Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , September 30, 1898, p. 3

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Weeks Items THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY SEPT Vim OH ABOUT Fire Brigade rcqucotcd to attend a Wednesday at oclock in Hall Ex Committee Is requested Business Mr Blizzard photographer took vlowe exhibit palace and St ancient OOioo Specialty from Timothy St crossing i i Salvation army was well attended Suodey night when Williams gave address from to Fred Burton of this place is now at Smith formerly In now in charge of Parry Bound Mr John Hunter met with a very pain ful accident on morning of last week While cutting down ehrubbory with a hatchet at bis reeidonco in way the slipped and its mark bringing blade in with his left a bad out John will be laid up Cor a few dava and staff than this week A large has been put in between too trans former and the Methodist Church and a similar change at Cipher House incandescent lights been installed at now residence of nlr A additional lights heoa installed Bakery Hotel Store Christian There wore good congregations and ex last Sunday morning subject was death Christ on the Cross Elder said it is our privilege and doty this while flitting hero in the pro emblems of hie to go in spirit and thought to cones of Christs sufferings and watch add on this Communion Service morning wo should look backward wo should look and wo should look forward to evening subject was Profit Naturally a man is a trader a dealer and wo all want value for our labor or money and tight in worldly matters Cut how do wo in spiritual matters Do not our actions too say wo world to salvation our souls am Ring wood Gloves mixed colors plain and white In ladles and childrens sizes ftt The meeting last Monday evening was of great interest it being in charge of Missionary Committee The President opened the meeting after Dr Geo Richardson took lead Mr Laurie Cane read tho lesson Miss Watson took up the first part subject refer ring especially to Pauls missionary jour- Mr Miller took the second part dealing with giving funds to the missionary cause interest taken in listening to the above papers shows that the spirit of mission work is rapidly in the League At the close the Missionary meeting the President took charge a short business meeting when the following officers tendered their resignation Mrs Thomas Mies Keith as Junior Superintendent Miss Jackson 1st VicePresident Mr If Miller as Treasurer all parties leaving Town tor a time The League regrets the loss three snob faith ful workers The following were elected to fill the vacancies Jr Miss A MoCaolay 1st Miss Richardson Treasurer- Dr Richardson Sign of When you see stacks of Boots and Clothing at A- Animal Last Saturday evening shortly after Walter the North end while bringing fa a young beef from the country had what might be called an exciting experience He Was driving the animal with a rope attached to Its horns and when opposite the depot it became furious in unmanageable Mr seeing the peculiar ment in which he was ran towards light pole winding the rope around it In due time assistance arrived and titer some labor they succeeded Id polling the animal close to the post They blindfolded with a bag but this only en raged the animal and In Its frenzy threw against the poet and on ground at same time struggling to free itself Finally a team of heavy wagon belonging to Johnston was secured and the animal tied to the axle of the wagon Then the team driven by Mr was started slowly almost drawing the while six men on the end of another rope held it from being ran over by the wagon In this way it was taken to the slaughter house after con siderable difficulty Dentist Opposite Robertaone Bakery Open every day Painless extraction Additions domestic water was to residence of Mr Ontario on Wednesday and yesterday thoreildence on street was connected Mars- don on Main and Mr Meads on Park Avo will also bo connected in a days In Winter Commodore and Ave other amateur tars went up to Lake on Tuesday and brought the Var down to Bradford sho was beached for tho winter They report a fino sail running from Or to mouth of tho Holland in minutes and two hours and a half to About two weeks ago nearly worth of now apparatus was added to iho Department Tho In Dyna mics and under supervision of the teacher Mies Starr already awakened such an interest among the pupils that they are voluntarily experimenting outside of rogolar By the of track and baits also car and motion of bodies that mutually act upon one another Is practically demonstrat Experiments with electricity mo of the