Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , August 26, 1898, p. 6

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r THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY AUG J the Hub FIND WORTHY TO Wo had two The root nice crop Rain at last ori Tuesday was looking vary small Wo often read in tlio press of a wedding the city or else where but tho on Wednesday of whon Mr Draper was married to Eva only daughter of Mr John Arksey was a quiet wedding indeed It was complete surprise to gave thorn usual We wish young every success and much nC889 Mr Norman Williams was visitiiig in on Sunday We sorry to learn that Mr Gil bert Shaw and intend moving to Keswick in near future Mr Win Smith hag bought an other now threshing maching and will soon lie on the road again Mrs Graves and daughter of Vivian spent Sunday and Monday in village Mr Lehman of Newmarket is ex pected to address IS next Sun day Harvest is over but the armors are very busy making preparations for tho fall wheat ROACHS POINT The campers are beginning to win out and next week the shores will be almost deserted again A gang of telephone men were here on Saturday It is said they were making calculations on running a line from Newmarket to Sutton by way of Roachs Point too large picnic parties on Snake Island last Saturday The day was delightful and they had a fine time only the fish refused to Capt Ellis sold the old ferry Queen last week to Mr of Baldwin and it lias gone to Jacksons Point to entertain campers Mr and friend were guests at last Sun day Miss Winnie Wilson of is spending vacation at Echo Hollow with Miss Mabel Cane Echo Hollow had a fine fire on Saturday night and Do Point responded with considerable sky rockets f Miss Susie Henderson of Pittsburg Perm spent over Sunday at Fern- wood on her way home from Bulla Falls she has been holidaying Mr J A Bell of New York who has been at Zephyr Villa for three weeks is spending a few days with his brother at previous to his return home Harry of Perth is enjoying three weeks holidays at his grandfathers cottage Mr and Mrs Barker left for Toronto on Monday The Misses Wright of who were guests at left for homo last week Mrs of Toronto was calling on the campers last week She was visiting with her parents at Belle Mr Haines two daughters were visitors at Col Lloyds camp over Sunday Mr Trivett has erected a picket fence in front of his Orchard Beach property A bus load of young people Will- Jains and Haines spent Wednesday at the lake QUEENS VILIJ3 Roy Mr Wobbor preached in Methodist last Sunday morn ing and Mr Brown in even ing Methodist Church of this circuit is fortunate in having ser vices of such earnest ministers Hugh Ross will preach in Presbyterian Church hero next Sun day Ho is highly spoken of Early Wednesday morning thoro was a terrific stormof ccaseUSB thund er lightning and rain for BO or minutes Half villagers arose from their beds to watch storm Directors of tbo East Society decided to bold the annual fall show here on Oct and a meeting takes places on Friday evening to complete list A very heavy rain on Tuesday morning just when pconlo wore about ready to start or the Lake spoiled splendid prospects of AOUW Excursion However about took in the trip to and had de lightful day Band was on board and added to the of the trip A bus load of drove up from Sharon and it was midnight bo- fore they got home Owing to the storm the boat waited for people who were driving and it was an hour and a half late leaving Roachs Point Had people known this many more would have been on board The weather cleared up beautifully and Marsh with his assistant Mr W wero very at tentive and obliging adding to UK- comfort of excursionists Wo regret to learn that the Society was a little out of pocket and wo are sure that tiny will make it up another year Mr is offering special bargains in all kinds of goods for tho next fouc weeks Change of ad too late for this but it will pay the people of this vicinity to call and see before purchasing elsewhere AURORA The Band of Aurora will play at Industrial Exposition on Sept Among those who distinguished themselves at Junior Martioulation Scholarship Examinations was Miss Flora Amos of our High Miss Amos stands second highest in in honor moderns being ranked let in firstclass honors in English and firstclass also in French and German brilliant stand does not go unrewarded as Miss coivos Edward Scholarship in Moderns worth 160 Wo con gratulate Mies Amos upon dis tinguished Magistrate committed for trial Mrs a young woman living at Aurora who is charged with stealing a ring from Peter BALDWIN BREEZES A largo andexceedingly enthusiastic lot of spectators including a host of- ladies to form the nucleus of an Industrial Fair assembled on Saturday to witness return match of Mount Albert and Baldwin Baseball teams And a grand game they witnessed Our boys filled with enthusiasm and grim determination and cheered by tho smiles of