Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , September 30, 1898, p. 5

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY SEPT ONTARIO BANK CAPITAL mead cock President BEST General Manager NEWMARKET BRANCH Business A General Banking 1 Interest Allowed on Deposits AT DRAFTS ISSUED AT AIb Sterling and and Discounted promptly Attended to Manager p Campbell id p a ItKaiuKNCf opposite Christian to a in to and to p at Church IW Main fit to fl and to m Night bell at or the door South to Dp J- Wesley Physician Surgeon Coroner North Telephone INSURANCE Joseph JR Cody I beat Good Farms for ate Clerks to Always In J fl Agent for and Lire Money to at Current Hat OrTiOEAtthoPoatOfflccNowmarket T- Canada Co Honey to THE SUNDAY SCHOOL FOURTH INT NATIONAL SERIES OCT of If Memory Tost Commentary by Bar good and right In God Last quarter was with Elijah and men of God and wo era to several who wore man of God Asa wai the third king of after kingdom was divided at death of Solomon and the Drat to do right in tight of the This la concerning seven other of but not any of kings of tan The throne was called Lord or of the kingdom of Lord and the said to bo king for the Lord hfsOodI If took away altars of the gods Although law of God said Thou shall no other gods be fore mo jot Solomon In- many to his Wives both and continued the Idol worship It Is difficult to go customs of your father and but Asa feared God rath- than man and was determined to do right Him 4 And commnndod Lord God of their fathers In and 4 of next read that bad been for a long season without God and without a and without law but whon turned to Lord and sought Him He found of thorn In and IB wo road that sought with all their heart and soul with wholo and Ho Cava them round about Lord takes heed to our hearts roth or than our words- and will fulfill deilraof them that fear Him Tho kingdom quiet before Mm Verse says In was quiet ten yoors Quietness Is one of tho groat gifts of God which shall bo fully enjoyed not only by all Israel but by all world when tho work of right eousness shall bo peace and or righteousness shall bo quietness and assurance Is In quietness and In confidence Is strength and the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit Is In the sight of God of great I Pet ill Tho land had rest because the Lord had given him rest In Joshua 1 it Is written that the Lord had given rest unto Israel from all tholr In I the Lord bad told David that his son Solomon peaceable would be man of rest and that Israel would enjoy and quietness In bis days said concerning his son This shall coin- fork us concerning our work and so ho called him Noon I rest or comfort The earliest rest is that of Gen which was broken by devil doubting word and Gode love and thus ho seeks to break all rest wo have sought Lord our God He hath given us rest on svory aids When Solomon was about to build temple bo said to Hiram The Lord my God hath given me on every side to that there Is neither adversary nor evil I Kings rest of the kingdom that Is coming will be glori ous or as In the margin now He Coma and I will five you Wben who than can mike trouble Math Job xxxlv Phelps Revelation Ramsay Fire Insurance Agent Bate on and Isolated Town Property 1 Hodges Tin Shop Newmarket PAINTING leading House Painter and Paper Hanger years In all branches of the Full Hue of samples tho latest designs In Paper to see them door North of the Primary Church Street Bolton practical Painter PaperHanger House Decorator and Church Street MARRIAGE LICENSES it Jackson of MARRIAGE LICENSES At Era Office Newmarket Papers Issued at private residence If d Money to Loan At Five per cent on Security by for taking Affidavits Real Agent Conveyancer Licenses Agent tor the following Insurance Companies of London id Mutual for the Confederation Wfo Association OfriOKld Corner of Main and one can do the work Wo wan We flr even In our ordinary dally affairs we allow the government to be upon His shoulder and the peace of God to rule Col Ill will have a glorious the rest of the kingdom Some say that they seek Him yet do not seem to Htm as their rest but it most be that they do not seek Him with the whole heart The adversary will not allow to rest he can help It so bare we have over a million of Ethiopian gathered against Asa In battle and he has but little over half as many with to meet them Wars will not wholly from the sarth until the devil la cast Into the lake of at end of thousand for while ha millennium will be a time of peace It will end with a grat war Israel had no reason to fear her ene mies faowevtr Comoro for the promise Of God was that one a thou sand and two put to flight The deliverance from and the conquest of lot with the many and victories In the days of the Judges and In the time of David would strengthen the hands of any who feared God David say I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people that have set themselves me round about Though a host should encamp against me my heart shall not Iter