Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , August 26, 1898, p. 5

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It the era Friday aug 1 iii 1 1 M 1 1 v J J M ONTARIO J CAPITAL 1600000 Manager NEWMARKET BRANCH A General Banking Business TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits AT DRAFTS ISSUED AT Sterling and American Drafts bought and cold Discounted Collections promptly attended to Manager v THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON THIRD QUARTER INTER- NATIONAL SERIES AUG MEDICAL Dp Campbell at opposite Christian Church to I to and to p Teat of Memory Toil Pi Commentary by Rev Then king of Syria Israel took counsel with tils saying In and such a shall bo my camp tho story of Gain and onward all In lilblo for God or against Him and leaning upon Ills wisdom or upon tbclr own But the nor- ax at tho bottom of rlvor tolls condition of all man apart from All ore to recover and think to do lit for or against stick that caused tho Iron to swim and Is like cast Into tho water of Mara suggestive of who Is tho of who only con recover lost or bitter sweet And man of God unto king of Israel saying flownro that thou pass not such a place for thlthor Syr ians down Surely tbo Godwin do out rovcalath ills secret unto His the Amos 111 As Ho told about Haul whom Ho would send to him to be anointed king and also told him what would to him day he left him adding Do as occasion servo thco for Items of Interest Homo of flncHb timber in tho world is obtained from of It found in places almost and it ia impossible to roud and the inclined by means of which timber can bo down to lake Slide of made of about largo deprived of their bark and fastened together in way ti make a trough alout six feet broad and from three to six feet deep rills of water at different places are made to How into it to diminish the friction The slide is sustained by about supports It is for am LOOK TO If P HO Formerly Assistant Chelsea Hospital London England for of women of Hospital for Children Toronto Central to a in a to and to p Newmarket Orel doorfioutb of Of to JO am J Wesley Physician and Coroner EaiinNCEMnin North Communication Joseph A Cody AGENT also at beat rates Good Farina next Newmarket Always in on Saturday to Fire J R Agent for rflro Aiisurunco to at Current Jmteo agent Co ritSUBAHOTKMKB Co R Ramsay Agent and Isolated Town Property- Hodges Tin Newmarket DENTAL A I Post Office Block Methodist vitalised Satisfaction G Dp A BuccoBSor to the and flEeiPENCEDr late residence Street Aurora MARRIAGE God Is with thee so from of every day for oath of us If leave our with Him Ho will bring It to pass end ordor our steps to His glory to our highest And the king of Israel to the which of God told him and warned him of and saved himself there not nor twice Thus Illustrating Bellovo the Lord your God so shall ye bo His prophets so shall prosper There Is nothing on earth bo euro as Word of for It Is forovor settled and though all may fade fa tho Word of our God shall stand king of Syria was troubled for this thing and ho called bis servants and said unto them Will not show me whloh of us Is for tho king of Israel For unless there a traitor among his men how also could his plans be known to pis Thus king of Syria for be knew naught but human wisdom and yet be knew that leprosy had been healed In and was It not possible that ope who had with might also bo to reveal his servants said None my lord king but the prophet that Is In telleth king of Israel the words that thou In thy Can any bide himself secret places that I shall sol th Lord nol I fill and said the Lord Jer xxlll Thou com- my path and my lying down and art acquainted with all ray trays for there Is not a word my tongue but Thou It altogether Yea the not Thee but the night as the the are both alike to Thee It one of the ftoU who tolcl the king aeout and to wash and bo And ho Go spy where he it that I may sead Mm And It was him saying ho Is In How and people are who know not I the devil seems toact like a foot not the king of Syria have said this man- knows no- la my trying to get him for he will know that am and bids himself from me But he blinded by piaster the devil and goes on beat on his own snt thither horse chariotsand a great and they city was more thaa as or he would not have though it send snob a host to take one man So ha does the best he know how to get his man and to be taking him he does It by night so that no eye see what is doing for ha knows nothing of Him to whom the dark ness and the Si And of and goes forth sn host compacted the both with and did unto over precipices and along side of Down thin trees to the plains below Work men stationed nil along to signal above A conies shooting down every fivo or six minutes with a force bo great that if ono tree strikes another splits it in two as if it had been struck by lightning Bermuda Inlands are remark able for having neither springs nor fresh water streams and only a few wells of brackish water sides of many of hills cleared of vege tation leaving the coral rock exposed which is well whitewashed When rain falls it flows clown these slanting walls and is caught and stored in great tanks Water is also obtained from the whitewashed roofs of tho houses down which it runs when it rains Water famines some times occur On Ireland Island is a large condenser with a reserve of water for use of the British soldiers To able to pick a threaded needle from a tree is wonderful On Mexican plains is a forest growth somewhat