Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , August 12, 1898, p. 3

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a Weeks Itoeal WHAT IB GOING OH A ABOUT TOWN Christian to from hit Boston trip In to the pulpit usualnext Sunday Permanent small town of has Invested in a of walk The lBk Bays No plank aldowalka la almost uni versal vordloi us permanent Gospel Mrs Cody presided at tho meeting last Sunday with Mrs organist Headings wero by Mrs Lowe Mrs and the mooting noxt Sunday is to bo by tho Christian Endeavor of Cheese boxen of wore offered tho Barrio on of and all sold lot of at muring from to jo per lb Eight buyers present factory sold 250 and was the lot that This spoaks well for the maker of Newmarket Six Bold at meeting on Aug Out of iis A man named OConnor who has been an Industrial Homo for about a year and was from Aurora was taken to Toronto by Bom and last Saturday Ho was a powerful man weighing nearly 150 He has been acting strangely of and being pronounced by the Home Physician the commissioners did not con sider it wise to allow him to remain any longer Presbyterian Church pastor has to and northern places months vacation Sunday Mr preached two very lino sermons same gentleman is to again next Sunday The repairs in School Room are now completed and three moro lights have been added Oho of the Class Booms has been and Willing Workers to fit it up aa a Church Parlor Strange but True Bead advertisement SJWR THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY AUG 1 4- ah will of Dr J of Sutton has boon filed for probate Ho loft of which fa In 1 1 to His widow gets The This invites attention of all young men and womon In Commercial Educa tion and will bo pleased to rcoolvo from any who to qualify for a good business position Sco Adv In this Concept of North York soourod tho Band of Toronto for both days of Now- market Fair and on of the First Day City Bund will give a grand Military in Skating Rink Watch for particulars St Johns services last Sunday largely attended tbo pooplo arc dolightod with tho supplies provided by Morris Sunday Father of Toronto will sing High Mass at It and in connection with evening service at ho will givo of instruc tion Post Office Enquiry being made for some speolal Delivery Stamps hero Notes for 26c and aro on first two lions cost one cent and tho other two cents Got the Bounce A tramp corn dootor was peddling wares on day list week and because of tho house refused to buy from him ho to pour out abuse It happened that the husband was in yard and be was promptly informed The was brought into acquisition and Chief son was soon upon him corn doctor was to get out of Town and ho lost time accompliehmg the feat During tho of the pastor is holidaying in the pulpit will be supplied by Rev P Addison of Toronto He is an excellent it is hoped that large congregations greet him the next two Sundays Considering the number of people out of Town the attendance last Sunday was very The pastors sermon in the morning was above the ordinary The sacrament was administered to about communi cants Farm Produce Butter was a scarce article last and the price went up to for pick Eggs were plentiful and sold readily at the uniform price of Apples and new potatoes In abundance at per peck Green corn large and well filled ears per small ears Beets carrots and encumbers same as last week Small cabbage each largo heads each from to per Dressed were sold from to per pair according to size and was wanted for the very best Altogether it was a fair market for this time of the year Referring to the match in last week the Economist has the It was the beat exhibition of lacrosse ever played on grounds was the opinion of the spectators who witnessed the game here yesterday afternoon between the pewmarket-Rrad- and Both teams Were in the pink condition and while team nut op a splendid game Of lacrosse too much Individual play was their weak point For NewmarketBrad ford Doyle MoKinstry Campbell and J Kelly put up the beat game stopped a dozen ones Hun aaye The champion ship game on Wednesday between Brad fordNewmarket and Murkham brought together the biggest that had attend ed lacrosse match this season and they were fully satisfied with as it was the beat ever played here Although our team won by a score of to they bad to stmrt to finish Quite a of supporters came with the team from Newmarket and were confident of ability of their team to win and Business Change South End Bakery Old Stand has changed hands Mr Walter Groom having purchased business from Mr W Intern Ho to con- it in all its Mr is a worthy younR man in rospcot and has the confidence of community ready Wo wish him much success and feel satisfied that nothing will him from establishing a profitable business un less his health fails Ho is not vory robust but is ambitious and by strict attention to business will plcaso his customers and add many now onca Templars Garden Party Garden Party and loo Cream Festi val last Friday night under auspices of the Templars was not a financial success though everything else was very satisfactory ground looked vory pretty the tables exceedingly tivc plenty of by Town Band dolightf ully entertaining and a very good but there being no fence In front of the lawn so many people wore ready to take advantage the cir cumstances enjoy all the entertainment but avoid entrance fee The receipts just met the expenses to Niagara Falls on Wednesday under the auspices of New market Aurora Firemen was a grand success Over took in the trip from and tho crowd at Aurora was so great another special train was ordered About want over on the boat and tax ed to their utmost capacity It was noon before some people arrived at the Falls The crowding on the cars