Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , July 29, 1898, p. 4

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ERA JULY Perfectly Cured Wonkond Low Poor Could Hot Boat I groat pleasure In recommending Hoods to It has been the means of restoring my to good health She was stricken down with an nervous prostration Buf fered with her under strain She low spirited bo weak could only do ft work without resting Hot appetite poor and being bo could not get tho proper rest night decided to try Hoods hid board It highly praised and I am glad that Hoods has cured all her ailments Bellamy Hannah Weal ton Remember It the Bertla fart One Teas Blood St sU for as ji- PIUS All druggist no I Thos Public Main Newmarket to on Hood Farm se T irtoyd Barrister Solicitor tie for of King Honey Division Court Newmar ket Ontario p Barrister Solicitor Conveyancer etc Marsh Comer Inters Toronto Estates carefully managed and collection promptly made r Money to loan at lowest rates Main Hi WUICK fiollcltors Ac Manning King Went Toronto Block Money Loan AUCTIONEERS CO Auctioneer for York Co Farm and Sale Mil receive special attention Main St Newmarket PO EDITORM NOTES to bo id of Opposition Loader that he and supporters will obstruct llio proposed legislation In the Assembly talking against until the trials place but is No Judge would preaumo to deal with a question Legislators has been called together to determine bill of lion Mr to tho and to provide for retirement of of the ser vice at no to country In- to operation on 1st of July By the of the officiate tho option of bringing the new law or not The aot applies to every person hereafter to civil aoryioo Banner following kindly reference to the Member for North York Canada of having a poetmaatergenoral who la trying to bring things uptodate There never waa In country a more than Mr and the that he has largely been the mesne of having the penny pottage adopted between Great Britain and colonies Ib very to his credit Mr has achieved reputation of on of the hardest working of cabinet A lei members of Parlia ment and likewise a section of the Domin ion press supporting that party have gone Into the prophesying business respecting ho next general Sir Charles away Vancouver but the ubiquitous reporter also we learn that the former has been prophesying that Sir Wilfrid will appeal to the country Immediately after Commission completes its work make the Franchise Act an for the opinions of the country It is about time Parliament abolished Hansard The country is not quite so Interested in what members of par liament ifiy as what they do when members vote appropriations to pay for printing their parliamentary goes they are taking the peoples money to add to their own importance If par liament abolished Hansard the of the Dominion would fur nish all speeches worth printing and the talkingmachines would give the reporters and the country a rest both although little American boat was at the same tlmo nndor the firodf tho shore and guns of the Vheayo The culmination of astonishing fearlessness was reached when ho engaged the big Spanish and main the until supported by our menofwar A portrait of Lieut Com- and a his ship are contained in of Weekly for July The Toronto Star la facetious It saya Mr Whitney will soon be to write an essay on how it to bo frozen on a hot day to a presa reporter tho other day Mr Drew of told of a splendid copper discovery two north of Lake about half way to Hawk Lake A surface assay showed 828 per cent of copper 9150 In gold and 20o In silver The lodge is an conglomerate foot and is thought to be a contact vein between the granite and formations at the height of land The ore similar to that of the Calumet and on tho othor of Lake Superior in which has paid millions In dividends A of feet depth was made and there showed per cent of This find the long held assumption that the Holt ore sooth of Lake Superior would be found in Ontario reported also a gold find of great richness This within half a mile of Lake and be tween the lake and Jubilee mine This was a vein of frtcmililng ore IS feet wide that will ran at a low estimate per ton It is a continuation of vein on the low Money claim Victory Over the Most Obstinate Forms of Disease IMPROVED People la All Walks of Ufi Cured lib RSMfla CURES OTHERS FAIL Ur Geo carriage for Geo A Redo Co at tit says I and at waa also Alice street Toronto trembled for a year with times suffered extreme pa Buffering trouble which STB After ualag a each of I am now feeling right and well one agate have also sad CO little nsth I la hare a one la a lev Cora e Price iac ell Duncan for thcCoof York on commission Terms reason Farm Bale attended to A trial solicited able ltrsiDxKCK Street Newmarket PAINTING The leading House Painter Paper Hanger 10 years In all branches of the line of sainplteof the latest designs In Wall Papers Ask to see them door North of the Primary Church Street Bolton Practical Painter PaperHanger a House Decorator Corner Church Street Millards lane and MISCELLANEOUS Someitvillea Opposite Fire Hall Main Street Simpson Druggists Sundnes and Fancy Goods flliss la prepared to do private residences Perfect fit guaranteed In all the latest fash- sent through Newmarket PO will receive prompt attention mi A of Tuner of and all String Instruments NEWMARKET WORKS IN Monuments and Head Stones Ordering Elsewhere Money to Loan At Five on Farm Security by David liloyd Commissioner for taking Affidavits t Agent Conveyancer Licenses Etc Agent for the following of London Wy2fPr Montreal Gore District Mutual established the To- destroyers cams la sight at Bant lago on July the made speed and whipped AKornraYeet to annoy farmers has been discovered near Hamilton The World that Mr Jaines Deputy Mini- of AgridnUnre has received a sample of clover from several fields near ton which been destroyed by dodder This is a plant the which probably come from rope At a Cer tain