Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , August 12, 1898, p. 6

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I 1 THE NEWMARKET- ERA FRIDAY AUG Prop Best Advertising Medium York County men la 10 cents per no lor first Insertion per Jin r each subsequent insertion CONTRACT FOR Inches Inches 1 1 mo Hi wo Am Advertisement unaccompanied with writ ten inner ted milt forbid and accordingly Advertisements will ho changed once each month if Pot changes than each month composition must ho paid for at regular rates Changes for contract advertisements bo thoolllco by on Wednesdays for Notices Farms to Rent Articles Lost and Found etc A reading notice will ho free for any Church or Society where porters tiro fur nished or when no fcooreolleotlon Is taken otherwise fifty rents will he charged for such notice No exception to thin rule toejiib WHAT WJDKAWAKK AND tKBPONJKNTd WORTHY TO VANDOKK Mrs Dr of is visiting at daughters Mrs J A Van Mr Harry Mole called on friends Monday Quite a number attended the ex cursion on Wednesday and report a time Miss Phillips and Miss have returned homo after spending a few weeks with their cousins Mr Mrs Petti Miss May is the guest of Miss Nellie Young Tramp COLLEGE Mr Reynolds presiding Elder of the Free Methodists preached a very instructive sermon on the necessity of Missionary Societies The quartette composed of very line- singers enliven ed the service very milch Ha ha The Owl recommends the Baldwin to me very highly Well he might When J was down there I saw some wearing pleasant smiles indictalivo of their good nature However wo have a heavy in our vicinity which stands second to none Last Sunday was quarterly meeting in DryTown A large crowd was in attendance Mr J is in a precarious condition Ho got a barley beard in his throat which festered up and twice was attended by a Dr Mr Grant has a very sore optic This is the second time Cause seems to bo unknown Mr Hamilton Johnston of Raven- shoe had a fine turn out in From loads he had bags Who next One day a gentleman went to see a person about an important matter While talking friendly to him he flew off the handle with his fists towering in the air and a few harsh words slipped from under nose People lose prestige when they lose their The few dashes of rain lately made the geese and vegetation laugh with joy The tail end of the harvest will be out pretty short this week Several finished and some nearly done The Canning Co of this vicinity have about all small fruits done up and labelled My what fine dry weather we are having at present just right for digging that ditch which progresses something like a lame snail crawling backwards We notice some beats have not cut the thistles as yet There is a heat starting at the running north on the which is running so wild that pedestrians might get lost Mr Wm Parks and wife are rusti cating at Jacksons Point for a fort night Mrs Webb of has been visiting Mrs Moore has return ed to the city after spending two weeks king City Many from hero young and old joined Excursion to Niagara Wed Farmers around here are working hard at tho harvest A good many will finish this week Mr Frank Curtis has been spending somo of his holidays in Toronto this week Miss A Lloyd and Miss M Hodge of Toronto spent Sunday and Monday at Mrs J Lloyds ROACHS POINT cattle that roaming along Lake Shore Road broke into some bodys who would not tolerate them and they wero driven to pound We hear that it cost the to redeem them and pay damages It would have been a good deal more satisfactory all around if tho had boon spent in pasturago Mr and Mrs of and sister Mrs Barr were calling on campers last Sunday afternoon having attend ed the Jr Meeting at Keswick Dr Young preaches on the North Shore at oclock every Sunday after- noon a cottage meeting being held at Mr Hasting residence Mr John Marker of Toronto is his holidays at Zephyr Villa Revs A Imrie of Aurora and Scott of are spending vacation at A Yule Esq of Aurora is at Morton Park Arbor Vitae had to meals on Sunday last and had all that could bo accomodated comfort ably Mr Jackson and Mr J Boll the latter from New York caught a dozen and a half bass on Saturday last largest turning the scales at four lbs There have been some ex traordinary catches by Lake Simcoe campers this year and many of tho fish taken have been exceedingly fine specimens days ago Ivan Mann son of Mr John Mann of Arbor near Roachs Point was driving down a hill at when some part of the harness gave away resulting in the buggy crowding on the horse at tached thereto The animal at once commenced kicking furiously and be fore reaching the bottom of tho hill Ivan was kicked out of tho vehicle receiving a severe cut on the leg Dr Greenwood dressed the wound put ting in six stitches The young man is doing as nicely as could be expect ed but he will have to limp around quite a while before ho is well again Mrs Leonard of Thornton lately of is the guest of Mrs for a few days Mr Ed Widdifield and family of Whitchurch were guests at Saints Rest on Tuesday The had most successful moonlight excursion oil Thursday oven last Kccnuns orchestra render a varied program of popular airs It was late when the boat returned attended a Hollow gotten up by W T U of Sutton and Tremendous bonfire and in front of Saints Rest on Tuesday SHARON News in this vicinity is like rain very scarce Mr Geo Driver on old resident of this place has removed with his niece to North West May joy and long life