wives and sweethearts played a masterly game resulting in following score llaldwin Mt Albert lHruns Bald- win an innings unplayed How does that strike eye After tho first three innings the visitors failed to score put out in one two three order whitewashed every time Our kids are most aggravating yelling and hoot ing like owls Allen in the pitchers box is a success A large contingent of the admirers of the boys from the Mt came up only to witness crushing defeat of their B aggregation Finally in conclu sion lets note that the Albert team are a capital lot of fellows Come again KESWICK Mr Jenkins preached a good sermon in Methodist Church last Sunday morning Mr of ex changed pulpits with Elder last Sunday Mr Ira Morton intro duced subject at the Endeavor meeting in tho Christian in evening Regular fellowship meeting Saturday at Mr met with quite a loss on Monday morning best mare its leg and it had to be shot Mrs Mann has a prolific second crop of black ber ries this week is Mr Jenkins who has done such excellent specimens of photography in this section leaves on evangelistic work in October Our people should visit his gallery while it is so con venient and not feelings of re- grot after ho has gone Co have sold out to Messrs John and Van They took possession on Monday last The Bros general favorites with public and wo sorry to loose them but pleased to have so worthy successors Miss Vera and her littles sister Helen returned homo on Mon day from where has been spending a week at her uncles Last Sunday several from here at tended the special services in Sutton West conducted by evangelists and Hunter They report good meetings Miss Carrie and little of Toronto Junction are spending a week or two at her uncles Isaac Esj We hear it rumored that Keswick is to have a doctor There was one here from Barrio this week pros pecting GO lop Wo prepared to meet trade with a clean and now 8took of Vinegars Our White Wine Vinegar at 40c Is very best possesses that strength and so necessary for Pickling Cider Vinegar at With extra strength and a flavor makes it desirable for table use Home Cider Vinegar at It is pure and procured from farmers only Fresh Ground Powder Curry Powder Mace Cayenne Pepper DAVISON CO Main Street Newmarket preparation of Catsup Chili Sauces and all Mayonnaise requires skiHtulneBS in selecting of necessary materials of quality desired for uniform ity of strength purity and freshness Our Spices are Pure Fresh WE RECOMMEND THE TRADE our It gives best results Wo claim to have and stands the test something special in Whole Mixed Pickling Spice We sell only Keens Mustard It is the Best Before Imtfw is Beechs party consisting Miss Clara and Master Beech Winnipeg Indianapolis Misses Edith and Marion Perkins Newmarket and Rev Hunter Indianapolis presented Col Lloyd with an address expressing their hearty thanks for bis exceeding kindness and courtesy during their stay at his camp Col Lloyd makes an ideal host and every effort to further trie pleasure of his guests The Var returned from on Monday Half a dozen young men from Newmarket enjoyed the sail im mensely ilr Coke and wife of Toronto spent several days at Echo Hollow also Mr Oscar Stephens over Bun- day Mr Hall of Stratford is visiting at Win Woods Lake View Farm The little guest who has come to at Mr John is a fine girl Mr and Mrs spent over Sunday with friends in Mount Albert Holidays are over and we have our esteemed teacher Miss with us again Mr Arch Goring of Newmarket spent Sunday hero Bona Puklla t The tunnel of the vis of the at Carnegie caved in killing eight or ten Wen Sunday nights rain did considerable good but Tuesday mornings rain was a soaker Who can beat this Mr William of threshed bags of for Mr P last Saturday am Mr Maurice Hill and wife of Cooks town and also Ralph Willis of Whitchurch Were visiting J Cow- iesons last week Miss Cunningham of Holt is visiting at Mr J The Party at Mr Mc Millans lawn was delightful The ladies iti that vicinity are a No I lot in providing goodies for an occasion like that Queensville Brass Band gave a few fine selections and the Striae Band composed of John Goose Quill Jack Will Sander son and Walker with their mnsicales enlivened the program very much and last but not least Mr McMillan and his coadjutor did not- loose any time in dishing out the ice cream and nicknacks to the big crowd that stood in front of the tent until all were sold out Proceeds Mr was guest at Mrs J Pollocks over Sunday Miss and Elva of Toronto are paying their parents and friends a lengthy visit Chickens took a raise A hawk came along and carried one off for a feast Mr Fred Mourning of Holland Landing was up with his lady friend People hustling out their for fear that the present price will fall but I think it is going up a little One day wnile was TO- manure and bis quietly taking a rest a hut fly came along dabbing thorn under the throat They became disgusted and started skelter over stones and