Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , October 7, 1898, p. 3

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY OCT s Weeks Hems WHAT IS ON IK ABOUT MS regular mooting of Womans Missionary of Methodist will bo of Mk Quo Richardson on Thursday Ool at oclock Mr A decided to pat Icon Into his and ran a motor will bo finish work arc soldering joints along tho root a to provent going to and tost tholr voice in Ward week Ono Yea on ballot another put a in stead of a X and a third put tho In front of word Yea instead of under- ft All do not road tho would not have spoiled ballots R Trick Chief Andorson anxiously looking for tliat ahicd a tomato through ono of tho panca of glass in from of Mrs drug on ovening Will off ait was going along street at the lima in Delivery rig and it was for him a lark but missed mark aim costs arc in for that did tho throwing if ho not keep pretty mum Fait For years tho Fall Show at Quconavillo has been ono of Township Shows in this part of tho Province Fair Tuesday to thorn all Prizo ia beat over offered there is a largo membership and it fully expected that exhibit will bo larger than over If tho crowd will bo there Directors also announce a Concert in Hall in the evening Concerts have been well patronized in past and those who want a will to go early Filthy It is most disgusting to sco sidewalks strewn with banana and other pools grape skins etc in of fruit atores It usually on Saturday night when most and truck then tramped in by people going to church Iher morn- walks swfcpt by tho boys Last Saturday night a largo of grapea were devoured on Timothy street bridge and the skins strewn onthe side walk till it looked like a pig pen Actually could not walk past without slip ping on them Inspector should make an of of these pcoplo who are slovenly Tho should be stopped Produce Immense market last Saturday Dairy poultry fruit vegetables everything in large quantities and hucksters about drained pocketbooks 18o was the highest paid for butter tho bulk sold at J Eggs were firm at 15o and a great many got per doz Dressed chickens at and per pair according to size live chickens from to per pair ducks and pair Jive ducks to Live geese from to each Live turkeys from to per lb per bag waa asked for potatoes when market opened hut only a few bags were sold at that price Quito a Ipt were after wards sold at Towards the close of the market they were Bold at 60c by the wagon toad and load was actually sold at Fall apples were sold all the way from to a barrel Choice eat ing apples were sold at a bushel Ripe tomatoes basket for Cauliflowera and each Celery heads for Pears a basket grapes 15 and a basket cranberries quart Crab apples and a basket Green tomatoes and a basket North Convention annual Convention of York Sabbath Association will bo held In Bradford mi la 2nd of Nov fortunate In securing viry men to addresses and a very time may bo antici pated will lo issued week Not Tho postal authorities aro warning per- against placing of in met last Saturday and passed amounting to This includes Very little sickness among Inmates An old lady from North fixed op on Wed and tracks tor her old homo who knew her met her this aidn of Sharon and quietly her back again Public Board met taut Friday of wrappers and article Present re Morrison forwarding through malla Convic tions for offonooo come rather high to Writing a note on a nowspai and sending It through mail fa subject to tho same penalty Hughes J A It Watson A Davidson 1 J Smith and paaeed and entered into tho The librarian was instructed to enforce rulo a flno of Bo Police Court rtl hooka not retorood within On Monday Kennedy typewritten Paisley near Holland Landing was com- lo ow cHv milled for trial for reviving a he ln to been stolen Ant by Magistrates whom the prelim inary investigation look place viz Messrs Woodcock and Jackson On day Smith who lives with defendant committed by J Woodcock J for stealing In question The ovidmcu In the caeca Quito a number of hive been sold the past week first ticket In a family fa CO and jo- for subooquont ono Now la tho to cot J On of ft children had a narrow escape of being run over It In a box in tho of travelled road In Mr appeared for defence It la a very On Saturday Police Court before corner on account of a tight Jackson J Wmiliam bound hoard hiding from viow over to keep in tploint of a man was coming along Millard Ave Geo of by wilh that had not been out afternoon no thn iho Wftfl for ihe that did not disorderly conduct down Town lrdm M One wheel struck day night tho box child sitting in Another youu man appeared for There arrow at causing a banco in Army meet- the sum corner If t ght board fence last Sunday And to rem it danger for hie fun I R Change In Time All this week train faoroto- fore leaving Toronto for North at pm baa been city at pm travailing should bear this in mind dlsappolntmonta occurred week on of not being days be fore taking effect A Acoident A week agolast Sunday evening after homo from Mies mot with a very painful and for a time it was feared that would