Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , October 7, 1898, p. 4

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ei Vj THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY OCT I 7 ft I Rheumatism In Foot find complotoCuro Accompllohod by Hoods a number of GlIoUd in my loft nod all the down toy limb into toy foot I five blocks from my work and hid to stop re it severe time fa going and coming I could get no relief from trouble end was on the point of up my Job when I to hear of Hoods I a bottle of this and a vial of Hoods Fill and began talcing them Before had half finished them I relieved and not long before I was completely cured I an opportunity to praise Hoods for my a great to me I have a fern and must always bo my poet William yardman Grand Tronic Railroad depot Ontario Hoods the fact the One True Blood ti mil HOOd PUIS VOTES from Ottawa that Hon Mr Secretary of and Hon Mr of Inland will attend International Inhibition at Omaha Oct A t i Che It Best Advertising Medium in York County Transient moms cents per no for first 3ccrtapcrlliiforwchul5ciueni FOR SPClfiKn I r 1 flPACE lnohes fi Inch spVcimed rrvrfiTMorf MO WO It Is said that Hon Mr Martin Attor- of Columbia daring his vielt to Qucbcolat form al application on behalf of Government to Federal authorities for of the Yukon Kloodyke to territorial sovereignty of British Columbia It Is understood In welMoformod politi cal circles that the Federal Government has decided to take no steps towards hold- log to All vacancies In Commons until this years voters Hat have printed This will and may delay action till latter part of November A SEQUKr to withdrawal of protest against the return of Major M l P for South Wellington is the announcement of a libel salt by Dr against the publishers of tho of city end claiming damages Dr is a prominent liberal of riding M 2000 100 Advertisements unaccompanied writ ten Instructions Inserted until and Advertisements will ho once each month If desired For changes each month composition must he paid for at regnlnr rates Changes for contract advertisements must bo In noon on for Rent and Found etc A reading notice will Inserted free for any Church or Society where are IS taken fifty cents will be charged for such notice exception to this rule Thos J Robertson Barrister Kotary o Street Newmarket to Loan on good Farm Trie way of Is jut as hard today as In tho ancient time MiCdloton the railway fakir who tried to make that ho was engaged in constructing a line of railway between Woodstock and has boon sen tenced to years Imprisonment for bigamy In he was married in Toronto and in in Ho is years old Both wives are still living and It Is there arc two or three moro aro no works at tho present time bo popular as those written by Sheldon They deal with the great moral snd social- questions of day was comparatively unknown until In Stops made its appearance and tho book is now disoussed everywhere Several others have since appeared of which pro bably the most fasolnating is Malcolm Kirk whole series can bo bad in the form or in tho belter binding for a library at the Methodist Book Boom Toronto Every Sunday School and Public Library should have whole aeries Tux Toronto Stat tho practice of stroctswcarlng in tho terms This nuisance which is prohibited by law seems to bo on and cer tainly is not diminishing as should be The ears of respectable citizens on the slrcels being constantly shocked by and aimless swearing If a watch were kept for this sort of thin and a fow examples tho evil would be speedily diminished of plenty of corondum to bo found in districts of Hastings and in now confirmed by Mr A of the Ontario Bureau of Mines has just relumed frooi a trip through the above corundum districts and reports that the mineral is very that It will pay handsomely as soon as It is worked Miller of the School of Mining who surveyed corundum locality for the Government last fall accompanied Mr Blue part of tho The Ottawa Citittu has an opportunity to come in with public sentiment at Capitol and refering edi torially to plebiscite returns last has this to say jo of tho Gov ernment In tho vote as given granting that prohibitionists have carried on the total is not hard to perceive in view of tho solid stand Quebec has taken against it will tofntroduco a Dominion measure of prohibition de clining to and will tho Provinces to local prohibition measures Possibly then an agitation may now follow in favor of Dominion Local Legislatures power to enact Provincial prohibition EH UNTO Celery Compound Saves a Life alter failures with other medicines a 9 it Ml soys Celery Compound Worked miracles for me a a a a The law minions are after the gamblers and fair fakirs Greer went out to Peel County Fair at Brampton last week and arrested four men who were run ning wheel games on the grounds They were brought a local J P and fined two of them and coals each and the other two and cost each Had Detective Greer made his appearance at Barrister Solicitor etc Solicitor for Township of King Provincial petitions will bo heard during the next two months The following will be heard Mr Justice Osier and Mr Justice MaoLennan at tho places and on tho dates following Glengarry at Alexandria on Monday of October North Hastings at on Thurs day of October West Victoria at Lindsay on Monday October Helton at Milton on Thursday the October West Middlesex at Strathroy Town on Monday tho October East Middlesex at Toronto on Satur day October North Middlesex Town Hall on Thursday November at North Bay on Monday November North Renfrew at Pembroke on Thurs day November The Only Safe iov Siek and Diseased People Co For over four years I have been in poor health and received treatment from two doctors besides usiiiK fioven kinds of patent medicines I also sent to New York and got a months treatment of a special medi cine but no good results from it I