go with them is wish of his many friends Mr Harry Wilson was the guest of Miss Beatrice Lundy Sunday Mr James and lady friend from Toronto spent Sunday with his parents Mrs and daughter have to our village after a short visit in Miss Gertie Thomas was the guest of Miss Lena Sun day Miss Mary was homo for a fow days but is gone to District to spend holi days Do you hear wedding bells ringing They sound very close Those two young men from ville that wero going through Sharon Saturday night would be thought of if they used hotter language A little boy visitor has come to stay at Mr W evening There are boarders at hotel and some intend staying till They had over Sun day A big crowd of Newmarket people spent civic holiday up here fine catches of bass are reported and caught Pugs- ley Woodcock and got We hear that Mr has sold five lots at Orchard Beach north of lane and further building opera tions are anticipated next season A large gathering of campers took place at Bay View Villa last Friday evening anil the shine kept up til midnight Trolling for lunge just now is more fruitless than hunting for grinders in tho bathing ground OAK RIDGES Mr Simon an old resident of this place died at his on Monday Aug lit at tho age of 74 years Mr came from Eng land to this country over do years ago settling in tho township of King where he was long known as one of best farmers in the section He leaves a wife and two sons in Manitoba other in Tho funeral took place on Wednesday to Aurora Cemetery followed by a large number of the friends of the de ceased Master Freeman Thompson who about three months ago went on a trip to the North West for the bene fit of his health returned homo last week The climate did not altogether agree with him so he decided to take a trip on water returning home by the great lakes He reports good crops where he was but they will be somewhat late haying having only just commenced before he left Harvest will finished in another week around here Mrs J Rutherford and child ren are visiting at her fathers Mr Gregory The four young men from Toronto to hold an Evangelistic meet ing at Bonds Lake next Sunday The Metropolitan Railway Co in tend to extern line as far as Bonds Lake if possible before the exhibition begins They have pur chased the farm of Leggc at Bonds Lake and commenced hauling material from King City Station on Monday for the power house which will be built in the hollow just south of the lake It was reported that they had nought one hundred acres of the farm which runs back to Lake Wilcox and intend dig ging a canal from the lake out to Yonge St and putting a boat on the lake Hood of formerly Toronto is enjoying friendly of our young ladies Some of our taties are shorter and narrower than they were last year Dry weather cause Did the Scare Crow nearly break his back last week your should er to the wheel and up shove some more good news All grain threshers say that harvest is producing a good yield this year Mr James has purchased a now buggy I predict a weddings in the by and by Please Mr Editor just state wheth er any news reached you two weeks Ed It did not reach Ezra Cornelius tho Lindsay bar ber stealing a bicycle at has been honorably ac quitted r Miss Smith and Miss are the guests of Miss Ferris The many friends of Mr George Young were pleased to see him back Though it was only for a few days Mr Win Caster of Cold water spent over Sunday with friends here Mr John Lemon from Toronto spent Sunday with his sister Miss Lemon We must not forget our old friend Mr J Martin from Shanty Bay who spent a few weeks in our midst this summer There were couple of mistakes in last weeks items which I should like to correct A week ago Sunday at the Bible Class which Mr holds every Sunday evening during the summer in the English Church Mr only gave a short ad dress and not a sermon as stated also they did not leave on Wednesday but stayed till Saturday Youngs Bona Joseph injured in an accident while riding a at Hamilton is Mr Herbert and family of Cleveland Ohio called on a few of his old friends in ibis part on Monday and Tuesday last Mr P Spink and wife of Toron to are with his mother Mrs J J Spink Mr Meredith and two children of Toronto are visiting at Mr J El liotts Mr Elliott and daughter of Toron to were visiting at Mr Loves Misses Love spent Sunday with in Edgely Mr Hughey and family spent Sun day with friends in Bradford Miss Kendall who has been rusti cating in this vicinity has returned to the city Mrs of Drayton spent the past week visiting relatives in this section Mr Wellington Nye has just recov ered from a severe illness brought about by threshing alsike clover Mr Webster who has had considerable sickness in his household this summer caps it all by his eldest son Willie falling a victim to the measles Mr David Terry who has been so seriously ill the past week is slightly bettor The many friends of Mr and Mrs Chevina were At Home at their resi dence one evening last week The service in the Methodist Church on Sunday was comparatively well at tended The Wind man took for his text the words found in chap ter of and 10th verse ap plying them favorably to the Temp movement Miss Wilson of Newmarket spent a few days this week with friends here Last week the family and residence of Mr Murray were photographed also Mr Herbert son of Thomas of street London loaf a part of his hand in an accident there Mrs A Bedford of Stouffvillo is visiting at mothers Mrs John Misses Susie and Daley