Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , September 16, 1898, p. 8

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v THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY SEP to Take asy to Operate features to Hoods Pills lie tasteless thorough As one man Midi over I Hood Co- proprietors Lowell Mass only plus to with Hoods HEAD Paid op Capital Reserved Fund Total noarly i000000 A branch of this Hunk is established at BRADFORD received or and and paid thereon at the highest current rated Wo make Specialty of Discounting Notes And Bale Notes LOWEST For further information apply to JOHN around the Hal WHAT WIDEAWAKE AND COR- TO town for watering cart hut it is only on special occasions it is to bo used It is an orna ment to the town and is only used often enough to keep it from to pieces will be but a short days un til tho workinginiirt will to eat his slipper by Jump light Co of Newmarket wo uiicloratantl have purchased the on the Park property is nothing having every thing in to depart from this world A days ago a lady called at and asked to his coffins asked who cof fin was for she stated that it was for herself and she wanted it fixed so and so and trimmed up to suit her fancy Too and Qvdinsxtty Aid 9 9 Murray FLORIDA WATER TUB SWEETEST MOST FRAGRANT MOST AND OP ALL FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF TOILET OR BATH ALL DRUGGISTS PERFUMERS GENERAL DEALERS Celery Compound the Rescuer Mr says I am to recommend pound I It Is tho best medicine in world He Tomb la DAYS WITH HIS A in a Brooklyn GRAHAMS Art Studio More tlian usual number from place and country surrounding attended Industrial at Toronto this Hummer season at is nearly closed and say that it has been tho largest in the history of By municipal authority the curfew been instituted in this Last week was the commencement Bandera from on the iust Mr and Mrs J Daly and Mr Herb Daly have gone on a short visit to and Thousand Islands The Sentinel gives the following ac count a fatal accident last week near hero On Tuesday morning the liftlo of Mr con was found by her mother hanging by the back of her dress to a self binder which was standing near house Upon examination it was found that life was extinct It is supposed that the child had been playing around binder and was in the act of climbing upon it when she fell catch ing in machinery with tho above result a thunderstorm Friday afternoonV between and oclock lightning struck the flag polo on post building and toreit to splin ters Lightning also struck several trees around town The thunder was very loud and heavy Children Cry for If you want your picture taken dont be satisfied with old of years hot It produced in latest style and bo with your friends Work A CAST I A Too fate for lost it Richardson Co Gentlemen For two years I was in a low condition of health suffering- from nervousness fainting spoils pain in the head stomach ami loss of appetite I was under cam of two doctors but received no benefit from heir treatment also used two tattle of a recommended patent medi cine but no good result came I was then advised by a neighbor to use your wonderful medicine Panics Celery Compound The use of this marvellous preparation soon produced the very best results am glad to report that my health is improving in every respect I am stronger sleep better and my appetite is good and natural I am pleased to recommend Celery Compound to all sick people as I it is tho best medi cine in the world Yours truly A FORSYTH Man vers Out the Czar Escaped A despatch from London says A report is pub lished hero of a daring plot to asxass- the Czar of Russia at Moscow last week The plan of the conspira tors was to allow gas to escape into a house on the route of the Czars pro cession until the atmosphere in every room had become saturated One of their number was to remain in the House and strike a light when tho Czar was passing in expectation that the house would blown to pieces and the Czar killed by Hying The conspirator would perish himself as a sacrifice to the cause This duty fell to the lot of one Alex ander In his agitation seems to have made an error as the explosion was mistimed When it occurred a staff officer and his wife were driving past house and they instead of the Czar were killed Their coachman will probably die of his injuries and about thirty other persons were more or less seriously in jured Kolanoffs mangled body was found among the ruins The Czar and Czarina drove by just twentyfive minutes later Many arrests have been made in Moscow but the Rus sian press has forbidden to refer to the raattec We are giving excellent satisfac tion in our work Call and and you will be con vinced O T GRAHAM JONES OLD STAND NEWMARKET TANDARD ASSURANCE ESTABLISHED If It PROGRESS The now assurance carried through by the Standard Office for the lastnine periods have been as follows sums assured 18501855 18561 18861890 18901895 Since 