Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , September 16, 1898, p. 3

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vK THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY SEPT Weeks Hems WHAT ON IK ABOUT TOWN fl spill had to drop a on sidewalk at tbo corner of Main and Timothy streets A large portion of It lay strewn on tho walk during part of forenoon yeatorday to tho discomfort of Just jRrilVcd Now Kail Stock of Boots and Trunks and bought from tho best manufacturers at in quality and stylo Bee our goods before- buying Amalgamated Whltohuroh has not hold Fair this and tho member- funds of for with County Society at Newmarket number of wore limit- all wo mako no doubt of will bo new to competing list of Fair hero- Church congregation last Sunday morning for sovoral months Good by the pastor and good singing by If Conference continues in session in Toronto over Mr Winter of Montreal who is a Conference and is said to bo a very eloquent proaohor has consented to oooupy pulpit next Sunday morning and evening meeting Methodist Sunday in the Bradford District and also worth who not sont a list of their delegates lor Convention King next Tuesday and Wednesday should do at The program for days will bo of great interest and profit to all in attend The Meeting Is at nine oclock on Wednesday morning when all ministers on tho dietriot aro expected to bo present i See Hughes mantles They Bull made by Canadian Manufacturer because they are neater fitting bolter and Cheaper Ulan Imported goods When in to Fall Fair call and ex- amino them Produoc was a very good market last Sat urday About tho usual quantity of butter and eggs and prices were firm choice butter and eggs Poultry is begin ning to come in more freely Brewed chickens to per pair and live chickens from 20 to People were Ask ing as bfieh as for ducks but some sold for and live per pair There was a largo quantity of fruit such as apples plums and pears but no change in prices A good quantity of potatoes were ottered and sold at 80 and by the bag tomatoes and a basket Large onions a Vegetables as usual The Missionary of the Methodist Church held its annual meeting at Cedars on Tuesday afternoon when the Treasurers report showed that receipts during the year were are members The officers elected for the coming year were President Mrs Geo Richardson The Day Tomorrow Is last day to appeal Voters for of this Town Almost election per- son up to vote whoso is not on list and is entitled to be on list there a general row at same time tho person does not think enough of his or her voto when the voters list Is tag revised to examine Hot to see if namo Is th croon A voter has no person to but blmeolf if bis or name does not appear on the fl Heavy Dose wero summoned to Hill last Monday to answer the of interfering with constables while In tho discharge of their duties on day of two or weeks ago Two of them were fined but the Other got off An Aurora man got for same offence while a man at sent down for trial Constables ox- posed to serious Injury in iho discharge of their duty and magistrates re- that they must bo Father Morris arrived hero on K evening after a trip to Ireland and from all appearances it has done him much good lie was met At the by prom inent of congregation and given a hearty home In evening the Town Baud gavo htm a when complimentary address was accompanied by a puree A ful ler report will be given next week Hughes Opening Sept and looking forward to a much larger this fall seeing they re engaged Miss Greer who gAvosuch groat last season Bho has lately been copying in one of beit wholesale houses in Toronto consequently is in with everything now in Ladies Depot About wont out of Newmarket and for car Ex- and yet people talk about hard fmes During the period that tiokets for Toronto at each no lees than wero sold hero Tho freight returns for the past week show as follows care coal cars car car flour oars lumber car stock ours fruit car grain cars cars merchandise pall Fails Bopt Bolton Sept and Barrio 28 2U and HO Oct and end J and Button Dot and and Tuesday Oct Oct Oct and Bradford And The Wo just received a foil of up imported Wedding Btatiouory Call and see samples at Eiu Office Tea Ladies Aid of Methodist Church are making arrangements for Quar terly Tea to late at Mayor Canes on the 28tb Inst A important meeting is to take Parlor At this Friday afternoon which every member of tho Ladles Aid is requested to bo present a The Plebiscite in North York to bo addressed by prominont