Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , July 29, 1898, p. 6

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J r THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY JULY f JACK80N COLLEGE CORNERS A purchased a bag of toes from Colo time Best Advertising Medium- York County was com- polled to buy potatoes for bin own till the now onus come man enough to insertion A 1 to bo made on broad flPAC two W00 Advertisements with writ- ton Instructions Inserted until forbid and accordingly Advertisements will bo once each month If desired For than month composition paid for At regular rntofl Changes for contract advert bo In noon mi Wednesdays Special law ItnUt for Notices Farina to Kent Articles Lost mill round etc A rending will bo Inserted free Church or Society where aro fur- shod or when no ml ROACHS POINT Cap Ellis has on to comfort of summer visitors Two Moonlight Excursions avo an- nouncql one for Tuesday evening of this week and another for Tuesday evening of next week Aug 2nd The ferry Agnes leaves Point at catling at Do and Morton Park for a sail on Lake taken will be J o for such a notice No exception to tills rule returning to Roachs Point As the fare is only conts no doubt a good many will take in trip Already there has been on this season had a raco with the across from Belle the other day and came out ahead She made the passage in minutes The Skylark is behaving herself nobly Mr takes a party out every day Two loads from New market were entertained on Tuesday A bass was- caught by one of party fishing off Snake Island on Monday Relatives States are visit ing at Mr Jesse Mortons Itife the flab WHAT TO continued warm and dry weath er has had a disastrous on crops and grass They arc drying up very fast There woe an ice parlor open ed in on Saturday under special direction of Mor ton It is patronized Wo notice our old friend Mr Williams back in our midst again This time in of an up-to- date blacksmith Ho is working with Mr J mJ Speeding on sand at Fish Market has been abandoned too busy and too hot In explaining causoof so many young men from a distance- visiting yound ladies in our neighborhood a correspondent to another local said that our young slow This is not so are only lotting others boo what fine young ladies we have AURORA BALDWIN The T ladies met for their regular oclock Tho Temperance meeting be hold on Sunday afternoon at oclock at Mrs Roachs The Union will be assisted in program by a few members of the Newmarket Union Wn a cordial invitation to all business transaction on at of Mrs Cook After items of business were discuss ed tea was served by hostess next regular meeting will held in Hall on the of August A little boy two years of age son of Mr Tanner who is a tenant on Mr Noil Mortons form had his leg broken day last week He was silting at the entrance to barn when his father was driving in with a load A ral was knocked down by load and falling against tho barn door caused it to swing One of the hinges being broken the door slipped and fell upon the child with the above result The U of North bury is to hold a Gospel Temperance Meeting next Sunday afternoon on lawn of Squire A good program will bo provided and a large attendance is anticipated Mr G A has opened his cottage at Echo Hollow Mr of Newmarket and three Bradford young men wore camped at Echo Hollow for a week and left for Jacksons Point About Attended tho Bible Class at Inglcwood last Sunday evening Mr York of Aurora had guests for dinner last Sunday principally from Aurora All cottages at Orchard Beach are now occupied Mr Trivotfce was opened last week Mr Oliver and Mr Dickson opened theirs on Tues day Wo hear that Mr of To ronto has purchased a lot at Orchard Beach and thinks of building next- season The boys are camping back MOUNT ALBERT of Baden is visiting at Mr Lasts Mr Ale Knowlcs of Toronto is spending a few days at his uncles J A McLean is moving to York Mm spent several days visiting with Mr mid Mrs Barrett Miss Amy Forrest of Toronto ar rived Tuesday evening for several weeks visit at Dr It Forrests the 7yearold son of Mr who met with a painful accident in the woolen mill lost week having his caught in the picker is coming around nicely Miss Rowland of Toronto is visit ing with the Misses Leek Anew sidewalk is being laid be tween the village and the P build ing This has been needed for years and the township has at last been to action Miss Annie of Toronto is visiting with her many friends here of Rev P Addison for a month Mr Armstrong of preached in the Presbyterian pulpit last Sunday morning and evening Rev Mr and family at present near on holidays month Jenkins preached in the Methodist Church here last Sunday morning with Ins usual eloquence and power There was a large Rev Mr Brown preached in the evening and took up the topic of the the following- oven- illustrating his remarks the parable of the rich man pulling down his harm to build greater and from the life of King of Israel in coveting vineyard There was a good attendance