HI dt 3 SI And Asa cried unto the Lord his God and Lord is nothing with Thee to help whether with tnauy or with them that hare no power Jonathan said to his armor bearer It be that the Lord will work for there is no re straint to the Lord toss by many or by few I Ham d The greatest to the Lords work Is generally our fancied strength or wisdom and there Is q proverb more than this that God those who help them- selves In the matter of salvation it If only the lost and ungodly for whom It Is provided and It has provided wholly by our Lord Jesus Christ and Is given freely to every penitent sin ner In the dally Ufa for God It is God who works all our works In us end for xxvl He delivers needy the poor also and bun that bath no helper When Gideon bad only men against an Innumerable bust the Lord said to Mm Tho people that are thee are too many lest Israel vaunt themselves against me saying Mine own band hath saved me vll God must bo glorified in all things and no flesh dare presume to glory In presence I Cor Ij we living In the name of the Lord and seeking only Ills glory no man or demon can against us touoh without Gods permission 8o the Lord smpte the Ethiopians before Asa and before They were destroyed before the Lord and His host verse Yet when the king of Israel came against Asa In the thirty year of bis reign he forgot this great deliv erance and relied on the king of Syria rather than upon God and when rebuked for It he grew angry with the Lords ant and put him In prison chapter Bo to forget God and to lean upon an arm of Instead of putting our whole trust the Lord filled are I they that tmst in Htm Pi Madam need help wont you giyo me Tho question addressed to Mrs who bad just entered her car riage No Ivo no money to waste on lazy vagabonds was sharp reply as carriage door slammed Airs a wealthy young widow prominent in so ciety was in an unpleasant frame of mind had just visited three of the largest stores in city in a vain search for a certain costly fabric and now felt that was an exceedingly unfortunate and most illused indivi dual Presently the carriage drew up in front of another store which Mrs Phelps after instructing her fouryear old son to remain seated in the earring until her return Master Phelps was very obedient for about three minutes then his attention was attracted by something which ap pealed to him quite as strongly as to a less juvenile antics of a monkey under charge of a peri patetic musician Standing on tip toe ho laid his hand against the door which having been accidentally loft unfastened yielded to pressure ana partly opened and in a very short time tho young gentleman was out of carriage and halfway across the Then in an instant there was a cry of warning a wo- man shriek and something grasped the boy swung him from right in front of a runaway team and laid him frightened and screaming in his moth After she had soothed the child and put him into carriage Mrs Phelps turned to the rather shabbily dressed man to whoso agility her sons rescue was due You saved my Arthurs life she exclaimed Come to my residence name your reward Meanwhile take this and alio hand ed him a twentydollar gold piece But the man refused proffered gold Why should you award a lazy vagabond That is what you called mo a bit ago when I asked you for something ho remarked Mrs Phelps looked at him closely and recognized him I was out of humor she exclaim ed Pardon what I said and tell me how I can assist you Madam youve invited mo to come to your home If youd do me a kind ness come to mine instead Mrs Phelps looked at him in amaze ment I can hardly do that she said I would much rather As you please madam Im glad I was able to rescue your child If youre glad I wish youd visit my home It isnt too much ask What is your name and whero do you live He said his name was James Thomp son and named an obscure street as his address After Ivo taken my child home Ill call to see you said Mrs Phelps Ill be there by the time you are ho responded An hour later Mrs Phelps accom panied by a trusty servant having driven into a narrow street entered a most tenement and ascend ing three flights of rickety filthy stairs was admitted to a small attic room lighted by a single window The floor was A cracked stove an old table a large box which served as a cupboard a bed and two or three broken backed chairs were only furniture But though so bare and comfortless tho room was clean Upon scantily covered bod lay two persons a woman of perhaps thirtyfive And a little girl of six both evidently ill and both sleep ing uneasily I asked you to come here I wanted you to this said Thomp son in a low voice This with a comprehensive wave of tho hand is my home You see all my furniture except whats at tho pawnshop I no and no fuel to make it with I have a little medicino left by doctor but none of tho comforts needed by my sick wifo and child This madam is why I asked you for help his morning Sirs Phelps covered her face 1 never dreamed of anything like tins said There are