century been with Voltaic Cell tbe horse shoe magnet and the Vulcanite Rod with Pith Balls In a tuning fork on a box has been to Bhow vibration of sound upon a of smoked glass from drawing of a violin bow across fork This is only the he- ginning and there is no study In the school so full of Intoroat peuimapket Depot Unloading and hauling out steel rails in addition to ordinary traffic has made a stir at depot tho past week The record Choose Market Thero woro only boxes at Barrio on of laslwcek Three buyers Only about half offered were prices being and Now- market Factory did not pat any on Board meeting at on Oct INWARDS coal care lumber car goods oars car stock oars grain merchandise I car school f car floor Dears merchandise Conductors on the Northern branch of been to adopt course pursued on tho main lino for years They now collect ticket on on- tho car and place a check in hat band of gentlemen to show destina tion of passengers It saves asking ques tions and Co are euro that ticket will not bo used again in case a person gets off without the ticket up till the end of journey as formerly The Coming Quadrennial The coming of the Ameri can Christian Church will ho a red letter week in history of Newmarket before has our Town been honored by bo American visitors as will bo here from Oct lib till for delegates bays already been ordered and for viaitora but of course the lat ter will far exceed that number Let Newmarket show our American friends we appreciate their presence amongst us by entertaining them in a right manner Show them what true Canadian really is Wo will alt be bene fitted by their visit in every way financially Let our citizens hoist their flags and decorate their residences and if throw open our homes to- our friends from tbe border Any of our townspeople who are willing to assist the committee by volunteering to entertain delegates will greatly oblige by sending their names and the number they can ac commodate to either Mr A Williams flcott Full particulars as to program will appear in next weeks issue Change Hands With exception of of all arrangements are completed for a change at Central Hotel Mr John formerly of the from Mr Johnson Mr kept a model house when hero before and Is a popular musician Many frlodds will bo glad to sco him baok to Newmarket again Quite a shine on Queen St on Wednesday evening La week After Sharon had returned home the team bringing bus back to New market ran into a post at near Mr smashing tongue and and injuring one of theborteseo badly that it may not get over it in whioh esse thero will probably bo a lawsuit on hand Success At the Millinery Opening and rush of orders coming in now predicts a big trade this Pol lee Court gome time last June or July Mr of Holland Landing lost a heifer Later on he procured a searoh warrant and by the aid of a constable found the animal locked up In the premises of Mrs in On Monday last Mrs Paisley and her hired man named Wm Smith appeared before J Woodcock and E Jackson to answer a charge of stealing and receiving From the the heifer bad been mutilated by having part of Its tail cut off and apparently to further disguise the animal its horns had been painted The evidence of the prosecution established that the heifer had been In the of defendants several days but latter they only had it a few hoars In their The proved that Smith declared to one that he had purchased the animal This he denied and Mrs Paisley affirms that thought the heifer belonged to Mr fitoddart near Brad ford and she was keeping it for him One side declares the place where the heifer confined was closed and designed to conceal the other that it was partially open easily observable To add to the complications of the case it was pleaded that it has already been investigated before the Reeve of Holland Landing who Im posed certain obligations on defendants and dismissed it On the other band pre vious proceedings were considered Irregular by the County Crown Attorney who has instructed the present inquiry After a partial hearing of the case it was adjourned till pm today We do for all the above particulars but merely give them as was understood last Monday at the hearing A case of threatening to do bodily barm from the Township of Whitchurch is also to come up this afternoon before Squire Jackson Next Time- Yon want a suit of Clothes or a pair of Shoes go to Montgomery 88 132 227 02 81 Gospel Good attendance last Sunday Mayor presided and gavo an address Mrs and Mr J Green alto on the Importance of plebiscite A oar telle gave two selections and Lush acted organist The W lakes Sunday A Pointer Farmers shonld bo on tbe alert for