coming home was rather objection able the number of excursionists exceed ing all anticipations Many back on the American side to avoid rush The Newmarket Band accompanied the their excellent was thoroughly appreciated Bandmaster Mc Donald deserves great credit for state of to which be baa brought the boys The weather was delightful and it was a thoroughly satisfied though tired oat crowd that returned home about p fire Yours Alright Complaints us that weather is so day new potatoes are start ing to sprout before they are halt usual size If this fa potatoes will be high In price coming winter Poll Pairs and Bolton Sept and and Breton Oot and Western London Sopt to industrial Toronto Aug to Sept flutay Mr and Mrs las WiUon to break up next month and livo with her eon Mr O Hamilton at Wisconsin where Mrs Wilson formorly resided owing to hor continued ill health Mr Wilson docs not Intend to sell his property hero at present and is having some painting so as to leave it in good shape- for tenants Its Getting Our Oak correspondent makes a vory startling announcement regarding Metropolitan Street Railway He says line will bo built to Bonds this fall and operations aro already commenced on thovfrxtoisfon Moves Esq President of the Co was in town yesterday and confirmed tho report of purchase of property at Bonds ho extends up to Lake and gradually working that way Oar Toronto tetter It is vcryactivont Parliament Buildings are now a and two amendments the chair on on the address Mr Whitney has moved amendment and Mr the other say the dobate on address will last all week detective has deluged with enquiries as to the whereabouts of a man and woman giv ing their names as Lynn and who beon posing as wealthy Americans who been systema tically victimising Toronto business people by wholesalo Lynn and his wife of engaging manners and made quite a few friends during their sojourn hero When Lynn arrived in Toronto in April last ho a brokers near the office In company with his he had made extensive purchases giving a cheque on Bank of Toronto in payment therefor which when pre sented was dishonored It is suppos ed tho runaway pair to the fifates The amounts secured from victim ranged from about 6 to SCO York County Commissioners have decided to repair the bridge over the creek south of Aurora as soon as possi ble On Tuesday they awarded the tender for building of a steel bridge at Sutton to the King Bridge Company of Cleveland for It was also decided to ask for tenders for leasing tho Kingston road Robert Norton a cooper of Owen Sound was sentenced to years im prisonment and lashes for seduc tion S3 To make room for Fall Goods aSsSM PRINTS LOU DUOED MUSLINS HALF PRICE DUO Special ale of Table Linen lately seized by Customs House Fully OneThird Off Prices f- regular- price cents selling now at 25 cents The best Cakes are always made with Baking Powder UWT CORNER an amount of their money the boy a bailer next mornio and Men An accident at the depot on evening came near resulting the death of men The passen ger train from the north came in and waited a time for ell transfers when all aboard at the remarking that although the train going to back up would not stop when it came to the depot The train from Sooth wee a little late and the at being filled with ihe south bound train up to allow the other train to get on the switch at the Worth end When the train for Toronto came into the depot again going aft a feet and Dr of Aurora brother of the dentist here to jump aboard He was thrown down by the momentum of the train and fell between the platform and cart Several people for him to He Mill and others screamed In the of seeing him mangled by the cars Almost miraculously he escaped without a scratch though his pants were torn and his hat ernaehed Several persons were on car platform about the middle of the train and endeavored to assist the Dr in getting on among whom was Mr Martin Robinson and as the Dr fell he leaned out at arms length from the steps to sis what result would be Just then he struokvrlth great force on the back of the head with the waterworks hydrant box at the south end of the platform and knocked senseless from the car The train was stopped as soon as possible and a crowd rushed to him but everybody thought he was dead Dr who jumped up as soon as ths train passed at ex amined him and relieved some anxiety by stating that he was still Hying He was carried into the waiting room and Dr Webb the sargeon was also telephoned for Mr Robinsons head was badly out at the back but about half an hour after ths accident felt able to be re moved to his shop down Town He felt left dry weather has caused a shrinkage of about one third in the quantity of milk delivered at Cheese Penny will go into force on Wednesday Nov 1Kb Prince of Wales birthday The firet of new books for Library purchase of has arrived About time for the annual contest be tween boy and green apple The woodworkers in the Specialty Works working overtime for two or three weeks to catch up to Country schools reopen next Monday Plums will soon be in They promise a big Another oar of coal delivered at tho Water- Works on Tuesday The OddFellows Hail up week with lights A summer kitchen has been added to Mr W tenement on Eagle St occupied by Mr Andrew Hunter which fs a great convenience this warm weather A sodden gust of wind smashed a largo pane of glass in the door of Heches hard ware store one day last week The Issued tickets at single fare to all points on Newmarket Civic Holiday Mr has moved his shoe shop one door north Daylight is cutting off considerably at both ends The price of wheat is going up again coal also Mr Lloyd is doing an extensive id his new piggery off DAroy Starr got in a car load of peaches