Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , September 16, 1898, p. 2

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i i flQxxi Advertisements Now Fall Haddock Cheap Co Fall A Fine Broad Trial County Exhibition Abb Telegraphy W Farm for Stokes Lob for Sato Astray Colli for Halo J Bow AstrayJ Apprentices Mra P To JFarmors A Thompson Servant Wanted Mrs W Farm for Davidson Prohibitory GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY WOHTHKUH DIVISION TIME TABLE CO a fl a p a to j 4 g til OlHHW A taw 18 CM a Oct 4 v a a Electric 11 pm Toronto and ain and WO pm put on and atWnltliiK only special and Saturday Hill to Toronto and for children and pm evening from Toronto 11 and return leaving for Leave a WO pm he LETS UP BUT BRIGHTER AMD WITH The Pointed oil at Home SEPT 1G fianqat to HON MB PATTERSON MINISTER OP CUS TOMS AMD HON MR FIELDING MINIS OF FINANCE TO BE PRESENT It is fcho intention of Hon Mr to tender him a Banquet in the Hall Aurora on the evening of Tuesday Sept Hon Mr Fielding Min of Finance and the Hon Mr Patterson of have both signified their intention to bo present to do honor to their colleague The Postmaster- General by his successful efforts to reduce the postage to two cents between England and other portions of the Empire has done to strengthen the bond between us and the Motherland Moreover by his magnificent adminis tration of his department he has in the hear future rendered a two cent rate in Canada a possibility Representations have been received from all over the of tho inten tion of bis constituents to assemble to do honor to man who has done so much to bring honor to Canada and the old Riding of North York which has honored itself by electing the Hon Mr Mulock as their representa tive The following members of Par liament have also expressed their in tention to be present Gibson P P Hamilton Dr Grey Hon J Davie Provincial Secretary Archibald Camp bell P Kent Geo Bertram P Toronto Wellington Jos Featherston P Peel and Duncan Eraser P On Wednesday the Toronto board of add manifested their appreciation of the successful efforts of Hon PostmasterGeneral In the matter of penny postage by tendering a reception la his honor Paring the speeches were made eulogizing his work and at the a beautifully en grossed resolution expressing the Appreciation of the Board Mr Rogers President of the Board presided The made a At Ottawa Liberal convention and the Conservative party hod control of treasury benches liberal loaders affirmed that if return ed to electors of tho Domin ion as tt whole would bo afforded an opportunity through a plebiscite of pronouncing for or against prohibition Having respect for that promise Swiss referendum is now to bo applied to test public sentiment in Canada with regard to importation manu facture and sale of intoxicating li quors date of polling has been fixed for the of present month contest therefore will soon oyer and as it involves issue upon which people sincerely entertain widely divergent views wo trust it will bo conducted from acrimony and other features characterizing political elections We need not say to our readers that so far as this journal is concerned its sympathies are on sido of pro hibition but this is the caso wo have no to dogmatize where there is such a scope for differ of opinion on part of who entertain opposite viowa from equally honest and sincere motives as to what will best to termination of admitted evils of liquor traffic If prohibition can- not stand the test impartial dis cussion and be fully demonstrated to lie in the interest of good government and wellbeing of society then the country isnot ready for it Mean while wo may say there is no room for sympathy with purely sentimental theories It is too late in the day to argue for instance that to forbid a man to do that which is injurious to his neighbor if not to himself and contrary to wellbeing of society is an infringement of personal liberty very of license legislation since Confederation especially with prohibitory clauses involving tho very principle which the friends of temperance ask to be introduced by plebiscite now being taken The very legislation which says a licensee shall not do thus and so is a con tradiction to personal liberty in fringement argument Equally worth less and compen sation argument Since Confedera tion about licenses have been cut in Ontario alone as result of restrictive legislation but no one ever thought of compensating those who were deprived of their privileges to sell liquors The very fact that licenses are only of implies that those who acquire privileges thereunder admit both the riht and the power of State as the interests of society demand to prohibit As to the question Will prohibi tion prohibit we frankly admit it is hard to affirm with for iWO have no precedents to guide in forming conclusion In the neigh boring Republic whore State legisla tion has been enacted such as Maine it did not go far as is proposed by tho present plebiscite it did not in point of fact prevent the importation of liquors The and Acts in this country were too limited in their operation to afford anything like reliable tests hut of thing we are assured the restric tive legislation of the past two de cades although sometimes indifferent ly enforced has resulted in reducing drunkenness and diminishing crime and by a parody of- reasoning we are led to the conclusion that prohibi tion contemplated by the plebiscite