Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , September 30, 1898, p. 6

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NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY SEPT 30 lilf around the Hob VnAT COR- FIND WORTHY TO fiTOUPFVlLliE About oclock on Tuesday morn ing Mr Robert who was Mr Noah a lour of threshing at the letters farm on tho concession of Whit church township about a and a half from hero His balance while on his hands and knees aorooB abeam to reach a ladder and fell on his head to the floor a of foot Blood was coming from his care nose and mouth and Dr of was at once for and on rival found Mr insensible with his skull broken and suffering from internal injuries About two hours after the fall Mr died Ho leaves a widow and family of children lie was about years of ago and a member of AOUW MUTUAL CORNERS Mr Harvey Pernor and sister of Green River visiting relations last week Mr intends starting for Manitoba next Tuesday Miss of was visiting at Mr Nelson week Mr Joshua sister wore calling on friends last week on their way to Newmarket Pair Mr Joshua Stick wood of town was visiting at Mr Wil sons last Sunday Quite a large number Attended church at Wesley last Sunday morn ing as Rev Mr Dewey of Aurora conducted meeting Tirr Mr Webber addressed a largo audience of young last Sunday His talk was interesting both for young and old In all probability Mr our pastor will take pulpit in this place Sunday afternoon Mr and Miss Trent of spent last Sunday at John Miss Ida is visiting at Barrio this week Several visitors from hero last Sunday Rumor flays there is to be a wedding near hero this week Mr Glovers son who has been ill with a fovor for some time is improving slightly Miss Alice is attend ing him There was a terriblo accident or at least to who was concern ed in it happened here last Tuesday night when two bicycles collided Wonder if that head is hotter yet Mr Miles of Brandon Man spent a few days at Mrs Mrs Harvey returned to Toronto after spending a fow weeks with Mrs Wells Mr and Mrs Welsh spent Sunday at Mr Micheal Welshs at Wesley Mr and Mrs Fred Barker also Miss Barker were visiting at Mr on Sunday MOUNT ALBERT KESWICK is visiting Mr Edgar KETTLEBY Very refreshing showers the past week or so Root crops arc doing nicely At the Temperance rally on Satur day evening a very interesting was spent Mr Ferdinand to day the oldest moinbor of the order through being somewhat of an invalid has not attended a meeting for a great many years but present the honor of presiding over meeting was conferred upon him who not only presided but gave some original sketches of how the Division was organized of its early meetings in a cellar and many other trials that the old members had to endure which the members of today with their capacious halls know nothing about Among the members present that are not residents were Mr and Mrs Phillips of St Mr and Mrs Holland and Mr and Mrs Wood of Aurora Mr John Ramsay and sister of Bond Head Mr John and wife were attending wedding festivities at his brothers Mr Geo a fow days last week Mr daughter was married Quite a number from this part took in the Templars sermon and song ser vice at Aurora on evening Christs Church hot fowl supper is on the evening of Oct 4th Fair a week from next Tuesday Oct 11th Dont forget the date and dont forget to bo there Wo predict a victory for Prohibition at the polls on Thursday Last Sunday morning Mr Webber talked to S pupils on the geography arithmetic and gram mar contained in the text Bui seek Our new paslor Mr Minor first the kingdom of God and his will address meeting at Dry Town righteousness and all these things Sunday shall bo added unto you The ques tions and answers were very interest ing Mr Fogg S Superintendent BOGARTTOWN Last Sunday the review lesson in our Sunday School was conducted by Mr A Starr and Mr Eves in a creditable manner Mr Eyes as Superintendent is a great success Wo ticcd several visitors Nowmarket Pair was attended by a good many from here the Mr Walter Stephens captured quite a fow prjes in the poultry line He has a collection Mr Williams showed a fine cow and calf taking first prize Mr J and Mr Simpson also ex hibitors Mr Stevens is quite poorly also Mrs Stevens Mrs has returned to her home in Toronto accompanied by Pearl Miss Ross of for several months at Mainprises Mrs moves shortly to the city Mr J Bishop has removed his tonsorinl parlors to Miller block Mr Moorchcad leaves Mon day to attend Varsity Maggie Ross of Scott is visit ing with her sister Mrs Dr Jos Forrest Mr of Toron to is managing Mr photo gallery here Mr Margins of Sunderland has located hero as a cattle buyer West of Bradford is now dis pensing clerk in Dr Forrests drug store It is rumored that Albert will have fair year generous Woodcock Bros have put in a stone chopper in connection with tho plain ing factory It runs very easy Ridge school north of here was burnt last week Now there in a very hot in that section over the erection of a now school house Mr Lewis Toole is erecting a dwell ing on his farm south of here on the portion west of centre road Mr Brooks returned from Manitoba Saturday evening Ho likes country very much Miss Thompson has returned from Bradford where she has been spend ing her holidays Rev Mr Powell of Sutton