Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , October 7, 1898, p. 1

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J The Era gives more home news every week than any two other papers in North York combined and will be sent to new subscribers till January lor cents s INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER imH Givo mo to know to and to according to conscience all othor PAGES No paper sent outside of North York paid in advance XLV1I No filnglo Copies Each l Newmarket Ont Friday October 7 Terms per annum I if paid in advance A THE Sizes Square Sizes with Tank tl At- JSIeuu market October Top out in four pieces Onoriooo Shoot Stool in front of fixtra wide centres cut Oven long centre CANADAS GREATEST STOVE NOTE THE FOLLOWING POINTS 1 Top iocast in four pieces rendering breakage less liable Wide Short Centres 2J inches making it possible to use the four holes at time Four large pots or two largo pots and a wash boiler can wit on the together without crowding Long Centre is cut to provide for expansion and contraction Centres lined 4 Heavy Kinged Covers one Combination Ring supplied with each stove The Oven is made of Cold Rolled Annealed Steel Plate free from scale top of where the intense heat of firo strikes is pro tected by specially prepared fireproof cement Flue in front of Oven is quite a factor in the successful oporation of stove Ovon Plates aro so secured that it is impossible for them to warp is large and GREAT FUEL Wo have received many unsolicited testimonials as to this point those using these stoves 0 of these Stoves are now in actual use Ah the Quadrennial Meeting of this body convenes in Christian Church at Newmarket on October for a weeks session it may bo of interest to readers to know something of its his tory and purpose request of Rev Chid- ley pastor of the church here an of ficer of th Convention has kindly furnished iiitorumtmo which take pleasure in publishing This is highest ecclesiastical or ganization of the denomination whose name everywhere is simply Chris tian It is a representative be ing comKsrd of delegates from the Conferences seventy in number and certain other members hav ing general oversight of the Educa tional Missionary and Exten sion work of the denomination which numbers over hundred thousand communicants It has about the same relationship to the denomination at lare thatthc Conferences have to the local churches Ah the local churches manage their own individual interests tho action taken by the Convention is not strict ly legislative but rather advisory yet with rare exception it is accepted by churches as readily as though it Y a school for tho training of ministers to which pastors have gone from this vicinity The present popular pastor of New market church is one of ho number In 1870 the Convention was held at only time it has been held outride the States The Convention lipid at Stan was especially memorable on account of the dedication of the Bib lical Institute the gift of Hon David Clark of Hartford and the pre sence of tins generous benefactor for the first time at the Convention Excellent Conventions were held in Franklin Ohio and in at Albany I he convention New Bedford Mass in the first held New England is because of discus sion of union with the Free Baptist the organization of Womens Hoard of Foreign Missions and be cause a more vigorous plan of prosecut ing the work of the denomination was adopted The Convention at Marion Indj in had the largest attendance of delegates in history and the re union of the two sections of the de nomination together with he organi a Roll of Conferences and of delegates Presidents report Appointment of committees I Adjournment School Department Rev A of secretary Paper Modern Methods Rov Morrow Paper Important Opportunities of Homo Department Work Rev Powers Paper School pirtmenl in of Got Morrill Paper- ftlipliM and their im portance Rev Miesiou Trea surer report Rev J Bishop Adjournment had full power to determine local of the Womans Home Mission policies I Hoard made it a memorable meeting For Sale by Repairing Promptly Done NEWMARKET WMWffJWWJWfM During the month of September we will offer Special Bargains in all lines of Goods It will pay you to call and see our Stock before making your purchases We are after your trade Give us a trial Highest price paid for all kind of pro duce J QUEENSVILLE DENTAL r R I Post Mock Chuich Vitalised Air for Satisfaction Guaranteed I J Dentist Aurora to the I at akP Dr late residence Street Aurora p R tap Dentist bo at of Dr Porter Brad ford every Monday and Violin Tuner of PI alt String Instrument If you cannot get beef mutton will answer You may choose between milk water coffee or tea