Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , August 12, 1898, p. 7

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frTZ f rf CHINA HALL AUG 1898 Wo ready for IV if around the flu WHAT AND WORTHY MOUNT Miss Maria spent Sunday with mother Mrs Kemp and family of Toronto spending their holidays at Mr James Hamiltons Miss Dunn of Mt Albert has been visiting Miss Shaw past week Mr Frank of Newmarket has been guest of Frank Glover the post few days Harvesting is nearly ovor now and the threshing whistles hoard in every direction Wo understand that sorvico at Mi Pleasant Church is to begin at naifpast ton oclock instead of as it is the pastors wish It was reported in lost weeks issue by the Button soribo that a deranged man from Mt Pleasant was found drowning in the river We would ask tho soribo to himself more fully as no person oyer seen a man of that description in this neighborhood Tub Mockino Bird As pounds for dollar as any one and of tho best quality FRUIT JAR All Sizes at Closest Prices PUR pio For Pickling CAMPER UPPLJES All kinds of Canned Moats Fruits and Vegetables HO Close Prices to Clear Out AH Bummer CROCKERY GLASSWARE Our prices have made tho Dinner and Toilet Beta move If you want a Sot at a Snap Price come right away No matter how cheap you of goods being sow re member we Sell Just as Cheap The Leading Grocer BALDWIN Mrs Heine and Roy returned on Thursday from London after an extended visit with relatives My but wasnt Sam happy Baching it dont agree with his constitution Boys in Uncle orchard Uncle Sam wits up watch but drops off in a snooze and presto tho apples disappear Sam thinks its blame witches that takes em John Henry is an amateur photographer of no mean abilities Ho took a firstclass view of Yates barn men were engaged in raising it Owl perched aloft is a con spicuous object Cliff like most handsome folks takes considerable pride in being so tother day when down to J axons Pint with a lot of friends they were grouped Now just watch the camera and a bird will come out says artist That was a fib Cliff was in his happiest mood m the artist secured a prime good negative Mr Stevenson claims to be the noss thresher about these parts He nays he has the money that says he can leat any thresher in THE JRA yv Cor Main Timothy ENSILAGE CORN OF THE BEST RED MAMMOTH SOUTHERN SWEET EARLY LEAMINQ LONGFELLOW EARLY ANGLE OF MIDNIGHT GERMAN HUNGARIAN AND TURNIP SEED Huron Street hereby men and women in practical education to write for of the business COLLEGE TORONTO 1 Eight regular faci- for Accounting Short hand Many splendid Get If Principal A I Egypt Academy Prof ltynard will reopen for business on Monday next The kids are not satisfied with such short vacation A serious charge that of trying to steal the Cain of one Of the lassies is laid at the door of two of downhills gushing damsels If I were a young lady with a pretty good opinion of myself I would live to bo an old maid old as before I would run after the young man and set everybody I was recently called upon to decide which was the handsomest baby by two proud mammas wisely re frained Thats a very ticklish sub ject to handle properly But this we will say without fear of contradiction that Waster Aimer Foster is hand somest boy and Juanita the sweetest little girl in our settlement Mr John Alexander who is by the way a firstclass gardener showed me On August a citron which seemed to be some pumpkin It measured inches in circumference John hits been enjoying early cabbage and Other garden truck for ever long Fortunately we are not blessed with muny drunks in this section Hill keeps a very orderly house But I observe that one citizen is absorbing rather too much of Paddys eyewater Theres hardly a day he can walk a crack straight Such ought not to be Civic holiday here on Aug It was an awful hard day on baseballs The boys hooped her up Our teachers ore departing for their fields of distant labor Geo Chap man Will Park Geo Aird Good bye boy Excursions are still booming Billy Ed 11 have some tin to jingle in his pocket this fall Home of our boys are very speedy cyclers getting way down below on the turnpike The knowing ones take to the ditch good wheeling there When Joe Miller gets out he rides sif the old Nick was after him He beat Johns old gray in a race yaller jacket crop is A this season Seems to me the village was full of visitors last Sunday Church on Sunday eve was largely attended new plan works well Mr Ben Tomlinson was severely kicked in face and chest on morning by one of his horses No serious results are anticipated Owl WESLEY Mrs Hacking is hotter again after a sickness Mr Harry Mole called on friends Monday evening Miss Fetch was visiting Mrs Hacking on Sunday Miaa Stuart of Toronto is visiting at Mr Hugh Walker Mr Patrick passed through here on hie way to KESWICK Rev P Addison very kindly and acceptably filled pulpit in Christian Church last Sunday morn ing the pastor having an engagement at church The Quarterly service in Methodist church lest Sunday morning was very largely attended church being crowded to door Rev Mr Brown a fino sermon on Conse cration Love Foast was one long to be for its spiritual power Young and Addison assisted in tho Sacramental service presence of two devoted men a blessing to church dur ing the summor months The was very prettily decorated with flowers reflecting upon Committee of League address in tho evening at League by Mr Dickson of Newmarket was greatly appreciated Mr Joseph Turnor President of the Sharon League to take up the subject next Sunday evening Mr writes from the North that he ia improving in health