the following Queen of London Montreal established In also for the Confederation Association To ronto Corner of Main and PRIVATE SCHOOL English Frertch and Music receiving primary Instruction hero stood highest In after examinations of l4ou if Memory Text 111 by lh flUarni on In his atead and Israel or tho ten tribes had proved to bo the onoiitlaa of God and to stand with God means to stand Against i contrail In whore we Joining the king of thus the of the In chapter xlx thou help the ungodly and lovo thorn thathato tho Lord at all times end tinder flU Is a rare thing end la aeon perfectly only In Lord Christ And lie placed forces In all tho cities of king was king Lord and fall strength was to bo In tho and not In horses and wo put our trust In visible wo aro apt to to see and upon God Tor This la A constant temptation and a us as Ho did Philip and wo like Philip to to how might bo done but all while He Him- self knows what Ho will do John When wo olwdlontly and trustfully ordinary all is well Is when we to sea God AndthoLordwflswlthJshoBaphat all Mossing was with Joseph Gen fil Lord was with Sam His comfort to Moses Joshua Gid eon and Jeremiah was tho assurance that Ho was with them Ex Ill Josh I Bo when sent His followers into all world greatest Ho could them was His assurance AH power Is given unto Me In heaven and on earth Go thcreforo and I am with you alway even unto and of ag Math Ho nought to tho God of father and walked In His command ments It is written of and Elizabeth that they wore both righteous before God walking In all command ments and ordinances of the Lord blame less Luke I 6 God had said to thai they would obey voice and keep His covenant would be a peculiar treasure unto Him a bore all people Ex xlx and in It is written that He gave- Himself for us to redeem us from all Iniquity and purify onto a people for His own Ion good works Therefore the Lord the kingdom In hand Joshua was told that If be would observe to do according to all law way would be prosper ous and bo would have goad success Joshua I In xx heard saying to people Believe In Lord lour God so shall ye bo estab lished and Is contrast If ye will not surely shall not be established In God and in His word Is the only establishment for bo shaken Wherefore wo receivings jcing- cannot bo shaken let us grace whereby we may torts God accept ably with reference and godly fear for our God is a con mining Are Hob And his heart lifted ways of Ibo Lord margin says that ho was encouraged In ways of Lord who seek to walk In the way of shall not lack to therein There many a dropped fori eh lead Ruth They that wall upon the Lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings eagles The way of the was so enjoyable that way of the and distasteful and high places and groves wore taken away Wo cannot walk with unlet we humble so to do and up Jo with Him Mid Alto third year of reign his princes to teach In the cities of What a suggestive of reign In spall in judgment and of be and ha affect quleineej lea re cannot be Importsmt- than that men should know the Lord and His when kings and prinoes up this as their- the kingdom will either hare come or be very near now oar government given for de fense for the manufacture of warships or war over heard 11000000 to make known And them Invites and prjeste priests lips should keep knowledge and they should Ms mouth for of hosts MaL Jtfhflr ply words eons bo not now for the Lord hath chosen you to Him Him and feat should milliliter unto Him and burn In- Priests prophets and kings were God their Mooter and And taught In and bad book of of the Iord with and want about throughout all cities of and taught people There nothing on earth to heavenly Word of God It Is all true from be- ginning and forever settled In heaven 89 Wo are to receive It meekly hold It fast rightly divide it and hold It forth for Ills word a faithful word a word of truth and a word las I Titus I film Phil 11 all ministers and teaoherA taught only Word of God and honored It as Word of God how much more would be accomplished for But when who profess to bo Its friends dishonor and oven set aside tunny of it what shall wo Just this For ever word Is settled in heaven And of the Lord upon all the kingdoms of the lands that were found About There was no war Other nations brought presents and trib ute and waxed great Hi IS alio remaining of the ehepter tell that ft Is army was 1160000 but the very next chapter tells of his downfall was helped ho was strong but his strength Was his and the cause of his fall Our only strength In Lord Bo strong In the lord and In the power of His might in the To Four July fw Era It is with a groat deal of pleasure I lines Us let my know I am as I not had any news from them since I left nearly two year for Columbia Staying in Columbia for about a year I employed in mines also in gold mine just north of Vancouver I proceeded my way to Dawson City where I will bo before tins letter reaches you After leaving where there f country between tho water and foothills is a dead covered with grass Wo then passed down River I and crossed Lake which miles Along tho mountains disappear and nothing but small hills to be- seen On both sides of the lake great meadows of acres in extent and with grass up to your arms Here