Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , September 16, 1898, p. 6

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J I THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY SEPT around the flu WHAT COR- TO COLLEGE CORNERS A florioua befell Mr Oldhams boy about years of ago Ho gathering butternuts and foil out of tree breaking a leg and an arm Ho is doing as well as can be was a vory largo attendance at opening mooting of Young Peoples Union last Sunday evening A good spirit was evinced and it pro mises well for future The meet ing next- Sunday will bo in the Metho dist Church and Mr Jenkins is to tho address Another addition to the population Law of has located VAN DORK Miss Mary Mnckoy has returned homo after spending two wooks in the city Quito a number from hero Exhibition Mr and Mrs Williams of ton spent a days with Mr and Mrs Arthur Welsh Wo hear Mr Preston gets more orders than ho fulfil in threshing This speaks for his now machine Mr Arthur Welshs cow died rather suddenly on Monday night She was opened by Messrs JMvis and who tried to locate the cause which they found it to ho an enlarged and disordered a diseased heart a small at the end of gul let Coon hunting seems to be all the rage around Mr Dowdy has caught several Since Concert ffu hear the young men that have ladies tell those that have not to keep and till they get one Come one comoall to the Christian Endeavor next Tuesday evening Something special Mr J A VanNostrand lost a valuable horse a ago last Satur day through a sunstroke Wo heard those wedding bells a week ago last Wednesday How nice ly they did peat P What has become of last weeks Horns Ed Not received Last Wednesday Mr Sharon lost a Utile girl It had a number of fits before death same day Mr Little of Union St buried a little boy two months old It died in its mothers arms on the road from the doctors homeward Frank other day was somewhat surprised when his pigeons hatched out a pair of chickens It happened in this way a hen the eggs and the pigeon was the incuba tor- Which would be the mother of chick the one that laid the egg or the one that hatched the chick used to bo an old question for argument Since the of incubators I guess the hen that lays egg must have prior claim or chick might have no mother We are told that some young boys in village are smoking cigarettes Like other evil habits thin grows stronger by custom besides it is a violation of law both to the one who sells and one who buys Would you please state the law in this weeks issue Mr Editor Ed Note Penalty not less than with or without costs or impri sonment for any term not exceeding days with or without hard labor On Friday evening this week at oclock there will be a Prohibition Meeting held in the MethodistChurch here All should attend as will bo two able speakers Dewey and Lee of Aurora to put the question in its proper light before the people It is a question of vast importance at Recent rains resuscitated things vory much wheat and pasture are looking fine so are water Mr Samuel Arnold of Chicago brother of Mrs Jacob Smith is visit ing friends and relatives As ho is about to return homo again Mastor Hamilton will accompany him Ho will bo missed in Brown Hill very much as ho is a fine young Wo aro sorry to part with our friends Mr Robin and hie mate but theyll come back in Spring as they are favorite Songsters Mr Ida and visiting party at Mr Roses They were joyfully entertained by Mr Rose at present is down flick with a mild typo of malaria A tramp scorns to be familiar with our College on the corner Ho has lodged himself thoro times and builds fires Dont tho trustees fear a conflagration Wheres fasten ings on windows and locks on the doors took in Industrial but more will go t Newmarket next week Mr Win Miller of was visiting his sister Mrs of Holly Hock Farm for a days day as I took a stroll on the other Street a bird told me several weddings that I was not aware of wore coming to light this fall and winter Our hunt chief was out serenading corn patches and hushes hunting coons but no success as yet If liny would go to J M grove theyd get a tame he has tied up to a treo There is a set of gypsies camped on the from Lindsay They have some relatives in that vicinity The Relhaven scribe must have a profitable sitting lately He out in full blast with a long list spring Coma again Mr Samuel Bains were home from St Mr Norman was taken seriously ill with violent cramps It was feared lie bad cholera morbus but it only turned out to be a violent attack of colic However he went homo for some time Tho Misses were paying Mr J and Miss LctUia McNeil a friendly visit not long ago By the warbling of the Mockingbird one would think it sees a in the Joker Oh its a fine good bird from its heels up Little Miss Mary Draper from was paying relatives a short visit Mrs J will spend a few days visiting friends this week Mrs Nelson who has been sick lately will soon recover now as she is able to sit up Mr Woodcock who rusti cates at