All are pleased to hear it A number of farmers in this vicinity are finishing harvest this week An Meeting for tho Plebiscite Campaign held here on Wednesday evening addressed by Mr Holland of Anrora Farmers are very busy threshing this week The threshers have a hard to satisfy their as all aro anxious to thresh at onco Some are accused of making promises that they never expect to fulfil One farmer was so determined to have machine that he sent his team and hitching on started for home with it but he had to leave it after all What we would say to all is keep cool Mr baa engaged another so as to keep up with his work John is a hustler According to rumor there is to bo several weddings in our neigh borhood in the near future fa Desperate Battle Manila Americans Killed and Wounded Spanish 350 filled and Wounded THE IS Manila Bay Aug by steamship wi inch of ground was lost but the via Hong Kong Aug The soil of in the trenches was one never tho Philippines has been smeared with to bo forgotten American blood On tlio night of During flashes of lightning the dead July J at at 11 oclock tho Spaniards and wounded could be seen lying in made a concerted from Manila bloodred water but neither on the and trenches of of heaven nor tho destructive Camp Dewey near General power of man could wring a cry of commanding protest from the wounded They en- The attack was directed at the Am- their comrades to fight and right flank held by handed over their cartridge belts Pennsylvania troops Ten men were During the night the Spanish killed in the trenches and picket lines and wounded The British ad miral Spanish loss to be killed wounded is located halfway between Cavite and city General Greenes force number men His lino has been advancing and re light Spanish scouts ring were seen carrying off dead and wounded of the enemy The Ameri can dead were buried next day in the convent of On the night of August 1st the fighting was renewed but the enemy had been taught a lesson and made the attack at long range with heavy trenching The arrival of the third artillery The Utah battery replied t 11 MOUNT ALBERT post Win Butler and Ira Fields were sentenced at Chatham yesterday to three years in Kingston Penitentiary for burglary Mr Dead Sure from North East spent Sunday evening in town On Saturday evening Alf and Jake Cook left their rig in the church shed On returning the former miss ed his whip and the latter his spread They immediately proceeded to search for missing articles with matches a lantern and finally a revolver They had an exciting chase but the daring robbers were swift of foot and eluded their pursuers being finally located in the swamp A posse was organized to follow on the scout consisting of Messrs Last Alf Cuddy Cook and Cuddys broth er Harry who kept up a tireless chase until a when they return ed home in despair Mr and Mrs J Elliott of Goodwood spent Sunday with the ters parents Mies of is visit ing her sister Mrs Lloyd also Miss Richardson Mr Moorehead who has spent the past two months in England and Ireland returned Monday even ing Mr Jfls of Toronto spent Sunday and Monday with his Miss Hughes of Newmarket is visiting this week with the Misses Leek also Mrs Mr Goodwin of Antigua I is visiting with Mr John Rosamond The of this place have been bluffing the bachelors for some time on the matter of baseball and a climax was reached last Friday night when the game proved disastrous to those married fellows by to For the bachelors the battery of Hart and Vint waa very effective and the whisk ered gentleman would have been shut out but for darkness preventing prompt fielding in the final innings Messrs Miller Fisher and McKewon put up a star game for the married men and Johnny muffed everything that came his way The harmony of the game was marred by the elongated swell second baseman of the bachelors retorting to our worthy J P words not in print Mrs is visiting Miss Wes ley at for a few days Miss Wesley was calling on her brother Dr one day this week A load of our citizens drove to on Sunday farmers are nearly all done harvesting and complaining about the dry weather Mrs Miller was taken very sick at Meeting last Wednesday night At fast reports she was some better expedition filled Spaniards with rage and they determined to give battle Camp Dewey could be reinforced Tho trenches from beach yards to the left Hank of the insurgents Sunday was tho insurgent feast day and their left Hank withdrew leaving American right flunk Companies A and of the Tenth Pennsylvania and Utah Bat tery were to reinforce the right flank the midst of a raging typhoon with a tremendous down pour of rain the enemys esti mated at 3000 men attempted to sur prise the camp The United States pickets were driven in and tho trench es assaulted The bravo Pennsylvania men never flinched but stood their ground under a withering fire alarm spread and the 1st with two companies of the Artil lery who fight with rifles were sent up to reinforce the The enemy were on top of the trenches when these reinforcements arrived and never was discipline of the regulars better demonstrated than by the work of the Artillery under Captain Nothing could bo seen but flashes of Mauser rifles Men ran right up to attacking Spaniards and mow ed them down with regular volleys The Utah Battery under Capt Young covered itself with glory The men pulled their guns through mud axle deep Two guns were sent around in flank and poured in a destructive flading fire The enemy was repusled and retreated in disorder Our in fantry had exhausted its ammunition and did not follow the enemy Not pi T The Best that can be