Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , September 30, 1898, p. 7

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V THE ERA FRIDAY SEPT CHINA A L L SEPT Wo ready for UGARS A3 many pounds for dollar as any one and of host quality RUIT JARS All Sixes at Closest Prices PURE For Pickling SUPPLIES Weeks Iioeal WHAT IS ON IN Public About 75 now into Library feat night and now ready for circulation corner many of latest and most popular works of day Library year commence tomorrow Now lo to boy a new oil advantage of read ing Beason Every family should Jiavo or tlokcU No expenditure can give a return to of boinR with A meeting of Board takes Business Change Mr haa mot with success in bakery business that he found business than ho could personally attend to and ho hue taken in partnership Mr firm being known aa Groomo Mr Groomo will give to and Grocery and Mr will full of delivery wagon Mr is in nil that ho does wo euro ho will a aucctaa in thin line All kinds of Canned Meats Fruits and Vegetables BOOTS HOES Close Prices to Clear Out All Summer Shoes CROCKERY Apple Harvest visiting orchards in this section and contracting at fol lowing prices for fruit in on the ground Fall apples from CO to per winter apples for choicest fruit Winter apples aro bo lift for in Town at per Mr is in height of business rush About COO barrels have been shipped past few days going to North tho Lake Orders also on hand for COO soon as can bo made Woney by moil aro growing in popular favor denominations will bo a few days making tho ay a torn complete It than a registered latter and does not coat ao ma oh for email aume loft Ottawa for Quebec on Wednesday lost on department- al Referring to tho decision of Government to refuse to purchase postage stamps after today ho he would that in future newspapers should remittance of email Bums by postal note rather than by currency or in The postal note would be safer it would involve forgery to obtain payment wrongfully These postal notes will shortly bo placed at all postoffices where they likely to be required Out prices have made the Dinner and Toilet Sets move If you want a Set at a Snap Price come right away No matter how you hear of goods being sold re member we j Just as Cheap The Leading Grocer Main Timothy Sts corn of the best varieties RED MAMMOTH SOUTHERN I SWEET EARLY LEAMING LONGFELLOW EARLY ANGLE OF MIDNIGHT GERMAN HUNGARIAN AND TURNIP SEED Huron Street TELEGRAPHY 1 Shorthand Typewriting Bookkeeping and all Commercial Subjects taught in Toronto Full term now open Member admitted at any time regular teachers equipment Write for Catalogue Principal The Caps Coming A meet inn of Town was called on Tuesday evening to consider the Petition of the Metropolitan Railway Co regarding an extension of their line from Aurora to Newmarket member of the Council was present also Mr manager of the and hie solicitor The Council evidently looked at the matter in the commonsense light of the onward march progress as tion was expressed except to the Company providing current for light and heat in the corporation A ByLaw was passed giving Company the privilege to enter the as well as furnish motive and granting exemption from taxa tion except for school purposes for a period of ten years from the let day of Mayor Reeve and Councillors Cody Smith and Road- house were appointed a Committee to con fer with the Company in regard to an agreement guarding tho interests of the Town stating where and bow the rails belaid the speed of the cars the corporation and various details The Company is anxious to go through Main and the only objection is the narrowness of the street This might easi ly be obviated from Park Avenue to On tario if the owners of property on each of Main will consent to allow sidewalk to be removed back three feet the corporation to bear all expense in connec tion with the nutter he ground never be misled by private indivi duals and there nothing that would add immaterially to the interests of the Town at an outlay We hope that the Council will take up this matter and that there will be sufficient unanimity among the property holders to carry out this pro ject for whioh the generation would ever be grateful At the time of the big fire in Newmarket when the block was burnt from Smiths Store to the corner of St the Era advocated the widen ing of Main St which could have been done thed at small bat no action was taken and now the necessity of a wider street very apparent Dont let this matter drop it means a great deal to the future of The proposed route of the railway Is to leave St at the corner of Hon locks farm strike a ravine off the side line and proceeding across the Dennis pro perty strike Newmarket near the Water Work proceed up Main to Queen fit cross over to Prospect Ave and thence out the Town Line for tho Lake The Company have placed rails and ties along the length of St from Rich mond Hill to Aurora ready for laying in permanent shape The construction staff will shortly be men If farmers North York who have cedar poles or and cedar for ties will send word to the Era office the manager will call on them and probably make a contract It is expected that the cars will be running in Newmarket before Christmas SOO steel rails are befog piled down at the Water Works Each rail is ft and weighs lbs It is no easy job handle them Mr bad two spokes broken in a wagon wheel while delivering a load on Wednes day Staff MrJae a well known local re porter and been added to our staff as travelling for tho in addition to homo work He is author ana advertising and will to maintain cogno men of Hustler Tho always gets everything thats going Found Dead Last Sunday morning a good driving valued at ftlOO belonging to Mr J Lewis of a little West of was found dead in Examination showed that inflammation