Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , July 29, 1898, p. 7

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i r i THE NEWMARKET JUY 1 1 I Weeks IB ON IN A St Johns Father of Toronto will here Sunday Change Wo to a in con dition of payment of Hunter which come to hand this had to print of money will bo allowed to remain on mortyaxo Instead of ohOhalf mi adver tised 1898 Wo the UGAR As pound for the dollar as any one and of quality JAR All Sizes at Closest Prices PUR PI For UPPLIE All kinds of Canned Moats Fruits and Vegetables T HOE A Bold Thief During the of Mr A West from barber to on thief front door and J till of of day West adjoining room and never heard a Bound Mr only about half an hoar and made tho discovery on hie return Police County Councillor Woodcock diepoaod of three oases on Wednesday Jarnoa of tbo con for aaaault- ingJudd Davit t of the fined and coats Murray for on hie father fined and coats charge of Threatening against young Murray held over Harold for a pane of la Graham window finad and On night Chief Anderson a woman In Ward for disorderly and placed her in the cooler over night Yesterday morning brought before Co Councillor Woodcock bat Investigation when we went to A sup ply of boor had something to do with the trouble Close Prices to Clear Out Shoes WARE Oar prices have made the Dinner and Toilet Sets move a at a Snap Price come right away No matter how cheap you hear of goods being sold re- member we Bell Just ad Cheap The Leading Grocer Permanent Pavements who had do with municipal work muat admit that planks are not economical material for sidewalk Timber to alternate moisture from the ground andrairi and heat from the eon help but decay rapidly while heaving of it badly who have thoroughly ob served the say that a plank walk properly wilt last five years then repair commence At tho end of tho walk has much for repairs it in first the average life of a plank walk may be placed at years Mr Campbell the On- Road Commissioner Bays The beat material for atone coat of nearly three me that of plank Plank averages about square foot The latter when properly laid will last probably for a century it has been on some Toronto streets now for is apparently good as aver We notice by our exchanges that several towns both larger and smaller than New market are making a move towards per manent pavements laying a small piece year The atone walks give an ap pearance of solidity and durability that count for something Our Aldermen while taking their incomer holiday a make some enquiry when they strike a town of this kind and see it Newmarket not be uptodate in The only objection we hear granolithic is that they are yery slippery in the winter Washington July It report ed that bombarded Manzan- morning with great sue- details not forthcom ing- July journal bul letin says General Miles has suc ceeded in effecting a landing on Porto soil Madrid July A despatch from says that Commander Man- yesterday landing of a body of Americans near Honda The Americans wore pro tected by a warship landing party launched a boat which was sunk by firo from shore A lieutenant and four men were killed Spanish artillery also killed sever men on board the warship The Spanish loss was only three men slightly wounded July French Aiiihawudor behalf of the Government of and by direction of Spanish Min ister of Foreign Affair presented to President yesterday iiooii at the White House Washing ton n menage from Gov ernment to termination of the war ami settlement of terms of peace Miles and a portion of Rico expedition landed at Port A smart engagement fol lowed in which four Spanish soldiers wore killed The power of are reported and the report is by a cor respondent at Madrid to have agreed on a policy regarding the future of the the most important pro vision of which is that the islands shall remain In possession of Spain Great Britain is not party to the agreement A despatch from General Shatter states that now cases of yellow fever wcrercportcd in his command on Monday making a total of cases Only death was reported The Editors Shears CLIPPINGS Bolton Pair will held on Sunt and Amherst had a destructive firo Monday A man named was drown ed at Lindsay The Kingston Penitentiary inves tigation was continued yesterday Lightning damaged homo of Robert at on Monday An infant child of Thomas GIov- of St Catharines was drowned in a cistern A boy at Belleville named died from rheumatism caused by bathing Bush fires are doing considerable damage in the vicinity of Severn Bridge The salmon fishing fleet in river was badly damaged by the recent storm there Montreal customs receipts will aggregate 1000000 this month the highest yet reached Fire caused 15000 damage to the of Patterson Montreal yesterday fa Mrs Edward Edwards of Kempt- was injured in a runaway acci dent there on Sunday A horse attached to Brain Bros beer wagon was overcome by the heat and died atKleinhurg A young man named Burr was killed by a passing train at Thames- ville Monday morning Pilgrims to the Bhrlne of Anne in Quebec are already returning leaving their crutches there A telephone lineman named J B Kelly was killed at by a shock from an electric wire I Cor Main Timothy Sts PURE Prohibition Alliance Over five hundred excursionists from this vicinity took in T employees excursion to on Saturday John Dodd8 a laborer at the T station had the first finger of the right hand smashed by a stone falling on it on Saturday morning The brought a largo excursion from Roachs Point Point Mortons Park and Belle on Saturday In the afternoon she took an excursion to the Point and many enjoyed this pleasant outing On Friday the hotel license of Angus Cameron was cancelled by Judge Ardagh Mr Cameron