Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , September 16, 1898, p. 4

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fc -J- I THE NEWMARKET ERA FR SEPT 1898 firmly Upon YnoyKnovHoodoOnrflnporinn Permanently All Foil not a simple preparation of ft Besides alterative it also great and and Dande lion It also contains great kidney remedies Ural Juniper Berrien and arc all Other very valuable curative agents harmoniously com bined in Hoods and It carefully prepared under the euperviaion of a regularly educated facte Is the abiding have in la matter aurprieo You can why cures when medicines totally absolutely Mil Moods lithe fact Truo Mood Purifier six fori aid digestion aw She to 1nor Best Advertising Medium York County racnta per no for peril for each subsequent Insertion CONTRACT BATES YOU a I I a mo 1 Wo- inches Inches I inch I MB with writ ten Instructions Inserted until forbid and charged accordingly Advertisements will bo changed once each month If desired For changes each month tho composition must be paid for at regular rule for contract advertisements must bo In tho by noon on Wednesdays Special Low for Executors Notices Farms to Kent Articles Lost and Found etc A reading will bo inserted for any Church or Society whore fur Is taken fifty will be for such a notice Nociception to this rule Thos J Robertson Barrister rotary Public o Newmarket to Loan on good Far security Barrister Solicitor for Township of King Money to Division Court Building Newmar ket Ontario p Barrister Solicitor Conveyancer Late with Cameron Hanintern Toronto tales carefully managed and collection promptly made gar Money to loan at lowest rates Block W Barrister Solicitors o Manning Arcade King West Toronto Hone omenta Barrister Reformer Block Money to Loan MISCELLANEOUS Opposite Fire Hall Main Street Main St Druggists Sundries and Fancy Goods prepared to do Sewing at private residences perfect fit guaranteed in all the latest sent throush Newmarket PO will receive prompt attention August Bulletin from On tario Agricultural ana Experi mental Farm giving of monts with winter wheat and publish ed by the Government con- tains of interest to farming community of Ontario It sets out with a good deal of attention has been given to treatment of winter wheat in Experimental Department of College Varieties obtained from United States Scotland Germany Franco and Russia boon carcfuMy tested with those secured from wheat growing sec tions of Canada Besides testing the varieties have boon experiments conducted in- different dates of seed ing of soil preparation methods of seeding of grain for seed quantities of seed per aero- application of- fertilizers treatment of smutinfested seed and the yield and quality of wheat out at different stages of maturity Those occupied over twelve hundred plots within last nine years bulletin gives a summary report of principal experiments conducted under heads in 1898 and results of of tho experiments conducted for years in succession During ninetytwo vanot of wheat were tested which gave m of M tons of straw and bushels of grain per acre and an aver- ago weight of grain per measured bushel of exactly lbs The yield of grain in therefore is about threo and a half bushels per acre more than the yield of the past nine years The bulletin contains tables giving characteristics and yields of fortyeight varieties of winter wheat grown for five years in succession also characteristics and yields of forty- four now varieties of winter wheat grown in 1898 Of the former Daw sons Golden Chaff and of the latter Golden Coin stand at the head for pro ductiveness and weight per measured bushel This bulletin contains a lot of mat ter on various points of to wo have not room this week for details It will bo infor mation however to give the follow ing conclusions reached by the va rious vi The aver age results of winter wheat growing on tho mental plots for years in succession as follows weight of grainier measured pounds yield of straw per acre tons and yield of grain per aero bushels Dawsons Chaff has given the largest average yield of grain per acre among seventy varieties of winter wheat for the past live years also among eleven leading varieties tested over Ontario in nine varieties in 1894 and and varieties in The Early Giant variety of wheat is a rival of the Golden Chaff in all the varied experiments Farmers may obtain copies of this Bulletin No 108 on application to the Department of Agriculture Toronto The proclamations for the prohibition plebiscite have been posted for some days throughout the different polling of West Ontario and North The polls are to bo open from a to p on Sept An Ottawa says Thomas Chappie Oat has been appointed of the newly organis ed in Rainy River with bead- Rat order been approved by Aberdeen A despatch from Ottawa states that the Marino and has extended not fishing scaBon or days The season opened yes terday It is understood that authorities of Ontario the conclusion that thoro is no ground for extradition proceedings Harry Avery Customs on tho charge of abducting Meagher