Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , August 5, 1898, p. 6

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I IENEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY AUG 5 OJ Best Advertising Medium York County AD erf Nonpareil lino for prat Insertion CONTRACT 1 Inch Advertisement Willi writ ten instructions Inserted nut forbid am Advertisements will In each month if desired oftcner each month the composition must paid for regular rates Change for advertisement must bo by norm on Wednesdays Special Hull Tor No lew Farias to Rent Article Lost and Pound do A reading notice will ho Inserted for any or whore till v V or when fceorcollocilon fifty will lie for such notice No exception to its I for around the flab COR- tKSIONUKNXa FIND WORTHY TO itKcoltl UNION fa MiB9 of Preston in spending a few weeks with her coiiBin Miss Holla Smith Mh and Mrs are upending llioir vacation at her fathers Mr Peregrine The Misses Drown of Toronto spent a fow days last week at Mr J A little visitor to Mr If Fosters not long ago long and short truth of it we expect a wedding on this street in the Boar future Crow SHARON had plenty of dry weather for vesting their grain but much too dry tor Iho root crop Mr and Mrs Terry spent few days at Shanty Bay visiting friends Mr and Mrs Glover of spent Sunday at Mr T JtiiUmuui Miss Moons of Toronto is the of Miss Annie Master McMillan has return ed to homo in Miss is able to bo out again picking is a thing of the past Lois of harvest applet around here Miss Muriel Wilson of Toronto is visiting at her Uncles Mr James Wayling There will no service in the Methodist Church on Sunday on ac count of Quarterly Meeting at Kes wick Mr I If uglier of Toronto was visiting here on Sunday last The commencement of the temper ance campaigning will open with a public meeting in Methodist Church on Tuesday evening next Aug when the Roys A Brown If Mr and others are to take part visitors spent Sabbath in this vicinity Mr cheesemaker of at Messrs Hewitt and White of To ronto spent Sabbath with their fami lies who are in this vicin ity Miss Butler of Toronto with relatives Messrs and Wiggins re turned to the city after taking oft an extensive harvest Mr J Davis arid- wife spent Sabbath with Mr and at Wilcoxs Lake Farmers report fall wheat a very good crop while the spring grain is much affected by the drought The busy hum of the grain thresher can heard daily Wo are informed that No had a promenade session Saturday evening Miss Maggie Spink was at homo with a few friends one evening last week team did not follow him but took another course in a double quick manner and simply broke his waggon Misses Carter of Toronto and Martha Ramsey of spent last week with Geo Ramsey and sister A horse belonging to Mr Gowdy was unfortunate enough to slip its wind in evening last week It was left too long before it was buried and it is needless to say that prompt action is requested in the future in such cases Mr Moore the blind man will preach in the Methodist Church here at the usual hour next Sunday ROACHS POINT A crowd of young man from Toron to and places camo to Or chard Beach and vicinity on Satur day evening and commenced to paint road red wore pleased to them enjoying them- solves for a reasonable but whon ten oclock conies it to let up Tho racket was continued till am and if it is steps will bo taken to punish severely All cottages at Morton Park filled and a aro at the Boarding House took dinner there on Sunday The Gospel Meeting on McCordicks lawn last Sunday was a great success Nearly wore County President Mrs IS Cane of Newmarket presided with Mrs of Belhavcn as organist Mrs Neil Morton led in prayer program was an excel lent one Miss Maud Morton gave a lengthy and exceptionally appropriate recitation also Miss Davidson Mrs Jackson Mrs and Miss Wind gave solos J Hoi- and Miss Eva Jackson a duett Short address by Jack- pon at request of tho ladies on the Plebiscite and a very interesting ad dress by Mr a missionary in China for eight years on the diffi culty of missionaries in that country was delighted with the mooting The U distributed temperance literature among the au dience and Squire dismiss ed the mooting after a vote of thanks had boon passed to those who had taken part and particularly to Mr On evening Mr conducted a bibleclass in tho church at tho Point after which Mr tho China missionary preached a very acceptable sermon Bible Class at was by Rev Addison last Sunday evening Next Sunday even ing service will bo held at Orchard Beach at Last Saturday Mr took a party of six out for a fish and they brought home 12 fine bass Mr and Mrs John Bell and son of New York and Mrs J of Toronto arrived at Villa on Monday on a visit There is a jolly crowd at Saints Rest Mr and Mrs George Mr Fred Knowles Miss Mrs W and the twins Miss Miss and Mies Miss Rachel Wright of Guelph and Miss Weddol guests at this week The Gilford Temperance excursion to will call at the Point on Mrs J Simmons of North Dakota aunt of Mr Jesse Kauke left on Mon day for Mb Albert after spending ten days here Her son Mr Simmons was also here a week and left to visit friends at There were forty at over Sunday More are expected this week McCullongh of the says that they were