Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , October 7, 1898, p. 2

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r J I THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY OCT Boot and Shoos Co J A Alton Co Wanted A Creditor Photos J Jenkins JtJ for Lock Article for Sato J Kit my Scot for Sale- J A Stray J J to Winner J J CANADA I OX Seven Provinces Give a Majority Fop It of 62926 Quebec Gives Against It in the Dominion fop Prohibition 11636 GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY division 8 pa Piifli p 3 ft w o o El WW MO to pi to end a- gw B I a After our message from Toronto on Thursday night of last week returns brought the majority of against prohibition down to nearly in favor of it Since then accurate returns have Leon and total majority in favor of prohibition is given as as follow For 6B2 Island ICO 1992 British Columbia For For AKftmel 9 Newmarket 209 Aurora 102 Button Hoi Landing BO Whitchurch Kingmaj CO 211 16 148 140 a Majority in North York for pro following figures so 22 14 auk on North Ward Con l re Ward ft I South Ward Hot landing I Walkers Shop Town Hall no W 63 a he fe OT5VKR OP I PUT fiRIOWTKR AND WITH Z7 OCT 1808 KINO KvoraJoy King Horn CO King 32 48 Lloydtovrn 48 lino King Terrys Sharon Albert CI Gum Swamp Cor Election The result of the election to unseat Hon Mr Hatty Commission- or of Public Works in Government was brought to a sudden and unoxpected termination on Mon day last when petition was 43 missed bill of particulars con tained no less than of cotruption atartiog out first and foremost with No 1 that a central fund of about was raised in Toronto for tho purpose of bribing and corrupting the constituencies and district of Kingston in par ticular When this item was called Chancellor Boyd asked the prosecuting for of particulars reply was Wo have no evi dence to offer tho Chancellor administered this scathing rebuke It should never have been put on record It is disgraceful to do so if there is nothing to justify it charge is dismissed The spec- taole thus presented by Opposition candidate and his political advisers in the Limestone was most humil iating but what now adds to the agony of party is faet that when this protest was entered and charges fyled the Conservative press headed by the Toronto special prominence to this charge of the 10000 bribery fund all of whom can now cat their leok with humility and reflect on the painful fact that Chancellor Boyds rebuke is wide enough to include them as parties to circulating a libellous charge not only on public men named in therewith but the party with which they were in harmony Hon Mr election Is now confirmed 83 18 21 84 24 22 16 1 Total majority I860 WHITCHURCH Pino Orchard 74 Vivian Tho of law to compel to vote vory apparent In caso a reason able not with Office for Division tho voter might bo disfranchised for two by way of punishment This would do ft way with the tagging after voters and it would end the bribery voters to stay at home 1 A 0 1000 result of the while favor inti tomperanco side of issue in all tlie Provinces of the Dominion except Que bec was not of that marked character its friends anticipated but we not among those who have notion that developed nothing It has placed the Government In a position more accurately to opinion which previously was purely debate- able In the face of majority it could not bo expected that law would in Quebec but that success will yet crown efforts of j prohibition element is evidenced by the progressive changes in opinion in this regard during tho past decade It is now staled that in case the Gov ernment does not sco way clear to grant Dominion Prohibition it will be asked to give Provinces power to act Independently 0 J UK Canadian Magazine for September is very bright well illustrated and worthy of national support 1 0 3 A from London that Dr Guilford the midwife of Bridgeport Conn who is wanted by American police on a charge of having connected with tho death of Mies Emma Gill the young woman whose body cat several pieces was found some time ago near Bridgeport has been arrested 248 is officially announced that Stuart Leeds and Granville who is advanced in years and who has been suf fering ever since last fall from a fractured has resigned and that Mr A Dana hag been appointed as his a accessor by the Ontario Government It locks as if lion J Gibson be the Liberal nominee for East Welling ton next Monday If it will mean his election Tub has fallen In West York Tuesday afternoon the for tbe petitioner notified he solicitors for Mr J Hill Liberal that Mr J WSt John