being given a month to dispose of his stock The trouble arose through a petition presented to the commissioners by Cameron which it was claimed had signatures that were forged A large Union Sabbath School ex cursion from and Unionville came to on Friday last by boat from Point Many of the visitors who had not visited County town before were greatly with beautiful Barrie parti cularly the granolithic walks and per manent roadways About three weeks ago raeak thieves visited onion patch with a wagon and about five Pharmacy Lehmans Drug Store KILL ALL FLIES by Pure Insect Powder Sticky Fly Paper Fly Pads Two Bouses To Lehman Chemist and Druggist Township for the coming Plebiscite Campaign The meeting though small owing busy season was fairly representative and was called to order by convenor J introduced the business and impressed the meeting with the importance of thorough work in our township The following officers were then elected Rev Mr Scott J A Watson Laskay Conveners for the different Polling SubDivisions as follows No 1 Norman No W Dyke Newmarket No 3 A King No A Kettleby No D OBrien No Norman No Nobleton No Agnew Lloyd town No Newmarket No 10 J Fuller Coventry The President and Conveners from each Polling Sub- Division will constitute the Executive Committee and will meet from time to time during the Campaign to transact the business of t lie branch The funds for carrying on the Cam paign is expected from the Churches Sunday Schools Young Peoples and I Temperance Societies and private in- at- the gate which they ted with a stone and started to work Mr Pen- stone was awakened and with hie father went out into the yard The thieves heard them and and they gave chase but the handicap proved to be too much for them Eugene Owens an American crook was arraigned before Judge on Friday last and found guilty of stealing two watches 1050 and thirtyone cents from two formers in West One of the men arrested Owens and handed him over to the police The money and watches were recovered by Detect ive Beardsley Owens was photo graphed and remanded until August for sentence In the meantime his record will be looked into While riding along Dunlop street in about midnight on the 12th Ernie Allward ran into a buggy stand ing in the shadow of the aroh in front of the Wellington hotel His forehead was badly cut in two places and the shock rendered him unconscious He was able to be out in a few days after ward you written ON TUB J and it is hoped that this flF I Ctt responded to vl Examination this name teaebor Principal of the ffiRALsmESS Toronto receive full about Free award W for ginning on September 1st next Address 8HAW Principal unite Toronto J Campaign literature will bo provid ed for distribution by the canvaaHers and public speakers for platform meet ings throughout the township It is now said that the Prince of Wales will always lame a result of the accident to his knee There are fortytwo men engaged in survey work on the new railway be tween Woodstock and Brentford The children lost a few days ago near Kingston have been found Hespleb Ont July During a severe thunderstorm which swept over the town this morning the re sidence of Mr Robert was twice by lightning The first bolt tore a quantity of shingles off the roof split one of the rafters and then went down to the cellar A few min utes afterwards another bolt struck the house ran the a portion of which were torn down The fluid then went down the pump and split pump log a dis tance of feet to the bottom The occupants of the building received a bad shock Japan is reinforcing its squadron at to make ready it is thought for Philippine operations A collision occurred on the P at Pembroke between two pas senger trains No fatalities are re ported The Russian court ladies are peti tioning to be allowed to smoke cigar ettes in court What they want prob ably is a match Eli Scratch of one of the largest fruit growers in western Ontario had 800 peach trees blown down by a cyclone A deaf and dumb pedlar from Weston named George Allan was run down by an express train near Bolton yesterday and killed Sir Wilfrid held a re union of his old classmates of the Col- lego de at Arthahaska- ville on Wednesday lost Two brother John and Henry Chambers were upset in their sailboat on Shoal Lake near Winnipeg yes terday and both perished The cash register stolen from A Harris store on Wed nesday night was recovered on the P tracks rifled of Tuberculosis has broken out in a herd of cattle in Elgin County and the milk has been used in the family and also sent to the factory the thirteen-year- old son of Mr Kibbie the P ticket agent at Place was drowned on Saturday in the river there Leamington Essex County July The barns of Thomas concession was struck by lightning and destroyed by fire with the following contents Thirty tons of hay part of his crop of wheat binder and other implements several fat hogs and chickens Loss about There was a small amount of insur ance on the barn Flavius Lehman Lot concession Markham raised acres of clover this season for seed seven acres of which he threshed in eight hours yielding bushels or a little more than seven bushels per acre This is the largest yield of this kind of seed that has been heard of the general run being about two to three bushels per acre A horse belonging to James on the 2nd concession East York Township died one day last week from the effects of stinging by hornets In wandering through tho pasture the animal disturbed a nest of venomous little insects which retaliated in such numbers as to cause death to the horse next day Continued from first page In this city there are very many students There two schools here one similar to a Collegiate Institute with an attendance of