not with Agnes but if Captain Ellis wants to put up anything ho is open for challenge hotel is full of boarders Three families had to be turned away last Saturday The campers are greatly annoyed with animals running at largo on the Lake shore Road A few days ago a cow- walked into Jacksons boat on the shore and put a hole through it A pig ransacked Mrs Campbells tent and devoured her bacon Even the farmers aro annoyed by animals breaking into their grain fields as the pasture on the roadside is all dried up A bylaw to prohibit animals from running at large the Lake Shore Road during Mrs Wood and Mrs Hughes of Tottenham visiting at Alfred Mortons Soulcs and wife of Ashtabula have been visiting at Jesse Mortons also and family of Mount Forest Tho family picnicked at Morton Park last Friday and report a good time They wero all photograph ed on the lawn at Mortons Mr Jenkins is do fine groups of fam lies anil their houses point is with visitors Tho little church is well filled Wo sometimes wish it was always summor our Point is so dead in winter The much needed showers again arrived Tho hum of threshing machines on every hand Grain is turning out well considering dry weather With much sorrow wo have to re cord the death of Mrs J Hill on Saturday morning Tho family have sympathy of neighbor hood Mrs A spent a day in our midst last week also Mr J from California Farmers are nearly through harvest ing around hero MOUNT ALBKRT Dr Smith dentist will ho in his Mount Albert office on Tuesday the nth Miss of Port Perry is visiting her undo Mr Seth Jewell for a of weeks Miss Nellie Lapp of Hill is spending several weeks with friends here Miss Maude Richardson of New- market spent several days visiting friends here- Mr Samuel returned Friday after a several mouths trip in Rainy River District Manitoba and Dakota It is reported that the baseball boy play a match with Baldwin Friday Mr and Mrs Ira Crosby of ITxbridge called upon Mr Crosby on Tuesday Mr Evans of St Marys is visiting with Mr Stephen Terry Mrs Thompson of Sunderland is Airs Barrett KESWICK The many friends of Mr- our popular will bo to hear that ho is at present in vory poor health Ho has to spend a fow weeks in near The Quarterly Meeting of Circuit Methodist Church will bo hold Sunday morn ing commencing at 1030 sharp A big crowd is Miss Miller of spent Sunday with her aunts Mrs Terry and Mrs Mr Samuel of spent Sunday with his brothers Mr and- Mr rinor Mr Griffith of Willford and Mr Steward of Toronto Junction sons- inlaw of John Esq pay ing him a vwit last Sunday Mis is in poor health at present Mr John has been down With typhoid fovor past two weeks but is recovering slowly Tho Work men of Qucensville of which he id a member is exemplifying fra ternity by supplying a nurso to toko care of him Mrs Jesse is very sick Tlio League is to Iks addressed next Sunday evening by Mr J Dickson principal of the High School at A grand turnout is expected Threshing clover is the order of day A good crop is reported John has a yield of bush to the acre from a twelve acre field Wo are devoting special attention to the approaching Trade Our Slock is equipped with fresh Canned Goods best prepared foods for the table and desirable Teas with strength and flavor Coffees with their richness of aroma Cocoa pure and fresh r Canned Finnan Thistle Brand a tin Sliced Smoked Beef 25c a tin Boneless Chicken Lunch Tongue Cooked Corn Beef Canned Lobsters Brand 16o a tin Tomato Catsup Aylnjer Brand 10o a tin THE ARE Davisons Japan Tea at Davisons lb Davisons Finest Java and Mocha Coffee ground fresh at lb Pure Rio Coffee special at lb Cowans finest Cocoa bulk lb Teas and Coffees are the finest flavors they are the best DAVISON GO Fine Grocers POUND Ladys black cane beaded Owner can have and for this notice at Era TOWNSHIP EAST hereby given that Court will be to The Ontario Voters Act by His Honour the Judge of the County Court of County of York lit Sharon Tem perance day of August IKS oclock in to hear and determine the visiting with on and few was July and August would be welcomed by alb One thing is a necessity There should be a pound somewhere between Roachs Point and Keswick so that animals that persist in break ing into the fields could be impounded without having to drive them four or five to accomplish that purpose After spending a week at Mr Frosts Mr and Mrs and children left for Toronto on Wednesday They leave for China on the of Aug to resume their work on the Inland Mission where Mr has already spent eight years and Mrs ten years They adopt native costumes and customs and are greatly in love with the work not withstanding its difliculties of the lady summer visitors at the Point hearing that Sunday was Mr Jesse Kaakes birthday sent htm a very nice Birthday Cake in recognition of many kindnesses and affable manner which he has shown from time to time to strangers arriv ing at the Point Miss Lloyd and Miss of Toronto are boarding at Jesse Mor tons for a couple of weeks Mrs John VauNormanis rather better last week or two thanks to Wesley Her friends have looked for her death for weeks but may bo spared to them for some time Mrs Hall of Stratford is visiting her sister HOLLAND LANDING Monday next August is pro claimed a civic