Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , August 12, 1898, p. 8

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L THE NEWMARKET fiRA FRIDAY AUG Constipation Cully hail sickness In tho world Uio dialed food too long In and produces torpid liver bad coated sick headache lev n sto Hoods rills AlidrugRfcls spared by I Howl Co Lowell Maw only pills to tako with Hoods WHAT WIDEAWAKE AND FIND TO i HEAD OFFICE TORONTO Paid up Capital Reserved Fund Total nearly 800000000 A Branch of thin Hank In t BRADFORD rcoolvcd of and tip- ami Interest paid thereon highest current ratnt Wo a Specialty of Notes And Hale Note LOWEST RATES For further Information apply to JOHN Agent Bradford BRISTOLS BRISTOLS BRISTOLS and The Greatest of all Liver Stomach and Blood Medicines A 8PEC1FI0 FOR Rheumatism Gout and Chronic Complaints They Cleanse and Purify tho Blood All Druggists and General Dealers GRAHAMS Art Studio If you want your picture taken dont bo with old method of years ago but have it produced in latest stylo and bo uptodate with your oily friends Aristo Plato Work Rev E Scott A left on Monday to spend a twoweeks vaca tion Ho will visit New York and other places Wore returning A grand union picnic will be hold on the fair grounds on Wednesday Sept in aid of church and presbytery Rev Robinson loft on Tues day to spend his vacation on Muni Island Dr will occupy the pulpit in diet Church during Mr absence Mr returned Wednesday front his trip to New York where ho wont to look after his intorest in will of his who died there time ago Charlie wears a happy these days and wo dont wonder at him The District Council of the Royal Templars of Temperance mot hero on Friday last and transacted the busi ness connected therowitb There were only four delegates present from Aurora and one from Newmarket In the evening a free entertainment was given in the Music Hall by the mem bers of each Council and others attendance was not as large as could bo expected but many present have stated that they have often paid admission to hear an entertainment that was not nearly as good BRADFORD Some of the crossings in town arc very bad and sidewalks on few of streets arc equally so Mr Noilly had a nasty tumble off bis wheel near tin Landing the other day and injured his wrist to Rig Bay Point on the 18th under auspices of the Sunday Schools of Trinity Church Bradford and St Pauls A number of gypsies with their paraphernalia took up quarters at the outskirts of the town to the north several days lately The Agricultural Society have made good terms with the Grand Trunk Railway Company re their ex- the Falls on loth iust civic holiday Several of our citizens are carrying a bandaged hand owing to blood poisoning Dr Campbell treated three gentlemen on Tuesday The mysterious part is that the blood poisoning cannot be accounted for Mr Bert had three of his ribs fractured in very simple way on Monday last Ho was attending to one of the farm horses when the animal crowding against him knocked him down causing him to fall on the edge of a plank near by with the result OAK RIDGES An ico cream social was hold last Saturday evening at Mr Harry at Jefferson The Richmond Hill band supplied music pro ceeds which amounted to over were in aid of St Johns church Rev Lee of Aurora services last Sunday after noon at Wilcox Lake What might beon a fatal acoi- befell Mr James Parsons of 2nd concession of Whitchurch one day last week lie fell from a load of grain and received a soverc bruising and shaking up and several outs from the horses shoes We record this week death of of our oldest residents Mr Simon who has long known on the street as an honorable man and a good farmer Deceased has been ill for a considerable and died on Monday Aug 1st Born Aug 3rd to Mr and Mrs Ed Williams a son City and Its Surroundings OF OF HIS STAY AT OF TUB GOLD From the SUTTON Mr yacht was launched on Tuesday wo understand that the gasoline engine gives good satis faction evangelists Messrs and Hunter will commence meetings in the hill shed hero next Sunday the the auspices of the Presbyterian and Methodist Churches On Thursday one of excursion trains from Ux bridge happened with a misfortune at the lake In afternoon when engine taking water on the wharf a train of six coaches and a baggage car down the grade from Jacksons Point station and ran into the engine sending it al most into the lake baggage car was thrown off the track smashing the planks With some and delay the car was placed on the rails It the cars were standing at the Point station with brake on and some boy loosened it consequent ly the cars took a reckless journey clown grade resulting as above There were many of tho excursionists on board many children asleep when the accident happened This is an example of how a simple act may sometimes result in a sad calamity Condensed History of the Wat Toronto World A Specialty We are giving excellent eatiafao- in our work Call and specimens and you will bo con vinced OTGRAHAM JONES OLD STAND NEWMARKET The Dominion Government has granted permission to the division of the Grand Army of the Republic at Buffalo to Canadian territory with their aims and toko part in a celebration at Hamilton A QUICK CURE FOR COUGHS COLDS Tat THROAT AFFECTIONS Lug Bottles DAVIS JAWKENCE CO