occupied the Methodist Church pulpit in absence of the minister Rev K B A lawyers got running on eggs this is no joko at market on Tuesday The price jumped from to COLLEGE CORNERS There was a largo turnout last Sun day evening at Christian Endea vor meeting Next Sunday evening tho topic is to bo introduced by Mrs Win Marritt On Monday 3rd under auspices of tho E Mr- is to give a two hours enter tainment in way of limeHght views Wo are looking for a crowd All who miss it will miss a raro treat many friends of Mrs John will bo grieved to hear that alio is at present in a very critical condi tion Not much hopes entertain ed of her recovery We looking for a grand crowd at tho annual church parade of tho K T M of this place Sun day afternoon at 3 oclock MrJ Jen kins is to preach the sermon in Methodist Church Mrs Peters of East Saginaw Mrs Stewart of Toronto Junction and Mrs Griffith of daughters of Mrs aro owing to tatters illness On Saturday last at of the fellowship meeting in tho Chris tian Church Miss Maud Morton and Miss Christie Winch presented their pastor Eld with a containing a handsome sum of money donated by tho friends and members of the church DAVISON GO Fine Grocers Wo prepared to meet the trado with a clean and now stock of Vinegars Our White Wine Vinegar at 40c Galllon Is the very beat possesses that strength and so necessary for pickling Pickling Cider Vinegar at With strength and a nice flavor makes it for table use Home Cider Vinegar at 30c It is and procured from farmers only preparation of Catsup Chili arid all Mayonnaise requires in selecting of necessary materials of the quality desired for uniform of strength purity and freshness are Our Spices are Strictly Pure Fresh WE RECOMMEND THE TRADE to Best Cinnamon It gives best results We claim to have and stands the test something special in Whole Mixed Pickling Spice We sell only Keens Mustard It is the Best Ground Tumeric Powdor Curry Powder Mace Cayenne Pepper DAVISON CO Main Street Newmarket DRYTOWN The many friends of Miss are pleased to hear that sho is rapidly recovering from her recent illness A number of our young ladies are having quilting bees this fall No doubt wo will hear some wedding bells ringing in the near future Mr Win was a guest at Mr last Sunday We think it would bo wise for people through this neighborhood to leep a lock on their chickencoop door as we have heard of some thieving going on The Joker of College Corners seems to be a great follow for writing up little jokes concerning weddings but if your readers could only hear some of the things about the Jokers numer ous proposals- they would laugh till next Christmas SECOND STREET WHITCHURCH On Tuesday morning of last week shooting was heard in the neighbor hood of Scott Bales woods One of the farm hands in the employ of the former went out to investigate When he reached Bryans field he discovered at a distance a strange acting person running towards the other end of the field with a rifle in hand At the end of the field the rifle was discharged in to the air after which the man dis appeared A few days afterwards the same party was seen in the woods of Mr Scott Bale and on another morn ing he was seen by Berhhard coming out of the vacant house on the Presbyterian farm His peculiar ac tions coupled with the act that he is armed with a breechloading rifle have a to create plenty of excite ment in this vicinity Since then we learn that the cellar of Mr Trent was entered during the absence of the family and a quantity of eatables re moved It is thought that the man makes the vacant house his sleeping quarters An effort will be to capture him if he does riot make a sudden departure One of our prominent young ladies dropped purse on her way to New market Fair Mr Albert Stephens has had the best yield thus far this season in line of oat threshing- bushels in four hours Who can beat it then held an entertainment of read ings recitations and music in the line of prohibition by the Sunday School Classes for which whole congrega tion remained In the evening Mr Webber preached again in the place of Rev Mr Brown who was assisting on his former circuit On Wednesday of this week there was laid to rest in Ceme tery the youngest child a little boy of Mr Ben of Pleasant This is the second sad death in Mr family within the short space of a few months The family have heartfelt sympathy of their many friends and acquaintances Wm this village ran a close chance of losing a prize- marc old It ran a piece of the top board of the gate into its head just below the ear The board was about an inch thick by wide which ran fully or inches into the horses head The wonder is it had not billed tho mare on the spot The assistance of a veterinary and several others to gether with good care seem likely to save the animal Mrs Geo Fogg has been bed sick with nervous headache since last Sat urday and is under doctors care Dr Graham some two weeks ago had a young visitor come to stay a handsome babygirl Congratula tions The League of the Church here intend holding a Social in the of the church next Monday evening readings recita tions addresses vocal and instrument al music followed by refreshments Outside as well as local talent will assist Come and enjoy it The last social was quite a success A new in the village