Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , August 12, 1898, p. 5

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I I J I ONTARIO BANK CAPITAL HEAD OFFICE CHAfl MoOlLL President NEWMARKET BRANCH A General Banking Business Interest Allowed on Deposits AT DRAFTS ISSUED AT ALL POINTS Sterling and American Drafts bought and Collections promptly to a MEDICAL Op Campbell AT Christian Church to a in to a anil to p in if ft a Formerly Assistant at Chelsea Hospital London England for of Women Recently HouseSurgeon of Hospital for Sick Children Toronto Orrioe Central to a to and to p in Alfred fa the lute Dr first of Post to 1 J Wesley Physician Surgeon and Coroner lU3llKN0K North Communication Joseph A Cody AGENT also Fire Insurance at heat rules Several Good Iarma formate At Town Clerks Office next to Fire all Newmarket Always in on Saturdays J R Agent for and Life Assurance Money to Loan interest at Current Rates OrriOE At Office THE NE ERA FRIDAY AUG AGENT Canada Iiife Co SIRE INSURANCE AT LOWEST Money to Loan R R Ramsay Fire Insurance Agent Low Kates on Farm and Isolated Town Property Over Hodges Tin Shop Newmarket DENTAL r- R I Dentist Post Block opposite Methodist Church Vital I led for Painless Satisfaction Guaranteed J Rogers Dentist Aurora Successor late Dr OrriOE Dr late residence Street Aurora MARRIAGE LICENSES Jackson Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES 1 At the Office Newmarket Private Papers Issued at private residence If desired ICONS TO LOAN Private undson Farm Property first mortgage only Real EstateAgent to Loan At per cent on firstclass farm and village property by Davidson Commissioner for taking affidavits C J Conveyancer and Heal Estate Agent Ageutfortho fallowing reliable Insurance Companies Liverpool and London and alone Norwich Union Midland Mutual and Eco nomical Also for the Standard Life Assur ance Co and Northern Life Assurance Co Office Brooks Block Mount Albert WANTED Bright men womco who arc not too proud to work and would like to make money during the next months in tell- wonderful life of Mr easily made some make three times that sum No no experience no capital necessary Write for particulars CO Limited Toronto THE SUNDAY SCHOOL VII THIRD AUG of Memory Text Fa by the Hot sho wont coma unto the God to In ths town of great woman with consent of husband a chamber for fur nished It with bod tablo stool and and constrained him to turn In thith er ho passed that verses Thoyhad no and In for kindness to him God Ho gave thorn a son Ono day when lad was grown in the flold with reapers and his father He was suddenly taken with puln in bis head was carried homo In a vory short fled on his mothers laid him on bud of man of God shut door for a servant and an ass hastened to to 0 Hun now I pray theo to moot her say unto her Is It well with Is It well with thy Is It well with And sho It is wsll Even though our grief bo Tory groat and our heart be breaking with In God wo can It is well Wo can say with is the Lord lot Him do what Him good I Sam Ill or with Job Tho Lord gave and tho Lord taken away blessed bo tho name of Lord Job I And man of God said her alone for soul Is within her ond tho Lord hath hid It from mo and both not told me would driven sway as tho would have sent away the mothers with chil dren and perhaps in something of spirit In which also found fault with Mary of when with tho precious ointment anointed our and to their fault finding Ho said Lot her alone still who find fault with for clinging too to our Lord but happy all whom He approves Then sho said I desire a son of ray Lord Did I not Do not dooolvo I she thought It better to had a gift than to him and then urban ho had takes hold of heart thus to loss him but sho did not know all Gods plan for Wo must not judge of Gods ways till wo ho to tnoood Jos v SO Thon he said to Gobasl Gird up thy loins and my staCf in thine hand and go way and lay my staff upon face of child a it look like making light of ease on the part of the prophet though wo do not so judge Bettor to at once doooas did I Kings SI and as he afterward did When Joshua light of Al and sent only a few men to take It defeated Contract Joshua v and till fiO Ai tbo Lord and as soul I will not leave thee did not God in nor In staff but sho bad recognized God In to oar Lords wire thai Ho should be so In in that people drawn to Him through us Si Toko tho of and himself as parol I a Id I XT fll Kings And on them and laid staff upon fees of oh ltd but the a acr hearing said Deliver Iron who only wbo woald lead others Ufa truth wo moss La a of no not wo hold a In And when oomolnto bohold the child and laid upon his bed When woman the bed for the prophet little dreamed that would over for such a In doing good to others msklng a resting our sorrows and also a of from In dealing with for souls salvation wo that they dead In sin 6 and mutt bo placed In warm est sympathies of our hearts He went Id therefore and shut tho door upon thorn twain and prayed unto the Lord Ho now as Elijah did It is good to take tbo on by to thoeo with us in prayer who are in sympathy as Jtzan took Peter and John and the father and moth er of little girl whom He re- life It is at other times vlcr t with God And bo went