bis opponent last had all claim to seal The Judges in the South Ontario elec tion case imposed penalties of disqualifies- lien from voting on seventeen electors who were convioted of corrupt If they hud jugged the bribers the country would Have been better pleased Oar Toronto Letter A fashionable wedding occurred in Methodist Church on Tuesday afternoon in which the con tracting parties wore Mr Harvey Leo and Miss Olive daughter of Mr Mark Rev Mr the pastor of the church per formed the ceremony The bride is well known in the Bradford District where she spent most of earlier years There was a very stormy session of the City Council last Monday night The elevator question for the new court house was cause Gov Patterson Manitoba is in the city this Monday was a hot day in the city in the shade in some places The new home for Aged Men on Belmont Street is now completed and will be dedicated restoration local passenger rates to old figures may now be look ed for any day It is understood that two trunk lines reached a conclusion en North Bay trouble On Tuesday last the Liberals of Booth Ontario again unanimously nominated Hon John to contest the Riding with Mr Charles Conservative in approaching byeelection to the Pro vincial Assembly The meeting was un usually large and manifested a determina tion to redeem the mistake of March last by returning the Minister of Agriculture by a decided majority as their representa tive One of those events which are al ways interesting and which generally afford some degree of pleasure to the public took place in this vioinity on the afternoon of the It was the marriage of Miss Ada el dest daughter of Mr and Mrs George to Mr John Stephenson eldest son Mr and Mrs Armstrong Stephenson and nephew of J Stephenson of Sutton West The ceremony was performed by the Rev Powell of Sutton at the home of tho brides parents Mr J Bull of Ontario was groomsman and the bride was attend ed by her sister Miss The bride looked charming attired in a dress of cream cashmere trimmed with silk lace and adorned with orange blossoms After the ceremony the many friends of young couple came flocking around them and congratu lations and benedictions were ut tered profusely The wedding break fast was partaken of with much relish and appreciation for there was an A crisis now exists in China j excellent spread the tables from London state that I groaning under the burden of the Governor at Shanghai has report- 1 good things After tho breakfast Mr Powell made a brief speech in which reference was made to tho bride par ticularly and congratulations were extended to the groom on securing the woman of his choice The newly married pair the recipients of a great many presents useful and orna mental thus attesting the esteem and respect in which they are held We wish them voyage over lifes Several streets and buildings were during a violent storm Ber lin on to a Chinese paper that Emperor committed on Sept after sign ing the decrees which placed the Dowager Empress at the head of affairs in China The same despatch however explains that phrase committed suicide really means assassination What few details have Bines come to hand indicate that a few of the more persons of the late Emperor have been executed foreign am bassadors assaulted and riots imminent H I MS hartrt hill was denied yesterday The Ontario Christian Endeavor Convention at Hamilton Oct to 13 promises to one of best yet held The junior department has been given prominence on pro gramme Oct A special despatch from Bombay says that a ferry boat was capsized while crossing the Indus at a town of on in has been received but we have not got room for it Toronto fled Wheat per bushel aoGO White Wheat per bushel Goose- Wheat per bushel Buckwheat per bushel Barley per bushel I Peas per bushel the west Bye per bushel bank of the river and 100 of pas it lb are drowned Potatoes per buy OH PERSONAL POINTS Mr Will Barry was down from Carrie over Sunday Miss Florence Cain visiting Mies Barry at Mr- Walter Cain spent over Sunday at with friends Mrs Wilcox of Aurora was the guest of Mrs last week Mr and Mrs Thompson of are at Mr Landys Mrs Hurst of Toronto was visiting with Mrs over Mr accepted of Equity Ins Co Mr Albert flharpe of Toronto over Sunday with his parents in Town Miss Beaton has returned from visit ing friends at Lindsay and Mis Bell been visiting her at the past two Mies of Richmond Hill is visiting nor Misa Minnie Mrs Alex Loo and daughter of tho guests of Mm last week MIssLlzzio has returned from Tort Arthur she spent the summer Mrs A West is spending a week with her