Mr Lewis has rented Mr- Jos Fydella engine house and was doing quite a business last Saturday Hav ing expended in the neighborhood of in the purchase of a firstclass new engine from Brampton and fitted up the building for the business Mr Lewis deserves a liberal patronage W Gillespie of was sentenced to months imprisonment at Montreal for issuing false statements to deceive credit- Mrs Stuart who has been under Drs care is improving fast Able to sit up in bed Mr J brought back a fine pair of pigs from the Industrial A pick of the herd for breeding pur poses Mr Norman whom wo stat ed was sick is recovering He thought he was well enough to start work again- last week but ho received another blow and had to return home for good new appointed to fill the vacancy of Rev Mr Clink is Mr Minor of circuit who is an eloquent speaker Mr Henry is a strawstacker trade He has broken the record Mr Orrin met with an dent and hurt his foot badly Mr Jos came home from the Exhibition last week with his usual string of prizes What has become of little Sun shine A passing cloud must have hid its beaming phiz Our threshers around here are do ing a large season at the even figure of 800 per day Mr Grant is getting over having sore eyes He had a tedious time Some petty thieving going on in North One culprit held the key which led to the discovery of the guilty parties by selling an old pet goose to a man who was acting as a sort of detective Then he took the goose to where it rightly belonged when the parties came to make Mr pony up the cents and otherwise Several innocent and respectable men have been victims Should this occur again names will be published Mr A and his other half were visiting at Mr last Sunday Mr Lewis and wife arc going to Montreal shortly to join partnership with his brotherinlaw Mr who runs a butcher and drover business We all wish him boundless success A goodsized crowd from here will attend Fair this week if noth ing goes wrong Quilting bees are all the rage now instead of paring bees Quilting is more profitable and easy to interpret While Mr Cody of Newmarket was coming home from Mariposa his hoi became frightened at a large black stump and became unmanageable The horse freed itself from the rig and ran away damaging the rig consider ably The horse was caught Mr came along and picked Mr Cody up driving to the home of the Joker his wounds were dressed which were not serious then they went to the boggy so that he could proceed home The BETHEL CORNERS Roy Dr Young of Orchard Beach preached in tho Methodist Church hero last Sunday morning The sermon was a clear and logical presen tation of truth Dr Young has many friends in this community who always glad to hear him Next Sunday morning our church is to be favored with a visit from the greatest of Canadian Methodist preach ers the James Henderson Associate Missionary Secretary of Canada God has wonderfully and preeminently fitted Dr Henderson for putting words together so as to please ear profit heart and tho mind Tho doctor will preach a missionary sermon and dur ing the service a collection will be taken in tho aid of missions Sub scriptions will be solicited as well Wo want to the largest collection on Sunday morning next that was given in the church for missionary purposes Let everybody give liberal ly as well as cheerfully Come and hear Doctor Henderson It will bo a treat of a life Dont miss it hear ing the ablest most eloquent and greatest preacher in Canadian Method ism He will preach at Bethel in tho am at 10 Egypt in the afternoon at and Sutton at in the evening Great enthusiasm is being manifest in the plebiscite We arc of a substantial majority for prohibition in this locality Wedding bells I How they Listen to their tintinnabulation I From the Canadian Shoe and Leather Journal For some time past A Davis Son King Ont whose are so well known throughout the country have felt the necessity for increased space a greater capacity and additional ma chinery to facilitate the handling of their overincreasing trade On the of Aug therefore the large tannery was closed down and building operations immediately commenced A large addition has erected which gives double the capacity to the beam house as well as double ca pacity to all the other departments The colored leather department has up to the present time been somewhat limited as to space but the new ad dition doubles the size here The col ored leather trade has so increased that it was absolutely necessary to enlarge plant making it now an easy mat ter to turn out promptly anysized order from the smallest to largest New boilers have been put in and the engine capacity increased giving more than double the power than heretofore A number of new machines have been added including an and fleshing machine a belt knife splitter and the necessary shafting and pulleys to these and others Not only have additional buildings been erected but improvements made to those al ready standing A new metallic roof gives the main building a much more durable appearance as well as being an improvement in other respects Additional hands will be employed on commencing operations which will be on the 18th All these additions and improvements will place the Low ell Tannery in a better position than ever for the prompt shipment of rs