Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , July 29, 1898, p. 5

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-1- THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY JULY 4 Ml HI It It COOKHUItN President General Manager THE SUNDAY SCHOOL THIRD INTER NATIONAL NEWMARKET BRANCH A Banking Business TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits at cdbiient hates DRAFTS ISSUED at Sterling find Drafts bought and Discounted Collections to Manager or Verso Text by ho Rot MEDICAL JW Campbell to to pm AT Church Formerly at Chelsea Hospital for or Women of Hospital for Children Toronto Central Pharmacy to a to and to p Rltvoh late Dr Honors Of to am tip Wesley and Coroner b8Ioehc Main North Telephone Coirimuncjiiion INSURANCE Joseph a Cody Confederation at beat rates Several Good Farms for Hale Town Clerka Office next to Hall Newmarket Always In on Saturdays r 1 J A fiastedo Agent for and to Loaninterest at Current Rates At the Newmarket Canada Co FIRE INSURANCE AT LOWEST RATES a a Ramsay Fire Insurance Agent Low on Farm Risks and Isolated Town Property Of Hodges Newmarket DENTAL JR I entlst Post Office Block opposite the Church Air for And Into hie heavy and of word the had unto for ho hod will not my fathers There fore a sulky ho wont to bod his to the wall and not eat It wae a law in IbcI that prince popnlpi by scorned to know do law Ho offered to buy the field from but the Inheritance of Ms fpthers was more to than Holy Spirit by whom no are scaled is the car- neat of pur Inheritance Are desirous that lie shall not ha by any of ours 5 Hut Joxobol his wife to film unto him Why Is thy spirit to sad thit thou no And ho told Contrast sid- of Neb end of Don Mi of end Daniel jull of for rf M kingdom end for the lory of God juohthuuflhuflned On thocon- alt of add a little bit Of property to that which ho 2crcd Ho had not learned thai mans life not In abundant of the things whtoh bo Luke all And hie wife unto thou of and ct Id of eoctte to bis well trains peWaal hu method re motion are Mo his she a the wbol dnoftod tolls We Mm the field lie did cell tVwiVk In the wife up fie They by they men and his SI she fa Afepbjiftpe acltd them with Me coal and tiUhe ratafle la his waa woree death dealing of thslilnrt la Cam- Mi V hfl Hew Califs- Giving lot tew of end The Bon of lJoaoacJe to not to mono Uvea devil the and And wrote In Icttora Inc Pro biro a end No both on high tij the and pas two men tone of him to Waif and end then carry him that he may die the Ho Abel fccsn fit I He wobcd vjfiojoxialy with she born cud In when wae tufeju in nnccrupuloua woman ha John the beheaded and triad to kill Joseph In Kay When the time ho allowed to hill our Lord in to dor orb told it bod end of wfcldt In hie city did as cent nt thou written In the which oho bed thoy were to M the occupied However thai not have they evidently Wh6 to Vest like Joseph end did in- the do IB of Wus men of Belial wltncsd even If the Houses DONT YOU WILL IT of Many a An outbreak of lire however it may occur or where in one of toy iM cf tho no Dentist Aurora Dr Aurora in life one panic tcenw unua not to my natural At tho thero no emer gency in which of mind is more absolutely to safety proprietor of place of public the of factories and and the of the tall buildings aro obliged by law to provide and means of firo of public arc to drill their pupils in orderly and speedy exit at the tap of tho firo bell but it is rare exception that a private dwelling the simplest precau tions arc taken or the least provision made as what is to done in the not improbable of fire Therefore when the emergency arisen every one Urn family in probably frantic with fright and should Tim occur in the night the family are likely to owe their lives to tho cooler of their neighbors or to tho bravery of the ire department There is not the least for this occupant of a house should make himself or herself familiar with the easiest means of escape from every part of the house through a trap door along the edge of a mansard roof over a portico or batik down a water spout thero is scarcely a dwelling which does not furnish one or more such perilous paths safety are two important things to remember when ordinary means of escape seem cut off tho last re sort of jumping from a window The that you may break your fall by throwing mattresses and pillows to pavement below second that a strong enough to bear any one of ordinary weight may be by tearing sheets and counterpane into teninch strips and tying togeth er To do this put the ends of the strips together not across harder you pull on a knot like this the tight er it is Two sheets and counter pane should a rope long enough to reach from a fourth story window very nearly to the ground If it must longer use double blanket also Tie one end of the rope around tho bed leg or something equally heavy remembering that your life de pends on the strength of your knot then tie the other end to your waist and your leap may be made in com parative safety Another thing If you are forced to try the descent of a smoke filled hall remember that the smoke is less dens at the floor and crawl instead of trying to stand upright- Fire may generally be extinguished without difficulty if it is detected in time provided has presence of mind and is quick To tear down a blazing curtain which has blown against a lighted lamp or to smother the lames in a curtain if one hangs near it to dash a pitcher of water into a waste basket or a draw er where a lighted match has been carelessly let fall to do this without delay it to conquer the once Teach every one in your house hold that the best way to put out fire is to