speakers will bo hold follows Albert Wednesday evening Hope Thursday Sept Sept 22 Friday A public meeting was to take place in the Town Hall last night which no doubt will enthusiasm in Newmarket on the temperance question All who are willing to work for prohibition on are requested to meet at the Temper ance Hall this evening for Committee work Get Your Shooting Iron Nearly everything in tbo shape of game is now open to of a firearm As ducks partridge hares grouse geese And swans pheasant quail snipe woodcock and grey and are now in season The open season will extend to December the only being in the case of geeae and in which it lasts until May Jet Partridge snipe and woodcock mnst not be sold until The close season for speokled trout begins on September and endures until May let The fellow too lazy to walk a couple of miles for a business purpose will now tramp all day through the marshy grass to shoot a or snipe Escape Mr had a narrow from being killed while in Toronto last week Ho was purchases at a wholesale establishment and desiring to to an other Hat ho that the guard to elevator was open and by using it he would savo time and strength But the elevator was not at its place and when he stepped in he fell to the bottom of shaft a of feet upon a cement floor His from broken bones is miraculous Although badly shaken up and bruised he fa able to be around to business as usual Ho suffered most with the pain of his heel which was wrenched Escape Mr met with an accident on Thursday evening of last week and had a moat miraculous escape He was driving home in a sulky and when going through near Collins corner the horse whioh la a spirited animal took fright at aome- tbing and darted up the side of the bank Mr Griflis held the lines firmy and managed to save himself from being tossed out till he reached his own house when the wheel caught a post and he was thrown under the feet Fortunately Mrs Griflis saw and with heroic courage seized the animal by the bridle and thus prevented her husband from being trampled upon He was pretty sore for a few days from the fl Horse Case At tho County Court on Wednesday salt came Morgan and a jury considerable interest here as Mr of Toronto was suing Mr Bilas of for on- stated for breach of contract in connection with the sale of a Mr story is that ho bought horse a mate for one ho already possessed paying 9170 the owner guaranteeing that tho horse was sound The horse turns oat to be a roarer Mr Armltsge denies giving any guarantee but at same time supposed that the horse was The case was continued yesterday when a ver dict of was given in favor of County Fair Everybody get ready for big crowds in Town next Wednesday and Thursday Get your ready and show your Let the see that there is in the Old Hub yet and that there will be a Hot time in the Town on Wednesday night Dont hearing the it Grenadier Dont mis seeing the School Childrens Procession and races Dont miss the Concert Dont the Show on Thursday biggest ono seeii in North York Ail the chairs formerly used in the Temple and Meeting House of Child ren of Peace have been brought to Newmarket and will be at the Society Concert in Skating Kink on the first night of Show The prizes to be won by tbe school children in the on Wednesday after noon may be seen in Atkinsons window They make a fine display The Directors have secured a steam Merry-Go- Hound to please tho children days of the Fair As far as we can learn about schools are to take part in the procession here on Wednesday besides Bands and Bicycle Burlesques White Blankets Pure Wool from 195 upwards Ladies the very latest from upwards Mens Heavy Top Shirts from 371c upwards Gray Flannel from 9c upwards Baldwins Beehive Wool 8c per ounce Mens Underwear greatest variety in Town at Lower Prices t The Newest Goods just received Our Specialty Slack Goods We show designs not shown by any other House with Trimmings to Match We are never undersold and Our Goods are all Guaranteed A RUNTOM The best Cakes are always made with Baking Powder CORNER STORE 1st Vice 2nd 3rd Bee Sep Cor Sec- Treasurer Chan Jackson ii Geo Trivett Hewitt Jackson Executive Com Mrs Manning Mrs Matthews and Mrs Little Auditors Mrs Cans and Belfry Gospel Temperance The hall was well filled last Sunday afternoon The program was provided by tbsC of the Presbyterian Church and wsb a good one Mr yery efficiently adding many pointed re marks during the meeting Mr A Oliver discharged tbe duties of organist Good readings were given by Miss Ross Miss and Mr