fences and at last became separated smash ing the plow all to pieces I did not know I could get so near a Scare Crow as to tramp on his toes You better put on your shoes or Jack Frost will pinch them Master Ross Grant carries a swollen eye He had a fight with an angry bumble bee Willie started at am drove of a mile let down two fences and put them up again and cut acres of oats in hours and rain Next When will the first paring bee come off Theres lots of fun in them Mr George Clarke and wife from Egypt renewed acquaintances here To the Mocking Bird who sings so sweetly on Mount Pleasant hills Your item was examined with much perplexity by the rays and contents noted It was a cute undertaking Willie Terry was visiting friends around here last Sunday Miss Alice Graham who made a lengthy stay at Mr Martin Stiles has gone Her vivacity will be much missed We hear Mr James Smith talks of giving up fanning to try the mercan tile business Keswick Cranberry picking is on deck Several have been at the marsh and report an abundant The wood but the horse died a few hours after accident Mr has been very unfortunate this being the second horse that he has lost inside of a month Grandma plums took legs and cleared out one dark night last week Curiously enough a cushion in Joe Fosters yard disap peared in a similar manner the same evening The thief evidently appreci ates luxurious comfort A jolly crowd of guests at Geo one evening last week made things lively A charming young widow struck the Owl as being about the correct thing hut for good ness sake dont say I told ye Mr Geo took a cruise around Lake in his line yacht for four or five days last week He had a most delightful time Charlie is building a canoe of the same stamp as tho Peter- canoe Yates will probably have several more barns to build next sea son Another barn to go up in Gum Swamp next season He has lots of excellent timber yet for bams We hope when the have accomplished their present aim Prohibition question that they will tackle the tobacco problem no better than the drink Root it out Rather remarkable In the last four years Queensville Methodist Circuit has had four junior ministers whose names all began with Walker Webster Webber The Misses Alma and Patty Ayl- are certainly most clever in pass- sing so difficult an examination at such a tender age but it was nothing more than could be expected consider ing that their maw is one of the clever est women in old North York and as well you all know him needless to say more Mrs Geo and Arnold paid friends in New market a short visit Friday and Satur day last Dry Wells is the rule not the ex ception The pond is nearly dry miller in a bad humor Dust from the diamond Our Boys kick up a furious dust when they on the bases They go in as if shot- from a catapult Its awfully hard on good Boys keep your heads level No more tomfoolery around hotel bars if you would get at the top notch Be sides it dont look well to bo plough ing up the ground with your nose it requires a cool head and a sharp eye to play ball Its With Charlie behind the bat and Allan in the pitch ers box what more is required Crittenden our popular boni- is a terror at the bat Father Wm the veteran plunger thought he had a straight tip so put up his money on the mountain boys Lost a fifty Sorry now he hadnt the homo team Some of our fresh youths near getting their jaws slapped for slinging their lip at the visitors The Boys wish visiting teams treated as gentlemen Program for the fall campaign play Zephyr Virginia at Baldwin probably winding up by storming the strongholds of Sutton gOurJfive fair virgins Mary Mary Galbraitb Mary Mary Taylor Mary Crawford Mary five Marys their equal Owl We cant withhold mentioning the fact that we had some rain on Tuesday last that gladdened the hearts of multitude and answered many fer vent prayers Owing to the continued drought it is said that the crop will be almost a failure in this section Mr P J Flanagan is busy erecting a stable on Louie Ave Mis Curtis of whom we spoke some time ago as having her arm broken is able to be out driving The Ladies Aid of the Christian Church at Mrs on Wednesday last Mr Love our miller notwith standing such continued drouth ex hibited a stalk of corn measuring ft in Mr J Thomson of Beaton was in the village on Saturday last and photo graphed some more buildings The plebiscite campaign is trying to elicit considerable discussion We hear lots of stories on the side that are truly On Wednesday evening the Forest ers here treated their wives and sweet hearts to icecream and watermelon The Sons of Temperance here re solved to have a treat last Saturday night but owing to tho shortage of milk they had to postpone it for a week The sermon by the Rev Mr rier on Sunday last was handled in the most creditable manner The subject being The People have a MOUNT ALBERT Our baseball team went to Baldwin on Saturday and came home with their heads down Score to 14 