Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , July 22, 1898, p. 5

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY JULY ONTARIO CAPITAL iiKAD REST General NEWMARKET BRANCH A General Banking Business TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits AT DRAFTS ISSUED 1 AT and American find Collections promptly tended to Manager THE SUNDAY SCHOOL IV QUARTER INTER NATIONAL JULY of Memory Vert Text rr Campbell at a AT Church opposite Christian HOURS 8 to in to mid p in Watt if a Formerly at Chelsea Hospital London for of Women or Hospital for Hick Children Toronto Ok Central in to nud to pm tin Alfred Newmarket OlUcoof the late Dr of Post 1 J Wesley and Coroner North Telephone Communication Joseph R Cody Confederation at beat rates Good Farms Town Clerks Office next to Fir Hull Newmarket Always In on Saturdays J R A Kent for Money to Loan interest at Current Newmarket T fifunton AGENT fiooufanoo Co INSURANCE AT LOWKBT BATES A A Fire Insurance Agent Low Kates on Farm and Isolated Town Property Hodges Tin Bhop Newmarket DENTAL A I Dentist Post Ofllce Mock opposite the Methodist Church Air for Satisfaction Guaranteed J Rogers Dentist Aurora to the lato Dr akd Dr late 4aidence Aurora marriage Lyman of LICENSES At the Office Newmarket fct Papers Issued at private If desired 0 J 10OT Private funds on Farm Property Aral mortgage only Ileal Agent to At percent on arm and village property by Tominlesloucr for taking affidavits J Ileal Estate Agent o ftoinoanlw pool and London and Globe fioraldi Union Midland Mutual and Kco- Also or Assur- See S and Northern Life Co Mount Albert And on hand J Holland Landing by fitcarnsJ And told Tczebol nil Eli jah had arid how ho had slain nil tho with aword That was record that would stir nil devil wan In her sho fast filling up tho incasuro of her Iniquity and would aoon bo over then ho outer It la Good when husbands wives toll each other us believers bo sure that wo tell Jesus ev erything both what wo do and what wo touch vl 110 Ho let the gods do to mo more If I not thy an tho llfo of of by tomorrow this Vain threat of woman 1 for did not know that God of Eli jah had so securely hidden him for threo that ho could not bo foundf Hut she was angry now and stopped to think of hut tho that was In heart against God and And when that ho and and to which to left his there Desperate to do things and It might have been very to remained within reach of such a When they you In city It Is right to flee to another Yet In this case it looks as if and her threat for tho between Eli jah and bis God It Is Now Lord away for I am not batter than my fathers This was his prayer to as having gono a days Journey Into wil derness ho cat down under a juniper tree and wished ho was dead Vet tills Is tamo man who stood nil Israel on In Lord Then he stood with God and for God and thought not of but now ho considers himself and that ho Is no better than bis fathers His mind Is not staid upon God Hois considering feelings and cir cumstances and God is ruling In e And he lay end slept uneUr a juniper behold then an angel touched him and unto him Arise and cat He was weary and needed rest and God gavo It to him It Is wonderful how dif ferently things appear when wo have been by sleep Wo are often like fret ful children who do not know what alia them but mother knows hut It Is asleep Ho glveth beloved In sleep And ho looked and behold there woo a coke on tho coals and a cruse of Water at his head And he did cat and drink and laid him down again Gqd taw that Ills child hungry as well as weary A little sleep quieted and prepared body to receive food an augol had prepared and without to count It at all strange to thus pro vided for and drinks and sleeps again And of Lord again and touched him and Arito and cat too great thee unto Is this jw or weak child of God who is and wants to die thinking that ha to but gloriously up whon his work Is Etc of Is well oared Bon end Holy Spirit and camels all unto And hi In strength el days end nights of God Tho Lord ftnd bread heaven When St Is was His to do Fathers in that of that coys end- We do not Hire 030 put by word of Whatdocst thou here Is tho word of to as lodges In cave at is a gosd of the to us at all is lis if ore never wha Ho not con Hotter if truthfully Lord I on for Thou didst ri And he said I have jeal ous for Lord God of Hosts ha Lord know only prophet giving in dancer What God would do If he hilled ho dots not to Mot thinks Lords Is in 18 He is told to stand on the Lord and behold Lord by There was mighty wind then an then a flit but Lord was not in either of Then there was a still