up and lay upon the Veres goes on to toll just how ho did It mouth to mouth eyes to hands to hands late to whomI antlndobtodfor manythbUghts on thff said that to itrelob down to a child was kind of stretching but unless wo can to ourselves as far as in tho of children whom wo leek to teeing and thinking as do wo may not hops to reach them Then be returned and walked In sou and wont up and upon and child snsozod seven timet and oponsd First warm then followed the sneeVlng and then Opened yes boy revived at once as in the little ghi or the widows son or Hutonus- but our Lord does not often same workIn the same act way any more then He makes two leaves or two faces SO And he called and said Gall this Bo he called her And when oho was coins In unto him he aid Take up thy son received alive from dead mora to than over before held henceforth with formerly In flrvt place Ilka Isaac a su pernatural verso now ho was a child actually back from dead to that great woman was made to see the great power of the God of in a twofold way Then went to a no foil at ha feet and bowed to the ground and took up son and wont out Let some mother wbo has lot an only son describe this Joy at a time and We may Imagine her bowing before God with biro and saying like Hannah He shall bo given to- tbo as long as lives Let all our hearts turn fully to Only Begot ten Son of God whom God spared not but delivered Him up for and let that with Him He freely giv en all things Horn vlll May no and no thing coin between hearts and Him Polities and informal alii- which it already exists between England and United States undoubtedly with hearty approbation from the heir apparent to the throno of Great Britain It a significant and pos sibly a momentous fact that tho Irinco of Wales entertains very largo viows as to the of tiie people and it may transpire personal opinions and desires of Queen Victorias oldest son will be of no inconsiderable im or wauku in history of England and America The character capacity and habits of thought of Prince of Wales are vory different from what th03e who know him not believe very different from what is perhaps the popular idea of his personality in this country He ordinarily credited with good sense and but not with that intellectual grasp which those who know him best assert that he possesses in an unusual degree His mind has been developed by contact for a generation with the best authori ties on all subjects His mental ability is active comprehensive and profound and if he ascends the throne of Great Britain the world will see no ordinary sovereign ruling at West minster Such a view of character of Prince of Wales is represented by the writer of a masterly article in the August number of Harpers Magazine The paper is unsigned and entitled 11 If the Queen had Tho authors opinions are backed by a number of convincing anecdotes and there is a happy freedom from the odor of sycophancy which usually pervades such tributes to royal per sonages An interesting portion of the article is devoted to a discussion of the pro posed abdication of Queen Victoria in 1897- Such a step was strongly ad vocated by Her Majesty at the com pletion of the sixtieth year of her reign and the political reasons which led to its make a curious chapter in the domestic and diploma tic history of the empire It is strange that momentous events like this often hinge upon causes which seem almost ludicrously insignificant Such facts make anecdotal collections and what is known as secret history of the utmost interest to the general reader as well as to the historical student The death of Mr Gladstone has released a store of suggestive reminis cences of a personal ttature which bear in this way upon many of the important events in the history of the world during the last twentyfive Mr George W for example has contributed to the August Harpers a most readable paper of anecdotes based upon per sonal experiences with Mr Gladstone which throws a strong and in many respects a new light upon the charac ter and traits of the eminent states man Lord once said that Mr Gladstones life could only be written by a limited liability company Mr has made two attempt to write his life but he has furnished much valuable material for a possible biographer This reminiscent article is to be followed in a subsequent issue of the same magazine by Mr estimate of character and career of the great prime mini ster To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Quinine Tablets All Druggists the if It fails to cure 25a A smartly dressed pretty young woman was rambling about the Park Saturday when she met a small bare legged boy carrying a birds nest with eggs in it she did not hesitate to stop him You are a wicked boy she said How could you rob that nest No doubt the poor mother is now grieving for the loss of her eggs Oh she dont care replied the boy edging away shes up on your hat And the young woman had nothing to sav liquor DRUG HABITS PERMANENTLY CUBED Without publldiy of of from by a purely home tftitmect remits Norm appetite Calm junl bruin ekd Is Only What Ought to Be Expected From HIS METHODS LOOK YOUR AND SEE WE In Keep tho People ana Above Alt Caring Thorn or His Why Wouldnt Follow Shaw Montague place To ronto