Bought and Prices Right and the artillery duel lasted an hour One American was killed and two men were wounded On the night of August 2nd the artillery duel was renewed Two men were badly wounded and are this morning reported dead bringing total dead to thirteen with ten in the hospital mortally hurt TERMS Or Washington Aug Spain has formally accepted the terms pro posed by the United States as the basis for Che negotiations of a peace treaty She makes certain representations however in regard to Cuba which are not entirely acceptable to the President and Ambassador was so informed today The terms are First Spain to relinquish all claim of sovereignity over or title to the Island of Cuba and to immediately evacuate the island Second Spain to cede to the United States the island of Porto and all the islands under Spanish sovereignty in the West Indies and to immediately evacuate the same Third Spain to cede to the United States an island Guan in the Lad- rones Fourth The United States to oc cupy and hold the city bay and har bour of Manila pending the conclusion of a treaty of peace which shall de termine the control disposition and government of Philippines Fifth Spain having accepted these conditions in their entirety commis sioners will be named by the United States to meet commissioners on the part of Spain for the purpose of con cluding a treaty of peace on the basis above indicated Full Line of Paints Oils Ready Mixed Paints Alabastine Paint and Brushes OPAQUE WINDOW SHADES Cornice Poles CLIPPERS Lawn Mowers Hedge and Pruning Shears Garden Hose Rakes Hoes Rakes Spades Shovels Agents for Harris and Bros Repairs Jacks for Hire Of SUITING TROUSERING and I THE TWO W Do not miss this sale as it will be of advantage to you and us both as we wish to clear out the stock to make room for Fall Goods MY TAILOR Threshing machines are pretty thick around here just now the result of an early harvest There were no services here last Sunday on account of Quarterly ser vices at Keswick We are pleased to state that Mrs Robert Wright who has been ill is improving Wonder if the Mocking Bird and the Joker were out to the lake last week just for their health A happy pair they We have a new storekeeper in the person of Mr Hood Give him a call- We hear that Mr Will has been engaged to teach Belhaven school He has not gone to Klondike yet Oh no Mr who has been very ill for the past few weeks is on the mend Mr Bert is laid up with a sprained ankle The farmers are about done harvest of them have threshed and re port a good yield Mr Fred Simpson is doing a large bee business We hear he took a BETHEL CORNERS Therell be no service in the Metho dist Church here on Sunday next as our people are expected to attend the services at Sutton which will be held in the Methodist and Presbyterian Churches under the leadership of two of the greatest and most successful evangelists on the continent Rev Messrs and Hunter Mr Hunter will preach in the Methodist Church in the morning at oclock and Mr in the Presbyterian Church at the same hour Therell be a mass meeting in the Methodist Church at in the afternoon and another mass meeting in the Presby terian Church at These meetings will be addressed by the evangelists The pastors Revs Powell and will be present Evangelistic services will be held all through the week at pm in the drill shed It expected theieople for miles around will attend these meetings Rev J F who has been supplying Mr Powells pulpit here returned to Toronto on Monday last Mr Ockley is a magntficant preacher and bis sermons did us all much good TO BLOCK Now look out for Klondike stories The first three men to come out of the gold region to Seattle this sum mer had with There barrel of honey from his hives this J will be a lot come out without any- week He lost a swarm week thing but their boots but little will be which was caught near Newmarket Mr Stickwood is about to complete his flowing well Mr also intends to try his luck in that line Mr Geo Graham is in the neigh borhood with a new traction engine and a new thresher while the new pump on the tank is a novelty Visitors this week are as follows Miss of Toronto at Mr J Miss at Mr Williams Albert at Mr Fred Mrs Faulkner and son at Mr Mrs Stevenson of the con of who was reported to be suf fering from lockjaw caused by a small sliver of wood penetrating the fleshy part of her thumb died on Wednes day aged years heard of them It is only the arrival of the big fellows with full pockets that will be announced in the papers It seems to be as true as ever it was that all is not gold that glitters also the faraway hills look green Port Arthur Aug Geo Toronto son of John Coates president of Ottawa Gas Co was shot on Thursday last at Lake near Hunters Islands and formerly of Canadian Pacific were exploring and looking over mining properties It the old and fatal story drawing a relied gun out of a canoo with the muzzle to the man In this case both barrels wont off and practi cally destroyed the arm so close to the shoulder that it was impossible to stop the bleeding Ho died at midnight NEXT DOOR SOUTH OF OUR OLD SUGAR SUGAR Sugars have taken a fall See our Bright Yellow Sugar at lbs for and No Graunlated at lbs for Take a look at it before buying elsewhere Our Groceries are Fresh and Choice We keep a large of Canned Goods suitable for this season of the year OILED HAM KEPT ON HAND The past two weeks Bananas have been very high on account of the of July being a big day on American side but this week Bananas are down Tomatoes Peart Plums first this Remember ST A

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