at the League which is prospering Besides two gooi and an which has doubled the number on its roll in a short time has two good Sabbath Schools whose superintendents Mr Fogg and Mr are men well qualified for the position only from their knowledge of the Scriptures but from their position as leading members in their respective churches The membership in the Methodist ft is with a good staff of teachers has increasing its population recently Congratulations due Mr and Mis Hill Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs The Junior Football Club held a Garden Party last Wednesday on the fine lawn of Mr Rose the South end of the village Have not heard the result but a good time was anticipated and no doubt The dust grows deeper and the sun grow hotter and air dryer The grass in many places is dying from Want of rain We had an abundance of clouds and thunder last Monday arid just a little bit of rain merchant of was drowned there Monday if- Trolling for lunge is one of the principal occupations of the campers From 10 to 15 boats are out nearly every and morning Fish are not plentiful Fern wood the residence of Mr Morton is tin scene of a jolly party Among the new arrivals arc Mr Hicks from Toronto Miss and Miss Webster of Aurora Mr Webster and from Toronto Mr and Mrs son and daugh ter from Mount Forest also Mr Mr Fisher and Mr Moore from Village ami Mr Lee of Toronto The Union has in getting Mr a returned Missionary from China to address their Gospel Temperance meeting next Sunday afternoon be held on Mr lawn at oclock We hope there will Ira a large turnout Mr Tanners little boy had the misfortune to get his leg broken one day last week The children of Restful Nook deserves praise for their kindness toward him Mr and Mrs A Jones and two children from Albert returned homo after spending a week at- Mr Win Judging from the crowd of people who are seen wending their way to ward Mr Fords bush raspberries must be very plentiful this summer Mrs P Lyon of spent a few days with her mother Mrs Kaako Lightning destroyed the barns of Thomas Swales farmer near Leaming ton on Monday Junction July Cleveland Bicycle factory closed flown for a week for the annual stock taking Twenty hands in the car de partment and paint shops at the Cana dian Pacific Railway yards were laid off work yesterday for an indefinite time Whilst drawings a heavy load of along Hi this morn ing a valuable horse belonging to Mr Williams a teamster of Toronto fell dead from Beautiful showers hero this week which wero sadly needed and thank fully received Longfellow I think it is says Oh turn bank timo in flight make mo a child again for a night etc such a has place in Mr Bon who looks twenty years younger than he used to was A clean shave transmogrified him Those having cultivated berries hustling to orders for the luscious fruit The summer visitors at the lake shore are good customers Lake View Cottage ordered eight pails of Mrs The Joker seems to alooking for trouble Ho fun our good friendHenry I woutdrit like to be his shoos if Henry gets aftor him Hell give the danc ing lessons with a fancy steps that hell over forget capital dancer so some of our ladies who trip light fantastics say Sunday oh my wasnt it hot No Visitors To warm Nobody would bo so idiotic as to go visiting such a Soon bo time for new corn and cucumbers Dont eat cucumbers theyll up Another game of ball between the Benedicts and Bachelors which prov ed disastrous to the Bachelors The heavy batting of the old boys was too much for the young gents Several cases of heart failure when they wont to bat A very largo and enthusiastic crowd of men women and children witnessed the game Miss Ruby had a birthday party last Thursday to celebrate fifteenth birthday About twenty guests were present Gee Chapman and of Hills dale are visiting at the old home stead They are both devotees to cycling Mr is apparently as well as ever and seems as frisky as a kitten May be seen a prominent figure in the ball field Just as you might expect J P Belfry got a good send off and well he deserved it Yes sir hes popular No discount on him Some time ago a passing stranger remarked to us theres a man up near Oh no I guess not says I Why do you think so Well I was passing along tho road and a fellow in a field near by was acting outrageously How so says 1 Well he was shouting waving his arms wildly about his head stamping with vengeance and so on add so Maybe it was the silvery orator rehearsing vocal gymnastics suggested I Well it be and it not What was that ore about Jim Sticks I aint never tell on him Well Ill make inquiries concerning it says I so long Several of our bridges and culberts are sadly out of repair A stitch in time may save nine and perhaps nine hundred A suit for damages is no trifling matter Ann daughter aged about twelve years had an attack of a very curious complaint A sort spas modic hiccough accompanied by a sound resembling a choking The Dr called it a nervous trouble It is said she could be heard a mile distant