Ontario Canada says I In lis Practical Advantages Inverted to enow inuuy practi cal and points In Its this one for thoprlcvninl therein not j fence on eblof or die Fence over nil other fences tire these to keep Unit by means of end posts cue wire ntinelico to rutclut back of of thije Is for over one hundred isiSS2StZmiSSir rods of wire Wo use Ioiik staples mid Unexcelled to the tighter it holds the They i h- loem with success used both for myself and child to of each week and sickness of stomach nnieo the same using Curo I have not troubled with an attack Id the case of my boy results havo been truly remarkable Through teething the fellow was com pletely run bad lost bis appetite and was restless and Irritable all the time Wo ksvo him the Blood and Debility Cores and In a abort change for the bet ter was He Is now enjoying splendid health I nothing bat Remedies now Sod great faith them- Care seldom falls to to hours aod cures in few Price Cure all Of IfuDjoaa Coid Cure sod breaks up a Cold la a few bourn Cough stop Mreoets sad speedily heels Price Kidney Core speedily curt tbo lick lojoi or and sit ioraiflf kidney Price Cure stops lad builds up the system Price Cute Stops to Pile St forma Piles Price Blood Cure ill the Mood Price Remedies are a boon to all Remedies 111 Cure price the disrate from tbe SCo sod heal parts Asthma Remedies In tarts tolnntrs and cure Price a tonic tod of vital to west people for each disease At stt Personal letters to Prof 1505 phis US A an swered Willi free medical advice for any to work freely them on the fflERT more die if together pur are fastened to the wires readily put on not only eon- to rust- or break traction which been the to all wire fences but wo add Icnlold of said fence tin rtMIng power of any one wire being nearly to the resisting- power of of wires It Is Impossible for any come upon one without distil all and when any strain comes upon any part of stretch It not dimply up Saving of posts one only being needed every thirtythree feet Our fence fa simple that any build It Turns all kinds of block a it id for Pence our has snow win not drift not sag between It nor posts wind or Will it no hem by all who see av Hi ji iSl on wire the where lis strain comes as would be If the but die strain is- lc expansion or the wire the distributed the springs at ena post lioleMiHcb to wf una rid It Is made of the best wire and nut only durable but In appear ance It will permit cultivation right up to and by this means you can keep your fence rows clean purposes the fence ban no It can be put up any height with any number of wires The public arc warned any Infringement on patent His Did not Hurry Johnson at present residing in Castle Green realizes the fact that Richmond Hill is a good place to keep away from when it comes to selling gold bricks or otherwise deceiving the natives of the the hill John son struck the place yesterday after noon He was hard up and hungry He sat down on the outskirts and thought of a plan for gathering in York county shekels He doubled his fist wrapped it up in a linen bandage and descended upon the town The first man he met was Will to whom he told a heartrender ing story of poverty suffering and want He was he said a machinist in the foundry up to a short time ago with a happy home and a small bank account Then he got his hand crushed and his fingers ware am putated The result was of work of home of cash He was actually compelled to beg for the money with which to buy medicaments for his wounded hand The story was believed and walked off with a sort of never let your right hand know what the left feeling in his while Johnson looked up another victim Jas Wilson and Will Mor gan both fell before his persuasive in fluence and Johnson thought he had struck the best town in Ontario But pride comes before a fall and Johnsons next move was a false one He walked into Manns store and told his fairy tale Unfortunately Dr Hutchison was there and he listened contributed a coin and the doctor asked how much hand was miss ing Johnson said that the fingers were gone The medico took the wounded member and to his surprise felt fingers That hand is not properly dress ed Let me see it Im a doctor he said Johnson refused and said he was satisfied Here are five dollars said Dr Hutchinson I will dress your hand and give you that money as well Johnson suddenly thought the place was getting warm so he bolted through the door with the doctor in pursuit He was captured taken be fore Magistrate Teefy and sent down for thirty days Do You Road What people are saying about Hoods Bar It is coring the worst of scrofula dyspepsia rheumatism and all forms of blood eruptions sores bolls and pimples It is giving strength to weak and tired women Why should you hesitate totake It when it is doing so much for others Hoods Fills sre the best family cathar tic and liver tonic Gentle reliable sure A girl in Stratford was named Mary at her birth When sho grew up she dropped the r and said it was May When she began to shine in society she changed the into and her name was Mae Then married and now she has dropped the final letter and spells it plain Ma Children for holds the wires together WIRES AND 5 STAYS 500 PER ROD For Sale by J market The