Roachs Point seems to captivated the ladies there who have white chalk mark for him next time Mr Grant is away to con ference this week An Amusement Co of young folks held At Home at Mr which took him by sur prise for a short time then proceeded to Mr E Roses and thus they whiled wee wee hours away in midnight hours Several horses around here which were overcome by intense heat are recovering Now the fall wheat is sown our plowmen arc trying to see which is the I dont see why we have a Plowing Match in this vicinity Miss Bertie Smith of White Rose is still visiting in our midst Mr Young is trying his hand in putting down a cement floor in his pig pen bet it will bo a fine job We have a young man in our vi cinity who does his own haircutting If all were like him barbers would need another occupation Mrs Geo intends holding an open meeting her house on Oct with a view of a singing school All cordially invited will bo a meeting at Raven- shoe on Wednesday of this week on Plebiscite Wonder how many will shy tho word yes and mark that fatal No Little Mabel Rose who has been so poorly is slowly recovering Miss Rosa Milter who has been in hospital expects to come homo on Saturday With the present evidence- predominating here seriously inflicted with such diseases thats place to go Several of our young folks are going to this to see friends in the hospital Tub Joker KING CITY DAVISON GO me Wo glad to nee that and family have arrived home after spending some time camping Mr Win Lloyd is doing a rushing business this year He has two threshing going Quite a largo fire swamp on Tuesday He had been up new land and firo ran into tho swamp A lot of fruit has been stolen in King City and vioinity as well as trees broken down by will be sorry if they dont stop that kind of work ST SOUTH Miss Annio Dunn of Toronto is at Mrs Bales very sick with typhoid fevor Miss Sarah is under the doc tors care hut is improving Hon Postmaster General visited his farm on St thin week Mr paid Richmond Hill a visit last Sunday Miss from Richmond wan friends for a couple of weeks in this vicinity Quite a number from this locality the Industrial and report a great fair Several were caught in act of stealing butternuts hut wore let- oil after paying therefor hut got a big Some people would like to know how a certain young man got poc ket burnt out of his coat last week Just ask him ROACHS POINT Mr Jessie wheeled to tho city last spending a few days Mr and Mrs J Peters were visit ing at Mr Hamiltons last Sunday Mr Woods accompanied by his sister Miss Wood spent a short time with friends in city last also attending tho ferry which has been laid off duty owing to a breakage is repaired again Miss Lemon and Miss Young who spent a couplo of months at the Point returned to Toronto on Satur day Master Aubrey Love has returned from visiting friends in the city Rev Mr Turk of Toronto addressed the Prayer Meeting at Mr Loves last Wed evening Mr of Mount Albert and Mr Allison of Washington City were the guest of Mr over Sunday- Bona YEN Wo are prepared to meet trade with a clean and pew stock of Vinegars Our White Wine Vinegar at 40c la very best possesses that strength and so necessary for Pickling Cider Vinegar at With extra and a nice flavor makes it desirable for table use Home Cider Vinegar at It is pure and procured from farmers only preparation of Catsup Chili Sauces and all Mayonnaise requires in the selecting or necessary materials of quality desired for of strength parity and freshness are Our Spices are Strictly Pure fresh WE RECOMMEND THE TBADE U8e our Best Cinnamon It gives beat results We claim to have and stands the test something special in Whole Mixed Pickling Spice We sell only Keens Mustard It is the Best Fresh Ground Tumeric Powder Curry Powder Mace Cayenne Pepper DAVISON CO Main Street Newmarket An Ottawa Parry Sound freight train was derailed Fri day near Col Sept A is reported from Eastern Color ado and it threatens to develop into a blizzard in Western Nebraska Apprentices Wanted At once to dreeamakiijg P A very serious accident occurred in the present moment to Canadian people Not again perchance for tt wam will loaded five barrelled revolving horse pistol he fell some way and it wont years will the opportunity be present ed to Canadians of blotting out in one day what has been is and will bo if continued one of the greatest curses of the laud Can we reckon the value of a soul by revenue oven it would be a loss of revenue which every sensible one knows it would not Come and hear tho question in its proper light War hills the body but not soul Strong drink both soul and body therefore strong drink is worse than war Us victims die physically mentally morally spiritually Vote to save your neighbor not to save yourself on Sept Tho Directors of the Township Fair have completed the Prize List and now in the hands of the Sec retary for distribution A Concert is to bo held in evening as usual and our citizens may look forward to a big day on the of next month The