Lightning made some bad work here on Tuesday morning Mrs Powoll was standing by the kitchen door when it struck the chimney down pipe and knocked her unconscious Medical assistance was proourcd and she is now pronounced out of danger Albert Porter was in the act of shoeing a horse A flash of lightning sent a shock to his back He had to bo carried to house and a doctor sent for Seven telegraph poles were shattered David and bride spending their honeymoon with his sister Mrs John Porter J A Co Clerk and wife are calling on friends this week Mrs A Porter has presented her husband with another little black smith At the steamer Golden City was burned to the waters edge Stock for Sale Cows fresh calved fipkndU milkers also Sows soon to PETER J a a Assistant W Stated To learn experience Photography or one with some GRAHAM Newmarket right to rule Farm Wanted to Sent For a term of yean Sfl to acres good land with suitable buildings and plenty of water K Box Newmarket to a one can do the work Wo want reliable in every locality to help us raanulactaro Childrens Toques Gaunt lets and Bicycle for the trade by a now process WO required Steady work good pa whole or time Write today Cooperative Co Leader Lane Toronto At a meeting of the Methodist Board on Monday last it was decided to hold four services Sunday which necessitates a change in time of service for Glen- ville and Particulars next week The Ladies Aid of the Methodist Church met- on Wednesday last at the church here The Guild of Christs Church met at Mrs on Wednesday Mr Fox and wife have just returnee from a prolonged visit with friends across the line Miss Gertie Elliott milliner is taking her vacation at home Mr and Mr Clarke of Aurora where guests at Mr John Elliot on Sunday Mr Edmund Baker and Miss Leak- ley of Newton Brook were calling on friends here this Miss Mamie Love and Master have been spending a few days with friends in the city Mrs Nelson of Aurora was the guest of her brother Mr a few days last week Armitaes sawmill iegettingout ties for Bonds Lake Extension of the Metropolitan Electric Railway While engaged at this work- with his team last Thursday Mr met with quite a loss A cedar tree was uprooted and a stub of limb about inches lorn penetrated the left side of one of his horses There were three men present and in attempt to pull out the snag it broke off and loft a piece about 10 inched long in the horse Dr Stephens was sum moned and succeeded in Photos I Photos Photos AT Jenkins Gallery ICciliu eel Prices Oct 1st Best Cabinets only SW hi mo ml Photos All will do well to call above artist before October as he expects to closedown at that time for the winter sea son Satisfaction guaranteed to everybody Orders taken for enlargements of all kinds Viewing done on shortest notice Studio open everyday in the week excepted Come early in the month to avoid the rush THE LEADER In Photography leave your Impression with J BLIZZARC and get full value for your money All the methods are employed Children a S ACTION GUARANTEED 8eeinKl8 believing call and Inspect the work for The Gallery is Complete With a Toilet Room connection COPYING ENLARGING and all from old Negative given prompt attention Address OLD STAND to Royal Hotel I I Old Stand Having purchased the above business from Mr W intern I take this opportunity to inform the public that will continue the same in all its branches My aim shall be to have the Very Best in Town in the line of AN I The stock will be increased and be ing all new goods the very best satisfaction can be promised A trial solicited South End W GROOM Two Weeks of At the Fxouilot No In the Coa of church on or about the last of July Head of Cattle Two light colored era one a one a leading warded to their recovery will be suitably Mcmullen PIG for rait Jars GOOD For Sale Cheap as the wheel Is too light for i ft t owner Enquire at Robertsons Lehmans Drug Store On Lot ST in tbe 3rd Con of North on or about the last of July One Cay Hone Owner can have the by prov ing property and paying expenses WOODS 3w3Q Lake Shore sxsAaa On Friday last Fox Terrier Tan and white black on fide to the of Barney Reward given for re- turn person detaining said dog will bo Main Street KILL ALL FLIES by Pure Insect Powder Sticky Fly Paper Fly Pads I pros ecu Two Ctmioupon lot in rear of the Con of Whitchurch on or about of One Aged Ewe and one Ram Lamb Owner can hart the by proving pro perty ana paying charges TOOLE Pino Orchtrd P 0 Houses To lieni Wilmot E Lehman Chemist and Druggist Now Is the time to use our next I with Fail Wheat white sowing It will produce more to aero give better Eampte- than on ground where not Ho quire at Seed obtain circular free DUNNE foment kept In Block thereof for a- Bill of Divorce City of Toronto ixilluX woman on the ground of ground Of bigamy Si la6t Toronto Solicitor for Applicant of Ontario 1st Dated at Toronto day of July For cheap at

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