causo of death was working on Saturday and appeared to bo all right when left for the night Accident Mr Squires had an exciting ex perience on Town Lino just west of Newmarket on Wednesday afternoon Ho had been out in King Township for buggy which needed repairs aud was bringing It homo loaded in a light wagon Mrs Squire also accompanying him Mr Hunter was going out to St a load of empty bar- and Mr Squires shied as tho load wsb passing The democrat was up cot in ditch and buggy fell on top of Mrs Squires who was considerably bruised but no bones broken buggy was somewhat wrcckod but Mr Squirts hung on to the lines preventing a Church Last Sunday morning pastor took forbid What hath wrought and after showing its relation to the at the time of Mo sen the sentence to illustrate growth of tho MotbodUt Church Al the time of onion of tho Wealcyan and Primitive Metho dist and also tho Bible Chris tians in there was a united member ship in Canada of 169803 there are now members and the Methodut Church of Canada has mem- and than any other protest- ant denomination in Dominion The increase in membership during past four years is Besides giving the composition of the late General Conference and a brief of the work transacted Mr Matthews made tho following observa tions Success came from faithfully meeting difficulty making no com promise with anything that has a to evil and standing Arm for truth and holiness If the church is to continue to progress consecration is required showing by walk and conversation that the individual membership followers of Jesus Christ In the Mr Mat- thews spoke on the temperance question The music by the choir was splendid in cluding a solo by Mies The program in connection with Re view at Sunday School was inter esting and were present Monthly Fellowship Meeting at next Sunday morning Good attendance antici pated owned by Hand that bad recently been built at a cost of was twisted almost completely round injured will thirty and it expected that the death list will be by two It was tho worst storm over known in that part of country rovisd list of casualties on Wednesday gives killed and in jured Loss of property The sufferers as a rule among the pour people of whom lost every thing This is not tho first tornado in Niagara In 1790 a hurricane wiped out a stretch of forest in the vicinity of Port Robin son So neatly did it do its work that the track was afterwards turned into a public road which to this day bears tho of Hurricane road Oar Toronto better flushes Rushing oft From present indications their are going to beat the record of last year pall Fairs Cookstown Oct Oct and and Bolton Oct Queensyille Tuesday Oct and Oct and Button IS and 14 Oct 18 and Bradford Oct 20 and Ink October cornea In tomorrow Yesterday was Day Town Council next Monday evening Did you vote yesterday Fine day for the Another wedding in the near future Scarcity of Voters Lists Tornado On Monday afternoon a terrific storm passed over Catharines and Merriton leaving desolation in its track Roofs of buildings were carried away by the score three persons were killed at and many others hurt The wonder is that St Cathar ines has no death list to report as the streets were practically impassable Many miraculous escapes were report ed The Presbyterian church at riton is a total wreck also the school- house where children were in at tendance Trees were uprooted telegraph poles smashed as if they were matches and roofs plucked from houses the whole being scattered promiscuously In one instance a house was lifted from its foundations and deposited about feet away This building was property of Mr Richard Thompson and at the titno was occupied by Mrs Thompson and her two children and years of age The building was smashed to smithereens and the occupants miraculously escaped fatal injuries though they are seriously hurt Cows were carried up in the vortex and across to adjoining farms tornado lasted less than ten minutes but during that time in alone about two dozen houses were destroy ed outright Many ether buildings were twisted and damaged to a con siderable extent In instance a Police Magistrate passed a sentence on Henry OBrien when ho sent him to the penitentiary for five years OBrien pleaded guilty to the charge of bigamy but the Crown claimed to be able to prove about half a dozen similar charges Ho made a business to all appearance of marrying women for what money he could make out of them After securing all ho was able would then seek others to fleece The Methodist General Conference decided in favor of an insurance com pany of their own in which to insure purely Property such as churches and parsonage Profits to go to superannuation and supernum erary funds Miss Helena Potts daughter of Dr Potts was married last wcok to Mr Maxwell barrister and a son of Hon Maxwell formerly Chief Jus tice of Nebraska names of five Mexican tourists wero registered at the Queens on Sat urday party left for Ottawa on Monday On Saturday last of York Township was up before the authorities and certified to as a lio Ho was committed to Asylum MajorGen Barker Governor of the Bermudas arrived in this city last week accompanied by his wife and daughter From Toronto he proceeds to tho Atlantic coast and then returns to Bermuda His Honor Sir Oliver Mowat Lieut Gov of Ontario and Miss Mowat en tertained at Government last Saturday evening Eli Connor was arraigned before Judge Morgan and a jury at the Ses sions on Saturday on a charge of for cibly entering the house of his brother George Connor of Whitchurch and turning bis household goods out upon the highway The prisoner being found not guilty was discharg ed Three cars of boys and girls for distribution through Ontario arrived Sunday While examining a trunk at her residence Sunday night Mrs son of 81 St east dropped