and an interest ing address by Mr who is now located at Blanch in the Province of Quebec about miles north of Montreal and was home over on a viBit He hot so sanguine tbe vote for pro hibition the some visitors there expressed themselves The meeting next Sunday is to be conducted by the Templars Christian Good splendid music last Sunday Rev preached one of bis and impressive ser mons in the He showed how that Jews in refusing to receive the truth sinned against light andknowledge misused and illtreated Gods represen tatives until all their opportunities of be ing blessed helped and protected were gone nothing remained for them desola- This truth stands the same with to day and will forever Elder Cbidley preached in the evening bis subject being on Ashes A rife that not take in God is empty as God is the only food of the soul We have two sets of desire a higher and a lower True nourishment comes only from God and bountiful table is always spread On Sunday evening intenda to give an address on the coming Plebiscite Almost a Dip Sunday afternoon several young men took a stroll to the Upper Reservoir and were viewing beautiful landscape before them when others were in the same direction By some means whether intentionally or otherwise the soreen one of the back windows was open and curiosity led a young fellow to put his head inside Borne then took place which vry nearly resulted in the boy going headfirst in the reservoir containing about ft of water while dressed in hie Sunday seems that never will have sense to stop playing tricks so long as opportunity pre sents itself No this occurrence will not soon be forgotten by a couple of them metropolitan HE Committee of the County com posed of Warden High and Meters Stokes Evans Hart- man and Woodcock also Mr Moves Man of Railway Co Mr County and Mr County Engineer visited New- market on Wednesday last From con- with the deputation we learned their purpose was to locate possible routes for the line from Bunds Lake to to determine its approach here Two routes are suggested one to Tonga via the sideline between lots and east to the of tbe late Brook thence north across said farm in close proximity to the stream and pond to Eagle St thence north and Niagara to Queen thence east Avenue and so to tbe Town Line for ft continua tion of tbe line to Sharon and the at a future date The second suggestion is to continue up Street to the line be tween the lots owned by Mr Mr Millard and thence into Newmarket via Park Avenue to Victoria Avenue or and so on over Queen St to Prospect Avenue a forth above to the Town Line North The purpose County Committee was to determine what bridges the railway would have to con- and keep in repair From Man ager we learned that the Railway Co a engineer will soon go over the proposed routes and report the feasibility etc of the routes suggested If report of a character the of the Co will visit our Counoil and public men to discuss matters connection with the pro ject soon thereafter Stacks of New Fall Goods arriving Daily at our Store and are being placed in Stock We have the Largest Stock of ReadyMade Clothing We carry the Largest Stock of Boots Shoes We have the Latest Styles in Hats and Caps We show the Newest Styles in Gents Furnishings We sell Fresh Groceries Come with the crowds We do the business You can Save Money by Buying here Presentation Friday evening some fifteen of the emploeea in the Co met at the of Mr Andrew and presented him with following ad dress accompanied by a Silver Fruit Stand Doting the time that we your fellowemployees of the Office Speci alty Co have been associated with you your skill baa called forth our admiration your uniform good conduct and genial dis position have gained our respect and your kindness and assistance in every case of accident have earned esteem and We offer you our hearty congratu lations upon your union with one of New markets mobt charming estimable In token of our good on this the most auspicious event in your life we you and Mrs to ac cent from us- this Fruit Stand with the hope thai may long be spared to enjoy each others society Signed on half of the employees of the Specialty Co by Clay J Bolan Mr made a suitable reply and a very pleasant evening was spent DP Dundy Dentist Opposite Bakery Open every Painless extraotion The Directors of the N Society had another bee on the Fair Grounds on Wednesday and have got every thing in fine shape for Show A bridal party from North of Sharon was at the depot on Tuesday evening Smith block is