United Perry Pain Killer Sutherland Treasurer of is reported by Auditor to be short in his cash nearly and the books both of the former and present Treasurer are pronounced to bo improperly kept EMULSION EMULSION now A EMULSION if tad DAVIS I CO Mr Wallace while leading a cow by a rope on Monday the became ugly and started to run In the effort to prevent getting beyond his control George was thrown to the ground and dragged a consider able distance His shoulder and wrist were badly bruised A little daughter of Mr aged about three years had a escape from instant death on Saturday night Mr had just driven into town and on alighting from the buggy proceeded to tie Ilia horse in front of Campbells drug store animal suddenly backed up This unexpected move ment caused the child to fall out of the buggy and in an instant it was under the horses feet Mr Jermyii who was standing near by at the time quickly snatched the child from its perilous position The accident caused no little commotion on the street as it was feared by a number who had witnessed the scene and from the screams of the child that its life had been almost crushed out For tunately the buggy did not pass over it nor had the horse stepped upon it but the little one hod sustained an ugly bruise on tho forehead in falling out of the buggy To add to the excitement of the occasion a young lady who wan an eye witness to occurrence fainted on the sidewalk and was carried into Mrs millinery shop Witiw A Brandon correspondent re viewing the crop situation in that dis trict writes On the whole fanners are in good heart and are looking forward to a fair crop and good prices There is a great variety of opinion as to tho wheat crop One wellknown wheat dealer of this who has Just returned from a long trip through fields of country within a radius of twenty miles of Brandon was heard to say that the crop he thinks will make as good a yield as has beon witnessed in ten years There are others who say that the yield is bound to be below tho av erage Some fields of wheat will be ready for the binder in a week or ten days harvesting however will not bo general by that Hostilities begun April Peace proposal accepted August Number of days of actual war 103 Cost in lives to Spain about killed No ofticial report of Spanish casualties published Cost to the United States about men killed and about wounded What the lost Tho Maine with men What Spain lost fleet fleet Cuba Porto Rico one the and possibly the Philippines Strength of the United States army when war was declared men Strength now men Strength of United States when war was declared Battle ships and cruisers 14 monitors 19 unarmed steel vessels gun boats torpedo boats Strength now Battle ships and cruisers monitors 19 unarmed steel vessels gun boats torpedo boats special craft Wo lauded in Dawson city on of Juno having brought down a raft of timber from miles city This wo partially cut and parti ally bought although wo were lucky enough to pick up about fcot off a bar having been left by high water all wo had nearly feet which after all only makes a small raft but which netted us after been paid about This was only tho work of a few days and we felt that wo were doing pretty well A great many rafts went to pieces and were abandoned and dur ing tho low water very few were to get down The whole city of was under water three days before wo arrived there with the ox of northwestern portion During the high water season Dawson is formed into three islands During first ten days after our arrival at Dawson the water fell ten feet and continued to fall at the rate of six inches a This makes it almost impossible for a stranger to bring a raft down the river which is five miles wide for twentyfive miles Daw son narrowing down to a mile in width just at tho city At Dawson it is as impossible to get authentic information about the mines as it i in Probably seven or eight hundred miners leave Dawson every da to prospect and as many more return cursing their luck and the Dominion There are ten thousand men walk ing the streets at Dawson The city contains about inhabitants al though there are only about 200 houses in the place the balance living in tents Dawson was all staked out Inst winter but the gold commission ers refused to record the claims It is not likely that is an gold in that ground and the staking was done for speculative purposes The nearest pay dirt to Dawson is about eight miles out Everything within sixty miles of the city is already staked off this being done by professional stain pedcrs a class who do nothing but stake off and then sell out again for whatever they can get for it They stake large areas illegally but it is impossible almost to find what is stak ed legally and what is not staked on French Gulch and on Nug get Gulch three claims and one on Dominion creek four in all We did not work them longwhencircumstances decided us on a speedy return home Our outfit which was excellent in every respect including a two years supply of provisions we sold at ex cellent prices ranging times the original cost Butter pounds brought per pound Our trip home and further particulars of Daw son and surroundings will be given as we follow A heavy rain storm accom panied with hail did damage to in tho vicinity of Kingston