mother Mra John at Mrs Dr of Detroit spent a few days lata week her Mrs Coo Mrs was up from the this week on tbo occasion of her sis ters wedding Mrs Pressor was in town this week attending wedding of Miss Mr and Mrs Dyke of spent over Sunday with their daughter Mrs A Mr Elmer of the stff Sao at his old home in Quito a largo birthday party assembled at Mr Seba St on Wednesday evening Mrs Frank London log a few days with Mrs M and other friends in Town Mr Mrs Wilson both over 80 of left to their homo in Wisconsin Mrs is here from la Prairie on a visit with her father Mr Xhoa Coates and former friends Mrs Dr Watson and two children from an visiting with her Mr and Mrs Pearson Miss of Toronto General Hos pital staff spent a few days at home much pleased to meet her many friends Mr Andrew Hunter of Barrio former ly editor of the spent Monday evening with Mr Andrew Hunter on Eagle street Esq of Toronto grand organizer of the AOOWexpectB to at tend Newmarket Lodge No next Mon day night Mr and Mrs Albert of East Gwillimbory their Wed ding this week and entertained a number of relatives Messrs Bert Gardner and George Stark went shooting on the Jersey river last Friday and brought home five slacks and eight snipe Mr Well left for Milwaukee on Wednesday evening to accept a situation A party gave him a on Tuesday evening Miss Nettie returned from To ronto on Saturday after taking a on pipe organ from Mr one of finest players In the Miss Eva Jackson left for Ottawa on Monday to visit her cousin and will stop off at Perth on the way home She expects to be gone four or five weeks Mrs of Toronto called on some old friends as she passed through Newmarket last week on her way to Sharon to visit Mm Wayling Mr A Powell of Berlin In spector of Economical Fire Ins Co was in Town on Wednesday and appointed Mr Lehman as agent fur the Co Rev A Belfry who was in Town over Sunday assisted at the Methodist Church on Sunday evening and left for College In Toronto next day Miss Millie Webber of Toronto spent Saturday with Mm W and on Sunday accompanied her brother Rev Geo Webber on the circuit Messrs Frank Traviss and Armitage struck work at good wages at Rat Portage Messrs Ben Manning and Fred Day have also got work at the same place pMr Allan Cody Is moving around again though he is pretty well scarred after the accident reported in College Corners last week It is a miracle that he was not killed Mies Lucas of Toronto who has spent a couple of weeks with her Mrs left on Tuesday for Mark- ham accompanied by Miss where they attended the fair Mies Myrtle Millard is suffering from an of inflammation of the lungs this week which has confined her to her room but she Is now on the mend and no developments are apprehended Mr Joseph Cain youngest son of Con stable Cain finished the seasons run in the capacity of Parlor Car oh the Northern Division of the and accepted a sitaatton as Allendale to Mrs of Mrs J Robertson and Mrs A Cane of Newmarket were judges on Ladies Work at the North York Fair The names were not signed in the Judges Book hence the omission in the Prize List last week BEL FOB MEN WW d Our Stock of Mens arid Boys Clothing is now very complete and far surpasses all previous efforts We have all styles and kinds that are worth having and offer nothing but new and reliable goods The Patterns are new and nobby while the Styles are the very newest and there is not a man too dressy for us to suifc I he prices are away below prices asked by tailors for equal goods We quote a few prices but you must see the goods and examine the quality to appreciate their worth I Mens good wool Tweed Suits all sizes at Mens very neat allwool Tweed Suits single or double breasted all sizes at Mens extra wellmade allwool Tweed Suits new select patterns single or double breasted worth any day our special at Mens very fine Black Worsted Coat and Vest with Black Stripe Pants to match made in cutaway styles specially for our fine trade you can get no better suit anywhere for any size 75 I here at Boys twopiece Suits sizes to at Boys threepiece Suits all wool Halifax sizes to at See our 100 Tweed Pants a 75 50 OAT We are doing a big trade in Ladies Coats We did not carry over a single garment from last year consequently you can depend on being shown only this years latest productions Ladies stylish Black Beaver Coats at 95 Handsome Beaver Coats in Black and Navy at 95 A big range of Frieze Coats in all new shades at Very Fine Kersey Coats at 5 75 The latest in Coats at 795 This Coat is one of the nobbiest of this seasons productions and well worth 1000 A manufacturers stock