Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , August 26, 1898, p. 4

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V r t THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY AUG Left Prostrate Voalc and Run Down With and In Bod Condition by Hoods I was very much run down having flick for months I had been trying different remedies did rao no good I would spoils of coughing that would mo I was told that my lunge affected And my heart and were a bad condition In fact scorned as though organ out of order J felt that my brother advised mo to try Hoods I a and began taking it free half gone I that it mo I continued and has mo a new woman I cannot It too highly Mm Toronto Ontario Got only Woods Sarsaparilla the bestln set the True Blood Purifier Bold brail mo portly PIU liable Mofli Street Loan on Farm Solicitor etc for Township of King Sidney to Division Court Building Newmar ket Ontario iOTES Woiid comes from Ottawa thai an Order- fitCouncil has been authorizing Grown timber agents In Yukon to Issue yearly permit to out and II certain defined areas of land reputa tions If In announced that a Liberal Conven tion will bo held in Huron on the of month to pom I to a candi dal for the Commons to vacancy oc casioned by tho of their Into reprcuentalived to an Mr Holmes of Clinton New Era and Mr of Signal aro named in this connection p S Barrister Solicitor Conveyancer etc flat with Marsh Cameron Arc Toronto Estates carefully managed and colWfgttou promptly made S3 Money to at lowest rates fiax tons Mock Main St DUNK Dunn Ac Manning Arcade at KlngSl Wcat Toronto Honey Loan Barrister Block Money to Loan AUCTIONEERS Auctioneer for Co Chattel will receive special attention Newmarket PO Duncan Auctioneer for the Co of York Christian is an periodical published at cents a year by Corn- bill Beaton Mass Or Theodore Bald of it spirit thu paper is admirable God and pros per it Mr Hastings Ib also editor and publisher of tho Christian whioh Moody and other workers have high XjiKstatutointordioting in not effectual A manufacturing Co now domi ciled at being with by and tho Co is using this may bo put up by somo of thoeoinlcrostod to Legislature will probably give this bonus question another turn of tho during January part of Those who looking for municipal favor nqt play cards quickly or not at all Columbia is well rid of tho Tum or Government A coalition administra tion to tight leeches of al parties thereto and vory weakness chat forces a coalition causes advantage is taken of by mercenary politicians to get their hands into the public chest upon one or another Coalition Govern- display tho traits of patriot ism shown purely party administration they are the outcome of compromise to say who is to bo Queen of Netherlands on September next hap pirraonally sent to Mr the of The Latins Journal a Hollander by birth of her private portraits for publication in the next num of his magazine It last por trait whioh will be taken of little lady before her coronation and will primed in connection with a specially prepared sketch showing the personality of Queen of Holland from every point of view I Build a Home Aug Grand Lodge I O concluded its convention instructors will be appointed to assist Grand Master in his j of weak lodges during ensuing year It was also decided to a uniform admission fee throughout tho jurisdiction An exhaustive report on tho pro posed Oddfellows Homo was presorted by special committee showing that offers of a sito of acres of Land had been received and many promts- Plans for a suitablo building will be at once prepared Ono thousand dollars granted by the Grand and it will be in corporated following wove appointed Campbell chairman J R Farewell vicochair- rrian J King secretary J treasurer Tho Bum of nearly was saved in this year on account of case of access here- and reduced railway The total expenditure for was report of the Advisory Coramit- of Oddfellows Associa tion showed that tho fund now on hand was over an in crease of during tho year association decided mom bora of installation of oflicors Grand Lodge adjourned to meet year in Toronto Disease are Tot by tho of than by any Olher Causo There iB a Cure for it From the Advertiser Nl Mr Richard Dixon of Lower Bright on is ono of most prosperous and best known farmers of Coun ty JO In June Mr Dixon was seized with an attack of rheuma tism and for six weeks lay abed suf fering all the tortures of this terrible disease He grow bo weak that ho was unablo to turn in bed and was almost of his recovery At this stage one of his friends had boon cured of same by use of Dr Pink Pills urged Mr Dixon to give them a trial which advice was followed Almost from What raXVAVN Dr Samuel Pitchers prescription for Infants and Children It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic substance It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric Drops Soothing Syrups and Castor OR It is Pleasant Its guarantee is thirty years use by Millions of Mothers destroys Worms and allays prevents vomiting Sour Curd cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic relieves Teething troubles cures Constipation and Flatulency assimilates tho Food regulates tho Stomach and Bowels giving healthy and natural sleep is Panacea tho Mothers Friend Do you think of q THIS SUMMER If you do write Till Ml LIMITED NEWMARKET ONT I Is an excellent medicine for children Mothers have repeatedly told me of Its good effect upon their children Osgood Mass is so well adapted to children si I recommend it as superior to fcnov7n tome And prices of Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows IHD Artistic Effects in Inside Woodwork THE FACS1MILE SIGNATURE OF Largest Factory id for the of fa PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS ETC APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER 7Ht eHTAMU able on commission attended to Street Newmarket PAINTING