for all the different lines of leather made by them No pains or expense have been spared to make this estab lishment a model of perfection and great credit is due the firm for the en ergetic manner in which these and additions have been pushed forward Nicholas of pleaded guilty on Saturday to a charge of embezzlement and was sentenced to eighteen months in the Central Prison After achieving a success more marked than in any year lean years started at least tho North Ontario and Town ship Fall Exhibition closed day evening The receipts are ahead of last year which is a consider able item in an enterprise which does to rank among tho biggest in country It is estimated that over people were on the grounds number of enterics this time was larger than for any previous year numbering over In former times the aggregate never exceeded the mark The whole of the grounds and buildings were crowded almost uncomfortably by the quantity of goods stock etc competing for prizes All the stalls for accom modation of live stock were taken up and some animals were left outside to be tied to fences which is unheard- of occurrence with this fair and Flood Vancouver Ad vices from Orient by the steamer Empress of India state that China and Japan have been visited by thunder storms and disastrous floods in which many hundreds of people have lost their lives The region north of the An mountains has been inun dated for hundreds of miles by the Yellow river Several hundred thou sand persons have been plunged into deepest distress and many into absolute penury which local authori ties unable to alleviate Tonawanda Sept The which wrought such terrible havoc across the border in St Cath arines and struck this city with terrible force The amount of damage done will exceed 100000 Many people are homeless and several injured Sept The long looked for waterworks award was public this morning Samuel Barker arbitrator for the company would not agree to the report of the other two arbitrators Walter and Judge Benson who fix the value of the plant at which in cludes the increase of ten per cent permitted by statute The arbitra tors fees were 4 and Steno grapher LaughHnty The corporation and Waterworks Company to pay equal portions of these costs Sale SiTcaDAY Oct 1st Mr Wilson will bave extensive Bale of House hold Furniture and other effects on tbe premises Eagle street Newmarket commencing at oclock J Oct the Estate of the late Eliza Barber will eel farm in King at the House Newmarket at oclock See hills for particulars A Patent Sawing Machine For Sale or to Bent Contracts taken for cutting wood by the cord St Newmarket Wood for Sal- A quantity of mixed soft wood A Newmarket Sheep Lost Strayed from lot In the Con of Whit- buret about 1st of Sept AND LAMBS Marked with brown paint on the rumps and In the face Information leading to recovery will be rewarded JOHN ANDERSON Newmarket North York License District Notice la hereby given that application been made to the License Board for the the Tavern License of Samuel Johnson to John License Inspector Our Is arriving daily and we show many- lines of uptodate oop which are confined to us alone i TORONTO JOBBING HOU I Another change has been made in connection the old Bakery Mr having taken as a parliner Mr Albert and the firm will be known as FirstClass Baker has been secured and orders for all kinds of Pastry will receive careful and prompt attention The business will be increased in all lines Our Bread is Giving Great Satisfaction Have You Tried It Grocery Stock Fresh and Reliable A call solicited A BOGART s For Sale A Horse An excel led road Mare a Whirl wind Pacer sound an speedy disposi tion and quiet driver frVpplytoW Belle Ewart Ontario A Cutter A and roomy fortyfive CENTRAL dollar Cutter made in seasons carefully to Above are for as owner goes to College and does not tbem Orlllla and run two reasonable Apply Ontario TAILO To Sell or to Kent Part of lot 31 3rd con acres finest garden with brick house stable blacksmith shop and fine orchard on premises Situate miles from a good market and would be suitable for or butcher Possession can be given at once For terms apply on the pre mises to 3d MBS JOS BLANKER New market P O are beredy warned against buy- log discounting or defiling in any a earing Sept for give i by undersigned certain note bearing ifi payable at the Bank Newmarket as icdwl ho value was given mJi of the note lw34 the said note and was citation under- obtained by J COYNE FOB Two Heavy Draup old Also one Con drefl GREENWOOD t Colt and years re Boar Apply on Lot or ad- O Lost Strayed from tot IS Ulmbury about Owl Dark Bed Information leading ably rewarded the Con of East July a Heifer recovery will bo ANIBL Dont be too quick Id buying you call and see the that arrived at the Central Tailor Shop which wont in any shape or form Have received our Fall Stock of ENGLISH I IRISH and SCOTCH SERGES TWEEDS WORSTEDS and 0f can suit most fastidious tastes In quality and price taught- KrSf satisfactory to patrons We mak you both judge and righ grantee la back of evince Repairing Specialty Jas- R McLaughlin it a Farm for Said Try between Newmarket bo by Public Auction fronting on Yon and Aurora at the Forsyth In on Saturday the 1st at for Vendor OLD

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