But is no second choice for Scotts Emulsion It is Scotts Emulsion or nothing When you need the best codliver oil the best hypo- phosphites and the best glycerine all combined in the best possible manner you have only one choice It brings prompt results in all cases of wasting or loss in weight CbimUu REV a p BURNETT Baton Ohio OF CHRISTIAN CONVENTION Conference entitled to I representation even the smallest ha Mass and was marked by right to three member all sec tions and the denomination has seven ty Conferences in twentyfour States and Territories as well as Ontario may be consulted and voice in the settlement all questions so that final action represents tho voice of the whole body and is for the genera wel fare origin of the Convention was tho General Convention held hi Octo ber For thirteen years it met annually then it met in three years which time it has met every four years At all these Conventions there is a large representation of the prominent men of the denomination The Convention of held in Marion Wayne Co Y was a very important meeting as by its action College at Yellow Ohio was established The Convention at Cincinnati Ohio in is because a rup ture between the North and South oc curred here in consequence of the Convention attitude on the question of slavery At the Marshall Mich Convention in action was taken which re sulted in establishment of the I Christian Biblical Institute now at CHRISTIAN CHURCH CONVENTION WILL p Service p m The Christian Movement Rev Report of Commissioners of Chris tian Union Adjournment a attendance especially when ifc is remembered that the location was in the extreme of the nations territory Important action was unanimously taken on Christian Union after a remarkable discussion and the Endeavor Department was added to the Convention organization A large gathering is expected at this Convention though the location is no as central as that of many Conventions The program gives considerable time Educa tion Christian Unidn Sunday Schools and other subjects with several sermons and addresses Tuesday October pm Address of Welcome Rev Response by the President Response lor North and East Rev I otMasa Response for the Middle States Rev A of Ohl j Response for the Rev of Va Response for the West Rev Robert Harris of Illinois Adjournment WEDNESDAY a m Devotional 1000a Convention I Rev of THURSDAY 830 a Devotional a Convention Secretarys report Secretary of Finance report ft- flermon by Rev Alva Mor rill of Rhode Island ft Christian Publishing Associa tion Educational Department M Secretary Reports of School and Colleges in five minutes Christian Biblical Institute J Weston D Union Christian College Pica I J P College College Pre A Kansas Christian College Christian College Rev A Seminary Rev J Jones P Christian Institute Pres J Christian Correspondence College Prea Adjournment Report of the Educational Secretary p The Qualihctionaof our Earl ier A p in Practice Outlook Prea p Education of the Missionary Emmet editor of the Christian Sun p Educational Prospects in Can ada Prof JN Pales A p to Advanced Education for the Ministry Prea p Convention business Adjournment 700 p Endeavor Department Rev P A Canada p Song and Praise Service Words of Greeting by Rev P Fletcher p Response ftod report of Seoy p Address Rev C Subject Fel lowship p Presentation of Junior P p Christian Mis sions Rev G A Conibear pm Address by Amos Wells Editor A World FRIDAY OCT 14TH Devotional a to Convention Address by Thomas of Subject The Reformation of the Nineteenth Century 10C0A and Church Ex tension Department 1000 am The Bible Basis for Missions Rev Morrill am Claims of Home Field for Alva MKerr ft The needs of NonChristian Lands for the Gospel Rev 1115 Oar Own Mission Fields in Japan J Rhodes 1140 a Discussion Adjournment 200 to p Program by the Wo- Board for Foreign Missions to p Program by the Wo- mans Board for Home Minions to p Foreign Board Devotions as arranged by the presi dents of the two Board- Address by president Mrs Ache ah E Weston Secretarys Report Rev Ellen Gnstin 4 Treasurers Report Mrs Mary J Address by Mrs P Jackson Five minute speeches by members of the Womans Board and others to p Home Board 1 of president Rev Emily K Bishop Secretarys report Miss Orpha Adkieon Treasurers Report Mrs Ada Five minute addresses on the Needs and Plana for the work Adjournment 730 p in Devotional Exercises pm Tho Heathen World and Gods call to the Church the Burning Need of the Hour Rev J P Barrett p How to Awaken the Home Churches to Greater Interest in For eign Mission Work Rev Geo E Dicks p Adjournment SATURDAY ft Devotional 845 a Convention businese a Christian Publishing of report Adjournment pm Christian Union of reports