of ono had lit the parlor lamp and stooping down to a large shade a heated of In con tact with ball of her burning to a Dilator Medical aid was sum moned at but it hours sho got any relief Fortunately pupil was not injured and is now almost bettor R Firm and A have formed a partnership with offices in and Toronto Col a wellknown Queens Counsel and has practised law in On upwards of years has just lately ranks of profession Ho has taken a firstclass honor course in Toronto University and also took his postgraduato degrcoof with honors Subsequently he put in thrco years at Oagoodo Flail first class honor course and also win ning two scholarships Tho now firm of have established their local offices in Jones Block Market Square White Blankets Pure Wool from upwards Ladies the very latest from upwards Mens Heavy Top Shirts from upwards Gray Flannel from 9c upwards Baldwins Beehive Wool per ounce Mens Underwear greatest variety in Town at Lower Prices w tr The Newest UptoDate Goods just received Our Specialty Goods We show designs not shown by any other House with Trimmings to Match We are never undersold and Our Goods are all Guaranteed BRUNTON CORNER The best Cakes are always made with Baking Powder w We Clothe a man from the crown of his head to the soles of his feet P R Canada of ft of the The Work on the new Power at Bonds Lake is being pushed bb fast aa possible The foundation is excavated for a brick baildlrfg feet The Company intend to place in this building four power croBscom pound engines for initia tive power and dynamos in corresponding ratio A travelling with a capacity of SO tone will be placed in the roof for handling tbo machinery The boiler house will be of sufficient dimensions for eight power boilers the of which it Is intended to feed Automatically from hopperbottomed The company has purchased a large tract of land to these and it la evident from the work already undertaken that ft is the intention to make this spot one of the most on tho continent With the large extent of natural forests as yet by the woodmans axe and the pretty body of needs to be added been contributed by nature to make tbo spot a revelation to those who not yet visited the scene Without positive information it was gathered that a large and wellequipped hotel be a part of the ultimate out come of the of this site rails are now laid along the aide of St up to corners and a gang commenced laying track at Richmond Hill on Monday morning rails are being placed at the as the or dinary steam railway to facilitate the handling of freight Church Good mil lino last Sunday in tbo with solos by York a Mr as well base and alto in unison lont The meeting alio a aplendid service Gospel Temperance Cody the lost Sunday with the organ Good readings were given by Mrs Low add speeches by Matthews and Mayor Cane The program Sunday will be provided by the League bodies Besides the ordinary sizes in Mantles we havo added a lot to suit stout ladies Hughes At a regular meeting held at the resi dence of P Jaat Tuesday the following were appointed Superintendents of Departments Evangelistic- Mr J Wilson Mrs Hughes Social Purity Mrs Fair Work Cane Wine Mrs Narcotics Mrs Kiiton and Mrs Oilman Mothers Meetings Cane Press Mra Jackson and Mies Ross Womans Journal School of Methods Cane Franchise and Petitions Mrs Cane Parlor Meetings Jackson and Mrs Oliver R Hot Time A lad named Percy Travis son of Mr It had an experience on Monday afternoon that he will not forget for a few days He wandering in wood with some other boys and jumping oh top of a rotten atuuap it gave way and him down into a hornets nest Percy call I loudly for and a fight ensued A Public Last Frank Moody bottler at me Central seized with an in the region of the which caused him to vomit execs- hid been troubled tbia way for a couple of weeks but thia time he obtained relief haying ejected a live snail fully an inch and a half long and about tho same measure in circumference He uses well water both at home and at the hotel and had evidently swallowed the animal when small without observing it This should be a lesson for everybody to look at what they drink particularly in welt or open spring water The Some Opinion Speaking of the visit of Acton Council lors to Stayner Newmarket and Aurora re Electric Light the bra saya Tboy returned in possession of valu able information through the courtesy of officials and leading citizens in tbo places named and each member of the deputation is free to express himself behind the age fled that Acton Is away with her antiquated coal oil lamps The members of the committee are preparing a Giving Mrs George comprehensive report upon the subject and this will be presented at an early date to the Council and also to the ratepayers One thing was particularly Impressed up on Hi said Reeve Pearson to the we found that those who were pronounced in their opposition to the matter when the question of electric light was mooted in the towns we visited are the warmest friends of the system now and we failed to meet a single person who would bo willing to go