many tilings which you rich people never dieam of Thompson bitterly How long you been in this deplorable condition asked Mrs Phelps Today is tho first Ive had to was the reply Id have thrown into river rather than do it if it hadnt been for them But I couldnt ceo them I came to the city five years or more ago he added after a mo ments pause had bad luck for work was dull From having a little house by ourselves we were obliged to remove hero and then my who is good succeeded in getting trousers to at eighteen cents a pair Eighteen cents a pair exclaim ed Mrs Phelps Yes but the soon fell to fifteen cents and as I was out of em ployment I helped with the sowing By early in till late at night wo managed to earn enough to pay our rent and buy suffi cient food to keep from starving But the rates went down down down to thirteen to twelve even to ten cents a pair What Ten cents for making a pair of trousers Who is mean enough to pay Buch wages as that The great clothing firm of Phelps Co madam I Phelps Co Impossible 1 Thefirm madam of which your husband is head I wonder if when ho gave largely to some library church or hospital he ever thought of the poor wretches who toiled day and night summer and winter with ach ing eyes weary fingers and hungry that the mill which ground out his money might turn him out a grist I lean take you to half a dozen families in this very house who make trousers for Phelps Co at the same prices and who like us have finished coats at from live to ten cents each and make knee pants at sixteen to eighteen cents a dozen pairs Eighteen cents a dozen pairs You dont mean that Yes madam I do When Phelps Co pay ten cents for making a pair of trousers which sell for is it anv wonder that the firm prospers exceed ingly and that your husband was able there arc others in this bouse almost as badly off as you found I shall not forget said Mrs Phelps as she departed Upon reaching home Mrs Phelps went to her room and shut herself in Her visit to James Thompson had been indeed a revelation to her How had discharged responsibility which the possession of great wealth Pajfics carries with it I By lavishing money on lowers music rich viands and the like when so many were lacking necessaries of life And most humi liating thought of all much of tho very wealth which sho enjoyed had been earned for her by those samo starving poor Theirs it was not hers if justice was done In her Will YOU I is Precious Save It- 1 Celery Compound Can Restore You FOLLY AND MADNESS TO DEFER USE OK GREAT MEDICINE I am tired and weary of this con tinued life of misery and suffering humiliation she knelt anil offered what ia thousands of was perhaps the real prayer that nervous and sleepless men and had risen from her lip for a crazed with headache aprayer in which she craved neuralgia dyspepsia and blood pardon for the thoughtlessness People are usually and frivolity of the past and con secrated her wealth to the service of Christ and of those concerning whom He said Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these ye have done it unto Me A year has passed James Thomp son with and daughter both of whom had been restored to health are living in a neat pleasant house the gift of Mrs Phelps through whose instrumentality Thompson has pro cured lucrative employment The year has witnessed other changes too especially in the real estate owned by Mrs- Phelps Very promptly called upon her agent and gave that individual some instructions which fairly took his breath away She ob tained from him a list of all tene ments owned by her and then set to work to systematically visit each house filled with gloom and despondency memory fails and they are often found on the straight path that leads to the dark grave Have courage suffering brother and siater I Paines Celery Compound has cured thousands of cases in the past far more desperate and terrible than yours It has proved an agent of life to other and it will certainly do as much for you in this your time of ad versity and distress What will your decision be sufferer Will you allow the many symptoms of disease and death to more fully devel op or will you by the aid of natures medicine Celery Compound strike just now at the root of your trouble and be made sound healthy and happy The ablest physicians admit that Paines Celery Compound is the only true nerve food and that has ever been given to humanity and the families occupying it ft strengthens and builds up the mm poverty stjualor and degradation as CANT EAT i POOD Is Mel lb feeds arc et life Digestion Is lb process Few possess perfect diges tion If your digestion Is i Imperfect cannot est watt you like without If yon est when yon ought to est the time has come when you should Dr Blood Nerve Pills- Hunger id to giveaway his thousands This is a revelation to me said Mrs Phelps I cannot see how you managed to exist at all Its been a hard hard struggle replied Thompson With the aid of our little girl for she has been sew ing ever since she was four years old