resembling a gigan tic asparagus with thick fleshy like those the prickly pear cactus Along the edges of these leaves are slender thornlike needles If of these needles is desired nil a person has to do is to pull it gently backward into its sheath and then pull it from its socket and it comes forth bearing with it many tiny By twisting the needle as it is pulled out the fine libera unite and make a strong thread which is attached to the needle all ready for use The thread is very strong and capable of sustaining a weight of several pounds The na tives use these threaded needles for sewing cloth and leaves together Aug 21 One of fiercest and most peculiar electric 8lormu fleen here in years passed over town today Only eight weeks rain fallen here and every thing was parched At about today the storm broke in all its fury and for five hours the rain came down in torrents accompanied at times with hail as big as robins eggs The lightning was incessant accompanied by terri fic peals of thunder For about an hour there was a continual roar of thunder the never censing for an instant The lightning played havoc round town striking a number of places Tho observatory of Mrs residence struck and badly shattered the chimney on Mrs Thomas house JO feet away was al so struck The residence of Dr ft struck lightning en lering house and prostrating the doctor who is still under a physicians care Three transformers in tho town electric light system were burned out and tonight the town is in A large fire is seen burning about two miles to the west The bridge south of the village was swept away with tho flood and Milnes bridge over Rouge River is in danger IT TOO- Ont Aug A heavy storm passed over hero this evening rain came down in torrents for about three hours hailstones came down at a lively rate for about minutes and there was continuous sharp light ning No particular damage has been reported Altogether five and one- quarter inches of rain fell Its Practical Advantages r Wo any that has ever been Inverted to snow as many practi cal and solctittflo points In Its this one for price and there Is not a cheaper fence on market The chief advantages of the all other fences are these Wires Wc to keep by means of springs at end posts each being to a ratchet on back of One set of Is for over one hundred rods of wire long staple drive In justclose enough lM0 to work freely through on the posts Our stays arc fastened firmly to We not only over coin mo cxpansum and eon- traction which has been drawback to all add tenfold totucetrengtb durability or said resisting power of anyone wire being nearly resisting power of the whole number of wires because St Is Impossible for any great strain to come upon one without being distri buted to all and when any great si mi comes upon any part of la not Unexcelled Our fltnys cannot be excelled the an animals It laterally I In trying to get through the lighter It holds horizontal wires together They are easily made readily put on strong and durable no thing to rust or break 1 The anchoring of our endpost has no equal 2 ratchet or re at ore he best made and appreciated by all who see them on the between Our spriDga allow for contraction strain comes as would be the caseir wires up the expansion of wire Our stay the cheapest and Saving of posts one only being needed every thirtythree feet Our fence Is so simple that any can build It Turns all kinds of fetock and la not danger ous It does not sag between posts wind or snow will not afreet nor will it collect drifts It Is made of the best galvanized wire and not only durable but In appear ance It will permit cultivation right up to keep up any fence and this means you can your fence clean For purposes the fence no It enn he put height any number of wires train 10 I and The public arc warned against any infringement on this patent were slopled tight to but the sirs distributed through the wbolo stretch the springs at the wires firmly together WIRES AND STAYS ROD For Sale by J the Old When the Mars is neatest the earth it miles away lino between Hong Kong and Manilla in now being oper ated For Infants and Children it Q jsauer of MARRIAGE- LICENSES I Issued at private residence If desired HONE SO Private funds on Farm mortgage only Ileal Estate Agent At per f aria and village property by for J Agent for and Companies WyerlBnatgna AIM for the Co V 1 WANTED proud to uew jjj j during Vy Of S W mzztei fiW S5 to of HlfdUolplca gave I been long time wlthyou and be answered noVfot that bo with us ale mm than the that he AR4l feh seeing thlngsjiween Happy are those who learned to so the thing that are to ordinary eyes who like Stephen look up steadfait- ceo nd Jesus andflnd comfort In His words I John would have His people with out lea prayerful study fear from the first one In Gen onward would greatly tend to this hap py of would bo much to Gods glory prayed and said 1 open his that he sea- And the Lord opened the yes of the young man and he saw and behold bun tain full horses and fire round We read In that the ore times 10- and thousands and a fw of theso would bo to care of Our that Hie Father giro Him of them If tor thorn and are told that they are ministering spirits ministering unto the hairs And when they came down to him nto Lord said thU people I thee with blind- neat And smote tbera with ftocorjltng to the word of UoIUlshas third prayer and answer in in rem SO and if you earn- Ont Aug 15 A burglar gained an entrance into the house of Mr Anthes at an early hour this morning Mrs had