equally effective along restric tive lines in producing results that will entirely obliterate the existing drinking customs More than that it will remove the apparent cloak of respectability now to the drink habits of the country and die- courage a that has scarcely a redeeming quality The friends of prohibition however bear in mind that it them to see to it that the vote bo of THE ERA FRIDAY SEPT Oaf Society should bear in mind that it becomes them to see to it that the vote bo of so a character as to demon strate to the Government reasonable proof that the measure will receive popular support Short of this the plebiscite will be abortive last during the trial of Ontario petition Mr Frank Denton who appeared for the petitioner against the return of Mr P I for North Ontario elated that he had no evidence to offer and was exchange makes this observation bits the nail on the head If county or local fair is in the hands of men S to make exhibition by all means do power to aid and them by exhibiting of your products Department to bo followed then dont the J fractions V- belong to to the people reply during which he expressed the con- The Conservative organ at Toronto has struck a new fad The notion is enter tained by ft that the Government of da contemplates a general election before another session of Parliament The reason is the fact that the good country PERSONAL Mr John fa homo from To ronto on a visit Mrs Boot Manning la spending a week at Mr John and are visiting in Vaughait Mrs Geo Hughes had a quilting on Wednesday afternoon Miss Amy Alaincaof is visit- Jug wilh Mrs Barry has gone to to visit Her parents for a of Dr wife Ottawa aro visiting in North York Mrs Browne Winnipeg ar rived hero on Saturday on a visit Mr left for Toronto to accept a situation Miss Marion left on Monday to College in Mrs Miss Troll wheeled to Bradford on Wednesday to visit friends and John have gone to Michigan on a visit many friends of Esq will regret to learn that be very again Mr and wife of Newmarket aro guests week at the Dickson Mrs Clark at Newtown weobe returned from on Monday night where was visiting friends Bastodo has gone to Toronto to attend the wedding of her niece Taylor Rev Rev UNI of Toronto in Town on Wednesday calling on old friends Mrs Graham of New Glasgow is the guest her mother Mr J It Trior of paid a flying visit to his cousin Mrs Clay last week Mr J home Saturday night from Toronto where he spent Mies Mia Ross left for yes terday where is attending Bishop Both one College Mr Ed and New York were hero on Monday visiting hie brother Mr A Re Mr Thompson and wife of spent a few days visiting Mrs and friends Mr W- A Clay and children of City Michigan have been visiting at Mr- O Clays the past week Knight end of Falls have been spending a week or more with her brother Mr Mies Watson and Mies Louie Richardson left on Monday for to resume their studies at College Mr C and his daughter Clara left week for a couple of weeks visit In Milwaukee Wis Mr Reg Kenny George wag here for a few visiting hie grand mother and other rela tives Rev Mr Walker of Louisville was visiting with hie old friend Mr Pretty lest week They have not met for over years Mies fihupo accompanied by her grandmother Mrs left on Monday to relatives at for a con pie of weeks Mrs John of Keswick home on Saturday after spending three weeks with friends in thie vicinity and She is io poor health Mr J Hill P P for West York accompanied by Hill and boo Gordon were In Town Wednesday and were present at the nuptials Miss Keith to Mr Thomas of Maple Mrs Rolf and son of were visiting in Town this week with Mrs J Wilson and Miss Troll Ave Mr Rolf and Mr Newcastle were of Mr Trull oyer Sun day Mr Edi is back from Chicago be has been for the past seven months and will probably remain here for His brother Mr Robt of was also in Town this week Rev Matthews a doable baptismal service at the of Mr last after noon and the rite was also observed at the home of Mr Wednes day evening Mr A expects to move into his new residence on Eagle next week The manner In which The Cane Bona Mfg Co has carried out this contract in every detail reflects the highest credit upon the firm A telegram to friends here states that Mr Theodore formerly of New market was not residing the burnt dis trict of New Westminister and there fore not those who suffered by the disastrous Are week I iT3 NORTH TO In every Department we have made preparations for a bigger business we have spared no pains m collecting the Newest Best Good and our Ready Cash has done Wonders in the way of Values no efore We or undesirable goods will never be to our customers and if our prices for Best Goods quoted elsewhere for inferior qualities or buy but test us first are not lower than prices off styles then we wont expect you to 50 DRISS Our stock of Dress Goods this season is superb and the prices are away below what you would pay in Toronto New Tweed Dress Goods special value New Amazon do do Ottoman Cords the very latest special Handsome Covert Cloths a very special line worth cents per yard our price New Figured Dress regular price we bought them to sell at ladies Jacket Not a store in the County ever beat us selling Coats Every garment is this years make and whether you pay us 295 or 10 you are sure the style is correct Good Beaver Jackets at 2 A Rough Cloth Jacket at Very Stylish Kersoy Jacket at 5 The newest curls with and every new idea the same coats sell everywhere at 