holiday here Sports and amusements will take place on the Park- As Monday is Torontos civic holiday also a large number are ex pected from the city The special feature of the day will a cricket match between the Ontario Wind Engine Pump Co employees of To ronto and a home team All in vited to bring their baskets and enjoy themselves Admission to Park free Refreshment on grounds Miss Annie of Toronto was at Mr Lucks a few days last week Mr Luck of was calling on his brother on Wednesday last Mr and Mrs family of Toronto were visiting a days this week Mr Taylors Miss Minnie Bell of Toronto the guest of Mrs on Wednesday Mrs Lloyd of Chicago is visiting a few days this week at Sir Lloyds Dear oh dear of our young mens hearts have been smashed all The wheels Hew and horse flesh suffered Holidays come only once a year lads Miss Ida Hood is home on her holi days Miss Winnie returned to the city last Monday Holland Landing can boast of the most elegant sidewalks in the Domin ion terraced and zig zag from one end to the other However there are two advantages while you stub your toe and trip up on one the other fellow can scrub heel out on the other to be back in the Township mean disposed person- lost week stole nineteen rows of onions from farmer Murphy- Mr and Mrs Martin Taylor are talking of going to the North West on a visit i English Church services as fol lows 1st 3rd and in tho morning and 2nd and in the even ing Tbo new Decker thrasher also New Champion owned by is pronounced a firstclass rig Mr McKenzie is an old head at the business Some talk of a blood purifier factory starting here Mr Lane has several acres of burdock under cultiva tion Some plants measure now close onto ft Next Aug Boring for coal oil which has been carried on by a Philadelphia company in this city for months Is still going on A depth of about feet has been reached and rock is very hard Mr John Wart iner has been ap pointed Organizer by the Dominion Alliance for this Township He has called a special Prohibition meeting to he held in Hall hero next Monday evening It is important that all worker should be present as the plebiscite will be taken on September and no time should bo lost in getting all societies in work ing Miss May Irwin of Toronto and Miss Sella Forsyth of Mongolia have returned home after spending a week with Mr A Winch Mr J Irwin is also a guest of his sister Mrs Winch Mr Selby Diaper got more twine this week Mr Thos Mahoney had the mis fortune to loose a horse last week It dropped dead while working Mr John Morton addressed the League last Sunday evening at Keswick several of and in Voters of Municipality of East All persons having business the Court arc required to attend the time and AJ Clerk of Dated at 8uarouAiitf Mr Hartley of Thornton and Miss Smith of arc visiting at Mr Miss Dusette of Toronto is visiting at Mr Milnes Last week Master Prank Kava- had cousins from the city Mr and Mrs Link have visitors from the city also the Misses AyJ- have a young lady visitor Mrs of Toronto visiting relatives and friends in North during the last three weeks Mr Albert Milne whose barn was burned last winter has just erected a one with a stone foundation and stabling underneath Mr of North was the build er Mr Link has been making improve ments in bis dwelling house which is now qui to a handsome residence Mr James Cunningham is building at the north end of the village The farmers are just in the midst of the harvest and a goodly number are threshing their fall wheat The lake seems to le the favorite resort of those that travel these hot days The Newmarket people seem to take the lead as campers on sunny shores 8t rayed or Stolen from the Farm Dull dark red with white spot on right shoulder Howard of for Its recovery Aurora PO Private Sale of Furniture BYLAW NO to be in in oily mid for the mid the mi of the Town the coma ifusJcn Mitt in a meeting of tkc of the Town called the It to Ik mi in of the purposes a to a Tor rowing thoAuni upon Ha credit of Municipality fortiuld purposes- the Municipal Council of the has considered advis able to comply with bum the Council deems It advisable to extend payment for the over a period ol twenty year by debentures bearing at four per per annum extending over a of yciirdiwnfortaIdrepayabU both principal and Interest such bis arranged thai and Interest payable In any one year be to What payable and In each the during term Ami hetios the to he rate sufficient therefor tor paying the debt and Interest will he the Mini of Widths each year during I he period of twenty yeans Ami or the whole rate able liable to taxation for pur poses the to the last revised tor the year is tho sum of Ami the whole Debenture the of which no portion principal or Interest is in Jit it by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newmarket as follows i the Mayor Is hereby authorized and required to Issue Debentures of the Said Cor poration to the amount of Five Ibotimd which shall be marked and known as Specialty Debentures and shall be in sums of not less than One Hund red Dollars and shall be scaled with the Corporate Sail of the said corporation and signed by be Mayor and Treasurer thereof and shall years from the date hereinafter mentioned for this By law to