Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , August 5, 1898, p. 2

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J THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY AUG fiexxi Advertisements ltoclio Co August Prices Jobbing House ByLaw David Lloyd Bicycles Mead Cycle Co Notice A J Hughes Bull Jiost Everest Private Sale Hi Card of Thanks Kins Found ft RAND TRUNK RAILWAY id a njo CO sV 4 Us a CO fc CO to a a CO is y WW en to S The Toronto Intimates that it will bo purpose of certain of Iho Legislature to on pre cent in opposition to desire in order to scour full sessional If this of men Province ban chosen for ropre- Sir Oliver dissolves sends mom bora back con6tUuonolea hot ter It is stated on authority that Dominion Government Department will redeem no stamps sfter 1st but will issue postal notes of 26 CO and to bo in small aro now in atampa A city paper states that poutmasters gathering a commission on business done and it la suspected that of them have been redeeming stamps to thorn for Utterly amounted to It was time for a and under suspicions alluded to It mat- tor for let of not fixed upon instead of Oot for change paragraph was put in type In another part of on the authority of the Globes Ottawa correspondent ro- probablo on would be taken on prohibition plebiscite wo learn Dominion Govern ment hag dcoidod that shall on form of question to bo to is as follows you in favor of passing of an prohibiting the Importation or of cider and all other for uso will answer ihia question by a dimple cross on ballot after yea or no should bo completed by that a matter cf fact in localities candidates Iho result tbia year on the of July bat In to have anuouncod as work must bo com pleted at least by 20tb causes lay In publishing re port of Newmarket High Bohool compared with other Is with us and oauses an additional number of to road Oar Society loft on day for to He will visit Mass and Now York City expects to bo about ten days Mrs and children will visit in tho city until his return Times July says Mr J Flanagan of formerly of Brandon apont a few days in oily tbts week Mr Flanagan Is now in hotel Got but may go into business in the Northwest Matthews of was elected Grand Chaplain of Grand Ledge of which was hold In Toron to recently Roy J of Now- castle formerly of was bis chief opponent Mr Matthews Is very popular among tho too to en ff a to UP I AND WITH Pointed oil FRIDAY AUG 1898- EDITORIAL NOTES Tuk of United fJtatoafor8473- the amount of damages by the claims commission has been received by the of Marine and Fisheries A ciiiLEOltAU this announces the death of Prince of Germanya prominent and a conspicuously great man in the litter part of century immediate cauao of death to bo congestion of tho luns bis life ho figured as a controlling influence both in rep arc to church and the of Germany assumed power ho maintained thai bad usurped of bis prerogatives thin led latter to retire into comparatively private life Hie princely estate a short distance from Hamburg since then has been the scene of frequent deputation societies school and statesmen He was a man of purpose and the nation will mourn his death Ok Friday last the House of Lords pass- third reading of bill legalizing in Great Britain marriages contracted in tbo Colonies between widowers and their deceased sisters In consequence of the limited who signified a willingness to go on Frees Aiaooiation excursion via Colling wood to this season it has been de cided to cancel trip A named Angus Cameron at who presented a petition to license commissioners over twenty forged names attached thereto has bad his license cancelled by Judge and ordered to pay all costs verdict has tbeeffeotof rendering Cameron lor a for two years On night of last a prince of the Church of Home in Canada in the person of Walsh passed away to spirit land Not only his own special charge but thousands of within sphere of his diocese will loam with deep regjet of his sudden and unex pected demise About three weeks ago His Grace was thrown with violence to the ground fracturing one of the liga ments of hie knee At the time however it was not thought to be very serious but subsequent experience demonstrated quits the reverse Thus matters lingered till last Sunday night when His Grace became faint and was to be suffering from heart failure While the last sad rites of the Church were being administered Rev Father Walsh officiating be named Very VicarGeneral to be interim administrator of the diocese and passed peacefully away to bis final reward The funeral yesterday were becoming to oas occupying go distinguished position in tbe of his choice Deceased was installed to the See of Toronto on of Nov religious ceremonies connected therewith being the moat impos ing aver witnessed in Toronto The Ottawa correspondent of the Globe states that a great deal ot speculation has been indulged in throughout the country as to the time at the prohibition plebi scite will be taken actual date