of sample Coats the pick of the trade to be sold at a reduction of twentyfive per cent Dr Ben Coatee Specialist at Cleveland Ohio was visiting hie In Newmarket lt Monday on his re torn from Clarksburg where he per formed very interesting and delicate of at private hospital AH patients are doing well we are our readers will be pleased to know what clever are from the old Town Dr Coatee we learn also chain- golf player of Cleveland notwith standing he tarns Dr Record Large above referred to second Bon of Rev Large formerly of Queens- villo and is doing an excellent practice Mr and daughter are home from visit over there the baa this paragraph A pretty wedding took place at home of Mr Seventh aye Tuesday evening when their daughter Louise was married to J Rev officiating The bride attired in white mulle and carried a bouquet of white rosea She attended by Clara of Canada who wore pick organdie and carried carnationa Mr B Edwards offici ated beat man Among the present received a rocker presented by the fellowworkmen of the groom of AUia Co The Cradle wan In King on the 25th to Mr and Mrs James Sloan a daughter In the nit to Mr and a daugh ter BoraAt York Mills Oct 3rd to Dr and Mrs Bond a aon Dr Bond in a of the late Bond former ly sewing machine agent of Newmar ket Leading Furniture and Undertaking House Mr Roger guard at the Central accompanied by wife are spend- a week with hi father Mr John Yon fie St Frank formerly of Writes us from Dominion City Manitoba that grain cutting in that is about over and stacking mostly ng is general both yield and good They bad a slight frost about middle of Sept which did some damage to uncut and late ant grain The he is equal to a viait home Fori One Sideboard Walnut Mirror and Marble Top OneBodoom Suite Maple large Walnut Rockers and may be had cheap for cash Enquire MRS JOHNSTON Holland Landing a ST a a a a 023 a a a 0 a a The Alto Bbodik At tho residence of brides parents Niagara Newmarket the let by Elder Mr Alex Goon of Toronto to Mies Ada daughter of Mr butcher At the residence of the brides Pearson at Newmar ket on the by the father of the bride aaaisted by Elder W Chidley Mr Lehman druggist to Maud third daughter Elder Mucheli the of the brides mother on the of Sept by Rev Mr Mr Mitchell of to daughter of Mrs T North Gwillimbory The Tomb At on Sept John Ferguson aged In on Sept John in year Phillips At Bond Head on Mrs Ann relict of the late Thomas Phillips in the year of her age In Vaughan on the 2nd Inst John Ireland lu the year of hie age Interred Tuesday afternoon at King City Cemetery Whitchurch on Sept Robert in the year of bis age AURORA On Monday left to take a situation in the Arthur High School No less than eight young persons residents are leaving town for situa to Roy to law office of Messrs Allen Toronto Bingham to college at Woodstock Roy Robinson to Western Insurance office Toronto The vote here on Thursday was a surprise to all parties The Aurora High School will give an opening exercise concert in about four or five weeks The talent secur ed and the success of last year be speak a full house The J Sons have made an extension to their moulding shop nearly doubling their capacity Mr J Woodson of has purchased a residence at the corner of Tyler and Streets It stated that Mr A Forget of Re- been appointed of the Northwest Territories rendered va cant by demise of Hon Camer on He is posted in Northwest affair The discovery was made on Tues- day that bank Winnipeg had been robbed of No clue J fl Offer We have assumed our Prince Albert having taken it off to bring into town some rare bargains in floe furniture and We now make you a princely offer Now tfe more oak than we need and will therefore make a cot on any band- some article you boy here in the 30 days Royal Hotel A J 8trong Bakers Hungarian Glenora Pastry Best Ontario and Manitoba wheat Flour for Family Use Feed of all Kinds I A car of fresh ground American Gray best fertilizers for Clover and Grass LIME LIME very best Grey Lime Furniture I i 1 Storehouse Cor Main and Huron Main St North Newmarket Orders receive Careful and Prompt Attention Telephone No Electric By Leave and ll and pm Flour per barrel I White Wheat per 0 0 Leave Toronto Crossing I pm Wheat per bushel Bicycles put taken off at Waiting Buckwheat Barley per bushel 1 per SPHCIflD EXCURSIONS aud Saturday S id Return children jiondHlila44JD7andlO OS Per per live a a Hill to Toronto and aloud a a tf 1 ou a a 0 a a a 13 Excursion every evening from Toronto to rtf and return leaving W001 K CO a at for r

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