The loading House Painter and Paper Hanger SO years experience- all branches of the Full lino of of the latest designs In Wall Papers 2nd door North of the Primary School Church Street Bolton Practical Painter and Decorator Church Street Millards tans and MISCELLANEOUS Opposite Fire Hall J27 Mai a Street Simpson Main St Sundries and Fancy Goods Who Can Beat This Accident at Inqepsoll To the Editor of Newmarket Bra Aug A collision There has been considerable talk occurred it the here last throughout the Township this season between train No about Mowing Machine Attach- ftmi through freight special loaded ment recently invented by Mr wit meat The freight engine is a Draper of this place and I wish to say tota the passenger that after threshing AlBiko for Mr wrecked Several can of Draper I am that it is a thodayMr Dixon began tho use W fc pills an improvement was noted of eleven acres on this his appetite had almost attachment vas used I threshed were transferred to a special tram awl and Repair all kinds on short notice The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co NEWMARKET ONT or miss to do Sevrlng Perfect fit guaranteed In all the fash ions sent through PO will receive prompt attention R Stouffcr of Culture and Violin Tuner of Pianos and all Instruments NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones Call Before Ordering Elsewhere Allan Tar atatement for J month of year has been at finance department at Ottawa moving forward under Liberal with leaps and of political opponents when they revenue was as with for the same month last year The revenue in this calculation la not really take into account any of the July for op to the Show the petitions presented to the Legislature is one from Mr St et- for West York who figared bo prominently in the Hog iesae dur ing the late elections- an East Middlesex sheep dis quieted the of certain of the mem bers to of the Re ferring thereto the scrap man on the observes Tie Hog rooted its benefactor J W St into private life and J of East Middlesex had better pause ere be adorns Ontario polities with a ram my likewise him into oblivion the Ontario Government carried on binder twine manufacture at the Central Prison Toy members in the Assembly grumbled and declared thai their Liberal opponents wanted to oppose the protection policy of the Tory Government then at Ottawa but since the binder twine business at the Central Prison has been discontinued Tories now that the advance in price of twine is owing to that tact and are trying to claim sympathy for their party from farmers because the Gov ernment did continue Us manufacture and do the very thing which on the floor of the Legislature they formerly declaimed against Anything to beat Hardy is their game It a great mistake to suppose that the leading scientific men are opposed to Christianity J William Dawson the eminent scientist has said that there are few agnostics among scientific men In the aggressive sense of the term and Sir George Gabriel Stokes the great mathe matician hie that the statement that men always reject Christianity Is far from being true And he says that by him the supernatural In Christian ity is believed to be essential and he knows of many men who think the same Hastings of Boston well says In his Introduction to Pattersons of Evolution which he publishes The old anchor yet holds That word which has outKved so many assaults and assailants yet abides the test the anvil stands fast all the hammers are worn out bags of seed in hours which am positive will clean two bushel to thu hag I seen other fields this season that looked just as promising but I have run a threshing machine for about twenty years and saw such a yield and I attribute it to the attachment on the mower by which I am sure from one to two bushels per aero can be saved in cutting and much labor also as a boy years old cut this entire crop Smith failed and the frequent feeling of hunger Then pains began to him and his strength gradually returned and after using about a dozen boxes Mr Dixon was as woll as over he had been Ioa re porter of the Advertiser Mr Dixon skid be had no doubt his pros- health was duo use of Dr Williams Pink Pills and since his recovery he occasionally uses a box to ward off a possible recurrence of the trouble Dr Williams Pink Pills cures by making new blood and invigorating the nerves but you must get the gen uine always put up in boxes the country wrapper around bears the full trade mark name Dr Williams fink Fills for Pale People Do not be persuaded to take any of the numerous pink colored imitations common sense that men who call unscrupulous dealers say selves statesmen or prefer are just the In case of j attractive theories to the doubt send direct to Dr Williams I discussion the great Golden Boodle HAS AS GOOD A GOV ERNMENT AS IT DESERVES If you elect for boodle you will have ft is plain to all men of Co Btockville and the pills will be mailed post paid at fifty cents a box or six boxes for Aug The most disastrous fire in the history of took place this morning between 12 ano oclock Starting near the Windsor Hotel many building includ ing the Methodist Church were de stroyed- The loss is estimated at Money to Loan At Five per cent on Firstclass Farm Security by David Commissioner Affidavit Real Agent Conveyancer Marriage Licensee Etc agent for tho following Queen of London and Montreal Gore District Mutual alec forth Confederation Life Association To ronto Office Corner of Main Lot Street Dreadfully Nervous I was dreadfully nervous and for relief took your Earls Clover Root It quieted my nerves and strengthened my whole Nervous System I was troubled with Constipation Kidney end Bowel trouble Your Tea soon my system 80 thoroughly that I rapidly re gained health and strength Mrs A Sweet Hartford Conn Bold Pronounced Incurable but mode Strong and by Celery Wells Richardson Co Having been given up