was- run down suffered terribly could not rest at night and every morning hod a severe pain in toy back head and no appetite I heard of Celery Compound and decided to fiive it a trial and am happy to repoittliat it worked won ders pains all gone I rest woll at night my appetite is good and my health is now splendid Celery Compound has worked miracles for nte I recommend it to all sick people as best medicine Camden Clinton Ont Chas Mason a wellknown farmer here while driving home from the Goderich Fair last evening in a wagon contain ing a bull in turning off to the aide of the road upset his load and strik ing his head on a stone was instantly killed a 9 a a a C88 100 a a a a Province o Ontario A For Against Brant South Brock vile Bruce North Brace East West Card well Cornwall and Durham West Essex North Eeeex Booth Elgin East Elgin West Grey East Grey North Glengarry 400 43 a f a a a a a a a a a Ontario p Snowies Barrister Conveyancer etc Late Marsh Barristers c Toronto carefully managed and collection promptly made Money to loan at lowest rates tons Block Dunn Solicitors o Manning Arcade St King West Toronto I J Block Money to Loan Vj Auctioneer for York Co Farm and Chattel Sales wilt receive special attention Mala St or Boa Nowmarkot PO Demean Licensed Auctioneer for the Co of York sold on commission Terms reason able Farm Bales attended to A trial solicited Street Newmarket other viotim It said the Department of Agriculture will make an example of fair managers where convictions are made by withholding grants another year No thing short of this will shot off the fakirs pipers intimate that elec tion petitions against Premier Hardy and Mr Whitney leader of the Ontario Opposi tion In the Legislature will be formally dismissed at Hall on and that following protests will also be dismissed on that date East Middle sex Weal Kent West Durham East and West Hamilton East and West Haet- Ingfl Prince Edward Wetland Centre Bruce Booth Norfolk Booth Went- worth Lincoln North Lanark East and South Waterloo This wiping no less than twenty protests off the election dockets possible some of them are only behind know all the secrets R Canadian WHICH HAS MADE A Published is Investigated by a Responsible Newspaper Advertiser has Looked into and Gives Below Particulars of on Those Cures Iiiverty Opposite Hall Mala i Simpson Main and Fancy Goods miss Lftjrepared to do private Perfect fit guaranteed in ail the latest fash ions Ordea sent through Newmarket PO receive prompt attention I NEWMARKET LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones Call Before Ordering Elsewhere Allan to Loan Atfipercentonnrstciaasfarm and village property Davidson for taking J Conveyancer and Estate A pom Ac Agent for following reliable Insurance Norwich Union Midland Mutual and Also for the Standard and Northern Life Co Office Hopkins Mount Albert- A party local divers at Quebec have obtained permission from the city Harbor Commissioners to raise an old wreck at bottom of the Lawrence river in front of the Ancient Capital According to tra dition this wreck la the remains of the French frigate Which over a hun dred and fifty years took fire and was burnt and sank In the harbor It had only arrived from France for the French garrison of at the time The wreck has been located and a small part of it already raised showing that vessel of It Is remains was built of oak and sheathed with copper Some iron maty cannon have also been brought op The of Denmark died at Copen hagen on the alt aged years Her end was peaceful was mother of the of Wales At her bedside were the King of Denmark the Dowager Bed- press of Russia the King and Queen of Greece the Princess of Wales the Duke and Duchess of Cumberland the Crown and Crown Denmark and all the other members of the Family The Queen did not die of any special disease hut of Increasing decrepi tude The Princess of Wales was the second daughter of deoeaed ano was sum moned to the sick chamber of her mother a a few weeks ago An old story of the long ago a now repeated to the effect that when the three the were little girls a gypsy met In and on telling their fortunes They consented and when she had care folly examined each little palm tbe old crone predicted that Alexandra would one day wear a double crown would rule over a vast empire and would have a queenly title but no kingdom events give more truth than to old prophesies for married Albert Edward Prince of Wales became the wife of Alexander If I Emperor of and Princess Thyra the lily maid wedded Ernest August of Cumber land From the Advertiser The Advertiser has come across still another instance of remarkable curative powers of the famous Cana dian remedy Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People Mr William of Lower Brighton a prominent lum berman and farmer came very near being a cripple from rheumatism dreaded disease so prevalent along the St John River Mr is now years of aue Five years ago ho was taken with first symptoms of rheumatism over exposure the steam drives and the general hard life of the lumberman paved the way for lodgement of excruciating disease symptoms first manifested were pains through legs arms and hand conditions grow worse At intervals there would be abatement of the malady but for each year bo was very nearly helpless The pain was so agonizing that sleep was out of tho question and to work was impossible lie afflicted man had so often read of the wonderful efficacy of Dr Williams Pink Pills in cases similar to his own that he resolved to try them He says however that he was not hopeful of receiving much as he had tried many medicines without any good results following Ho began the use of the pills and by the time a couple of boxes were used he found they were helping him Thus encour aged he continued the use of the medi cine and gradually pains and sore ness left him he was able to sleep soundly