occasion to go down stairs for something for the baby when she was accosted by the midnight marauder who endeavor ed to choke her Her screams were heard by her brother who slept in the house He quickly got his revolver and chased the burglar away firing three after him There is no clue to thieves who got little or nothing An Explanation- The for the great popularity of Hoods lies in the foot this medicine positively cores It Americas Greatest Medicine and the American people have an abiding con fidence in merits They boy and take it for simple as well as serious ailments confident that it will do them good Old London is suffering from in tensely hot weather Footpads and burglars are hold ing high carnival in Ottawa One of the oldest if not old est Orangemen in Canada today is Dr John of No The Dr was bom in County Ireland June 1 and initiated into OL No Ireland in March and has in connection with the Orange order ever since that time consequently was a member for over years He walked in the proces sion at celebration in Tottenham on the 12th July last which walk was his Bolton Aug Some developments are reported in con nection with an affair which took place in Township about a year ago Last summer the barn and crops of Isaac Bowes were destroyed by fire and several of his cattle were poisoned about tho same time The guilty party was not detected This week a young woman a daughter of John Bowes of Albion who was married some years ago to a man named confessed that her hus band fired the barn and poisoned the cattle was working for Mr Bowes at the time He afterwards rented a farm but threw it up this summer deserted his wife and his ad dress is not now known Mrs is seriously ill and not expected to recover hence the confession She has kept silent until now because of threats made by her husband against life Accidents meet us on every hand Not do we encounter daily the new perils of an ever advancing civiliza tion but even the most trivial domestic accident is apt to l attended with danger Does a man tug at his shoes with extra vigor in an attempt to catch the train lie slips and fractures a limb does an uncountable noise in the- basement or a not-to-be- disregarded cry from babys cot ne cessitate the finding of a match then as everybody knows the furniture has a horrible way of being where it ought not to be and the match of being no where at all Under such circum stances the accident varies from brok en shins to broken A short time ago a man lost an eye by nothing stronger than Apollinaris and an other through stumbling over a puppy There are also the perils of the gaso line stove and trie folding bed Even shovelling coal is not attended with out danger and chopping kindling is to be avoided as risky Picturehang ing is distinctly hazardous Never theless the philosopher will continue to pursue the even tenor of his way undismayed by any of these things for be is protected by accident with reputable companies We do not allow any Office to outdo us in this line either in style or price If you want any kind ot Printing done see what work and terms can get at the Era Office before you order Our promptness is pro verbial VI ffiSgS5Kr- Toronto Intimate fellowship with wake John IB a iSSj understanding that In His Hit bus and Wklng tbUW He would ask must peaking aojthlogbut wan king of Syria want ed was really the king of Israel Hoods Pills cure all liver ills Mailed for by I Hood Co Lowell Mass A cloudburst at five miles southwest of here about morning caused Saw Mill Run to overflow doing great damage in the west end Five people who were standing on an embankment when It gave way known to have been drowned and others are missing The American flag was raised at on August thus signify ing the annexation of the Is lands To a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Tablets All island the money it fails to cure Tho Premiere of Queensland New South Wales and Victoria met to consider tho cable project They decided that if Great Britain and Canada would guarantee five- ninths of the coat would each contribute the remaining oneninth Prince Bismarcks will disposes of an estate valued at marks although it is asserted the Prince left property worth marks that Congo with Cure The best Cough Care Relieves promptly One million bottles sold year Sold by From Toronto THIS CERTIFICATE Forth a Story Out We- the undersigned that the health of the Rev A has for months deteriorating and that he is now suffering from nervous prostration and urgently requires immediate and prolonged rest McLaughlin A Holland Bold THIS INTERVIEW TOLLS IT A reporter called on the Rev A John Episcopal Bowihaiivilie Ontario during a and on congratulating him on the groat change for the better in his the reverend gentleman It Is due entirely to Br Wards Blood ana Nerve I suffered fot over three years from extreme weakness and proa and could not obtain relief A months ago it became only too that extreme nervous prostration id set in as I lost flesh and appfitito rapidly Three of our four medical men pronounced me in argent need of immedi ate and prolonged rest in order to up my nervous system giving me a certifi cate to that effect About this time by pure accident Br Wards Blood and Nerve Pills were brought to my I decided to try them and on doing so a decided for the belter took aft I continued taking the continued and marked bene fit arid My appetite has returned I am gaining to steadily and toy general health is now good Further am sore that are due to the of Dr Wards Blood