ad vertisements appearing In local paper Many farmers after some or their stock has strayed from their premises will days scouring conn try to locate it and at earns the animals they are searching for may be advertised by someone in a local paper A much or surf more satisfactory way than making a personal search over country for tray stock is to have them advertised In your local paper Several strays got back to their owners through ads in the Era last week 1 iV White Blankets Pure Wool from 195 upwards Ladies the very latest from upwards Mens Heavy Top Shirts from upwards Gray Flannel from upwards Baldwins Beehive Wool per ounce Mens Underwear greatest variety in Town at Lower Prices A if t Wedding Bells A very pretty wedding took placo in the Street Church Toronto on Tuesday evening the Inst at eight oclock contracting parties were Mr Welling ton well known photographer late of this Town now St To- ronto and Mrs Kato widow of late Manager of Interco lonial Railroad Montreal The ceremony was performed by Rev It Emory of Sheihouror cousin of bride by the Rev Mr Paul pastor of Cecil Street Church The was given away by Cook her brotherinlaw and supported by her two beautiful daugh ters May and Birdie Mr Francis the noted tenor was groomsman Tbo ushers were Dr Clark J Barron Thornber and The bride looked lovely in a handsome tailor made travelling costume of a rare of blue lined with cherry silk with a large and becoming Velvet hat and carried a bouquet white roses and white asters and maiden hair ferns Tho maids were in robes of white and leghorn hats with a profusion of pink and red roses church beautifully decorated with palms and other tropical plants and was with invited guests and interested Prof Walter presided at the organ Mr and Mrs spent there honey moon in Now York Mrs will hold her post nuptial reception on Thursday and Friday afternoon and evening of Sept and at Sussex Ave Bros trio mandolin and guitar will furnish mosio for reception They received many handsome and use presents Trimming Feather Boas Fleece lined Underwear Fancy Underskirtsgreat at C M Gleanings the Fail The Directors calculate that the rain on the second day knocked out of their receipts The Methodist Ladies Aid which had a refreshment tent on the grounds took in thus realizing a nice sum towards a new Pipe Organ after paying expenses Pretty good considering the large number of booths The show of Poultry was excellent Tbe two buildings would not hold all the dis play Mr the artist got a splendid view of the Street School Procession on tbe Fair Grounds Copies can be had at the Gallery It is a splendid souvenir of tbe occasion Where the name Mrs A E Widdlfleld town appears in Prize List It should read Mr A Pine Orchard Prizes are not payable till after the Mr Albert sold three of hie prize English Brahmas while the fair was in progress for Board meeting on the of Ootober The entries were as fojlows r Horses Cattls Sheep Swine 42 Poultry Grain and Seeds 124 Roots Vegetables Fruits 217 Wines Dairy Carriages collection Implements do Mechanics Domestic A Ladies SVork J W4 J This shows a big improvement on last year and yet hardly gives a fair comparison with township shows as in many cases in above list the entries are made for collec tion For Instance in tbe Carriage Build log persona bad articles but they counted as entries Mr Graham photographer bad ft fine collection in the Gallery The finest lot of horses were shown here the second day that Newmarket oversaw at a Fair The Royal Grenadiers cost Society outside their board A Cosy was stolen from a table In Floral Hall and la strong of the guilty party municipal Visitors On Thursday evening of last week a deputation from the Town ot Watorloo composed of Mayor Hastings and Council Snider and Snider visited Newmarket for the purpose of examining our Water works and Light Systems ob taining cost of and annual revenue The deputation them as highly pleased with both systems and a to Newmarket On Friday morning a deputation from the Council of Acton Messrs Clark Pear eon and Francis Inspected our Light Plant and Fire Alarm System and left with a very favorable impression Tho efficiency and economical manage- ment of our WaterWorks and Light Systems are spoken of In the highest terms of praise in all parte of the Province and conclusively that Newmarket did a wise thing In putting them under municipal control the revenue therefrom lessening taxation materially MI- The Newest Goods just received Our Specialty Black Goods We show designs not shown by any other House with Trimmings to Match We are never undersold and Our Goods are all Guaranteed ff lr The