to die some time ago by some of the best doctors of the United States I came to Canada last autumn terribly ill and had lost all hope Suffering agonies from inflammatory rheuma tism I was strongly urged to use Celery Compound 1 gave it a trial as recommended and the first bottle did me so much good I continu ed with the medicine until I had used of government Thus it is that though in the budgets of our different governments thinking men find the best index to our political condition these budget problems are seldom cussed so long as passion prejudice tradition and selfishness suggests many easier ways dealing wiih political questions We see the ex travagantly made up we see waste or theft of public moneys we the real needs of the community neglected and the treasuries pillaged for maintenance of government support ers No one denies the necessity of reforming these evils yet no one moves or if a reform is undertaken halfmeas ures only applied If are undertaken of admitted fraud or wastefulness they are suppressed as soon as they begin to show too much We all admit the necessity of placing some check oh public expenditure and waste and of devising some fraud- proof system Day by day we feel an increasing mistrust in our public of ficials and still we suffer the wrong and why Because the community is conservative and dislikes to with things that are established and our politicians will not in this country prejudice and tradition maintained in taken to London Many of the passengers were shaken up but no one was injured St Petersburg Aug There was another great fire last night at Novgorod The city workhouse was destroyed the inmates jumping from the windows many being killed and many more injured Thirteen bodies burned to a crisp already been found in the ruins and many of the inmates arestill unaccounted for Mr W Buchanan who has been campaigning several weeks in Nova Scotia in the interest of prohibi tion Mr Buchanan is accompanied by Mr Walton and Miss Wallace who add to the interest of his meet ings by suitable musical selections The Templars exeditor has addressed meetings in days and reports that the inhabitants by the sea turn out in marvellous numbers to the public gatherings Detroit Mich Aug 18 Mrs sister of the three Johnsons under arrest for counter feiting was arrested at noon yester day Her arrest was caused by the finding of more bogus money and counterfeiting materials concealed in the house at avenue which was occupied by Charles and Edmund Johnson their mother and Mrs The latter was house keeper and must have know of the work A JNSEGT Powder I We keep only the Best Quality and supply them at the same price as adulterated goods PWARMAOY Next to the Post Office To the best cpbftuniCy o a lifetime for buying cheap without any fuss noise or nonsense putting a lane of Seasonable Goods on market prices that will make them jump Its a quick turn on very margin to satisfy a lively demand inspect BICYCLE SUITINGS SUITINGS f and ALSO THE- For Vest or reliable of its the market giving a perfect pocket and keeping pockets from stretching Call and examine and be convinced There is money in it for us and agreat deal more for the customer who deals at seven bottles when I found myself perfectly cured indeed I never felt parties nether better in all my life than at present I use every possible means to tell others of Celery Compound and will always recommend it to those troubled with rheumatism Yours very truly Pond P Q of which is willing to give up political plunder which they use to gain or maintain power A July 1898 Aug A sad fatality occurred yesterday afternoon two James City En- raie3 from tho of foil a distance of road His little boy feet in tho old rolling mills Ho on his back and it is hoped his when a largo barn door which injuries are not serious was left open broke loose from its Dyspepsia Cured Vitalizer W owing to the high wind relieves Soar Stomaoh filing and with great force caught Food and the groat kid- fellow who was pinned ho ney and liver remedy Bold by it and ground killing him Lehman almost instantly I Purely National in its character Age limit 18 to Fixed Premium No Death Assess Gives 1000 or Insurance Over One Million Dollars paid to members and their dependents since organization Careful medical selection Death rate for the year of history only 544 per Has a larger Surplus on hand for each risk than any other Society of the kind in Canada Security of Not a dollar of the Surplus invested out side of Canada jo Premiums and Interest accruing therefrom used only for Payment of Death Claims At a cost of from to cents a day any healthy man an acceptable risk can secure iooo Insurance for his family or dependents information cent on application to C Oat Titos US Out Ernst Oar Oct Central Tailor I R MOLAUQHLIN Jacksons Point Steam Saw Mills k 1 Bill Stuff Cut to Order Shingles lor Sale Persona con- templatlD building can all kinds of QplatlDg atuff Cut to Order on order On hand now a large quantity of Well Seasoned luxmbetr Lengths tea to fourteen feet D W McDonald Proprietor Sutton West AGENTS a a 1 Wiunu a laming monument to great man and to Canadian literature Jwe of American catchpenny hooka handled by Canadian Houses Our been in for years bound Profusely ght paid books on time With book you can down them CO Toronto CO YEARS- EXPERIENCE AGENTS The Story or Mr Gladstones Life Is of of the greatest man of the ages and embraces the history of the nineteenth century most wonderful century since began It solidity of fact and the fascination of fiction and Is told In elegant simplicity Better send for your outfit before you sleep ami be flrat In field Capital unnecessary waged paid for bock sell to every COMPANY Limited Toronto Trad fcURfeo i Ac sketch and war aseSttAln our opinion whether an A notice In Scientific A I up tit of a IW L hXM New York

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