of spent a fow days at Mrs Mortons Mr David Stephens and wife are their holidays at the old homo Mrs is staying with daughter Mrs on tho lake shore Master Willie McKenzio has been on the list but he is now able to be around again Some of boys aro expecting a good time in Buffalo this week by go ing on Excursion The young men of our all talking about Manitoba Some are going and are not What wo should to know Who got that brown felt hat and par- col which was lost or taken from a buggy last Sunday night bet- ween and Re ward at Post Know Am No service in tho Meth Church here last Sunday morning on account of Sacrament at Keswick In the evening Mr Brown preached a vory earnest and sermon from words of David Who is willing to conscerato his service this day unto the Lord Miss Aylward and her cousin from are visiting friends at this week Miss Alma passed a very creditable exam for Entrance at Newmarket this year Her sister also passed who is only years old This speaks well for both teacher and pupils considering the number that failed this Mrs John Wright and her daugh ter Miss Bertha of St III have been visiting relatives and friends in Canada for some time Mrs Wright is at present at her fathers Mr David Evans Union St Miss Bertha is at her grandfathers Mr Geo Wright Queensville Next week teachers in rural sections renew their labors and from everywhere will be hastening home to hunt up those school books that have been forgotten for the last weeks Mrs Johnston of Toronto sister of Mrs David is visiting at the homo of the latter also Miss Mclnlyrc of the city Mrs John Henry recently returned from a visit to Mr Leonards seven miles from Mr Samuel Miller has sold his farm of acres to his neighbor Mr Stephen Scott for a good cash figure Mr Miller has his eye on a larger farm Master Geo Wingbarn of Hanover brother of Mrs Miller is here on a months visit Quite a pleasant serenade was given Miss A on Friday evening last Those present were Misses A Wight Wright Pearson Evans Cowieson Wright J and Messrs W Cowieson Suffel Evans Cowieson Wight Philips and Wright Guitar Mandolin and Banjo were played by Miss Wright Messrs Philips and after which refreshments were served Miss T of Gait is visiting at Mrs Coopers Mrs Baley of Portage la Prairie was visiting here on Monday Mr Fred was home over Sunday Miss Brown of Toronto is visit ing Miss Pearson Miss White of is visiting Miss Nellie Remember Garden Party on Thursday evening August Mrs of London is visiting at Mr Geo Wights Mrs Aylward spent a few days last week at Orchard Beach Lake Mr and Mrs Will Link were visit ing here last week WANTED General Servant must be well recommend ed middle ago preferred Apply by mall LOST Saturday In Newmarket or between and Newmarket a largo red silk handkerchief The finder will confer a great favor by leaving it at the Era office or at Mo ds store as article a gift my father of J POLLOCK Wo are devoting special attention to approaching Trade Our Stock is equipped with fresh Canned Goods tho beat prepared foods for the tablo Wholesome and desirable Teas with strength and flavor Coffees with their richness of aroma Cocoa pure and fresh Canned Finnan Thistle Brand 13o a tin Sliced Smoked Beef a tin Boneless Lunch Tongue Cooked Corn Beef Canned Lobsters Noble Brand 16o a tin Tomato Catsup Aylmer a tin Japan Tea at lb ASS Black ffoa lb BEATABLE Blended Black Tea 26o lb Finest Java and Mocha Coffee ground fresh at lb Pure Rio Coffee special at lb Cowans finest Cocoa bulk 25c lb Teas and Coffees are the finest flavors they are the best ON GO Fine Grocers MAIN STREET JL Bowdens Old Stand Having purchased the above business from Mr M intern I take this opportunity to inform the public that I will continue the same in all its branches have the Very Best in Town in the line of My aim shall be to AND GROCERIES stock wil1 be be in new goods the very best satisfaction can be promised A trial solicited South End GROOM UST Two Weeks Of At the BYLAW NO to be expended in and erecting additional in the of the ally Company Limited buying ivmfntuy the pufely known the main in Whereat a meeting of the of the Town of Newmarket called to discuss the It deemed to advatcc bum of for above purposes and a resolution was pawed requesting the Council of a for bor rowing the of upon the credit of the Municipality for Bald purposea And whereat Municipal Council or the Town of Newmarket baa considered It advis able to comply with rcuieat AnUtcheretr to raise the said the Council deems It to extend payment for the same over a period of twenty years by the Issue of debenture bearing Interest at four percent per annum over a of twenty years as y annual Instalments of both principal and Interest such Instalments to so be arranged that the aggregate amount of principal nod interest payable In any one year snail be equal to what Is payable for principal and In terest In each of the other years during the said term And the- total amount to be raised annually by special rate sufficient therefor on all hcrateable property of the paying the debt and interest will be thcsiimof each year during the said period of twenty years And amount of the whole rate able properly liable to taxation for pur poses of the municipality according to the lust revised Assessment being for the year JEW la the sum of Anduherea the whole Debenture Debt of the municipality amounts to ha of which no portion of principal or Interest 15 it by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town