a lighted lamp which exploded and started a fire that did damage to the furniture and damage to building Nearly worth of money was destroyed John Martin a farmer of North was tried and acquitted in the Sessions Tuesday on the charge of stealing worth of grain from J Woodcock of Newmarket Mar tins landlord had an exectuion again st him and a sale took place Mr Woodcock bought a quantity of grain and arranged with Martin to cut and thresh acres to be paid an acre for cutting and for threshing The crown endeavored to prove that some of the wheat was sold and the proceeds about were not handed over to Mr Woodcock The marriage which has been ar ranged between Dr Young of Peter borough arid Miss Bertha daughter of Judge will be quietly celebrated on Wednesday the 12th of Oct at Carlton Lodge Bench warrants were issued at the Sessions Friday for Eli Connor of Whitchurch charged with forcible entry and of Concord charged with assault The cases which these men are accused were called but the parties did not answer Prohibition Plebiscite Indications up to a lite hour that the volo had gone Pro a majority All the in Ontnrio except maj lilies against prohibition went entirely antiprohibition maritime provinces gave a in favor of pro hibition No word from the North West The last report we received from Toronto was that the total majority against prohi bition was In voto was taken at same time as tho municipal yesterday there was nothing else to bring the electors out and there was only a small vote in rural constituencies So far as wo could learn the majority in North York was in it was in favor of prohibition Considering the circumstances there was a vole polled here with a major ity of for prohibition In plebiscite of ihe women but yesterday they had no voice Andrews Ward for instance the possible vote was of which number polled the franchise been extended to women possible voto would bo increased to and oot of the ladies at least percent vote for prohibition Following is total vote hero at the two plebiscites SO w lib Autumn 189 J NO St Ward St Andrews St Patricks GO The Best that can be Bought and Prices Right CO Full Line of Paints Oilk Ready Mixed Paints Alabastine Paint and Brushes Total 129 NORTH MAJORITIES For Newmarket a 9 Sutton Landing R Whitchurch 9 King I For 201 following places give majorize for prohibition Murrays Shop King Horn Schomberg Lloyd town Davis Cor ners Sharon Albert 70 Queens- villc Glen- villo gave a mijority of one against Majorities For Co 301 Orillia Bradford Rich mond Hill Halifax Center Well North Bruce West Mid South Middlesex St Johns HOI Against Toronto 3079 Lon don Hamilton Kingston North Waterloo Barrie Co Lincoln Co Corn wall St Thomas Belleville St Catharines Chatham 103 Montreal OPAQUE WINDOW SHADES Cornice Poles HORSE CLIPPERS Lawn Mowers and Pruning Shears Garden Hose Rakes Rakes Spades Shovels Agents for Massey- Harris and Bros Repairs edge Hoes A Jacks for Hire THIS WEEK On Friday Morning we expect a CatLoad comprising Peaches Tomatoes Melons Bananas c Other Fruits will be on Hand The business portion of Man was burned causing a loss of It isnt what you receive but makes you prosperous or otherwise men were killed by a collision on branch of tho Intercol onial Railway Ratepayers of Sterling Ont have voted in favor of a waterworks by law for Mr a promi nent business man of Kincardine dropped dead while walking in a procession Ottawa Sept Harold clerk in the Parliamentary and eon of Hon has resigned his position and left for Klondike Council Met at Schomberg Sept Members all present Reeve in the chair The following bills were passed removing stones from road Geo Gilhan repairs to bridge Boys Lake Municipal World blanks Jos Billings one month salary 00 Root White bridge at Bells Lake Potter gravel N cedar Dunning railing and statue labor 10 Caleb Brown grant north townline 75 Marsh on old boiler account Jos Webster re survey north Proctor balance account for tile A Mitchell sheep claim Watson sheep claim A grant of 2000 was made each to King Agricultural Society and to King Plowmens Association Moved by second ed by S Armitage that from in formation obtained this council is of opinion that no part of the bonus to the and Aurora Railway Co will be required to be paid at least before July 1st and it is further the opinion that 14 of the 15 deben tures issued under bylaw No of the of King if sold at that time will produce nearly if not quite Therefore be it resolved that deben ture No 1 of above series be declared invalid and clerk is hereby direct ed and authorized to levy rate to meet said debenture No and that no rail way bonus rate be levied this year Carried Next meeting of council will be held at Trents Hotel Oct Just arrived direct from Manitoba a par Load of Patent Flour I ft TARR p Dr Tuckers Asthma Specific The only Positive Cure for Asthma Hay Fever Vasal Catarrh I Bronchitis Complete Outfit for two weeks Free of Charge on application to NEXT TO POST OFFICE PHARMAOY NEWMARKET PURE SPICES A large quantity of broken at Tottenham during a hail storm on Monday afternoon John Hamilton was found guilty of perjury at Brampton Assizes and sentenced to two years in penitenti ary Wheat prices advanced two cents throughout Manitoba yesterday At cents is being paid At la Prairie eontB Tho Liberals of Ontario hold a mass meeting in the Music at Whitby on Tuesday afternoon nest Oct to nominate a candidate for the byeelection to the Ontario Legisla ture for Fruit Jars AT Bentleys Pharmacy Lehmans Drug Store KILL ALL FLIES by Pure Insect Powder Sticky Fly Paper Fly Pads GO TO Two Houses To Rent Wilmot E Lehman And what bargain- ho has in SUITING and down at Cost for the next CO days to suit the Customer W C Lundy Chemist and Druggist J Stand

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