1805 progress has been equally satisfactory Investments in Canada 18000000 Profits to policy holders 29200000 M Ramsay Manager J of Agencies Charles Hunter Chief Agent Ontario GEO MHUNT District Inspector Agent C V DEPARTMENT The members of the held their business meeting on Wednesday ult Full reports from all offi cers and superintendents were read and discussed Mrs Cane the County President was present The following officers were reelect ed President- Mre H A Winch Secretary Miss M Morton Treasurer Mrs Morton I Gilpin Mrs Winch Mrs McCordick Miss A Davidson of Departments Band of Hope Miss M Morton Evangelistic Miss A Davidson Flowers Fruit Mrs Fermented Wine Mrs McCordick Scientific Temperance Mrs J Press Miss A Winch The next meeting will be held on the 14th in the Hall The Gospel Temperance meeting in connection with the of Bel- haven was held in the Hall Monday evening Mrs MoCordick in chair The programme was supplied by the ladies of the Sutton Branch and was well received It consisted of an address by Mrs Mrs Kay read a on Influence reading by Mrs solo by Mrs Powell duett by Mrs Powell and Mrs and selections by the choir also an excellent address by Mrs Duncan Children Cry for Ottawa Sept The Department of Railways and Canals have instruct ed Douglass bridge and hydraul ic engineer to viait the scene of the bridge fatality Cornwall to search out cause of the accident have nothing official ly to do with of work which gave away as it was situated in American territory Their object is to gain information to assist them in arriving at a conclusion as to the stability of similar piers constructed upon tho Canadian side of St London Sept 8 A private telegram just received here confirms the statement made in a despatch fiom yesterday that Li Hung Chang has been dismissed from the Chinese foreign But the de spatch adds It is pointed out here at Pekin that this does not neces sarily mean that he been deprived of all power Manila Sept The attitude of the insurgent leaders is daily becoming more dangerous and reconciliation may be difficult What makes the situation the more trouble some is the undisguised rivalry be tween followers of General and General Pilar General Pio Pilar uses his troops in a way most annoying to and makes every effort to show his disre gard of the United States officials His forces continue to patrol the city encouraging lawlessness in every di rection They are constantly annoy ing the United States troops aldo no longer attempts to conceal his hostility to the officials who represent the United States THE You Need the Best DIAMOND DYES COLOK ALL CLASSES OP Diamond Dyes as far as general usefulness is concerned are far ahead of all the adulterated package and soap greats dyes now before the pub lic These crude package dyes and soap grease mixtures are very limited in their powers true they give a semblance of color to thin and flimsy fabrics but when tried on good dress materials and heavier goods such as flannels worsteds tweeds and cloths they are simply worthless The Diamond Dyes owing to their great powers of penetration their per fect solidity and depth of shade their purity and brilliancy are adapted for all classes of goods the thinnest gauze to heaviest tweeds This great range of work possible only to tho Diamond Dyes is what has made them so popular all over world If you would do your dyeing work in proper style uso the Diamond Dyes Avoid alt imitation package and soap preparations Diamond Dyes are first and best for homo uso Ah yes this will bo third win ter I have spent at my wifoa side said John Reed whoso beautiful tomb in Evergreen Cemetery Brooklyn has made him conspicuous tho world over I dont feel a widower however but should had I laid her away in a in ground But when I go into that sacred room and take the lid from her casket and look into beloved face I tho sweet at companion ship and am comforted in my terrible loneliness I had no idea of creating a sensa tion whon I built this sarcophagus and hung it with pictures and adorn ed it with treasures of our home My only wish was to have where I could see every day and to know that at last I will beside for it would kill mo this minute if I thought she would sleep in one place and I in another This in the reason that I took her away from her fathers vault for while her relatives promised that my coffin should be placed beside hers yet they refused to give me a written guarantee that this should be done I was fraid they may not how much means to me to be laid at ret my darling wife and that eventu ally I might be crowded out So I bought this lot and built this tomb seemed so desolate to put my loving wife into a bare stone loom thai I fixed it up just as homolike as I could with her favorite books and pictures with her fancy work and things she loved in life For three I have been here da from dawn to sunset I in and with her and imagine we arc keeping house just as we