it air is as essential as fuel Keep doors and windows tight shut If one of those fruitful sources of fire an alcohol lamp be upset do- not our water on it that spreads the blazing alcohol throw something heavy over it a shawl a sofa cushion or a woolen dress and you will find Our Toronto Rev Carman General Superin tendent of tho Methodist Church in Canada has returned from Japan and presided at an Executive meeting of tho General Missions last week the Grand elected at Annual Masonic Communica tion hero lost week was Itov Mr Matthews of who was chosen Grand Chaplain Mr of of Edgar and was elected Grand Master For Deputy District Masters Toronto West Mr Morrison for Toronto East No Mr James The Lodges in York County go with tho It is now thought the long talked of subject of a hotel suitable to the requirements of Toronto and equal to the most commodious in New York will become a reality Options of sit4s are secured County Councillors David son Woodcock have inspected the East Rouge bridge and report it in had condition BO AND 8KB THE v Its Practical Advantages Wo any that has over led to many and points In been inverted to as many for price and thero In not a cheaper fence on market chief advantages of Fence over all other fences Wires i Wo enabled to keep wires that by means of end each being attached to a ratchet on back of set or these In sufficient for over one hundred rods of wire Wo staples and In Just closo enough for tho wire to work freely through them on poets Our stays arc fastened firmly to Wo not only overcome the expansion and con traction which been drawback to all wire fences hut we add tenfold and durability of raid fence resisting- any ono being nearly to ho resisting power of the whoic number of wires because It Is Impossible for any great of posts one only being needed every feet Our stays cannot be excelled more an t animals It laterally centre wires In that any can trying to get through tighter It holds the horizontal wires together They are easily made readily put on strong and durable no thing to rust or break for oar 1 anchoring of our endpost has equal no strain to come buted to all an ire n one without Our ratchet or made and are appreciated by all who see to all and when any great strain cornea uponaoy Is not simply up- on the wire between two posts where the Our allow for contraction and comes as would be the case If the wires I take up tho expansion of the wire were eta pled tight to posts but the strain distributed through the whole to Our stay Is beet and cheapest and tho springs at end post holds the wires firmly together Turns all kinds of stock and la not danger ous ft docs not between posts wind or enow will not affect It nor will It collect drifts It Is made of the beet galvanized wire and Is not only durable but handsome In appear ance will permit cultivation right up to tho fence and by this means you can keep your fence rows clean For general purposes the fence has no equal It can be put up any height with any number of wires mi I Ion The public flrowarncd any on patent They almost Dead Out July On Satur day lat Mr and Iaaac and family who reside at tho mouth of Bay Charlestons Lake wont picking down tho shore of the lake Their daughter years of age was left near the to aire for a of seven months while the rest of the family went up on the hills That was the last seen of tfjrl and her charge until this forenoon when they were discovered in an exhausted condition by Mr Parish They were about five miles from where they had been left Mr at once conveyed them to his cottage where necessary resuscitation was given and they were then taken by his steam yacht to their nearlydistracted par ents Considering that the children had been four days and four nights without food wandering over the wildest section of the Charleston Lake district the preservation of their lives is wonderful PRICE- WIRES AND STAYS ROD For Sale by TOOuB St J Mk c The Greatest Aid MARRIAGE a issuer of MARRIAGE- LICENSES I At the KRA Office Papers issued at private If wired Private funds on Farm mortgage only a j But en abundant Had Ht tiilXi Win Mufti It to from thai tiWlfflto torpid it of ttrory thing to it Hi to keep wan do the yet and nd to God ah all and ahaU not Uan a flia detour and for they cH and their follow Mid to Art of yabotk tbt to vt for money It to no but of but and of Mil a oM and awful w pTOy tt And ftW ft rfovrnta t vineyard of to towifc red Gtid to weald W it blotted out It is safe to assert that not one householder in a hundred has an in ventory of the contents of his house for the use of the insurance company when it comes to settling damages Die whole thing has to be done by guess and memory And who can re member all the contents of single room much less the whole house If you do not keep valuable papers in a safe or at your bankers keep them all together in a tin box with a Yale lock and put the box in a place where it will be easily accessable in case of firo Keep jewelry the same way It is well to train the children at least to some extent telling them what to save first each ought to do the older to look out for the younger for instance while each is to regard something precious as their especial charge A Strong Nation and healthy women and and depend upon pure blood which is given by Sac A nation millions of of every year laying jthe foundation for the of wbioh will aarely Heel In year to Hoods fill are prompt efficient al- way reliable to lake to ate 5o An yearold Lindsay boy was trolling in Sturgeon lake when W lunge grasped the hook and pulled the boy into the water He could swim so let the line go and scrambled into the boat again A Settmon