She is now convalescent Another sister was similarly affected Some old grannies were for fear twas Shucks says the old Dr is a broken leg a ketch- The White Robin has been round again He was caged up at Squire Stations old bird as ever Mr up the iakreme for boys that won the ball game on Wed last The Owl didnt get a late Sour grapes The Owl r On Thursday while returning iiom whore Ws family are camping Mr Jamee suffered a severe accident His horse stumbled and fell throwing him several foot forward on hard ground broken He crawled to a house near by and got conveyed homo On Wednesday two young ladies coming from Kettloby met with a similar accident Both thrown out- tho foot in front of tho horse and both were but and bruised but fortunately no bones were broken heat and drouth are doing ruin ous work on late crops and roots Potatoes are ripening and no larger than small eggs One farmer reports a that was known in Ontario before Hia peas had blossomed that strange frost Tho pods are a good length but the peas are black inside Ho attributes it to the frost Lake Wilcox has sprung into a resort Tonts dotted all round the east end and boarders quartered among the fatmore more than families represented in greater or lees numbers beauty of this sheet of water has no superior and it has more than half a mile of unsurpassed bath ing ground Mr of the farm has a number of pleasure boats and almost every camp has also its quota all of which are to bo seen on lake every evening A little in terest on the part of adjoining land in putting grounds in order will make the place 9 Wo are devoting special attention to the approaching Bummer Trade Our Stock with fresh Canned Goods tho beat prepared foods for the table Wholesome and desirable Teas with strength and flavor Coffees with their richness of aroma Cocoa pure and fresh Canned Finnan Thistle Brand 13c a tinr Sliced Smoked ft tin Boneless Chicken Tongue Cooked Corn Beef Canned Lobsters Noble Brand Tomato Catsup Aylmer Brand a- tin Japan Tea at IK a ABE I Blooded Tea lb- Finest Java and Mocha Coffee ground fresh at lb Pure Rio Coffee special at Cowans finest Cocoa bulk lb Teas and Coffees are the finest flavors they are the best GO Fine MAIN- STREET A rainstorm at Ottawa did damage to property Charles Baker of London an ox- conductor on the street railway was Tuesday evening by falling un der ho was attempting to board while it was in motion KETTLEBY- cannot help noticing tho fact Mr Jos Rogers is again using his old binder that people pronounced a thing of tho past shall I say years ago some few years at any rate The machine appears to do its work fairly well yet Mr and Mrs Lloyd have just re turned from a weoks vacation at the Lako Mr Wm of spent a days with sister Mrs Wat son and the Misses and M Wat son have gone back to Newmarket Berry picking seems to be the order of day Everybody hard at work and complaining of the heat A re freshing shower on Monday pleased everybody Mrs Whitoaud Miss Hurst of To ronto at Elm Hurst farm this week Miss Toressa of Toronto and Mr Alfred vet of Uncle Sams domains are homo on a visit Mr Jeaudron and Mr Wiggins of Toronto are rusticating at Mr Mur rays Misses Love were At Home one evening last week with a few friends Miss Garrison of Toronto is at Mrs Miss Hare from Watford is with her cousin Miss Gertie On Sabbath next Rev Mr of the Methodist Church will take for his subject The local effects of alco hol and cures HOLLAND LANDING The dry weather continues and prospects in the root crop are very poor in this vicinity The Misses entertained a large number of guests on Monday evening last and all report a very en joyable time Quito a number took in the Sun day School Excursion from Bradford Bridge to Jacksons Point on Tuesday last Who was it got left at Jack sons Point Miss Morton who has leen spend ing her holidays home returned to the city on Tuesday evening Thos Killough who lias been visit ing his father the past two weeks left for the city on Tuesday Mr John Shields who has been dangerously ill with inflammation is improving Miss Brooks and Miss Young of Toronto are visiting at parents Miss Murphy Mrs Murphy and daughter of Toronto are visiting at Mr J Murphys Miss Bella Tote and brother of Hamilton visiting at Mr Tates Mrs and son of Toronto are visiting at the Reeves The barber shop is doing a large trade Billy is thinking of putting another chair in He is kepp hurtling on Saturdays A held an open meeting at the Park last Tuesday evening MOUNT PLEASANT Visitors The Misses and Mrs of Toronto at Mr George Wrights Miss Wight of Markham at Mr Joseph Davidsons Miss Earl and Miss Lena at Mr Andrew Moulds Miss Jessie Atkin son of Virginia is visiting at Mr John Hamiltons Mr Richard Young and family were the guests of Mr Martin Rose last Sunday Mr and Miss spent Sun day at Mr Glovers Mr and Mrs T Peregrine Mr and Mrs Richardson and mother were the guests of Mr Joseph Glover on Sunday Me thinks the Owl wont make much of a spec on the berries if it dont rain Mr George Glover