the Mounted Police have two mowing machines at work Leaving Lake we proceeded to Marsh lake and from to were men waiting for boats I Sixty Mile River which in proceeded to tho Pass places is very swift especially at riving there just after the great Horse Rapids We shot them slide in which I helped to out a loaded boat in safety I shall An bodies I stayed there for several weeks as wages were per day then I proceeded up Pass taking with mo a years supply of provi sions I found great in climbing as the Pass is over feet high and is at a very steep in fcomo places have to cut in the ice in order to get along Hero packer ma Ik engaged to carry your supplies to the top at the rate of per pound carrying on- an average about pounds at a time and making four trips a day however somo tenderfoot start out with a pound load and only get about half way to the top when they have to leave half their loud and proceed to top with the other half only to return to find it gone as are al ways plenty of people around the Pass always a red streak across the sky on the lookout for anything of that sun is out of sight Very nature In order to give you some idea of never forget them Along shore there is an abund ance of game such as cariboo moose boar goats and birds of different kind I shot a cariboo at Lake After leaving White Horse Rapids miles of swift river to Lake La Barge which is miles long We then proceeded down tho Thirty Mile River to the Five Finger Rapids and thence to Fort Selkirk I will toll you about the remainder of my trip next time I write as I ex pect to reach Dawson City about the end of the month I think Alaska has the most de lightful weather It is dry and sunny sun docs not set until pm and rises again at a There I have Fold Aver I lair Vigor for the thirteen years and have known of no two where it has failed give satisfaction I sell more of it than of any like preparation J BRISCOE Harrison Ark For five years I have selling Hair Vigor under a positive guarantee that it iidiire hair on a haul head and restore gray hair to its natural color I have not lie tic returned nor has there been a single case where dressing was used that it did not all hat claimed for it Elba the country aw I see it I will start at Lake Bennett which is miles from Hero tho hills to waters but gradually widen un til miles below miles from the water and the intervening little rain in fact it has only rained once since April I heard thunder last night for tho first time wince leaving Ontario Thanking you for space in your worthy columns I remain Yours respectfully For some years my hair had been coming out It had become very dry and my scalp was covered with dandruff I have applied Hair Vigor regularly for weeks now and I could hardly trust ray senses when I first found that a new growth of hair had started It is much thicker than formerly and of good color Tho dandruff has disappeared and my scalp seems to be In a perfectly healthy condition Miss WRIGHT Perth Some time ago my head became full of dandruff which caused roe great annoyance after a lime the hair began to fall out The use of Hair Vigor stopped the hair from falling nd made scalp clean and healthy Mks Mount Airy Ga Offensive Even to fifty self Was My Catarrh Dr Catar rhal Powder Dethroned It After Twenty Years A Bottom druggist pays For years I suffered from catarrh My breath was yery offensive even to myself During that time I tried everything that came my way which promised me a cure In almost all instances I had to proclaim them no good at all I was induced to try Dr Catarrhal Powder I got relief instantly after first ap plication It cured me and I am free from all effects of it I am a thorough believer in its curative powers Bold by E Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket For Era Brock vi Oct Richard a North Augusta farmer with a wife and family was tried before Judge McDonald yesterday on the charge setting fire to the barn of his cousin Matthew Davis on September 3rd The evidence was very strong against him although of a circumstantial character The Judge sentenced him five years in the Kingston at hard labor From Toronto THIS CERTIFICATE Forth a Story We the certify that the health of the Rev A has for months been deteriorating and that he is now suffering from procuration and urgently requires immediate and reel- A Mi Holland THIS INTERVIEW TELLS IT A reporter ceiled on the Rev A rector Bt Church during a function and on congratulating htm the great change for the better In the reverend gentleman Mid entirely to Dr Wards Blood and PUIS I aoffered for oyer three years from extreme and and could not obtain relief A few ago ft became only too extreme ha4 aa lost flesh and appetite rapidly Three ft our four medical men pronounced rae in urgent ned of immedi ate prolonged rest in order build my a About this timeby pure accident Dr Ward Blood and Pill were brought to my I decided to try on doing a decided change for the Setter took at once I have the with fll and Improvement My appetite I am gaining In flexk and general health hi aovr good Further I am euro are due to the of Dr Blood and Nerve I that they wlU do for other all that they have done for Dr J Til i Me All the money if it fails I to cure Tie Autumn Ah how swiftly Time flown We sigh and