If you a frfend worth loving him Yes and let him know That you love bun eer lifes Tinge hie brow with glow Why should good words neer be said Of a friend until hes dead If you hear a song that thrills yon Bung by any child of Praise it let the singer Wait deserved praises Jong Why should one who thrills your heart Lack the joy may impart If yon hear a prayer that moves yon By Its humble pleading tone Join it Do 1st the seeker Bow before bis God alone Why sbonld not your brother share The strength of two or three In Prayer If you see the hot tears falling From a brothers eyes Share them and by kindly sharing Own yonr kinship with the skies Why should any one be glad When a brothers heart is sad If a silvery laugh goes rippling Through the sunshine on bis face Share it the wise mans saying For both and joy a place Theres health and goodness id In which an honest has If yonr work is made more easy By a friendly helping band Say so oat brave and truly Eer the darkness veil the land Should a brother workman dear Falter for a word of Scatter thus your seeds of kindness All enriching as you go Leave them the Harvest Giver He will make each teed to grow So UUlUita happy end life shall never lack a friend I Vancouver July 23 Care ful inquiries made at show that ten Indians and five Japs make up the total loss among the Eraser River fisherman who were out in the big storm in the beginning of the week A party of twenty missing white men turned up safely yester day Toronto Jukctiox July child of Mr Minns Wilfred of Quebec avenue died yes terday from the effects of the heat The little will be interred in Pros pect Cemetery today BLIZZARD SIBLEY Have purchased the buelnceji of Mr pep pi at and arc prepared to take photographs Id Aim LATEST STYLES of art Carbon and Gloss Finish PHOTOS ENLARGED Amateur work finished and outside work promptly attended to from the taken by Hood or Pepplatt can be obtained Dont forget the address OLD STAND Next to Royal Hotel a pightep Even as a Before entering Annapolis Dewey went to the public school in the vil lage and also attended amilitary school at Norwich where he formed a de termination to enter the navy Dew eys father did not think much of sailors and told his son so but this made on difference to George He kept at his father until he procured him his appointment to Annapolis While a pupil in the district school at young Dewey received a severe thrashing which he probably remembers to this day The flogging was administered by Major Pang- born the schoolmaster now editor of the Jersey City Journal Prior to the coming of Major as master of the school the boys had whipped several masters Soon after had been installed it was decided that his mettle be tried George Dewey was selected by the other boys to make the test Major heard of the plot Dewey was called from his seat in the midst of a session of school He in fused to respond The other boys chuckled Master walked down to where young Dewey was seat ed and with the grasp of Hercules took the lad by the collar and yanked him from his seat and walked him up to the masters desk He was accused of the plot but refused to acknowledge it When Master had fin ished with young Dewey he was escorted home where he had to lie abed for several days as the result of his thrashing Dewey was too big- hearted to harbor up a feeling against the schoolmaster and afterwards there grew up between pupil and pedagogue the most friendly feeling From the Hero of Manila in Maya- for July You can give paper is your the local news- Job Printing If you do not feel able to run advertisement surely you afford to give the news paper your Cards Dodgers Bill Heads Letter Heads and Envelopes to print an can I The Newspaper Man Needs it and it helps him to pay the printers for putting in type the thousand and one free notices he gives you- and the town The Eba will you nice work and the prices will compare favorably with any place in the country Us July Buffalo and railroad is blocked by a wrecked freight train which narrowly escaped jumping over the bridge into the Grand river A damaged refrig erator car en route to the shops in London caused the wreck The bind trucks an abutment of the over head bride on Broadway and displaced it The bridge is a new one Wrecking crews om and London have been sent for no Jacksons Point Steam Saw Mills that Your correspondence be at tended to with more If you keep a supply of on hand We can give you Note Heads Letter Heads and En velopee printed to suit your fancy at prices that will sur prise you Call at the BRA and Bee camples rfv- Jiftate order to make a success with hogs a man must like the business He must like the hogs and the hogs must like him They should tame made so by gentle use so that you can go among them step over them push them around or do anything to them without exciting them If the man does not like the he had better let it alone Many think be cause it is a hog it can be kicked around and abused This is a sad mistake For the hog to give value received proper care from start to finish should be given Without this other live stock the hog will not do its best for you work and Mr formerly of JJaston Bill Stuff Cut to Order Shingles for Sale Mills arc Persons con- all kinds of bin Muff Cut to Order on short order On hand now a large quantity of Well Seasoned Lengths ten to fourteen feet D W McDonald Proprietor Sutton West IT YEARS EXPERIENCE for the greatest of Canadian booka Life of Gladstone memorial edition by now ready a to everybody to make In the field CO Established House Villi Grade Man or Church to act ffi III Thau Disions Ac

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