has purchased a buggy We expect to see the girls and the dust fly now Several from herespent Sunday at the Luke Mr Henry was the first to thrash his in the neigh borhood this season DISCOUNT ALE Simpsons IH until recent- edited by late Hall twos yesterday the new be ing Mr A of Hamilton formerly connected wit J the Hamilton but who late has been travelling Southern States for good of his health is practical printer and journalist The will of the late RoWt Simpson has probated The estate is val ued at made up of house hold goods horses carriages etc debt and notes 100 mortgages stocks cash departmental store corner Queen and sts less mortgage to the Canada National Investment Co of The household effects horses and carriages go the window The resi due of the estate is to invested us the trustees may decide in Govern ment or municipal debentures or up on first mortgage securities or in loan and savings companies the in come is to be paid to the widow and at her death to the daughter In the event of Mrs Menitt predecvasing her mother her children are to inherit at Mrs Simpsons death Should the children die before the age of or should there no children the es tate is to divided equally among the then surviving brothers and sisters of Mr Simpson It is provided too that the trustees may at their discre tion turn over absolutely to Mrs Simpson or Mrs Merritt any part of estate GOOD For sale cheap apply Keswick Tenders for Painting SCHOOIi Sealed tenders will be received by the under- up to Wednesday 3rd day August for paint outside wood and Iron work or the Model School For par ticulars apply to By order of the Board DAVID LLOYD Auction Sale of Valuable FARM PROPERTY In the Township of East County of York Under a power of contained a cer tain made ooe vendors now In default and to bo produced at tic of pale there will be offered for sale by public auction at the American Hotel In the Town of Newmarket on Wednesday the of August IKK at tbo hour of oclock In the afternoon ALL Lot it East containing IO acre more or leas About MO acre are Bald cleared and In a fair state or cultivation The soil is said to consist of a The property li sit uate about two and one half inneafrom and nine miles from on a good travelled road and creeled thereon are said to be two two frame barns There Is also a small orchard The property Is located in a good agricultural country and la said to a supply of well water The property will bo offered for sale subject to a reserved bid Ten per cent of purchase money will be required to be paid at the time of safe and balance according to favorable terms and conditions to be then fcnowD For further particulars apply to Chad wick MossrsBoattr ChadwIckBlddoll6 Wellington BtBast for Vendors Of Summer SUITINGS and TROUSERINGS EXT TW Do not miss this sale as it will be of advantage to you and us both as we wish to clear out the stock to make room for Pall Goods N MY TAILOR J HORSE RANTED Suitable for bus work Apply at the HOTEL A months reward for Information that will lead to Its recovery Address WANTED who arc not too jiroud to makesome money during the next three months In tell ing the the life of Mr three that sum No risk no exuerlcnce no capital uecceaary rite quickly for partleulnrs Toronto NTS Thefitoryof Gladslones Life Is of of the greatest man of the and embrace tht history of- he nineteenth century the most wonderful century since time began the fascination and Is told In elegant simplicity Better for your outfit before you sleep and be In field Capital unnecessary Big wages paid for sells to every body COMPANY Limited Toronto AGENTS iy Canadian of Gladstone Is Hopkins Hon GWRosa and Sir A lasting monument to the Thconl Hopkins Hon GWRosa and Sir great man and to Canadian literature catchpenny books handled by Can ad Houses Our book has been In illustrated- I room mission Pro to Freight paid books book you can down them preparation lor years Handsomely bound profusely Illustrated- Pros pectus free to canvasser- paid books all CO Limited Toronto WANTED al4 High Grade or Wo man Church standing to act as Manager hero and do office work and corre spondence at their home up here Salary Enclose stamped envelope for our terms to A P Elder General Manager Ave Chicago 111 him i GO TO And see what bargain he has in SUITING and down at Cost for the next CO days made to suit the Customer W C Old Stand Blizard Sibley now prepared to turn out work In ail the latest of the and Carbon Including all those beautiful tints seen on the other side in Europe Just now OUTDOOR WORK la our Specialty All our work absolutely to Take Babies Aulateur work finished and all attended to from negative taken by Hood or can bo obtained Dont forget tbo to I ENSILAGE CORN OF BEST VARIETIES RED OOB MAMMOTH SOUTHERN SWEET EARLY LEAMING LONGFELLOW EARLY ANGLE OF MIDNIGHT GERMAN HUNGARIAN AND TURNIP SEED Sheet Farmers Attention haying the above of ricoa shouldcai on at stated All kinds Seed Onions I Cement kept

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