we were occasionally able to earn a dollar a day but that was seldom We had to pay a dollar and a quarter per week for this room and hardly ever bad more than four dollars a week to feed clothe and warm the three of us But for the last six months the child has been ill Ten days ago my wife took sick and because of having to wait on her and the child I was able to do so little sewing that the foreman got angry the other day and refused to give me any more work Besides wo have been falling behind with the rent and only yesterday I received notice that if I dont pay- by the end of the week I and my sick family must leave Outrageous I Who Is your land lord Thompson took a paper from his pocket and remarking that it was his last receipt handed it to Mrs Phelps who after a single glance started and then stood staring at it in open- mouthed astonishment For her own name was affixed to the receipts ejaculated as soon This she encountered As a result of this inspection she ordered a general re duction of the rents a thorough clean ing of all the houses and numerous re pairs while some squalid habitations she ordered to be demolished A company of philanthropic persons organized through her efforts pur chased an entire block of rickety tene ments tore them down and erected a series of modern structures in which suites of rooms were offered at rates far lower than those prevailing in the surrounding tenements The houses were soon tilled with a population who had clean quarters to start with and every inducement to keep them so And contrary to all expectations the enterprise has yielded a fair of interest on the money invested in I it Phelps Co no longer pay Hon wages to their employees Mrs Phelps husband had bequeathed her a controlling interest in the firm and one day she startled the other partners by proposing a heavy increase in the rates paid for making up clothing They demurred and said that such an increase would bankrupt the firm But Mrs Phelps persisted in her deJ and finally induced the senior partner to accompany her to the abodes of some of the people employed by the firm They had not visited many places when he said he bad seen quite enough How do you suppose the patron age of Phelps Co would be affected asked Mrs if our customers were avare that their new garments had deen lying a few hours before on the dirty floor of a tenement or on the bed of a sick child with a contagious disease Being unable to answer this question sat sfactorily both parties submitted to the inevitable The wages were raised and far from becoming bank rupt the firm of Phelps Co is more prosperous than ever And Mrs Phelps today is a very cheerful happy woman far happier than when she was a devotee at the altar of fashion For she knows she has the smile of Him to whom she has consecrated not only her wealth and her time but herself Observer nerves tissues and muscles it purifies the life stream casts out disease of every form giving a fresh existence and a long and happy life A trial of one bottle will convince yon that Paines Celery Compound is a life- saver and a Ho Indian At tho General Sessions Saturday County Crown Attorney ho had decided to with draw the charge against Adam Wilson of having assaulted an Indian girl in township Th- arretted on a charge or in the murder of the Indian gills child it alleged that little one was smothered with a blanket but it was shown that the mother had over laid the baby thus causing its death Wilson was then tried on a charge of assault but as there was a in finding out the Indian girls age so as to bring the prisoner properly with in the law the jury disagreed A her age was still a matter of doubt the charge was today dropped Morgan giving the defendant a severe lecture House fls a Means Of Physical Housework is the de- of certain parts of body though we often see persons who have long done a great deal of house work and are yet stiff and awkward and unhealthy Sometimes they worked too hard but this is not as often the case as it is that they worked improperly and have not sup plemented the indoor work by any regular exercise in the fash air If one slouches around over her work in crooked shoes and illarranged dress walks heavily and flatfooted and lets her body fall almost double when sits down she may bit stronger than if she had taken no txercie at all but she cannot expet to find much exhilaration in it if one secures for that seme comfort which come3 from wearing a neat trim dress and wellfitting shoes steps about lightly and briskly with her weight mainly on the ball of her foot she will naturally do everything with more or ease and grace and can find many worse kinds of exercise than making beds or sweeping or even washing dishes Magazine i To Cure a Cold in One Day Tablets- All the if It fails to cure 25 eta and cts a fist best Pills so buns Wards Puis WHAT THtlR ARE system entirety by th at Dr Wards Blood Pills snd I consider them it strength dad nerve builder lor dyspepsia w sick that no rjry left la me I