of Port Hu ron and so notified the county at Windsor provincial authorities consider that proper course to purpose In the case is to a complaint at Washington through medium Dominion Government with an application for of Meagher who is out on ball the upon which complaint is based proved to bo corrcot he will also In opinion of Ontario authorities bo on- to a claim for damages with State at Washington South Boa islanders intoxicatingrink from corn and de cayed fish A St Thomas girl who rides a got up In her sleep mounted stair railing thinking it was her wheel and in a heap on floor below She injured her hip bad ly Taylor who lives on the centre road met with a very serious mishap on Friday lost White working on a scaffold 13 feet from the ground tho structure gave way As Mr Taylor is a heavy man precipitation seriously His body is badly bruised arid his head so seriously hurt that lie did not regain consciousness till Sunday night Though improving ho is still in a very critical condition Smiieless Women Discovery and invention is a character- of oar ago Tho Ottawa says that an experiment at the Dominion Capi tol has demonstrated that tho tons of sawdust produced by mills of Ottawa Is capable turned into pro- which estimated to be worth by which this re sult fa attained Is hosted and the heat ow ing on tho sawdust produces a gas which will born Out of fifty treated In day enough gas was generated to burn ovor four hours Carbon which or to charcoal for smelting purposes is also derived it Is said from tho sawdust The result of the discovery will says the revolutionize Industrial world and mnho Ottawa ono of tho commercial cen ters of universe A company has been formed for the purpose of developing the industry and operations will commonco next week Strange OF POUT AN STORY ffifi of SightSinging Voice and Violin Tuner of Pianos and all String- Instruments NEWMARKET NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones Call Before Ordering Elsewhere Allan Money to Loan At Five per cent on Firstclass Farm Security by David Commissioner for talcing Affidavits Es tate Agent Conveyancer Issuer Marriage Weens Agent for the following Queen of London Montreali Gore District Mutual established In also for the Confederation Wfe Association To ronto end Lot try Office Corner of Main market GOOD For sale cheep apply fit JfirW Ik a speech at Halifax recently Sir took occasion to refer to the Qaebeo Conference and reference fa emphasized by a cartoon from Bengough in last week Sir Charles said that the Liberal party of Canada claimed to be moet friendly to the United States but he wished to deny that and affirmed that tho Conservative party had used every endeavor to bring about a reciprocity treaty How do Conservative friends who profess to be auch great sticklers for protection enjoy this announcement of their leader The Toronto Wotld will have to take a back seat in view of this de claration Reciprocity and protection blowing hot and cold with the same A from Toronto has the following comments respecting the Patrons The leaders of the late or der Patrons Industry though fallen from their high estate as the arbiters of political power resolved not to wholly abandon the field The annual convention was last night and as Mr Mai- lory was determined to resign these officers were elected Grand president Mr Rookie Wilson Alexandria Mr Jos Haycock Kingston grand trus tees Messrs A Mallory A A Carson Mr Smith To ronto These will be a committee to watoh legislation and sound the alarm when danger threaten Mr Goldwin Smith delivered an address on the history gov ernment by party His Bight Log Swollen to Three Times Its Natural Size Ulcers Followed and for a year and a half Doctors Treatment Failed to help him the Fori Hope Timet It nearly as large that telephone pole These words wore by Mr for eight years a resident of Port Hope Mr in employ of Mr K Scott who has a feed store on street and is well and favor ably known in town and vicinity Lass than two years ago Mr was tho recipient of much sym pathy on account of a affliction which befell him depriving him of the use of his light leg and from doing any labor except a few odd days work His recovery was wrought suddenly and completely that the Times con sidered the matter would be of suffi cient interest to its readers to obtain an interview with Mr In substance Mr told fol lowing story of his illness In April 1895 1 was laid up for weeks with typhoid fever and after I re covered from the fever my right leg began to swell It was very painful indeed and in a few weeks it was three times the size nearly as large as that telephone pole and he point ed to a stick timber ten inches in Nothing the doctor did gave me any relief and I consulted another with same result I suf feredfor nearly five months when I noticed that the swelling began to decrease and I became hopeful of re covery But the improvement only continued for a short time and then the swelling became greater and two big ulcers formed on the inside of the leg above the ankle These ulcers were right through to the