back to old son Flower Mission Mrs Low and Mrs Jackson Lumbermen M Hughes Railroad Employees Mra J 8 Green Indian Work Mra Jackson Pledge Mrs and Mrs Rich ardson Curfew Mrs Beth Band of Hope Mrs Allan Cody and Can The following were appointed delegates system of street lighting to the County Convention at Mrs J J Pearson Cane Girls Jackets and I In several colors and sizes at Jackson Hughes R SendOff A couple of weeka ego Bra noted with pleasure promotion of Mr J Mont gomery brother of Mr John Montgomery merchant of town and an old Now- market boy A copy of the baa under our notice and it gratifying to read of his manly qualities Though the article occupies a good deal of apace wo feel justified in giving it in full an to other Newmarket boys to reflect credit upon themselves and their native town A gathering that filled parlors of the Oriental assembled last to do honor to departing favorite Mr W J Mont gomery who for the past eight years has been in savings department of the On tario Bank and who left today to assume his now position as accountant in Port Arthur branch Those present consisted of delegates representing tho Cricket Club and tho Hockey Club Mr on behalf of Cricket Club expresse cordial terms their high of the fine qualities of Mr Montgomery as a sportamao In every field of play ho not only showed an onosual degree of but was a model of candor and fair play and therefore when such qualities are combined in an eminent and so rare a degree it is not to be wonder- at that his friends and the public gener ally regretted so deeply his departure TIipv also that in the bank he woe thorough and intelligent as on the field and therefore those who had followed his career with interest might expect to him develop into a prominent man and representative citizen It needless to say that on account of Mr Montgomerys charming manner he was a great favorite with the and presence will be on future occasions In asking Mr Hamilton to make the presenta tion on behalf of the dub Mr again referred to the cordial feelings exist ing between the recipient and the donors and the clubs regret at his departure Mr Hamilton then made the pre sentation confiding of a set of hair brushes in ebony mounted with a monogram At the close of these remarks Mr Walter Blocker in his full and manly tones Jacks the boy Mr Kenner who wis accom panied by a strong delegation from the Hockey ub expressed the deep regret of the Hockey Club and all lovers of sport in losing Monty He gave a short resume of the progresa of hockey in Peter borough in which it appeared to what a large extent Mr Montgomery had been the mainstay of the club for not only had he been possessed of such great moral support but bis keen eye and nimble fet bad many a time been of the first importance in win ning the hotly contested game Mr Montgomerys chief characteristic no doubt was bis thoroughness which in business in sport baa placed him well on tba way for promotion and he was a signal example of the man who can do all things well As an allround athlete he no superior in Peterborough In cricket in golf in hockey and in football he alike in the front rank and it could not but be gratifying to Mr Montgomery to know that whilst many might leave town without general popular regret he would be the very last of all the young men to do so Mr Lionel King the wellknown hockey player then stepped forward and present ed Mr Montgomery with a fine silver emoting est expressing the regret that the short notice of his departure bad prevent ed a more elaborate presentation Mr Walter then contributed Just tell them that yon saw me and after short complimentary speeches from of the others present Mr Mont gomery made a address thanking his friends for their kinduess and expressing his deep regret at the severance of con- with Peterborough his relA- lions had been alike very pleasant in busi ness and life and sport Afterwards about a dozen of Mr Mont gomerys most intimate friends and as- adjourned to Welshs restaurant a daintily served supper was enjoyed and an hour pleasantly spent The Largest Stock of Mens and Boys Clothing We show the Largest and Best Stock of Boots Shoes Our Mens Hats Caps are the Latest Styles Our Mens Furnishings are the Nobbiest in Town Special Bargains in Mens Leg Boots Come with the Crowds and Save Money IB and These Departments have been Very Satisfactory the past season both for us and our customers We are looking to make them even more so if possible this season Have been arriving every day or so for the past month TOOKS ARE NOW VERY OOMPLET VALUES WERE NEVER BETTER FOR INSTANCE Mens Box Calf Lace Boots whole foxed fair stitched coin toe worth 250 our price 2 00 Mens Box Calf Lace Boots whole foxed Goodyear Welt coin toe in Chocolate or Black worth 350 our price Ladies Dongola Button or Lace Boots patent tip worth our price Ladies Button Common 165 worth Ladies Fine Oil Pebble Lace Boots patent tip heavy sole 135 worth 50 Girls Fine Oil Pebble Button or Lace Boots heavy sole 119 worth 2 1 A

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