gaze the fallen leaves The summer gone ripened harvest mown The rest open the golden sheaves The birds have gone to Southern climes away No more their merry songs can cheer the woods No the of the flower gay Shall charm the haunts of leafy soli tudes The Maple now in gorgeous hues array ed Chill winds shall soon dismantle of their And who shall clothe them when their garments fade And fall away in Winter surly blasts Yea Winter come Cold icy king of Snow Grasps with bis chilly band the staff of Time And through Natures beauties ly ing low Leaving a pall of white for them behind Listen 1 la Nature silent in I Ah no She sighs and moans in dark despair A shower of bitter tears her woes And muttered walling fill the evening air Summer Goodbye thou art goneftorever and sorrow linked with other years And oer the grave of treasared past we bow Weeping oar poor regretful tears The golden opportunities lhat fled Which to the careless fingers cast They came were gone all in a Jmoment sped And hid themselves within the mould ering past fa But why thus retrospect the future holds Others we yet may call our own end Joy The coming season unfolds Let these our restless wandering minds employ Say cot Goodbye usual regrets as suage Take now the and gone as future warning Leave doubts and fear and turn a whit er page earth and sky a glad and blight L Oct u I think there is no toilet article In the world so good as Hair Vigor I am fifty- three years old and my hair would have been all white now if it were not for the use of the Vigor but the application of that dressing has preserved its color and kepi It soft and glossy Mas W Otsego Mich After five years use of Ayers Hair Vigor I can cheerfully recommend It as a desirable toilet article It keeps the hair soft and glossy and helps it to retain its natural color P WARNER Oat o For about five year my hair kept falling out until I was almost bald Some New Hampshire friends asked me to try Ayer Hair Vigor and insisted on getting it for me I used It during that summer and fall and found that a new growth of hair had started I continued to it steadily for about four months and at the end of that time had as good a head of hair as one could wish HOWARD MELVIN Carlisle Mass I am well pleased with Ayer Hair Vigor When I noticed that hair was getting suit that the hair not only ceased to cor is an excellent tonic CHAS C GRAVES thin I commenced to use the Vigor with the result that the hair not ceased to comb but a new growth of hair started It certainly I an excellent mnje out a Miss Etta A Sebum aged years of Falls was suffocated by gas in her room Madie Brown the onelegged tramp- who it is believed shot and Policeman at London has been arrested in Washington Ter ritory Encouraging Results FollowProper Feeding t There diversity of opi nion about what constitute a good cow but none about the beneficial effect resulting from the of ban Isaac Swanj a young man who works for Baker near here while fixing a straw cutter on Wednesday got his right hand between the cogwheels Dr McKay found it necessary to amputate the arm a below the elbow Fire starting jn a pile of at the freight depot slid damage to of at Colorado Springs Saturday To a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Quinine Tablets Dicks Blood Purifier as a tonic appet izer blood and aid to thorough digest for cow ahecp and horse when they are put on dry It organ of the stomach to extract all the nutriment from the food and put them in good strong heal thy condition for the spring time Four miners were burned to death in the slope of the Leigh Val ley Coal Company at Satur day At the time there were nun in the mine All were got out but four At Woodstock last week the jury in the case of Jones- vs at the assizes returned a verdict of damages and costs for plaintiff Chas Jones of Woodstock who was struck by the engine of a freight train at a crossing in St Marys a year ago last month It was claimed that ther the whistle nor the bell were sounded by the trainmen and Jones could not see the approaching train owing to a fence near the track and a field of high corn There are people who do not know that a sire in underwear is two inches in a sock an inch in a collar half an inch in shoes one sixth of an inch in trousers one inch in hats an eight of an inch and in gloves a quarter of an inch For Infants and Children FOR COUGHS id THROAT IMC AFFECTIONS Battle teat DAVIS CO Wotted Hi to a one can do work We want reliable In to help Children Toques lew and Bicycle Leungs Cor the trade Moulted Steady work whole or pr time Write today Xddr4- the CoOp a rati y Toronto it THE For result In leave your with ARD J BLI full valut for your money I Charles Bellamy a farmer living fill fchC near Chatham was kicked in the back by a and fatally injur Sept 30 row 9yearold son of John- Fanow railway mail clerk was struck by the GTR yard engine at street crossing last night The boys arm wis torn off at the shoulder It is thought he may recover W tons In this state to manage nits In and nearby our and a package- envelope Chicago are enjployed t Specialty call and Inspect work The is Complete With a Ladies la conneetloti COPYING an from old prompt Address r STAND to Royal Hotel I all 1 ml

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