The Ontario Government has selected tho Mockonzie property London as site for a Norma School EYE CHANGE f Willie a boy of Port Perry took marks out of a possible 1100 in tho recent entrance examination Tobacco contrary to the common belief does not destroy Smoking will not confer immunity from contagion A runaway accident occurred on Thursday night near St Thomas in which a son of Mr Jag Marlatt was killed Ezra Cornelius the Lindsay bar ber who was arrested on a charge of having stolen a bicycle at during tho meet there was acquitted honorably Any system of instruction which not teach a lad to think falls very short of beat results of edu cation and leaves him without the most vital element of success You as full of airs as a is what a young man said to a girl who refused to let him see her home That may be was reply but I dont go with a crank As age advances a gradual Change in Sight takes place This Change necessitates compensating aid Glasses properly ground and adjusted replace the eye power Wo understand this work particularly well Try us ATKINSON CO OPTICIANS Carried over from mustbe sacrificed now Strike Quickly On the instant when a lion shows his tem per said a famous Hon tamer cut blui quickly over the face Dont wait until he springs at you This is equally good advice for treat- New High Grade All Styles Best Equipment Guaranteed TO Used wheels late all makes 0 We ship on approval without a cent payment Write for bargain lint and Art Catalogue of swell models IF IE For season to advertise them Rider Agents Wanted Learn How to Earn a Bicycle and Make Money J MEAD CYCLE CO CHICAGO 41 Two little boys were swinging in- Clinton when Kenneth Gilroy about three years old got in the way of tho return swing the seat board striking him in the temple killing him in stantly Australia is twentysix times as large as the United Kingdom fifteen times as large as France and almost equal to the United States Alfred Walton whoso wife desert ed him and five children on Wednes day tried to commit suicide in He was cut down twice and once was barely brought around of the swallow is com posed of insects alone and the num ber these birds destroy in a single summer is incalculable They are in summer on the wing fo fully sixteen hours during the day and the greater part of the time making havoc a- the millions of insects which infest the air London Aug 1 An impor tant and successful experiment is wire less telegraphy has just been made at Dublin Wireless messages contain ing descriptions of the yacht races there were sent from distances vary ing from five to ten miles and were published in tho Evening Mail at London The yachting expert of the newspaper stood on the bridge of one the vessels and dictated his account of races which taken to Marconi the inventor of the system seated in the cabin who operated transmitter These messages were sent without wire to land and thonce trasmittod by tele- phono to the newspaper oflices Children Cry for Cure that with Saitohs Cure The bent Cough Cure Relieves Croup promptly One million bottles last year r Sold by Travel to has this year been more than double that of any former year Dyspepsia Cured Vitalize im mediately relieves Sour coming up of the great kid ney and liver remedy Bold by Lebmio James a moulder of Brock was drowned off Smiths Island while bathing assessmen WQMEE I a fc I When he or ton a Court Id a Society because it takes up one or a month but they are bereaved of their helpmeet and the so long worked and planned for by the loved one who bee called opinion changes quickly There arc no stronger friends tho Canadian of than widows and orphans who have been kept from possible want and poverty by the and Sick Benefit moneys paid by the Society This is not a charity the money is fairly and not the part of the is the work of Brethren who attend lodge and conduct the business of the with out fee or price for their services It is for benefit of wives sons and daughters fathers and that the carries en ha great work and iu noble principles have been amply sustained by Canadian Each Court may provide for Sick and Funeral Bernits and skilled physician during illness The High Court a weekly allowance of from to during- or as pro vided in and Funeral Benefit and on the death of a member towards his funeral expenses After satisfactory proof of the death of a mem ber in standing the wife or natal payees of deceased receive from the Order the amount of insurance provided fry their Certificate or Certificate which may be jfli oon or For further particulars enquire of any f the or of the Of Jcr the lion of disease Many an attack of illness be headed off if at the first premonitory symptoms the victim would strike quickly Those severe cough bronchial affections and wasting diseases which into consumption would never get their savage teeth into the constitution if their early headed off by Dr Pierces Gold en Medical Discovery It provides an abundance of rich nourishing blood that tuberculosis germs have no chance to get any lodgment in the lungs It dears the skin and purges all the impurities from every ft invigorates the liver to expel all bilious poisons from the circula tion It creates healthy tissue vitalized nerve fiber and give solid strength 1 have thought for a time writes