did in the old happy days I used to tell her that if she should die I would build her a tomb And so I have carried out her wishes and may God grant that the day may come soon when the key shall be on our earthly home and in a tomb just largo enough for two we may sleep together until the morning of resur rection Thousands of people from every country in the world in front of Whispering Grove to look at the old man who is spending his days with his dead wife So great is the fame of the wonderful tomb and the devotion of Mr Reed that on Sun days officers arc stationed to keep the crowd moving It is built of granite with- stone copings and iron guards On the arched ridge is a polished granite ball and over the door is the simple in scription Jonathan and Mary Reed In the summer the huge vases blaze while inside the tomb is as silent and cool as a It is an ideal place to spend the hot days for in front of the sarcophagus is a beautiful lake But in the winter when the tomb is cold and damp it takes more than the passing love of a mans heart to tempt him to spend all the hours between daylight and dark in a for saken tomb oven though the body of one he has tenderly loved is lying there The interior of the vault is hung with rich draperies and the walls are covered with souvenirs of foreign travels But the interest centers in two catafalques of elaborately sculp tured stone Each contains a casket and in one is the embalmed of his cherished wife The embalming fluid was almost like the blood of for the face of the dead is like a sleeper She must have been very beautiful and the lines on her face are so sweet that in looking at the husband and wife one no longer marvels that in thirtyfive years of wedded life there was never a cross word spoken by these happy people Mr Reed is a man of remarkable dignity of manner and speech His hair and beard are snow white but his face ia ruddy and the deep blue eyes are full of peace His life is full of contentment and while long ing for the perfect reunion he holds tenaciously to the belief that there is no death but the life here and here after is an endless chain of which there is never a link broken or lost It is useless for either man or woman to perfection man who will not marry until he gets this must necessarily remain unmar ried He is a sour hanging by a twig of obstinancy on a wall of great expectations and only thing to bo said in his favor is that he has missed opportunity of making ono miserable A young man once to a friend I am nat going to give myself away when I marry fortunate girl who gets me must have three qualifications What those She must bo hand some rich and a fool Why all that Well she must be hand some and rich or else I wont have She must be a fool or else she wont have me EYE CHANGE T As age advances a gradual Change in Sight takes place This Change necessitates compensating aid Glasses properly ground and adjusted replace the loss of eye power We understand this work particularly well Try us CO OPTICIANS A Woman It isnt any wonder that some women get disgusted with medicine and lose faith in the doctors v5t r When a woman complains of feeling weak nervous and despondent and suffers from pains in the back and stitches in the and burning sensations the average physician will attribute these feelings to heart stomach or trouble For years possibly she takes their pre scriptions for these ailments without re ceiving any benefit then in final disgust she throws away drugs and hopelessly lets matters take their course A woman who suffers in this way is almost invariably a sufferer from weakness and disease of the distinctly feminine organism There is an unfailing and inexpensive cure for all tioubles of this description It is Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription It acts di rectly on the delicate organs concerned making them and strong It heals all internal ulceration and stops debilitating drains It lakes the pressure off the nerves and makes them strong and steady Under its marvelous merits thousands of women have been made happy and robust The Favorite Prescription restores weak nervous pain racked women and makes strong healthy capable wives and moth ers With its use all pain and suffering disappear AH good medicine stores sell it and have nothing else just as good Constipation and torpid liver will make the ambitious man or woman utterly good for nothing Or Pierces Pleasant Pellets cure them One little Pellet is a gentle laxative and two a mild cathartic Dr Pierces illustrated book Peoples Medical Adviser sent paperbound free for cost of customs and mailing onecent stamp lothbound stamps Address Dr V Pierce Buffalo BICITGL Carried over from must be sacrificed now New High Grade All Styles Best Equipment Guaranteed 975 TO Used wheels late modles all makes TO We ship on approval without a cent payment Write for bargain and Art Catalogue of swell models For season to advertise them