of polling cannot be given it can be stated that it will be during the last week of September This la probably a semiof ficial statement and both prohibitionists and may now prepare for the struggle A of young men from Toronto weal out camping near the village of East Toronto last week and acting as some young fellows from Toronto and elsewhere acted where campers are lo cated at Orchard Beach Lake Saturday night were brought before a J P last Friday in this connection that the local authori ties in North will likewise take steps to make an example of the guilty case act is repeated in this muni cipality Dominion Cabinet at its meeting last Friday completed arrangements for the International Conference which meets at Quebec on tbe 10th The subjects to be discussed seal fisheries the Alaskan boundary the bonding of fish alien labor legislation the protection of fish in contiguous waters the common nee of the St Lawrence canals reciprocity in wrecking coasting and trade Also to secure to Newfoundland whatever com- roeroial advantages Canada may succeed in obtaining Premier Winter of Newfound land will represent the Island the Con ference Tine the lesson taught by tbe Globe in relation to municipal economies The of industry owners is the most common local development of the protection idea If a municipality be not to the profitable operation of a cer tain Industry if the industry cannot be conducted as profitably elsewhere bonus cannot make it profitable industry must compete with others in the more favored locality and its scale of be raised the level thus established local bonus cannot make it profitable but can diffuse the lose among the taxpayers Where suoh aid is needed it is evident the industry cannot be profitably conducted The taking of money from the taxpayers to make good the loss and give alleged profit to the operators not change the economic position though it may be satisfactory to those in receipt of the aid The of the losses must bo greater than sum ad vantages The law is exemplified by every attempt to build up a town of the of industries The losses through the policy are gradually increased and the pop ulatien gradually dwindles in consequence Industries otherwise are crowded elsewhere by the imposts and little except the losing enterprises remain A despatch from Ottawa makes the following reference to the one cent en- Velopai about to be issued by the P Department The onecent stamped en velope shortly to bo Issued by the Post- Department has many features to commend it lo public The price in excess of the face value is fen cents per hundred less than that of the old stamped envelopes that of the new onecent stamped envelopes may be obtained at any poet office for The envelopes apart from stamp cost only 20 cents per hun dred The paper is excellent and so is the makeup of the envelope while the embossed is from a die wrought In the most flniehed style iu A cof of the circular issued to Exam iners of Entrance and P Leaving papers has been received from the Educa tion Toronto in which we notice that a change has been made in the Regu lations in accordance with public senti ment and if there fa any delay in publish log the list of successful candidates the blame rests with examiners The Regulations read The reports of the Examiners for the Entrance and School Leaving Examinations are to be sent together by mail to Education on or before day of by 8ohool Inspector The names of all candidates admitted by the Board of Examiners may be pub lished immediately after but not before the reports have been transmitted to the Education It with pleasure we note the above change in the Regulations ft shows that the Department is alive to the wishea of the There is nothing now to pro hibit from publishing the names of the successful candidates the firat week In July if work of examining the Mrs Stephon Webster Is guest of Mrs Lush Hon has gone to Paris from London Minnie Warner has returned to town for holidays Saxton ontcrtainlng a lady visitor this Mrs and son been visit ing Mr J Doan Queen st Miss of Toronto fa guest of her aunt Mrs Geo Wood Mrs J Robertson is spending a week at Manns Miss and of Buf falo visiting her old Mr Charles of Toronto was visiting friends hero last week Mr and Mrs of Toronto are yieiting at Mr Millards A took place at Mr- Geo Woods on Tuesday Mrs Arthur Low of Toronto is visit ing at her fathers Mr Bacon Miss of Toronto tbo Mise Eagle Mr- and Miss of Bradford made Mrs Marshall a short visit this Mr of Barrio spent sever- I days Town this week on business Mrs A Morrison and son of To ronto are visiting at Mr Morrisons Mr Angus of Mono Mills is spending part of hie vacation in Town Mrs Height and daughter are rusticat ing at Col Lloyds camp Orchard Beach Mr and wife of Toronto spent a weeks vacation with relatives here Mrs and her daughter have to Georgetown on a visit for a couple of Master Forbes Stuart has returned from Toronto and is staying with his Mrs Fred daughter pending a few