Mrs- Rose Petty of Chatham Co V that I would not do yi justice if I did write and tell you how cured of that dread ful disease called consumption by using Pierces Golden Medical Discovery I meas les and pneumonia at the Mine time and came near dying and as as I was able logo out I was taken with prjp and then followed consumption My physician did all he could for my relief but I received none I every thine that I could hear of that was good for a cough hut grew worse and would have died soon 1 not commenced the Golden Medi cal Discovery I felt improved before the bottle was finished bottle and after that hater and stronger than in ten years before That was ago and do not feel any symptom of return of the remain cured- and f 1 am the cause of a friend being cured by the same medicine He afflicted as 1 was after every thing failed to cure him he Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery cured SALE OF Valuable Farms TO LET On Prospect Ave second door north of Model School Apply to C Prospect Ave Newmarket Property for bouse with convcmeii- nc lawns etc The Mr Win Bunney Main Street For price and terms apply at tbe or address KJ DALEY Estate Agent FARMERS I THE ISAAC USHER SON flflMHWJR A TWO TOWN On Street Desirably Situated near the old Woollen Factory Sale on Terms Apply to JACKSON Real Estate Ayent of Che- Portland for all of structures such as bankbarn walls silos ho pens abutment- arch culverts cistern etc Cement is sold at about onehalf the price of the Port i and further Information- PPJ to KING Agent i flret etc always on lowest 25 House and Garden For Sale Cheap Corner of Superior and for year Apply to J WOODCOCK Newmarket FOR TWENTYSEVEN YEARS- DESIRABLE RESIDENCE FOR SALE I I Centrally located second house West of Market on St Good well cistern stable and other conveniences C DENNIS Newmarket LARGEST SALE It CANADA to FARM TO RENT Tli8 Light of the World OR OUR SAVIOUR ART Pursuant to Instructions from the Executors of tbe lute Edwin Hunter there will be offered for sale PUBLIC AUCTION I the North American Hotel In the TOWJ4 OF ON Saturday tho of August at oclock In the forenoon the fol lowing valuable properties Parcel The west half of lot In thei concession of of East acres more or ivs The east half of lot No In the concession of the Township of ICO acred more or less Parcel in The east halves of lota No 2 and JJ in concession of Township or King to contain about acres Parcel I south half of lot No in thcUrd concession of the Township of King 100 acres mure or less Parcel Thirty acres part of the north west quarter of lot In the Township of King Parcel The easterly acres or tho half of the west half or lot No In the 3rd concession of of East Parcel Seventy seven part of lot the concession of the Township of Whitchurch S Masters ideals like it ever pub lished Agcnta are taking from three to farm KettlebyP West half of lot con King Good buildings good orchard good acres fallow Fall plowing to be done aorta seeded Well watered good soil about acres cleared miles from P j v Rent moderate to a good man For terms ie beautiful that apply to Georgejlamsey next lot south or Published Snnn consisting of SlV gQrthOn orders A perusal of IB like taking a tour among the great art galleries of Europe The Hermit ii J Louvre Berlin and Hit art gallerk have nil placed their rarest and greatest lhe First it first weeks with the book another Mam- men and women buy log and pacing for homos Ibis great work Parcels and on them considerable amounts nave bet spent by the Executors In the last two or three years to put them In repair or centre Parcels three four easy distance ox the Parcel seven is not tar rrom Parcels one to six are In good state of culti vation Parcels one and two were held re spectively by fame tenants for or It years ASSURANCE CO ESTABLISHED SSST ffite Michigan Ave CI PROGRESS Town Carting AlIklndaofTeatalngdoneonShortNotice and on Terms DAVID Cor Main Now market R ELLIOTT TIIOS WHITE Stejr or ERNST said to be frog farms in the United States and all of thorn are prosperous Pitchers Caetorla The new assurance carried through by the Standard Office for the last nine equinquennial periods have been as follows NEW SUMS assured 18501855 Parcels one and two near the nourishing Village or Mount Albert which ioToolU I860- 1865 18660576 18651870 27807223 29485872 18761880 30140172 18801885 Since 1805 the progress has been equally satisfactory Investments in Canada 18500000 Profits to policy holders 29200000 live and six are within Town of Newmarket Vivian OF Ten per cent at sale thirteen and onethird percent three months thereafter and ten per cent six months after day of sale tbe renaiolng twothirds or purchase money to by mortgage the terms of which wilt lie known at the tlmn of sale The iiroiioktlH up subject to a reserved old For further particulars Ajp1y to J Vendors Solicitor July market Wo- to act as work and already A By Old Established Xlfgh Grade or Church standing man of Manager envelope for our terms to A P Elder Manager Iga Michigan Ave Chicago III at their home built up and catablUhed here Salary Ramsay Manager J Button Balfour Supt of Charles Chief Agent Ontario GEO M HUNT District Inspector J A PATEN CUBED Send J SSSiJsS s

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