bono and you couid put that much in to them and Mr indicated on his thumb an object an inch in length For the next year and a half I was treated by four or Ave but my leg and the ulcers were as bad as ever The doctors pronounced the disease phlebitis or inflammation of the veins They didnt seem to know what to do for me how ever and I despaired of ever getting Mr relief came in a strange manner almost by chance one might say He tells of it this way I had a relative living near named William Baptist He heard of my condition and sent word to me to try Dr Pink Pills His reason for recommending them he stated was because they had cured him of serious trouble in both legs when ail else had failed I de cided to try them and in less than five weeks the ulcers were completely heal ed and the swelling in my legs dis appeared The ulcers never returned and my leg is just about as sound as the other one I know that Dr Wil liams Pink Pills alone cured me when doctors and other medicines failed and I am willing that details of my illness and cure be made known Mr who is years of age is now at work every day The nature of his work that of lifting heavy bags of flour and feed is proof of his complete recovery He is a life long friend of Williams Pink Pills and an opportunity pass of speaking a good word for them The above statement was sworn to before undersigned at Port Hope on day of February Nervousness Indigestion and have away the but South American Nervine brings Back Gladness Mrs A Gray of says For a number of years I was a great sufferer from indigestion and general debility and many times was unable to attend to my household duties I was treated by nearly all the in the town and got no permanent re lief I read of a cure by South can Norvino which seemed to exactly fit ray case I procured one bottle and got great relief and six bottles cured mo absolutely It certainly has not an equal Bold by K Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket Bombarded Again Athens Sept It is reported that the bombardment was renewed at yesterday and that the port has been seriously damaged The foreign warships have landed sailors to reinforce the British garri son and pumps have landed to assist in quenching the fires Accord ing to telegrams from it is estimated that British were killed and wounded yesterday Several Christian families have sought refuge on the warship Many corpses arc lying in the streets of In otic case a whole family was killed The Italian Consulate is also reported burned Signals Quick as a Plash they Appear but just as Quickly will they Vanish under Healing of Dr Agnewa Cure for the Heart When the breath is short when you tire easily when there is palpitation when there is smothering sensation and dropsical tendency all these indicate heart weakness and are the danger signals if you procrastinate Dr Agnews Cure for Heart is saving lives which in many cases have been proclaimed by eminent as beyond hope It will relieve most acute cases in thirty minutes and pa tience and the remedy will cure any case of heart trouble in existence Sold by- Lehman Bentleys Pharmacy Newmarket Hatful Tales of fltpoeity London- Sept The Athens correspondent of Daily Mail says horrible stories of atrocity told by refugees from They say that Bazouks cut open the bodies of their Christian victims on the first day of the outbreak and threw their entrails into the flames of the burning houses They hurled British ViceCon sul bodily into the flames shouting Now let the English come and help him Today additional bodies of Chris- were discovered tinder smoulder- ing rains at The British ad miral it is said has demanded the dis armament of the Mussulmans The foreign admirals have requested the powers to send a battalion each to reinforce the international garrison On the request of the admirals the Cretan Executive Committee has suc ceeded in inducing the Christian in surgents in Candia to retire outside the cordon Pasha the Turk- military commandent says he has given the Turkish Military authorities at strict instructions to assist in maintaining order He declares that the are responsible for recent outbreaks Washington Sept The President has decided to a commission to investigate the War Department and exSenator John Gordon of Georgia have been asked to accept places upon the commission What looks more unbusinesslike than or four idle people holding up fixtures or sprawling all over the seating capacity of a place of business Many a man as well as woman has quit going to places where this kind of mossbaokisto is encouraged Shop keepers are always to blame in this matter for not even a loafer will stay if ho is not wanted Dont let people think that your business has dry rot from fact that you time and space- to accommodate loungers Dean on Canada The following extracts from Dublin Freemans Journal being part of an interview with Dean of show that Dean is enthus iastic on the subject of Canadas de sirability as a place of The of the Dominion of Can ada as to area is much than that of the United States A great part of the northwest