10 our price A nice collection of Jackets in the leading shades such Green Fawn Brown etc bought at special prices for quick selling MENS BOYS We have always done the Clothing Trade of the Town and with the stock we have this year and the prices we can quote we are bound to break all records These Are 95 90 as ar gains Mens Good Solid Wove Tweed Double Breasted Suits reg ular 700 at 500 Mens Single Breasted Suits special 375 Mens Tweed Suits very nobby patterns solid wear at 650 About 80 Tweed Suits in several patterns and shades made of Best allwool Tweed Single or Double Breasted all sizes any suit worth 10 our special price 790 See our Fine Black Dress Suits from 10 to Tailors charge you 20 for no better Boys twopiece Suits good ones at Boys threepiece do do See our threepiece Suits at they are worth 5 Fine Worsted Overcoats the very thing for early Fall and Winter regular price 9 but we got a snap and you get them for 595 75 Mens HO AMD Our Cashmere Hose in plain or ribbed is wonderful value Extra Heavy Ribbed Spliced Hose fine wool cashmere three pairs for 100 Big range of Scotch Wool Hose in all sizes Our 100 Kid Gloves in Colored or Black is the best value obtainable Good Black Cashmere Gloves at Very Fine Black Cashmere Gloves at Ribbed Wool Vests at Improved B 8c Corsets at c 25c 25 See the Best Corset in Canada at 50 ARGAINS IN LINEN Fine Half Bleached Table Linen wide reg value 45c yours per yard at Fine Linen Towels large size each Roller Towelling Linen 5 yards for Full Bleached Table Damask special Extra Large Crash Bath Towels per pair 25 BOOTS AND SHOES We carry a very complete stock of all kinds of Shoes Mens Womens Boys and Girls No store in the trade can do better for you Our ready money brings many Shoe Snaps our way and our large turn over enables us to do with the smallest profits in It will pay you to come to Newmarket to do your buying and when you are here test this the Leading Store The Verso In the to Mr And Mrs a daughter Ushebwood At Aurora on Aug to Mr and James a eon Moony In Town on IS to Mr and Frank Moody a daugh ter Leading Furniture and Undertaking House A and plenty them Mail already commenced prophesying respecting the coming in South Ontario It In the bye- election Mr Dryden will have more sins to answer for than he had In the general and the elector wilt like him even than before Perhaps but the that electors may repudiate the candidate of bribers and This view of the situation may not bo understood by the prophet present but light may dawn after the comes oft R Special We are running a single track Hue of equality and this special has right of way and its on the go There may be a little danger of a breakup for on bat theres none for you Oar prices are wonderful value Royal Hotel and A Stoupfville Sept Dur ing a thunderstorm this afternoon be tween and oclock lightning struck the flag on the building and tore it to splinters Lightning also struck several trees around town The thunder was very loud and heavy The flltap Dorr By Rev Alexander of College Street Presbyterian Church Toronto on September Mart Elizabeth second daughter of Wil liam Esq Drayton Ont to Rev J Wilson of Keith At the residence of the brides mother on the by the Rev Matthews Mr Henry Thomas of Township to Miss Sarah Elizabeth Keith of Newmarket Dyke At the residence of the father Mr Armitage Yonge St on the by the Bill Toronto Mr A Dyke of King to Miss Rebecca Jane of Meads At the of the brides parents on the by the Rev Mr Thornley of uncle of the bride assisted by Rev Mr Mr Jos to Miss Etta Stark both of Newmar ket 49 The wedding ceremony perform- on the front verandah Id the presence of over fifty on the lawn The bride received many beautiful and useful pre sents The weather delightful and it was a very happy occasion Business failures in Canada last week number 16 against a year ago Winnipeg Man Sept The country from Fort William west al most to Rat Portage is white snow inch of it having fallen yes- Markets New Sep Flour per barrel a 0 per bushel Buckwheat Ponce Puerto Rica Sept 9 Ill- S among the United States troops here is There sit now increasing There are more than per cent of the men un fit for duty Within a radius of a few miles from Ponce there are one thous and soldiers in hospitals In some commands there are 30 per cent of the men down with fever principally typhoid Strong Bakers Hungarian Pastry Best Ontario ana Manitoba wheat Flour for Family Use Feed of all Kinds per bushel per bushel Bran per ton Shorts per ton Eggs per Butter roll per Butter tub per lb on Potatoes per bag Sheepskins too Wool per lb is Pork live Pork per dressed Qeoaeper lb Chickens per pair Ducks perpalr 4L live Turkeys per lb dressed 9 Clover iced per bushel OOO per bushel 3 so per bushel Toronto a a a a 0 a a 050 a a a a a a a 0 a a a 0I a a a a a a a a a a a a i LAND PLASTER A car of fresh ground American Gray assATii iot ciovet Grass Rev Mr Seymour J both of East S St J Main St Newmarket All Orders will receive Careful and Attention LIME LIME The very best Grey Lime cents per bushel J Marsdens Storehouse Cor Main and Huron Telephone No Sep Hod Wheat per bushel a to White Wheat per bushel a 63 Wheat per bushel Buckwheat per bushel bushel bushel bushel bushel git Butterrollperlb 14 Potatoes per bag CO 4 fio qre w Chickens per pair 40 0M 1 per lb a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 056 0 063 043 800 CO

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