into effect hi office of the Treasurer of the Town of Newmarket with Interest at four per centum us that Is to said principal In twenty annual Instalments and the Interest at the rate aforesaid during term the aggregate amount of In stalments of principal and annual payment of interest shall he the each year For the purpose of paying of una to cover on the sold amount as aforesaid the sum of Shall be levied by a rate ntcr other In the manner and at thu same time as other taxes levied upon the whole cable property or the said Town to be rated therefor In each year for tho period oft years rromthc ate hereinafter for this to take during which Debentures have to run a This By Law shall came Into force and take effect on the of December If previously to by the of this Corporation legally qualified to vote thereon Tills ByLaw shall be submitted for the absent of bo electors of the under the provisions of The Municipal Act and on Monday the day of August AD at the hour of nJncoclock In the forenoon the poll will open to the votes of the Qualified Electors or the said municipality on said and the poll will close five oclock In the afternoon on same day The places for taking faaid votes and the Officers of the several Wards of he said Tow respectively shall be as For Georges Ward M ft DeputyReturning Polling Place House for St Andrews undersigned has decided to remove to Wisconsin and will sell by private sale furniture Any person desirous or good and cheap bargains will please call at tho resi dence on Water Street which Is to rent J AS Card of Thank desire publicly to thanks to of order of In of kindness shown myself the late Alex during his Illness also to for prompt adjustment of the claim our deep kindness hours of bereavement will never bo forgotten pray that your efforts to promote welfare of the widow and orphan will ever bo prospered ELIZABETH Council Chamber That on Monday the Fifteenth day of August AD at the hour of In the at the Council Chamber of be said Town the Mayor shall appoint writing the persons to attend at the polling and at the final summing of inc votes on behalf of Interested In and or opposing respectively the of this ByLaw i hat the Clerk of the safd municipality shall attend at Council Chamber In the said To wo at twelve oclock noon on ft the d of August IE to sum up the votes given for and this ByLaw GOOD PIANO For sale cheap apply at Keswick NOTICE LB hereby given that foregoing Is a true copy of a proved which has been taken into consideration and which will bo finally pawed by Council of lie Cor poration of Town i of JJ event of the assent of Electors ob tained thereto after one month from nrt the Newmarket the date flrt day of Atiguet island that at hour day and ilflces fixed lor taking the votes of the filcctoni polls will bo held Council August let DAVID LLOYD MAIN STREET Two Week of At the TORONTO He Carried over from must be sacrificed now New High Grade All Styles Best Equipment mm Guaranteed TO Used wheels late modles all makes TO We ship on approval without a cent payment Write for bargain list and I Art Catalogue of swell 08 models I For season to advertise them Rider Agents Wanted Learn How to Earn a Bicycle and Make Money J CYCLE CO Auction Bale of Valuable FARM PROPERTY In the Township of Gwillimbury County of York Clerk Under a power of contained in a mortgage made by one vendors now In default and to be produced at the time of sale there will be offered for by public auctfon at the Hotel In the Town of Newmarket on Wednesday the of August at the hour of oclock In the afternoon ALL and Singular northwest quarter of Lot No Stand the weft half of Lot both In the Third Concession of Township of East containing acres more or let About acres are fo be cleared and in a cultivation The to constat of a good clay The property is sit uate about two and one half miles from nine miles from Newmarket on a good travelled road and erected thereon to be two frameuousesand two frame barns There Is also a small orchard The property Is located in a good agricultural country nod Is to have a good supply of well water will be offer id for sale subject to a reserved bid TERMS Ten per cent of the purchase money will bo to be paid at the time and balance according to favorable and conditions to bo then made known rther particulars apply to Chad- CtmdwickRIddell Wellington East Toronto Solicitors for Vendors AGENTS The Story of Mr Gladstones Lire la or of the greatest man of the and history of the century the moat wonderful century time began It has solidity fact and the fascination of fiction and is told In elegant simplicity Better send for your outfit before you sleep nod be first in ihc Capital unnecessary wages paid for sells to every- ENSILAGE CORN OF THE BEST VARIETIES RED COB MAMMOTH SOUTHERN SWEET EARLY LONGFELLOW EARLY ANGLE OF MIDNIGHT GERMAN HUNGARIAN AND TURNIP SEED Huron Street yrcat man and to it ssr- WANTED men and women who arc not too proud to work and would like to money during la tell ing the wonderful story llfo Of Mr Gladstone a day times that sum No no experience iicccuiirv Write quickly for particulars CO Toronto ftU with this book down Worn CO ii All kind Seed Onions

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