Toronto Board of Control has voted 1000 for relief of those thrown into destitution by fire off the contents twelve shot lodged in his leg just above his knee Dr Graham dressed tho wound Mr David went to To ronto on jury last Tuesday Mr McDonald host of the inn pur chased at Keswick is remodelling it all through The extensive improve ments and repairs include taking down the front verandah and annexing a double one which adds much to the suburbs of the village Since the change of services on Sunday in the afternoon at McMillans Corners theno has been a marked in crease in owing to so many Sunday Sohools being held in places in the forenoon Mrs has received a letter from husband stating that he has landed safely on Western soil and so far enjoys much improved health stay a few days in Manitoba then proceed to Brandon Calgary and Indian Head and then homeward When ho wo all he will and prohibited the sale of several hogs have attained new vior and health brought to market HOLLAND LANDING Rather change in the weath er last Saturday Most of the cucumbers were badly nipped by Jack Frost in this vicinity Mr Luck and sister of Leamington spent Sunday last at Mr Lucks Mrs and family are spending a few weeks at fathers Mr Taylor Undo Dave left on Wednesday for a trip through Palestine Egypt and several other places We understand he will give lectures on coming Plebiscite Ho expects to return in a week or ten days is receiving congratulations on all sides since his return We wish him much joy and long life also Mrs Boyd returned home to Inlet on Monday last after spending two weeks at her fathers Mr Gray The Colored Gent had a full house on Monday evening lecturing on Slavery He rendered several songs assisted by his wife albert Miss Mills and Miss of King were visiting friends hero this week Mr Armstrong of Toronto is visit ing with Mr Rosamond Mr and Mr are both quite ill Mr of Stouffville opens the photo gallery hero next Tuesday Mr Isaac Allison of Washington spent ft few days at his uncles Dr James Forrest has purchased a new turnout at Toronto Exhibi tion and is now fitting his handsome team for the local fairs He is after that Newmarket first prize Mr Walter Willbee moved his new shoe shop opposite the market this week A large prohibition gathering will be held in the Church next Wednesday evening at which Rev Mr Stewart will speak Miss Ada Hayes is home from To ronto visiting her parents Mr J W Bishops now of Toronto paid this a flying visit on Wed nesday The Sutton train was delayed here Monday evening until ten oclock ow ing to the spring on one of the engine trucks breaking and allowing al the weight to fall on the axle The break age occurred about a quarter of a mile south of here and caused the engineer considerable alarm Mrs Rev Forrest of Brussels was visiting relatives hero last week A King St wedding on the tapis very goon J E of Victoria University preached in the Presbyteri an Church on Sunday evening during the absence of the pastor Ottawa Sept 10 An alarming outbreak of hog cholera has occurred adjacent to the and a section of country three miles square has been quarantined with the pros pects of the quarantine being further extended The entire piggeries of about a dozen farmers containing probably hogs are affected Market Inspector detected something was wrong some days ago owing to complaints regarding live hogs sold on Ottawa market Eventually ho discovered the parties Rev Mr Addison was unexpectedly called to Toronto last week and could not fill his engagement to preach in hall here on Sunday evening Next Sunday he has promised to he preont and a largo crowd is expect ed Large crowds attended Harvest Home Services held in Bethel Church last Sunday Mr Fred Williams of was in tho village on Sunday Mr Jos youngest child died and was buried on Thursday Mr Stephen Winch is down to To ronto as juryman Mr Duncan Kings house is almost completed Mr W Winch has to go to Toron to next week as juryman Small crowd at the Plebiscite meet ing on Tuesday evening BALDWIN BREEZES Our again distinguished themselves on Saturday afternoon by defeating tho in a return match Score Baldwin Zephyr 14 A large number of our citizens took in the Industrial and the sights of the City Some harrowing tales were told of narrow escapes and get ting lost in the mazy darkness of To ronto asleep I reckon there was a commotion in police circles when Grandma bareheaded was searching for little Bertram She found him is having his cellar floor cemented Say do you know that is an excellent idea It pays Mr has been appoint ed agent of E P Smith nurseryman of Winona As Mr Grylls is perfect ly reliable we trust he will bo well patronized Id is wonderful what an effect the prospect of a good catch has on our young ladies It makes them so con ceited- they think they can do most anything make butter wash iron in fact do all kinds of domestic work even to nursing the babies One of our young ladies has a peculiar habit of nursing baby whenever her makes his usual