best Cakes are always made with Baking Powder CORNER STORI We Clothe a man from the erown of his head to the soles of his feet Wonderful show range of Dollar Boots In country Tea Over people assembled at Mayor Canes residence on Wednesday evening to partake of Quarterly Tea provided by the Ladies Aid of the Methodist Church and a very social time was spent A de lightful musical and literary program wae presided over by Mr J in which the following took part Vocal Solos by Miss Stooffer of and Mr W Ferris of violin solos by Mr A piano selections by Miss Millard and Mr A- Oliver reading by Mr J S Stephens and speech by Rev Matthews Accompaniments were play ed by Mies of Bradford and Mies Stouffer of Newmarket ladies added about to their new Pipe Organ Fund The Ladies Aid doubled mem bership during the past six mouths and the whole congregation appears to be in sym pathy with the object In view The manu facturers placed a pipe organ in a Metho dist Church at St Thomas two weeks ago and the Treasurer The people are delighted with the organ and the organ- builders What I We never saw such a variety of Suits and Overcoats as Montgomery showing Some American visitors are expected to attend the Christian Conference here next month and the Billeting Committee finding some difficulty in providing homes Sidewalks on Main Street are undergoing repairs this week The Industrial Home meet on Saturday to pass accounts Xing Township will not levy a railway bonus rate this year which will be good news to the northerners The Plan of the portion of the Town prepared during the past couple of years by P Gibson Esq is now registered as No In the North York Registry Office Mr is adding a ve randah to his residence Mr Evans of purchased the log cabin used in Procession of the St School last week Several of our townspeople went oat on Wednesday night but re port game scarce In the death notices last week the name of Alex Henderson should have been An drew Henderson the wellknown news dealer Canes Factory Is so busy with orders that every department is running hours a day Mrs T J Robertson has purchased the house and lot of Miss Marsden on Main St and will Improve the lawn another season Some much needed repalrr ye been mads on the road on Prospect Ave opposite Mr Richardsons residence Mr McMann is now rushing his new residence on Huron St West The corporation staff have repaired several bad pieces of sidewalk on different streets this week Mr Andrew Hunter is erecting a fence at the West side of his residence on Eagle street Prospect Ave near Queen St Is badly in need of repair Mr Codling who attended Had- trial at Whitby last- week in the capacity of prosecutor unexpectedly met bis much sought for wife After teeing receive a Government Bit for days they both returned to Town where will reside Patting up stoyes Is the order of the day Cattle buyers In this section claim that they hays difficulty in procuring good not withstanding the prices that are paid The Largest Stock of Mens and Boys Clothing We show the Largest and Best Stock of Boots Shoes Our Mens Hats Caps are the Latest Styles Our Mens Furnishings are the Nobbiest in Town Special Bargains in Mens Leg Boots Come with the Crowds and Save Money tJ LOTH 175 95 Dont fail to visit our LADIES WRAPPERS ReadyMade in Wrapperette and Print Goods Stylish wellmade Garments Plain or Cord Trimmed 125 50 Braid Trimmed Velvet Trimmed 225 Ribbon Trimmed Moreen Underskirts Deep Flounces several colors Show Room We never had a nicer Stock Prices are very very reasonable Childrens Reefers Ulsters Are exceptionally well represented in this department BLACK DRESS GOODS Upwards of pieces to choose from by far the Largest Stock in North York ranging in price from to 150 per yard Haye you seen the Newest thing in Fancy Black Crepon Finished Beau tiful Goods 95c yard DANFORD ROOM MANTLE CLOTHS Our Mantle Cloth Stock is the Largest we ever had 67 pieces by actual count All kinds Beaver Melton Box Cloth Frieze Rough Cloth Golf Cloth etc all colors ranging from 50c to per yard All displayed in the Mantle Room Critics are making very compliment ary remarks about our Millinery Display this Season Maybe its flattery you had better judge for yourself will like to see the Newest Trimmed Novelty viz the Collar and Tie Hat We have the very latest things in Hats such as the Dewey Sailor The Oregon Lucania New York Majestic Atlanta etc and in Walkin Hats the Tally Ho Defender Saratoga an Brunswick are some of the Latest OR Blouse Silks in Shots and Checks of Swiss apd French manufacture imported by ourselves NEWMARKET a

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