is not settled though Government is holding out every inducement to settlers The condition of emigrants to Canada would bo more favorable than that of the earlier settlers years ago who laid tho foundation of wealth for themselves and their families and made the country fertile and product ive I think that there is no civiliza tion in the world in its laws customs and education higher than that of Canada There no people more content or more loyal to their government than Canadians I often think it is a great happiness for a people to live under a government which is their own which sympathises with their wants and to which they may be loyal is the Canadian Government and it is not so it is the fault of the people themselves They have Home Bute to its fullest there is perfect confidence between tho Government and the people As to the climate I think it is tho healthiest and most invigorating in the world We have cold dips for two or three weeks in winter that are extreme but we are prepared for them In like manner in summer wo have a short spell of extreme heat but the rest of the year is moderate and healthy The sleighing tobogganing skating golf cycling and other out door amusements healthy I have been in Canada for twentyeight years and have never had a days ill ness I have suffered more from cold and wet in one winter in Ireland than I have during that time in Canada And if you take me now as a specimen of the Canadian climate for Irishmen I think the picture will be favorable Canada is of large extent and the climate from cir cumstances of latitude and other local but an interview like this is too limited in its sphere to describe all this Taking it however from a practical point of view I would say the climate is good for Irish people To sum up we have in Canada fullest measure of Home Rule and her Majesty has not in extensive do minions more loyal subjects than the Irish and French Catholics They would bo the very to oppose separation from Great Britain Our Premier Sir Wilfrid is a Catholic Our late Premier Sir John Thompson was a Catholic of Irish de scent do not mention this as be ing of any advantage to us because our Premiers who were Protestants were equally as just to us in their ad ministrations I mention this to show that no adverse discrimination is made under our system Such discrimina tion cannot be made without serious risk to the party in power We have six Catholics in the Cabinet and sever al Catholics in the Senate Do you think of THIS SUMMER J If you do write TBI Oil SIS Ma NEWMARKET And get of J Vaneered Doors Willr Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows ALL Artistic Effects in Inside Woodwork Largest Factory in for the manufacture of PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc YCL Wo HighGrade and Repair all on short notice The Cane Sons Mfg Co NEWMARKET ONT Samuel Campbell a farmer eightyfive years of age living at Ball Point was drowned while out fishing Island of Crete Sept A detachment international troops which has just arrived here has occu pied the fortifications and restored or der It is now estimated that persons were killed during the rioting The Mussulmans troops protected the Christians placed under their care but the did not attempt to prevent the pillage of Christian houses fl Old Stand Having purchased the above business from Mr W Mintern I take this opportunity to inform the public tht I will continue the same in all its branches My aim shall to have the Very Best in Town in the line of The stock will be increased and a goods the very best satisfaction can be promised A trial solicited South End W Q People Getting Old Appearance Goes a long way toward mak ing favorable or unfavorable impress ions If you are taking a part in the Fall Fairs either as Spectator Exhi bitor or Judge you will certainly ap pear to better advantage if you wear one of Nobby Fall Call early and secure your choice McDOUGALL Tailor Next door to Atkinsons ge advances vitality retreats OI4 people find tired listless dyspeptic and lacking They Interest in the active affairs of life and may either become chronic fieri their friends or they may by using Dr Wards Blood and Nerve be made bright cheery happy and healthy as witness the interesting example The words of those who have lived many years carry wisdom with ibem Why not profit by them WISE WORDS Nothing does a mm more weary intra the am helping my neighbors Nothing does a mm more bis neighbors Ick and weary In recommending Dr Wards Blood and Nerve helping to bring them before public feel that am truly helping my neighbors Both and myself have used derived great benefit from them we getting along In yeart and Ilka the need Of a tonic and I are blood and was with TO and my wife was miter able debility by many medicine but did much good as the Dr and Nerve Pills very truly Signed MR A Victoria St Ont Dr Wards Blood and Nerve Pills sold at so cents per box for at drusslsts or mailed on receipt of price by Co Victoria St Toronto Book of NEXT DOOR SOUTH OF OLD S

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