stage of Ha growth dodder cats itself off from its roots and climbs with hair like tendrila to the atom of the clover from which it draws Its nourishment and finally destroys both stem and seed Although up to this time no complaints have been re ceived except from above locality it would be well that farmers everywhere ex amine their fields and see whether any of this plant is to be found If any of It should be found best plan would be to the clover crop plowed- under In no case should the seed from soeh fields be either sowed or sold Tub Flaneur of the Mail does not follow the teachings of the editorial col umns that print or altogether take po litical Inspiration therefrom Quits re- In referring reasons ot the Premier for calling the Legislative together The Flaneur says Whether policemen legally entitled to vote at elections is a point only the courts can decide But smite apart from legal or party Issues if they have not the right let itbe given them as soon as possible A constable should be no mora deprived of a vote than any qualified person It is not to court as aome writers pat it but the rather to remove double reipeotlog the intention of the Legislature in regard to allowing constables to exercise the fran chise that the Legislature is called to gether hi m thrilling Incidents on southern coast of Cuba daring tha last fortnight will make the pages of the fators histories of the Spanish war read like a romance The blind and Woody fighting on the Santiago tbs gallantry of and despairing dash almost certain detraction no more sensational or dra matic avsnts than could welt be Imagined Among the many Incidents with the destruction ot the Bpanlahflest the heroic work per formed by wright will long remembered Wain- wright was executive officer of the on that night in the harbor of Ha vana and he recently placed In com mand Mr J P Morgans yacht Cor tain to a fighting boat and re named j I Experience of Mr- Eaiph son Who From Genera Dobility Prom Ralph quart Co is also known as a prosperous agriculturist and an enthusiast in his line Now stalwart and rugged weighing pounds hescarce would be recognized as the man who six months ago was the picture of one suffering the terrible symptoms of general debility He was run down in health Buffered much from blindness gen eral dullness and depression of spirits Ho had a appetite and such food as he ate gave him great distress He was incapacitated for the work that ell upon him and was well nigh utterly discouraged The symptoms on to those by which hypo chondria is manifested Through reading Advertiser he learned of the particular benefit that several of his friends in this vicinity had ed by ibe use of Dr Williams Pink and by the hope held out by their testimonials he secured a supply and took them according to directions The result was almost im mediately his symptoms began to be come less disagreeable and he steadily gained until now he is perfectly free from his old troubles He gladly and freely gives this testimonial that all who may road it may know the remedy if ever they are troubled with general debility Dr Williams Pink Pills cure by going to the root of the disease They renew and build up the blood and strengthen the nerves thus driving dis ease from the system The genuine can only be had in boxes the wrapper around bears the full trade mark Dr Pink Pills for Pale people Some mothers leave the care and instruction of their children to a sens vant to the extent that the children think more of the servant and will run to her for comfort and Losses from the fire at Sunder land England are placed at Half the business houses in the town were destroyed The place had no fire brigade Mr Brown of the township of had one of his fingers amputated at the first joint on Mon day In handling a sugar kettle Mr Drown had his finger badly crushed which necessitated the above operat ion l People who plant shade trees along the roads deserve the plaudits of the public and they re ceive it too The Thtvee Famed Blacks Of the world are Diamond Dye Fast Black for Wool Diamond Dye Fast Black for Cotton and Mixed Goods and Diamond Dye Fast Black for Silk and Feathers The results that each of these Blacks produce are and pleasing Your faded and dingy Jackets capes coats pants vesta hose that are now so and looking can be made like new garments with the Diamond Dye Blacks Your faded rusty and dead and feath ers are made new creations by using Diamond Dye Fast Black for Bilk and Feathers Do not be deceived by bulky pack age dyes adulterated with and otherforeign substances insist upon your dealer giving you the Diamond Dyes one packet of will dye as muoh as three packets of any other make Rare in ftafS slots fries at la a Pits v Cars sweats It Ikei- Pile 3e Oaf certs or all Cot stops op nftrftaVUtadacfc Core slops la Prior forma of Prtoeaas fc Cura t4lUltl all IMC ftsmeUs sis a fttt vsa pawl St a separata Parana fliHiw pans AtUjioa- 10 ttKe ra MtaTcas VMauWe ft- 9 ewvisji Personal letters to Prof Philadelphia A an- with free medical for any Profanity is forbidden by both the army and the navy regulations Any soldier or Bailor who does not like to be at has a right to make a complaint and the offending officer is subject to trial by courtmartial I To Cure a Gold in One Day Take Quinine Tablets All refund the if it fails to cure 25- Mr John Henry of was killed in a runaway near Union ville Dreadfully I was dreadfully nervous and for relief took Karle Clover Root Tee It my nerves and strengthened ray whole Nervous System I was troubled with Constipation Kidney and Bowel trouble Your Tea soon cleansed my system so that I rapidly re- sained health and strength Mrs A Sweet Hartford Conn Sold E Lehroaa The Brandon Man summer ex hibition is in progress and is by thousands of people Dyspepsia Cured Saitohs mediately relieves 8onr coming Food and the great kid ney and liver remedy Bold by Lehman Messrs John Bertram Sons of