Adjournment pm Devotional Topic The Saloon Go Rev E Luck The Duty of the Citizen A Long The Doty of the Church Rev C I SUNDAY a Rev Warren Hathaway Commnnion Rev J P and Rev 700 pm Sermon Waste Places Rev CJ Jones D Our Toronto better Toronto good gave a of against prohibition Several polling division only cast about a dozen votes altogetherand largo number of division did trot poll three score vote The total vol combined figure up to A party of junior naval officers from the Jtritiih naval squadron at Quebec in ho city the beginning of this week They on a pleasure trip Two scarlet fever recently developed among children attending Rose The made her last double trip to for this season on Saturday Quebec of the states that Htm Wallace P for West Grand Master of the Orangemen of Ontario on Saturday last visited the shrine of St Anne de He probably went there to obtain inspiration and wipe off prejudice Leagues of the Methodist Church on the Whitby district have unanimously decided to support Dr Rush as missionary to the Northwest Indians A city paper- estimates that the thousands of male and female students from all parts of the country who flock to the city to attend schools and colleges here spend half a million dol lars annually during their sojourn in Toronto of typhoid fever were reported at Dawson City on the of Sept The man in love loses his session in trying to get possession o another Practice makes perfect The older a woman is the better she should carry her age Its all right for a man to speak right out in meeting providing he knows when to stop Dyspepsia for what nature I iior for this stomach curse Dr Su tablet It arc MONDAY am Devotional 1000 a Election of Adjournment pm Memorial Service J J Sommerbell D 300 p Cbrietian election etc p Convention basinet p Platform meeting What inspiration can we carry home from this Convention Adjournment TUESDAY Executive Cai Pleasant and positive cure Stomach after eating Loss of Appetite Wind on the Stomach Sick Headache and all disorders traceable to sluggish digestive organs cents Sold by E Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket A case of tit for tat was in evi dence in last week Thos had Ellis for riding the sidewalk and a tew days J after Mr was linen at tho instance of Mr Ellis for pushing a along the sidewalk to Stockings toe riiKS Roy J Secretary I Peter Fountain a track man was killed in the tunnel yard at Sept The best fair we over had was a common expres sion heard on the fair grounds entries this year totalled about or in advance of last year while the gate receipts were 555 or more than the second day of the fair of admission price last year being 15a as against this year many excellent mercantile and other exhibits are well arranged The display is exceptionally good especially apples the Ontario a com paratively new variety one of finest species Seldom is a better exhibit of cut flowers seen so late in the season The stock cattle is the only class not up to last year exhibit of pigs notably Tarn worths and Berkshire is best seen hero in a long time Tho Leicester class of sheep is also superior en tries in dogs fair in number and most varieties aro represented Of special interest was a display of thoroughbred English bloodhounds the property of Dr Henry of The hat and bonnet with its trim mings of feather ribbons or velvet the silk neck scarf and tie the cape jacket blouse waist skirt sash and stockings are all outward articles of feminine attire costing considerable money and demand close attention so that daily neatness and good tastO be maintained from day to day When articles of everyday we such as we have mentioned become faded and dingy they are usually cast aside by the inexperienced and care less who forgot that the garments aro still whole and yet serviceable A few economical suggestions at this time will be useful Thrifty wise and economical women and girls know just what to do when confronted with such a problem They have a lull knowledge of what can be done with the wonderful Dia mond Dyes those marvellous money savers and they act accordingly They use Fast Black Diamond Dyes prepared specially for feathers which give a rich deep and lasting black making the feathers to new ones Their dull and lifeless silk ties scarfs sashes and gloves are quickly new creations by tho Diamond Dyes The faded jacket cape blouse skirt and stockings magically transform ed to suit the of the wearer Wise women know well that fail ures aro impossible when popular Diamond Dyes used as tho manu facturers provido a special black dyo for feathers and special for silk wool all cotton and for every of mixed or union goods Mr

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