days with J P Hunt er week Mr H and family wont into at Echo Hollow last Tuesday Mr J MoKay and family are camp ing at Hollow also Miss Sarah Richardson Mr and Mrs John Montgomery are visiting relatives in the city for two or three weeks Gazette Mrs Penrose of New market is spending a few with Mrs J Johnston Mrs J Willson is vieiting her mother Mrs A at for a couple of weeks Alderman J E Hughes and Mr Wake Howard are camping at Portsmouth Lake this week Mr J and sister also Mies Urqnhart have been guests at Echo Hollow the past week Mrs and family of Toron to are visiting fathers Mr Thomas Gardner for a few days Mr Prank Wood of Winnipeg arrived in Town Tuesday of last week for ft visit with relatives and old friends Mre Pearson of Toronto has gone to Lake to spend a week with her Miss Sarah Mr and Mrs and little Of Cleveland Ohio are visiting hie sister Georgia Mr Austin Haines was over from Boa ton account of the serious illness of hie mother for two weeks is bet ter Mr James is on a weeks trip to London ant other places for the purpose of picking up some business point ers Mr Frank Foster is borne from New York City for two weeks vacation and Mr Will Footer returned to on day Mrs J Brown from Detroit visiting with her sister Mrs her daughter Mis Edith Brown is here also Mrs A Campbell of Toronto was in Town oo Wednesday on her way home after spending a month her daughter at Mrs J A W Allan and Cameron are summering at Lake Her mother Mrs Soulefl was also there over Sunday Miss Carrie Simpson left for New Westminster BC- last week to visit her sister In company with her Mr Theodore Simpson Mr and Mrs Ross returned on Saturday after a very pleasant wheeling through Hamilton St Catharines Niagara Falls and other places Sentinai Mr Geo and wife of Newmarket were In town this week attending the funeral of Mrs father the late John Ash burn Miss Marsh of Toronto of Mrs Martin making her a visit Mr and Mrs Martin of Toronto parents of Mr have returned to the city after spending a few here Miss Holes a nurse in Grace Hospital Toronto arrived borne on Saturday on a couple of weeks vacation She spent a few days in Acton with her stater Mrs Brown before coming Oar Toronto Letter We never allow business to slacken here We must be busy and such prices as we have put on all summer goods together with Special Job Lots that we pick up every week make it easy for you to save money UMM Monday is Civic Holiday Another drowning at Han- lans Point likely to result in some action on part of the Council to greater to life On Miss May Robertson of was the victim She and were I upset from a while riding over swells of a steam er Her sister Marion was rescued by a young actor named Wilkes Steward who leaped from a steamer and man aged to keep afloat until further aid arrived An of suffer ing from melancholia took her own life in that institution ono day last was wife of Mr An drew Young of Toronto A fine bridge has been constructed connecting Muro with Victoria Park The City Board of Control met the Senate of Toronto University last week and arranged the somewhat vexed question of the technical school build ing The Senate demanded the fit ting up of certain rooms for residences for professors which the city agreed to Mayor Shaw Mr and Street Commissioner Jones arrived home They are all pretty well played out after their long andmilo journey but one and all are enthusiastic in their praises of tho northern country Mains Circus visited the city Mon day Although we hod rain in the morning the route of the procession was crowded with sightseers for hours A writ was issued at hall this week by Mrs against and Annie All of the parties reside in East imbury township Mrs is asking to have set aside a deed to a farm which bad been transferred from Mr to bis wife The plaintiff claims an interest in the farm For attempting to shoot Detectives who were endeavor ing to place him under arrest Tom notorious convict who es caped from the Central Prison on July last was sentenced by Magistrate to ten years in Kingston Pen itentiary For the escape from the Prison he received a sentence of two years in prison so that the next twelve years will be spent by him in side prison walls unless he makes another attempt to escape in which case be will probably succeed or be shot Prison officials will take no further chances with Tom Herbert Burt a lad of fourteen was accidentally killed by falling from the hoist at the Canada Feather Mat tress Companys factory on street Wednesday afternoon The opening of the Legislature Wednesday afternoon was robbed of the deep interest which such functions usually create from the fact the ladies and their escorts were deprived of tbe pleasure of occupying the Legislature chairs and desks allotted to the peoples representatives and were in conse quence forced to be content with the accomodation afforded by tho galleries A privileged few were given seats on the floor of the House The galleries were crowded witb ladiesi whose bright