and Nerve and I have every confidence that they will do for others all that they done for roe Of nib bo Co aw Tenet Bush fires are very bad in Hastings County The bylaw to raise for the installation of a municipal light ing plant was carried at Mr Frederick Dewey locomotive foreman of the was killed by an engine at Niagara Falls Leslie aged eight years was drowned while swimming in a crili at Crawfords wharf Kings ton The Russian Government has ordered a 5000ton iron clad cruiser from the Works at Kiel and a similar vessel from the Vulcan Works at The body of George of St Thomas was found floating in te har bor at Stanley He was employed on the Steamer which plys be tween Port Stanley and Cleveland Aug 19 By the up setting of a bugy near last the sixyearold daughter And to raise the said sum the said of Mi was instantly Wiled a interest sliall be sum of of CO to be expended in and touatdi erecting additional buddings in the town of Stumor the Company Limited and for buying from the laid the of the the property comno known as the Mill in at a meeting of the ratepayers of the Town of New market called the purpose It was deemed advisable to advance the sum of for the above purposes and a resolution was requesting the Council of the Town to pass a for bor rowing the sum of upon the credit of the Municipality for said purposes And the Municipal Council of the Town of Newmarket has considered it ad vis able to with said request for the same over a period of twenty years by debentures bearing interest at four percent per annum extending over a period of twenty years as aforesaid repayable by annual Instalments of both principal and interest such Instalments to so be arranged that the aggregate amount of principal and Interest payable In any one year shall be equal to what Is payable for principal and in each or the other years during the I term J Her father sustained several bruises Mrs Eliza Barber of King Town ship died April leaving an estase of of which is realty The estate is divided among her five children whereas the total amount to be raised Aug rate sufficient therefor barn buildings together with contents I Consisting of a large Crop Of and JOTOOlOOths each the grain belonging to Mr Andrew period of twenty years ilia of fiamdfn the amount of the whole taxation for such pur- took fire from a spark from an engine the municipality according to the in threshing today and completely destroyed The machine was saved The premises were par tially insured For of paying the of ana to cover on the said amount as aforesaid the sum of shall be levied by a special rate over above all other rates In the same manner and at the same time other taxes arc levied upon the whole rateable property of the said Town liable to be rated therefor la each year for the period of twenty years from the date hereinafter mentioned effect during which the wild Debentures have to run This By Law shall came Into force effect on the First day of December if previously assented to by the of this Corporation legally qualified to vote thereon This ByLaw shall of electors of the said Town under The Municipal Act and and on the day of August at the hour of nine oclock In the forenoon the will be open to take the votes of the Qualified Electors of the said municipality on said ByLaw and the poll will close at Ave oclock In the afternoon same day places for taking said votes and Officers of the several Wards of the Town respectively be as follows For Pt Georges WardM Officer Place John Mitchells House Ward Johu Savage flcer Polling Place The Market Building for St Patricks Ward A J- Officer Polling Place The Council Chamber That on- Monday the Fifteenth day of August at the hour of In the at Council Chamber of i a DRUG HABITS PERMANENTLY CURED v rrT Bdclir No Md NEWSPAPERS For Bale at Office per lb la lots lbs the whole Of the municipality amounts to of which no portion of principal or Interest is mancar Be it thereore by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of Town of Newmarket as follows That Mayor Is hereby authorized and required to Debentures of the to amount of Five- Thousand hollars which shall be marked and known as The Office Specialty Cos Debentures and suras of not Jess than One red Dollars each and shall be sealed with the Corporate Seal of the said corporation and by tbo Mayor and Treasurer and shall years from date hereinafter mentioned for this By law to come at the office of the Treasurer of the Town of Newmarket interest at four per centum per annum follows that Is to aayTho principal sum in twenty annual Instalments and the Interest at the rate aforesaid during Eft id term the aggregate amount of such of principal and annual payment of V the Mayor shall appoint In atte final Humming of si the writing the persona attend at the polling place and at the Humming of on behalf of the persons Interested In and promoting or opposing passing of this Ihatthe Clerk of Hit- mid shall attendant the Council Chamber in Town at twelve oclock noon on Wed nesday day of August IKS to sum up the votes given for and against this ByLaw NOTICE IS hereby given that copy of a proposed ByLaw which has been taken Into and which will be Anally passed by the Council or tho Cor poration of the Town of Newmarket In event of being thereto mouth from public In the Newmarket EM of which first day or August island that at hour day and places ior taking filcetore the polls will bo held Council Chamber AuUBt 1st Clerk- r

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