Newmarket as follows That the Mayor Is hereby authorized and required to Issue Debentures of the said to the amount of Five Thousand which shall marked and known as The Office Specialty Coa Debenture and hul be In euiiis of not less than One Hund red Dollars and shall be fettled with the Corporate Seal of the corporation and signed by the Mayor and thereof and shall wit bfnT years from hereinafter mentioned for By law come into the office of the Treasurer of the Town of with Interest at four per centum per annum as follows that id to said principal sum In twmty annual Instalments and the Interest at the rule aforesaid annually during said term the amount of of principal and payment of Interest shall be the Finn of In each year For the purpose of paying the said sum of and to cover Interest on the amount as aforesaid the sum of shall be levied by a special rate over and above all other rates In the TORONTO JOBBING HOU PURE SPICES Rubbers for Fruit Jars AT Berkleys Pharmacy Lehmans Drug Store KILL ALL FLIES by using Pure Insect Powder Sticky Fly Paper Fly Pads Two Houses To Rent Lehman Chemist and Druggist Card of Thanks I take this opportunity of thanking my eleven customers for Engines and for eparators for their valuable patron age if there Is any promise I have made to I my customers that I have not fulfilled to the I letter kindly let know and will do even better than I promised Engine and a Decker Beparatornew cylinder new shafting and newly babbited boxing Also one White Engine on which am hav ing new piston and other repairs put These three machines can thereon This shall be submitted for the assent of the electors of the Town under the provisions or The Municipal Act and and on Monday the day of August AD IKS at the hour or nine oclock In the forenoon the poll will be open to take the votes of the Electors or the said municipality on and the poll will close at live oclock in the afternoon on same day The market I would give en the secondhand machines per year for four years will take the Refitted Rig with drive- belt ir you want the easiest fired and most ec onomical return Hue the country come and buy the new Korsworthy GEO A THOMPSON Agent Newmarket Auction Sale of Valuable FARM PROPERTY In the Township of East GwllUmbury County of Ladys black cape braided Owner can have le samd by this notice at Era office same by property and paying for Corner of Main and Queen Apply to Barrister Newmarket Bull Lost Strayed or Stolen from the yearling Bull dark red with white spot on right shoulder Reward of for Its recovery ROBERT EVEREST Aurora PO Under a power of contained In a tain mortgage made by one the vendors now In defnuft and to be produced at bC or North American Hotel Newmarket on the of For sale cheap apply at Keswick fa that David of the City of the County of In ant of thereof for a Bill hit will vluceof Ontario will apply to Parliament of Canada at the next session thereof for a Bill of Divorce- from his wife Mary Stock Of the City of Toronto married woman on ground of bigamy KVLES Toronto Solicitors Applicant Dated at Toronto Province of Ontario lit day of July East acres more or less About acres are said to be cleared and In a fair cultivation The soil to or a good clay property Is about two and one half from and mile from Newmarket on a good travelled road and erected thereon barns There is also a mall orchard located a good agricultural country and la said to a good of Tho property well water sale subject to a TERMS Tcu per cent of DC the purchase will be required to be paid at the lima safe and balance according to favorable terms and conditions to be then made known For further particulars apply to wick Messrs ifoiSB Chadwick East for Vendors Toronto Solicitor for Vendors I Tout on Monday the fifteenth day of Augutt AD at the hour of eight oclock In Afternoon at the Council Chamber the said Town the Mayor appoint In writing the persons to attend at the polling places and at the final Bumming of the vote on behalf of the persons Interested In and promoting or opposing respectively the pasting of this ByLaw That the Clerk of the said municipality shall attend at the Council Chamber In the the vol NOTICE hereby that the foregoing is a true copy of a proposed Bylaw which has been taken Into and which will be finally passed by the Council or the Cor poration of of Newmarket in tho event of the assent of the Electors being ob tained thereto ono month from the first in the Newmarket the r which first publication day or and that at the hour day and laces therein fixed for taking the the lectors the polls will beheld Council Chamber August 1st DAVID Clerk AGENTS The Story of Mr Gladstones la of or the greatest man of the ages and embraces the Malory the nineteenth century the most century since time began It has solidity ol fact and the fascination of fiction and Is told in elegant simplicity Better for your outfit before you Bleep and be first In the field Capital unnecessary- Big wages paid for bock sells to every body COMPANY AGENTS The Canadian Life or Gladstone Is by Hopkins Ross and A lasting monument to great man and to Canadian literature imerieaQ catchpenny books handled by Canadian Houses Our book has been In preparation for years Handsomely bound Profusely illustrated Big commission Pros pectus free to canvasser Freight paid books on time with book you can down them a CO Limited For sale at the per Iota over A

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