GOO students and another school of lower grade called a middle school with an attend ance of nearly 100 These students are all boys and young men and there are but or of the 1600- who are Christians There is also a Normal school here with oyer in attend ance of which number there are not more than two professing Christians Then there are the primary schools in addition to the above In the Guardian of Jan thero was an excellent paper by Rev Takagi upon the Recent Anti- Christian Movement in Japan which you all read It gave some idea of the difficulties of Christianity in Japan In this city alone are over Buddhist and Temples some of hem very large and having many priests attached One large Temple has over priests at tached to it Of course tfcey are to actively oppose Christianity and yet strange as it seems spent most of the day in a Buddhist Temple on Saturday March upon the invitation of the High Priest His oldest son is one of my students and has Buddhism for Christianity The Priest his father invited Misses and tbe two M workers here Mr McKenzie and myself to see a ceremony and partake He thanked us for kind ness shown and help given to his son showed us some of his most ancient and rarest gifts gave us each a keep- and invited us to come again The following Monday I sent him some tracts by his son Yesterday his son told me that his father wanted to see me and ask me many questions I have an invitation to visit another Buddhist Temple next week and see a ceremony The Priests son referred to above said to me before I was invited to the feast that his fath er would very much like to see me and talk with me but he knew that wo Christians disliked him and did not care to talk with a Buddhist Priest I told him to assure his father that we did not dislike him and that I was willing to talk to any person in the world and would be glad to talk with his father I suppose you are all rolling up your sleeves so to speak in order to roll up an overwhelming majority for Prohibition when the Plebiscite is taken If I could be in two places at a time I should like to be over there for a short time to help but my work is here and your active duty there and I feel sure that every Leaguer will give a good account of himself and herself in the Campaign As I read Rev Principal Grants letter and the ac count of his debate against prohibition I was pained by the thought that per haps the Devils best strokes are de livered by thoee who are on the Lords side We have lamentable evidence of that here in Japan Some of the most active Propagandists of the Japanese Doctrine or New Shin- toism called Nippon renegade Christiana Mr Takagi spoke of this movement in the paper above mentioned I have been told that some of these very men who are now opposing Christianity so vigor ously were educated in Mission schools Another thing that has pained me very much is that some foreigners oven commend the licensing of prosti tution as done in this country Since I came here there has been a discussion in some Newspapers on this way of suppressing this evil and strange to say some of the very ar guments used by Dr Grant against prohibition of the liquor traffic were trotted out here in support of a sys tem of prostitution legalized by Gov ernment sanction in the form of license Let us always remember that God is on the Side of Right whether or no it be expedient and popular and also that Right as an adjective or noun either does not admit of comparison I rejoice with you that you are be ing blessed and achieving desirable results in the various departments of League work but most of all in that souls have been saved during the past winter My prayer is that each League in the district may enjoy a rich blessing and be the means of bringing many to Christ and that each one may realize the Presence of Him who said to His followers I will not leave thee no neither will I forsake thee no never Yours in the service CO CO CO CO CO A painful accident took place on Saturday last at the residence of Mr Windott in the of Mr is having a house erected and Cameron and Martin masons were on the scaffold about feet from the ground when ono of the paddocks of the scaffold broke precipi tating them to ground Roth were unconscious for some time but are now considered out of danger writing from Dawson City says there may be a greater scarcity of provisions this coming winter than there was last year Mondays thunderstorm did con siderable damage at and At the dining room of the American Hotel was set on fire and Pierces under taking establishment and the Metho dist parsonage at were also struck At the residence of Mr Robert was twice struck and considerably damaged and at Vittoria Mr Samuel Pickett agent on T and sending a message was struck and ren dered unconscious for some time ft The Best that can be Bought and ices Right Full Line of Paints Oils Ready Mixed Paints Paint and Kalsomine Brushes OPAQUE WINDOW Cornice Poles HORSE CLIPPERS Lawn Mowers Hedge and Pruning Shears Garden Hose Rakes Hoes Rakes Spades Shovels Agents for Massey- Harris and Bros Repairs J An- Wo Jacks for Hire Immense Purchase of pieces on sale Fast Colors J Good Width Newest Patterns JOBBIN TO NEXT SOUTH OF S SUGAR Sugars have taken a fall See our Bright Yellow Sugar at for and No 1 Graunlated at lbs for 1 Take a look at it before buying elsewhere Our Groceries are Fresh and Choice assortment of Canned Goods season- of the year We keep a large suitable this BOILED HAM KEPT ON HAND The past two weeks Bananas have been very high on account of the of July being a big day c American side but this week Bananas are down the Peachy Tomatoes Pears Plums first this Remember tbo place TAB

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