and enjoyed an excellent ap petite In fact after using Dr Wil liams Pink Pills for less than two months Mr says he found him self in the best of health He is now a warm friend of this great medicine arid urges sufferers not to other medicines hut at once begin the use of Dr Williams Pink Pills Rheumatism sciatica neuralgia partial paralysis locomotor ataxia nervous headache nervous prostration and diseases depending upon humors in the blood such as scrofula chronic erysipelas etc all disappear a fair treatment with Dr Williams Pink Pills Thoygive a healthy glow to pale and sallow complexions Sold by all dealers and post paid at a box or six boxes for by address ing the Dr Williams Medicine Co Ont Do not be to some substitute Will Die Before Day light Would Have Been Her Answer to Querry When Cure for the Heart Snapped the Death Strings Mrs 180 Queen street To ronto gives this unsolicited testimony For a number of years I had been a great sufferer from heart troubles had smothering sensations palpitation neuralgia thumping was very fatigued I to try Dr Agnews cure Heart when I had despaired living through the night The benefit was instantaneous I have taken five bottles and have no hesitation in heartily recommending it and will be glad to communicate with any one desiring it Bold by Wilmot Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket a a a 1CI 100 Mich Miss Lewis aged of went to the orchard on Cole mans farm four miles from Farming- ton to pick poaches Not re turning when expected a search was instituted which resulted in finding the aged spinsters body in a pasture bad been butted to death by two rams Both legs and an arm were broken Young at Seventy Indication and Stomach Troubles Ho mo by South American Nervine Pour Battles Brought Back Health and Vigor Mrs Jas Sherwood of Windsor writes For twelve months I a great sufferer from indigestion and a stomach trouble After trying other remedies without any benefit whatever I was attracted to South American Nerve through great cures I read of its making and I decided to try it After a few doses I felt great relief and benefit I have taken four bottles and although I am years old I give this thankful testimony for relief from the great suffering I had I consider it a great medicine Sold by Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket Mrs house in York township was set on fire by ex plosion of a lamp in the morning at oclock and worth of dam age done Gore Bay Sept Gibson Pratt aged two fell from a verandah to ground beneath a distance of throe feet striking his head against a piece of hoard from which the head of a long nail projected The nail pierced the skull and held the boy last so that he was picked up with the board hanging to his head Ho has since died Do You Read Whit popto are saying about Hoods Bar- It is earing the worst of rheumatism and all forma blood boils and pimples It giving strength to weak and tired women Why yon hesitate to it when it is do eo for others Hoods are the best family cathar tic liver tonic Gentle reliable sure Grenylle Booth Eaat Hasting North Huntings West South Ha West Kent Lanark North North 420 Lanark North Lanark South Lennox Loede Booth Middlesex Mutkok COO Middlesex North 139 Middlesex West Norfolk North Norfolk Northumberland Ontario North Ontario Booth Ontario Oxford North Oxford Booth Peel 1 Perth North Perth Booth 247 West Prince Edward Renfrew North Renfrew Sooth North Booth Victoria North Victoria Booth Waterloo North Waterloo South Wellington Centre Wellington North Wellington Booth North York East York North York West Ml 9 I 257 200 9 Mr Robinson Whitesides eldest boy aged about years had the mis fortune to break his thigh bone the other day He was attending the school and while playing a game of bear with other boys got his feet tangled in a rope We un derstand the little fellows leg receiv ed a terrible wrench but we are pleased to say that the injured limb is doing nicely Three Lindsay boys the Warder says averaging about fourteen years started out last week to seek their fortune in the world One proposed to go to New Orleans another to Cuba while the third laid out to do up Cali fornia They reached Colling wood via Midland but the third day found them home again looking for some thing to eat They are now studying and finance Mono fob of the Forest Emblem V V THE j iiy tiw Order Foresters ud Incorporate Head DOMfXIOM GoYtXKUtXt BONDS Finds Apul lit the best the of A Purely Canadian having no weaken ing branches in foreign ana leu health Fuji etc tent on application to Elliott Wictte of Do you thin of BUILD UNI THIS SUMMER If you do write The WE SSI Ml LitoirED NEWMARKET ONT And get prices of Doors Wilier Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows AND ALL SHE Artistic Effects in Inside Woodwork Largest in for the manufacture of PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc We HighGrade and Repair all kinds on short notice The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co r limited NEWMARKET ONT rAr- -O- Another change has been made in connection with the oldBowden Bakery Mr Groome having taken as a Mr Albert and the firm will be known as J A FirstClass Baker has been secured and orders for all kinds of Pastry will receive careful and prompt attention The business will be increased in all lines Our Bread is Giving Great Satisfaction Have You Tried It Grocery Stock Fresh and Reliable A call solicited I W A BOQART J Goes a long way toward mak ing favorable or unfavorable impress ions If you are taking a part in the Fall Fairs eitherasjSpectator Exhi bitor or Judge you will certainly ap pear to better advantage if you wear one of Nobby Suits Call early and secure your choice Merchant Tailor door to L Atkinsona WEEK I Prices y QuaUty Kt Large Stock of Trunks kept and Prices right her the place li

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