Rider Agents Wanted I Learn Howto Earn a Bicycle and Make Money J MEAD CYCLE CO CHICAGO ILL IN GASH KEEP THERE no KIND OP MIR or ACHE OR EXTERNAL THAT MOT RE- LI EVE LOOK OUT IMITATIONS AND SUB STITUTES THE GENUINE BOTTLE BEARS THE NAME PERRY TO EVERY FAMILY IN NEWMARKET AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY frM of the following merchants ask for CASH i tt Coupon Book is filled with Coup from them to Druggist and tret in cash piuI another Look coupons he aBk LEHMAN A SMITH G A SINKS Hardware Butcher J MILLARD Furniture I ATKINSON CO Jewelers McDOUGALL NEWMARKET LAUNDRY O T GRAHAM Photographer If yoo did not get one of COUPON BOOKS you can got one FREE from any of the above merchant Photos Photos Photos AT Jenkins Price Oct Beet Cabinets only worth Photos Photos will do well to call above artist before October 1st as he expects to close down at that time for toe winter sea MONEY TO LOAN Private funds on Farm Property flrel mortgage only JACKSON Real tale Agent NOTICE la hereby given thai David Stock of City Of Toronto in the County of York In the Pro vince of Ontario machinist will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next sexton thereof for a Bill of Divorce from his wife Mary Stock or the City of Toronto married woman on the bigamy St Toronto Solicitors for Applicant Dated at Toronto Province of Ontario 1st day of July eon guaranteed to everybody Orders taken for enlargements of all kinds Viewing done on shortest notice Studio open everyday In the week Sundays excepted Come early in the month to avoid the rush that That Church For raises TO LET And centrally located St Opposite the apply on JAMES Farm to Bent Your correspondence will be at tended to with more promptness If you keep a supply of station ery on hand We can you Note Letter and Envelope printed to suit your fancy at prices thai will sur- prise you Call at the Era Office and ecsmnph fy Untouched by ambition for aggrandisement which inspires their bigger neighbors the Dutch have been wisely content to pursue their com merce in peace preserve their liberties and that beautiful home life which has made Holland the envy and admiration of the world Queen has come into her regal heri tage at an ago that calls to mind the ascension of Queen Victoria to throne of Great Britain her may bo as prolific of blessing to her and as to herself as that of Queen Victoria has been is thai can bo wished for her Vy for Lot In tih Con Township of Whitchurch containing acres of which 120 are under cultivation and balance In bush and pasture There acres of fall wheat In the ground can be given at once Apply HENRY MACHELL Aurora WANTED SOWN On Street Desirably Situated neat the old Woollen Factory Sale on East Terms Apply to JACKSON Heal Estate Agent Industrious Of character to travel and appoint agents Salary and expenses paid CO Limited ATTENTION I ISAAC SON Gil Is guaranteed to be quite equal to any of the Portland Cements for all sorts of farm- structures such as bankbarn doors silos hog pens bridge abutments arch culverts cisterns etc This Cement is rfold at about onehalf the price of the Portland Personal Instruction given free charge and all work warranted For information- apply to SING General Agent el haven nt tfccondclasff fchintfics Lath etc always on prices as FOR TWENTYSEVEN YEARS THECWSBEST FRIEND largest Sale in Canada AGENTS I am Just tho best for mono you for many a day Your name ami will the golden Infor mation Toronto DESIRABLE RESIDENCE FOB BALE Centrally located second house West of Market on St Good well cistern stable and other conveniences The war with Spain Is over lis HDENNIS Newmarket for Silo FirstClass modern house with convenien ces garden fruit etc residence of Mr Mala Newmarket For price and terms apply at premises or address It J DALEY Estate Agent Stouffvfile We have be most complete published Our book contains 00 pages over and Is so cheap it sells on sight Agents coin ing money with it the last few days Write quick for COMPANY Limited Toronto PROMPTLY SECURED interesting Invent ors Help and How you arc swindled Send rough sketch or your invention or Improvement and we will tell you our opinion as to whether It Is probably patentable We mate of applications rejected- In other references furnished it Civil A of Bachelor la Hem Law American Water P Surveyor A i Alloc- yAKT0 Book is bet than for yearn past alto have better and faster selling books Agents clearing from to weekly A few leaders are Queen Victoria Ofoof Mr Gladstone My Stories Progreealve Speaker Cold Welds Woman Glimpses of and Supper CO Limited Toronto buildings good orchard good fences acres fallow Pall plowing to bo done half of lot con acres seeded good wll about acres cleared miles P Rent to a good man For terms apply to Ramsey next lot south of farm or to J Oct AHklnds of Short Notice Reasonable Car Main I AfeanoWlll iirtnuitrlft4

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