times that thought death would better life or energy left In mc I so at for rae I had tried Doctors and different kinds medicinal but all failed to do me anyRood am lu averyway now a well woman and been for mouths women and nave tot mourns using these I was so sick I could not keep anything In my under opinion dyspepsia could not but now am aatitfied can able to cat like anylr lap sod feel better In every way built me up also now weigh fi pounds more than I ever be cured for I am able to cat like any healthy women sod feel better every way They ftoveral In con clusion I would advlie every worn afflicted- with poor digestion to give Dr Wards Pills a trial IIRS I WATSON Port Oat Dr Wards Blood and Pills are sold At cents per box bones At or on receipt of by Dr Ward Co Victoria St Toronto Cook free- as she could find her voice house mine So it seems This is my agent work said Mrs Phelps half to herself And he turned you into the Horrible Mr Thompson she said I thank you for insisting that I came here You have opened my eves to some things I was blind to before Take this it is only a very small part of the heavy debl I owe you fuel food clothing furniture medi cines whatever you and your family most require Spend freely but pay no rent this room shall never cost you another cent God bless you madam Thomp son exclaimed his eyes filling with tears I take your gifts now with a glad and thankful heart I felt sure that all you needed was to see arid understand But remember that The Hast Gasp Of the Heart is Mot Too Late for Dr Owe for the Heart to Never to Give Be lief in Minutes One dose of Dr Agnews Cure for the Heart relieves the most acute form of heart trouble when the Grim Reap er has all but counted the sufferer as his This is not idle boasting What Dr Agnews Cure for the Heart has done ten thousand times it will do again ten thousand times It abso lutely knows no failure It is not a cureall but it is a heart cure THE LEADER For good results In Photography leave your Impression with J BLIZZARD and get full value for your Rll the are employed Children a S SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Seeing Is believing call and Inspect work for the I The Gallery is Complete by Lehman With a Toilet Room In connection Bentleys Newmarket COPYING ENLARGING He says his soldier life remind- and all him constantly of home and moth- from old Negatives given prompt attention er If How was They wouldnt let him sleep late mornings DRUG HABITS PERMANENTLY CURED of troax by a hone IcurtUi Claicp and No Address OLD STAND Next to Royal Hotel The less heart a man puts into a task the more labor it requires While coupling cars at station on Saturday evening Mr Alex Coulter operator had his thumb and two fingers of bis right hand badly smashed Tub Stomachs Woes Are pleas antly and positively healed by Dr Von Stan Pineapple Tablets They act upon and digest foot prevent fermentation and fill distresses of the stomach Eminent physicians noted their sterling merit and tho wonderful cures wrought right in their own practice and prescribe to relieve and cure cents Sold by E Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket Sept At the Great Northern Exhibition this afternoon an accident occurred which may result in the loss of two lives In the second heat of a free for all running race a young man Whose identity is unknown attempted to cross the track and was struck down by the leading horse and terribly mangled The jockey a lad named was pitched his head and picked up senseless Both were taken to the hospital Tonight the doctor in attendance reports that the unknown boy is still unconscious and very badly injured both on the head and body He thinks however he has a chance to recover Of he is not so sure as he has a nasty scalp wound and depressed concussion of the brain He also is unconscious Owen Sound Sept An ac cident which may yet prove fatal marred to a certain extent this after- noon s programme at the North Grey Fall Show It occurred during theV first heat of the green run Six horses were in tbe event and con siderable difficulty was experienced by the judges in getting them away When they were sent off they wero bunched and remained so for about one hundred yards down the stretch to the first turn At this point Johnson who was on Jubilee in fifth place started to close in and head off the Lindsay A general mixup resulted and three or four horses fell the jockeys being sent fly ing through the air Johnson was thrown heavily to the ground and trampled on by one of the horses coming from the rear Ho was pick ed up in which conditibn he remained for hours carried to a cab and driven to the Grand Central Hotel where he was attended by Dr Brown The extent of his injuries is not yet known but hopes are enter tained for his recovery brain NotnjtCtl UJUbte I CUR CO Ate MRS PRIVATE SCHOOL English French and Music receiving primary here have stood after For Infants and Children J v fu ll alii

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