Wen in the A of the Hat- Oitfott writes in a letter to his father in Ore under of July When the Marin hod beached herself and hauled flown her colors we shaped ourselves for the which was about 500 ahead of us and steaming her We fire on her with our 13inch four 8inch and two guns The kept fir ing as fast as they could All the time the fight was going on we were steaming under forced draught which was very hard on our fireroorn force The heat in the fireroorn was de grees You will wonder how men can stand such heat but they did it and we give them the credit which they are justly entitled to The of ficers sent down dozens and dozens of bottles of iced to revive them and we stationed men along the pass ages leading down to the firerooms to herald the news to them and every time we sent a ship to the beach or shot away her colors they were told and the cheers came Up to our ears through the ventilators which run up on deck They would say Sink them sink them Remember the boys and we will catch them or blow the boilers out trying Memorial services in honor of Prince Bismarck were held in the Royal Opera House Berlin The ninth annual convention of the Canadian Association Stationery Engineers opens in Hamilton today The steamer Hiawatha has re turned to Halifax after finding bodies of victims of La Bourgogne disaster Mr John Hall a farmer of Dover Township Kent County was gored by a bull on Friday last and died Sun day A big Chinese boarding house on street Montreal was raided and SO Chinamen arrested on a charge of gambling Walking on Air By the people who buy By the people who have money to buy with By the people who pay CASH for their purchases By the people who make desirable customers By the people whom the advertiser is in quest of By the people who know a good thing when they see it By people in North York than are reached by any other two papers daily or weekly circulating in the County By everybody in the town and county who wants the largest amount of good fresh crisp spicy news and reading matter for the money By everybody who is possessed of any enterprise who is progressive and who believes in a bright original newspaper that keeps its constituency and its interest to the front The feeling of buoyancy produced by the action of Dr Wards Blood and Nerve Pills is remarkable One feels bright and active energetic and full of snap and vim Rich red blood fills the veins and the nerves sensation of youthful life and vigor TKZMBUVO A MAIS WITH A HEW a Sirs have spent bait a fortune In doctors bills all to no avail teemed to reach the of disease at once and they ahouemed to possets a over me The violent palpitation of the trembling of the tbe loss of vigor the frightful dreamt the lost of memory general collapse of the entire tyttem have yielded to Dr Ward Blood and Nerve Great were the re- the use of four boxes of these Pill am enjoying the very best of health 1 fully believe they are able to others as rouch That is Why the ERA A Should Receive Your Advertising Patronage Coal Ashes Mr Joseph of Hamilton Fop Roads and Paths J by a I ley car is dead E Gillespie the merchant who failed recently was committed for trial yesterday Montreal on a charge of fraud Jacksons Point Steam Saw Mills Coal ashes are of value as a fertilizer especially to mix with clay ey soil But the best use to be made of the ashes is for roads and paths A good over which a little soil is thrown will soon form a hard solid road To make a bettor walk pre pare and level tbe bed excavating it a few inches below the general surface Pour on a coating of coaltar and cover it thickly with coal ashes When this is dry repeat with another coat of tar and ashes and so on until there are four coats of tar and a3 many of ashes In a short time this will hard en and make a walk as hard as stone I BiltStuff Cut to Order Shingles Sale These Mills are Juki startlnir Persons sum Cut to Order on short order The American quotes a farmer as follows Every year I hear of caterpillars destroying whole orchards There is nothing so easy to dispose of I bore a hole in the tree deep enough to reach the sap- fill the hole with sulphur and plug it up The sap takes the sulphur to every limb and twig and the caterpillars disappear at once I have used it for years a the have done for me them was a miserable wreck a well mi a Yours Elgin St Hamilton Ward Blood and Nerve are at cents per box boxes for at druggists or Mailed on receipt of price by The Ward Victoria St Toronto Book of information Pitchers flnstaett that Your correspondence will he at- tended to with more promptness Ir yon keep a supply of station- on hand We can give you Note Heads Letter Heads and printed to suit your fancy prices that will sur prise you Cull and see samples have all kinds of hill on short On hand now a large quantity of Well Seasoned Lengths ten to fourteen feet W McDonald Proprietor Sutton West BO YEARS EXPERIENCE Track Marks Designs Copyrights tending a sketch and tear ascertain our opinion free whether an yentlon patentable Handbook J tent free transfers ecu riot taken the patently A Illustrated cir culation of Journal Terms W a year four fioldbyall newsdealers New York Branch Office St

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