are increasing their factory capacity and ask the town for a grant of Core that with Core The best Cough Cure Relieves Croup promptly One million bottles sold last year doses tor IS Sold by E Emory an old man living near Gait fell from a barn loft and received injuries from which he died In the Pays of The girls of the present day may congratulate themselves that times have changed since 1670 In that year th3 following curious act was passed by the English parliament All women of whatever age rank or profession of degree whether vir gins maids or widows that shall from and after the passing of this act impose upon and- entrap into matri mony any of His Majestys male sub ject by scents paints cosmetics washes artificial teeth false hair Spanish wool iron stays hoops high- heeled boots or bolstered hips shall incur the penalty of the law now in force against witchcraft sorcery and like misdemeanor and that the marriage upon conviction shall stand null and void Robert Cunningham of got his right hand into the jointer at the Tudhone Carriage Co works on Monday of last week and lost two joints of the second finger besides having the first and third fingers bad ly cut A sad case of drowning occurred at It appears that a young lad named Charles aged years went fiahing alone on a boom of logs and not returning home at night parents naturally became anxious After day Sun day his fishing pole was found and a short time after hi body was discover ed It Is the lads hook caught fast and in trying to get it loose fell off the boom into the water and met untimely death At hook was found- Six Ships Destroyed VISIT Or VESSELS Bay July following an official account of the latest naval victory that at At oclock on the morning of July the vessels on blockade duty in this vicinity the Helena Scorpion Hist Hornet and ap proached the harbor of on westward At the ton and Helena entered the northern channel toward the city the and Osceola tho and the Hut Hornet and the south entrance the movements of the vessels being so timid an to bring them within effective range of the shipping at about the same moment At fire won opened on the ship ping and after a fire last about two and a half hour three Spanish transports El Gloria and La were burned and destroyed The pontoon which the harbor guard and store ship probably for ammuni tion wax burned and blown up Three gunboats were destroyed One other wan driven ashore and sunk and an other was driven ashore and is to have been disabled No casualties occurred on board any of out- vessels Great care taken in directing the fire that as little Inmate as possible should to the city itself and so far ax could bo observed little if any was done del July Squads of natives were sent today to clean the streets and bury the dogs and horses whose remains have leen lying in the streets for days and weeks Other steps to improve the sanitary condition of the city are being taken Santiago he Cuma July The cruiser tie arrived here yesterday afternoon with supplies for the relief of the French citizens of Santiago The Danish steamer the first vessel outside of the Government and Red Cross ships to enter this port with provisions arrived here at oclock this morning fry Have your House fitted with Our Screen Doors and Screen Windows Be Sure and Ask For fc tt The Sons Mfg LIMITED f This is what our Customers say of our fire at Montreal last Saturday evening William Hamilton of the last of the Melanchton perjurers has been capture1 He was arrested it will be remembered and released on bail At the trial a few weeks ago ne did not appear Since then he has been eluding search parties of all descriptions He was captured in the outskirts of Winni peg About onefifth of the money awaiting shipment in Dawson has been started out The output will be fully twentyfive million but it will be all the year coming out We met twelve steamers on their way up the Yukon to Dawson of them were aground on the shoals where we also lay for a time they do not have rain few steamers will reach Dawson with sup plies this year and there are now people in Dawson against last winter July Burglars visited again last night They broke into Mr Albert Harris general store and carried away the cash register they carried it up on the P tracks where was found this morn ing They secured the con tent about and left town They entered the store through a back window in the office Three tramps were seen around town yesterday One went through the village his left arm was badly scalded They are thought to be the guilty parties Would you Vlah Ms a To Leave your Wife aryd Babies Helpless Emphatically HO you say- Bui dont you know that the unprotected widow and orphans are the sport of Fate the driftwood of humanity What can they do when you are not there to help them The question demands an answer The answer la starvation or degradation The remedy Is Insurance Add to brotherly consideration care and attention aid and help and you The Canadian Order of Foreiers cost insure absolute safety MRE THE RATES On On On a SC jO J mo UN Our trade is constantly increasing Give us a trial IGE I W MIMT Bordens Old Stand We keep only the Best Quality arid supply thefii St the same price as adulterated goods SCOTT Next to the Post Office On tn is- To the best opportunity of a lifetime for buying cheap without an fuss noise or nonsense We are putting a Magnifieant of Goods on the market ot prices that will make them jump Its a quick turn on very close margin to satisfy a lively demand Call and inspect BICYCLE SUITINGS FANCY and TROUSERINGS BAT ALSO THE Full to Etuorr JJf I Supt Of Oct tor either Coat Vest or Pants- the most reliable of its kind on the market giving a perfect pocket and keeping pockets from stretching Call and examine and be convinced There is money in it for us and wrreat deal more for the customer who deals at Shop R MCLAUGHLIN it rfw

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