small voice How slow wo learn that God often works in the most unlikely ways end through most unlikely people still small voice than tho storm or To the repeated question What thou hero after alt that great object lesson ho gives reply as before Indicating that he was so we- occupied with himself and his champion ship for God that lost upon him It is true thai lie did no know till tiod told him verse that there were still small voices for God who had pot to Baal but ho did not know for had lab bad told him chapter that there were whom Obndlah had cared for lis Is told to return and anoint n king over and a king over Israel and Lord adds Ellsha the con of of AbclMebolah thou anoint to bo prophet In thy room When worker with God so exalted In bis own estimation that ho thinks himself Ihoonly one capable of doing It Is then tints to appoint his successor In office God will uk any that Is will ing to be used by Him and to Ills glory but when vessel begins to think Important Is to break It or set it aside Although Paul wrought more than others ho said Not I but grace ol God which was with me I Cor John fiaptlslInslsted that ho was only a voice Our Lord Jesus mads Himself of no reputation emptied Himself even unto death May we like Elijah In chap ter remember that Ills bo living God before whom we stand and that Ho Is well able to maintain Ills caubo without any help of ours we rejoice to with Paul Whoso I am and whom I What He Has Dona For VJellKnown Cana dian IT Guessing Contest Here is a pleasant occupation for an evening social gathering A pencil awl of paper with and blank funiiiliod to and ajiply to tho of flower and in following Prizes may if desired for the most lint of answers Lit YOUR AND SEE THE Z READ WHAT THEY SAY Rheumatism Catarrh Dyspepsia and Other Ailments Cured by the Use of His Wonderful Little Pellets Mr J Minor maker with Stearns Co bicycle works re- At Borden street Toronto On tario Canada I Buffered pain for nearly three years from dyspepsia and constipation accompanied by a long train of had no appetite a sour was melancholy nervous I could not sleep and there was alto emaciation month ago I decided to try Munyons and using two bottles of too dyspepsia euro I was completely cured and am today In the enjoyment or excel lent health and spirits I ma able to cat anything I consider my euro most won derful and cannot toe highly to re lieve a falmlous Mu forms of ii sod In a few ill Tint of IndkcstKa scd siomocb lor Cure break up a od In a few hour Cure Stofs foujra Sivtstt sllAjs and speedily Itlce In ttjo loins snd si form I At Wc Nerve Cure stops flDd bunds up the system Price Cure stop lainuus Pile St of ii Price Blood Cure Price 25c Mynyoas Remedies are a boon to si Muoyons Cstsrrb from end lb and best parts la W Vltsllssr Wtslc people J I A for At sll letters to Arch Philadelphia Id A an swered with inodioal for any A train was on division of between station Grand bridge serve holding ready for any manner of at coin I Chron and like faithfully doing ordinary work yet any cnll from Him If He sees us faithful and ready Ho will call when Ho wants us and put us where Ho can bast us Matthew Craig an from to Niagara Falls at tempted to jump from train at Paris He received fatal injuries William of Prince County and three other prospectors brutally murdered by natives of central province of Madagascar At Richmond Hill there were ten candidates for Public School Leaving and three passed Sixtytwo present ed themselves for Entrance and of that number fortytwo were successful July 15 pull on some logs this morning at Youngs Mill the doubletrees broke one piece hitting the teamster John over the stomach killing him instantly He leaves a wife and nine children The Ottawa Electric Co have supplied their employees whose duty it is to read meters with a portable electric light worked on the storage battery system light is five candle power and will run continu ously for twelve hours without change of battery article complete weighs only ounces and tho battery may be readily carried in the coat pocket Man July Hon arrived here yesterday on a visit He makes the announce ment that the Government has made arrangements with the for the extension of the Stonewall and Pipestone branches He expresses views on the Yukon and immigration questions similar to those already made public Five or six thousand Americans arrived here this afternoon to attend the Industrial Fair The city is decorated with British and American The crowd to day is about the same as yesterday 20000 There are five cases of small pox now among the last batch of July As a result of