call Laws a- dont she look sweet A conscientious lady One of our ladies who is a considerable exhibitor at fairs has foresworn exhibiting anything not her own production says her conscience forbids it Every body dont such tender consci ences But theyre wrong on of it its a fraud Read the rules and see for yourself Mr Joel Thompson of Gum Swamp considers ho is specially fortunate During tho past ten months he has raised forty out of fortyone pigs He is also a successful apiarist his honey being very plentiful and of the finest quality Mr and Mrs Arnold are at tending Free Methodist Conference at this week Mr Arnold is of the moat highly respected and influential members of the denomina tion in this section Mr Ernie is a martyr He is suffering from one of Jobs com forters of most prodigious size Tom may conceive what an amount of com fort he takes with it Billy has returned to Bradford Says hes going to work Hick or no sick Jack Frost nipped tho tender garden truck Sunday morning Wanted Good General Servant Wanted Apply to Newmarket 1898 To Farmers I If you wish to hire a EnjrJnc to out corn or do other farm work can accommodate A THOMPSON FOR SALS County Exhibition AT Under direction of North York ON agricultural SOCIETY Draught and i years Old one Hour Apply on Lot WlntlieMhCon East GwllJimbury or ad- dress JOHN GREENWOOD P ASTRAY White Sow about one hundred and twenty live pounds went away on the of Sep tember Any person notifying will be rewarded JAMES AVIAVAHD A SNAP House for Pale on Street Aurora a than the valuation Six large rooms summer kitchen and pantry fruit trcea and grape vines hard and ofi water Small payment down balance to suit buyer Apply to STEPHENSON Davenport Mention Newmarket FOB hi ana IN PREMIUM The Premium List Is the and best ever offered by the society PROGRAM FOR FIRST DAY Childrens procession headed by Royal Grenadiers finndof Toronto will leave i prize ports Market Square and proceed to Exhibition Grounds where prizes will bo awarded for Heat TurnOut from school of War and all Athletic Sports for school children Speeding Horse King will commence and continue during the afternoon PROGRAM FOR SECOND DAY- pm Speeding in the will commence and contlnucduring the afternoon 1 pmThe will commence their duties of awarding premiums in all the vari ous classes of Live Stock Royal Band and other Special Attractions both days Admission cents Children cents Children In procession free 2nd day cents Children cents See Prize and 8mall Bills lor details ABB- KEITH Secretary A good acre arm cleared In fair state of cultivation brick house of rooms large barn on with Hood stabling beneath Stream crosses miles from Station and a mile to school Apply to C DAVIDSON Real Agent Mount Albert ASTRAY Strayed from No CConfl North about the lit of August three year ling cattle namely Grey BvJL Ligfct Red and White Heifer 1 Dark Red Heifer Any Information rrgiiidiug the same will be vedby thankfully recei W HSHAW Havens hoe Farm for Sale- The wellknown farm of the late St George containing W situate on 2nd Township of Whitchurch near Oak Ridges P property will bo divided to suit pur chasers Trice moderate Electric Railway to Toronto within a abort distance of farm Apply to Messrs Stokes and King or to Trusts Corporation or Ontario Bank of Commerce Building Toronto Administrators of the Estate LOST Strayed from Lot No North Qwilllmbury following cattle all three years old 2 Red and White Steers I Brown and White Steer and White Heifer 1 Grey and Spotted Heifer All dehorned with notch out of underside of right car notch out of left ear near the Any Information that will point to their recovery will be suitably warded DRAPER P 0 A Competent Servant Apply to MRS Wanted In exchange for Organs Sewing Machines Newmarket Lost Strayed from lot In Con of East Qwllllmbury about middle of July a Dark Red Yearling Heifer Informal leading to recovery will bo suit- abtyrordod m Our Is arriving daily and we show many lines of uptodate DR which are confined to us alone TORONTO JOBBING Undersigned heavy and ANTED to purchaso GE lbs These horses In Good Con dition and from years old Will be at the following places Klims hotel Monday Sep Noble ton hotel Tuesday Sep St Georges hotel Wed Hep rtwJn ThursBep Friday Sep up noon Saturday Sep 17 A Montreal ORDER YOUR Weighing from to must bo Sound and I -AT- hotel Cbokat Isos hotel Bradford Royal hotel S3 OB STOLEN On Friday last Fox Terrier Dog Tan and white black spot on side answers to the of Barney Reward given for his re turn Any person detaining said dog will l Main Street MRS PRIVATE SCHOOL English French and Music Pupils receiving primary Instruction hero have stood Work that THE Commands Attention Cards ERA Circulars Dodgers Anything Everything OFFICE Newmarket FARMERS Nov time to with Fall Wheat whllo sowing It will produce to the aero and give better than on ground where not used at Seed obtain circular free Main St Newmarket Cement In Block

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