toma toes and yesterday The Plebiscite Committee meeting here Saturday was very slimly attended country people being busy with harvest and town people away on vacation Everybody is complaining about their gardens drying up Mr A Smiths kitchen has a new roof this week The masons are through at Mr tons new house and the carpenters are fin- labia up It will be another mouth before the house be ready for occupation The town is look tug up A net industry opened A colored bootblack started busi ness at the on Wednesday Mr Isaac Silver has had a new baggy abed near his stable on street A new is a great improvement to Mrs residence on Eagle Improvements continue to be added to the Hewitt homestead on Millard eve here for London Eng Aug There is great uneasiness on all sides hero in view of the Chinese situation which is regarded as bringing an open con flict between Great Britain and Rus sia within measurable distance and it is universally felt that the Marquis of Salisburys invertebraoy in yielding to Russias aggressiveness iB responsible for the dangfcrous complication which can only be overcome by the most prompt and most firm intimation that Russias open opposition to British commercial concessions must cease It is not generally known that parsons finding lost articles aro legal ly bound to restore them to the owner if they know him To hold them or to secrete them is under tne new Crim inal Code as theft and pun ishable accordingly A reward cannot successfully be demanded If any trouble or expense is necessarily in curred in connection with the found articles such expense can be recovered The newspaper is the proper medium by which to discover the owner finder is expected to advertise at once J was sentenced at Lindsay yosterday to 18 months in Central Prison for forgery of cheques twentyeight years of age had his legs both cut off just below knees on the railway at St Catharines Methodist Church at Ingle- wood has been repainted and improv ed also Electric lights been put in It is to be opened on Sunday Aug Rot J Oliver is to preach Hall of Dover was fright fully gored and injured by a bull he was pasturing He now lies in a precarious condition Four ribs wore broken and beside internal in juries his badly cut At eleven oclock Tuesday morn ing the barns and outbuildings of Mrs Jonathan were destroyed by fire Gilchrists steam thresher was at work there at the time and a spark from engine started blaze During a severe thunderstorm lightning struck and set fire to the barns and outbuildings of Hudson Davis near New Dublin who was milking in the cow stable at the time The animals with the other live stock were removed but the barns and con tents including the seasons crops were destroyed No insurance Aug Yesterday afternoon a wellknown farmed named Eaton who lives about four miles from this place was struck by light ning The stroke was not fatal and he will recover He was working in a field and after the stroke wandered around in a dazed condition before reaching his home His right side is partially paralysed Some of the farmers of the County of York have got an which is erroneous that the weight of a bag of Potatoes in the Province of Quebec is from that prevailing in On tario and the rest of the Dominion An attempt was made in Parliament to make a change but it was not ac complished A bushel of weighs CO lbs and a bag which should contain a bushel and a half lbs which is the same in all the provinces of the Dominion Rama Ont Aug A sad drown ing accident occurred here about this afternoon party of excursion ists sailed on an outing in the direc tion of Geneva Park Lake ching seven miles from The party divided of them going in an old sail boat and the remainder in a steam yacht When half way across the lake the sail boat started to leak the men tried to bail her out as the water came hut could not keep her afloat and she went down in a few seconds throwing the whole party in to the water All but one could swim and when the boat came up they hung on Young Robinson a son of Neil Robinson farmer said he would swim to the shore and one of men asked him if he could help him He said No I am all right The man who was swimming at the time turned to see how young Robinson was getting along but he saw him just as he wan going down Ho was about years old and a good swimmer The steam yacht was too far ahead to hear tho calls of men clinging to the partly sunken craft hut a rowboat manned by a party of campers from the park put oat and gallantly rescued men bringing them to shore This month we will sell and Shoes anol me Men and Boyi For Friday and Saturday Mens Dark Grey Tweed Effect Canton Back Summer Suits Coat Pants and Vest made in Germany regular 3 now 169 Coats and Vests of the same material regular 2 now 125 Mens Cottonade Smocks regular and your choice Friday Saturday Mens Vests Boys Lined Wincy Pants Friday and Saturday Boys Vests Your choice of any Si 125 or 150 Vest Friday Saturday 75c- Regular 50 and 60c Friday Saturday HOW COST Men and Boys Summer Cloth ing your choice of anything we have in this line roc below what it costs for Men and Boys Straw Hats regular price Your choice Saturday Straw Hats Saturday Boys Galated Blouse Suits sizes to 25 Friday Saturday Mens Good Tweed Pants another line at reg 125 Mens Colored Shirts With or without Collar attached Regular price Mens odd Tweed Coats 175 Goods that cost 250 and your choice Saturday 1 Mens Tweed Suits regular prices 650 700 750 and your choice Saturday 500 Boys TwoPiece Tweed Suits sizes 22 to regular price 200 225 and 250 Saturday your choice 149 Mens Tweed and Worsted Suits regular price 850 900 and 1000 your choice Saturday 739 MP CO NEWMARKET I

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