being brightened with a new coat of paint A number of have been sold in Newmarket for the in Aurora next Tuesday evening to Hon PostmasterGeneral the Montreal horsebuyer will be here tomorrow and will a car in the afternoon plan for box and reserve seats at Society Concert in the Skating first night of Fall may now be seen and tickets procured at Lehmans Drug Store The window decorator a bonanza in Newmarket His work looks well The corporation gang ia at work clean ing up the streets again this week which is very on Main it being such a nitron- thoroughfare Oh that it was widened While working at the Model conple of week- ago the had the misfortnne to let a long ladder fall smash ing it to pieces A meeting of the Public Library Board was called Wednesday evening but there was no g thunderstorm a noise like the report of ague was heard in the Central Telephone Office and communication on trok line was cut off A man had to come up from the city to repair the line It we so dark for a time the electric lights were turned a Cheap lore SS ever with this Seasons Mantles We never had a nicer Stock of Wellmade Stylish Gar ments at Such Reasonable Prices You are welcome to give them the freest kind of in spection Mens Double Breast Suits We passed i into Stock an other shipment of those extra Wellmade Double Breast Suits in Serges and Dark Tweeds ranging in price from 475 l0 7 The goods are extra good value at the prices marked Berlin Fancy Wools and Yarns This Department has been thoroughly assorted You can depend on getting what you want fl Nuptial Knot A took place on St last Wednesday afternoon when one of the most active young ladies of the diet Church Miss Sarah Keith was united to Mr of Maple Only a few rel atives and intimate friends were present- The bride received a number of valuable gifts showing the esteem in she is held among was a Gold Watoh ac companied by the address To Mist Sarah Keith Learning that you are about to sever your connection with the Methodist Sunday at Newmarket we the Teachers and friends of iho same desire to express in some tangible form our appreciation of your labors as teacher in the for many years as well as organi zer of our Junior League and of the same ever its We therefore request yon to accept this Gold Watch with the earnest hope that it may remind you of the happy hours spent here in blasters service We wish to add congratulations on your contemplated union and unitedly pray that you may have tbe blessing of God with you and that you may continue to exert an influence for good In the neigh borhood in which you are about to reside Signed in behalf of the school Secretary May her voyage through life be as bright as the day on she was married is the wish of many friends on Ink rEnglish Church last night Town Council next Monday evening County Fair here week Thursday the first day of Autumn Sate 1st Mr H will have an extensive ante of House hold Furniture and on premises Eagle street Newmarket commencing at 1 oclock J A net To School Children We wish it to be thoroughly understood that subject to your parents ap proval you are at liberty to buy your School Books and requisites wherever you like Roches are selling ol Hooks as near cost as possible fully 20 per cent below the marked price A Fork Clearance prong Straw Forks Saturday 49c 4 prong Barley Forks Saturday 63c prong Hay Forks Saturday 2- prong Hay Forks Saturday Boys prong Hay Forks Saturday 15c Tan lei ot Sticky Fly Pper Double Sheet usually sold for 5c Diamond Dyes Package GROCERY DEPT Nearly people attended on Wednesday afternoon in aid of The attraction was the horse race football team won match with the team by The team won from the tam Daring tourna ment Walter a member of the fiohomberc Clob had his broken The boys once ceased to ply and donated prize for which they were to injured young man band and orchestra applied the and in the evening Urge number of to lbs cert held in the hall Kippered Herring French Sardines Fresh Herring i lb tin Baking Powder guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded Specials for Saturday Fig Newtons lb Marsh Mallow Wafers lb Gelly Wafers Chocolates Creams English Club Pickles Saturday Elephant Brand Mixed Paint is the best ready mixed Paint sold Well sell it The Best Boiled Oil 50c gallon The Best Raw Oil gallon The Best Turpentine 50- gallon Hunters Supplies Ammunition Steel Traps c c Granite Tin and Wire Goods See the 3 and 10c- Bargains ROCHE CO NEWMARKET

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