summer costumes lent added charm to the picture which the chamb er presented Hon was elected speaker Yokohama Aug 1- It is reported here that Hawaii has agreed to pay Japan sterling in settlement of the dispute wbioh arose out of ex clusion of Japanese emigrants from the Hawaiian Islands Perth Western Australia July A remarkable find has been made Dress Muslins regular price to clearing at c Summer Corsets do 50 dp Parasols good ones do do 50 Very best Prints extra wide do Summer Gloves regular value 20c do AT BARGAIN PRICES We must clear every piece of Summer Dress Good- and these prices will do it allwool Beige reg price clearing price iJc pieces Fancy Dress Goods 40inches wide reg clearing pieces Plain Serge wide reg clearing piece 44inches allwool Black Cashmere reg 45c clearing Every pair of Summer Shoes must GOOD AND HO Ladies Low Shoes well worth 1 at Ladies Low Shoes well worth 1 at Mens Fine Gaiters do 75 at Misses Fine Kid Low Shoes vell worth 1 00 at Misses Fine Chocolate Shoes do at 1 90 00 Mens Summer Coats at 99c Mens Fine Luster Coats and Vests were 275 now at 2 00 Mens Fine Stripe weed Pants at 98 Mens allwool Tweed Suits extra at 10 now at H Martin farm laborer was struck by lightning and killed near Almonte The flltor Oaklev At Toronto on Thursday July at the residence of tbo brides by the Rev J Ferguson WeBton Nellie eldest daughter of Mr H Oakley to Mr John Davis Jeweller Bradford Toronto on July by Rev Alex Sanson Rector of Trinity Church Mr Alfred of New York to Miss Roberts of Rat Portage form erly of The In Toronto on July Thomas Montgomery brother of John Montgomery sr of ibis Town year Interred at Bradford Thursday In On John in bis year At Industrial Home on the of Thomas formerly butcher in Newmarket aged years Hill In on he of July Ann wife of Jeremiah Hill aged years Interred at Newmarket Cemetery on Monday service being conducted by Rev of Aurora The funeral was largely attended At tbe residence of his brother on tbe con Whit- church Aug John WiUsou son of late John in his year Funeral on at pm from the house to Newmarket Cemetery The Little In town on tbo 20th of to Mr and Mrs Robert Little jr a In West on Son- day the the wife of James Rowland of a daughter Morton At Wood Mount Landing on Thursday July the wife of Mr Morton of a laughter Leading Furniture and Undertaking Blouse Take a J Main St North Newmarket- All Orders will receive Careful and Prompt Attention Glenora Strong Bakers Hungarian Pastry Best Ontario and Manitoba wheat Flour for Family Use Feed of all Kinds mm A car of fresh ground American Gray best fertilizers for Clover and Grass GO TO at Kanowna in the gold fields here in the shape of a nugget weighing 1668 ounces and valued at Belleville Aug The Canadian Gold Fields Company whose reduotion works at Eldorado Marmora were destroyed by firo some months ago are erecting a new plant New life has thereby been into industry in that region Aug 1 Guests of Hotel No North street roused from their slumbers at oclock this morning to find the hostelry on fire So rapidly did blaze spread that men and women found themselves cut off from escape by the stairs Three lives wore lost and a number of others wore maimed and bruised in jumping from high windows to pavement I The Excellent Things of life are of easy attainment if yon know how to get them By reading oar will team a little No matter how limited your puree you will find your little goes a long way J Opposito Royal Hotel Newmarket Undertaking and Embalming A Night calls attended to at Street And see what bargain he has in and down at Cost for the next days made to suit the Customer W Old Stead Blizard Sibley Arc now prepared to turn out work In all the of Bolio and Carbon Effect including all those beautiful tints Been on the other aide and In Europe OUTDOOR WORK Is our Specialty and All our work absolutely reliable Tpouble to Take Babies Amateur work finished and ly attended to from taken by Hood or can obtained Dont the LIME The very best Grey Lime cents per bushel J Storehouse Cor Main and Huron Telephone No Markets Newmarket Auk- Flour per barrel White Wheat per bushel 0 Wheat 0 Goose Wheat per bushel Buckwheat Barley per OaU per bushel OS bushel Bye per bushel 0 Bran per too Shorts per ton Id Oil Butter roll per lb Butter tub per lb Oil Potatoes 000 Apples per Sheepskins Wool per Beef per Pork per live Pork per dressed pair Ducks per pair Turkeys per lb live a a a Co 0 12 a a a a a a Turkeys per lb dressed 9 a 13 18 50 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Toronto Markets Toronto Aug- Red Wheat per bushel a White Wheat per bushel a Goose Wheat per bushel Buckwheat per bushel OLD STAND Next to Royal Hotel Barley per bushel per bushel Pees per bushel Eggs per 0 Butter roll per lb 13 Potatoes per bag per bag now 060 Apples per Woo per lb per 75 Beef 4 07 Chickens per pair Ducks per pair 0 SO a a 003 0 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a

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