freight train running into the rear of another standing on the track at Crossing between here and Shanty Ray last evening an engine a conductors van and six cars were heaped in the ditch a mass of broken timber trunks brake etc The en gine was wrecked having part ly telescoped a van and broken in the rear of an upturned tender and four cars piled one on top of the other Tho first freight had stopped to take two empties coal off a siding and some misundeistanding it seems had neglected to Hag the train approaching from the rear As soon as Engineer MeLcod and his fireman foresaw the collision they jumped and escaped injury A gang of men were engaged all night and up to this even ing clearing the track position of engine and her trucks being broken oft inado it diffi cult to her The loss will be several thousand dollars OF 1 Aristocratic footgear A queen among flowers Of small account like a king A pet name in French part of a girls name Duo December A sly animal something to wear 7 Not coquettish not green A falsehood to want Elevated in France A plnnetn minor 11 Agile 12 Always in the rear In the soup J A bird to urge Sweet a cluster To break suddenly animal A prefix a What babies do 19 Despondent much admired To regret A domestic animal to slide Too early for tea A girls name part of work in Latin a girls diminutive Almost violent A relative a powder secured from wheat Chronological An awful plague Not mo A month a feature what the cat does A Norway dude A curvature when beheaded In your hand Parental A warm covering The flteeramans tree 11 Where boats anchor A fish to inter Ill an article the comparative degree To languish 15 Sacred to Venus What lovers do what cider mills do Very straight 18 Not handsome It bore a curse which proves a blessing Used by the farmer in sowing grain A tree Germans like Pleasing to people without you Used in shipbuilding Part of a girls name a negative an untruth an article An emblem of sorrow The insignia Its Practical Advantages Wo challenge any fence that has ever been Inverted to snow as many practi cal nod scientific points In its an one for the price and there Is not cheaper fence on market The chief advantages of Fence over all other fences arc thee Tight Wire We are enabled to keep wlrea that by menus of springs at end posts each wire being attached to a ratchet on back of One set of these Is sufficient for over hundred rods of wire We use long staples and l thern in Just close enough for wire to work freely through them on ho middle pouts Our 6taye are fastened to wr We not only overcome the expansion nnd con traction which been the drawback to all we add tenfold and durability of fence the power of any one wire being nearly to the resisting power of the whole number Unexcelled Our stays cannot bo excelled animals shoves It laterally wires in the one only being needed every thirtythree feet Our fence ft so simple that any one can build it trying to get through the tighter It holds the horizontal together They are easily Turns nil kinds of stock and readily put on strong and durable no- thing to ruBt or break w will not nfftct nor will It collect The anchoring of our has no It Is made of the beat galvanized wire and wires because It for any great la not only durable but handsome In itppcar- to come upon one without wlreslretehersj re It will permit cultivation right up to biitcdtoallttnffwhenHny by nil who fit- the fence by mains you can upon any part of It Ik not Imply up- J your fence rows clean For purposes on wire between the pouts where thci fur he fence ha no equal it can he nut a Our springs allow for commotio strain cornea as would be he case it the wires take up the expansion of the wire were light to but the la distributed through the and fence has no equal it can he put up any height with any number of The public are warned this patent I Our May is and the at end j holds the wires firmly together WIRES AND STAYS PER ROD For Sale by J I Mr Jonas Wagner of is dead the result of a fall from a load of hay John Midwinter of Hamilton eighteen yeans old was crushed in a gravel pit J Coleman the St Catharines iceman who was run over by his wag on died of lockjaw Picking cherries of She fell from the tree cost Miss Ida broken arm William Atkinson a fourteen- yearold London lost a leg at Chatham while stealing a ride on tho P of Belleville has been arrested and taken to presumably in connection with the bank robbery Charles Weldon exTreasurer of Colchester North has been arrested at Windsor Ho is alleged to be short in his accounts Four hundred men are out of work as the result of a strike of the employees of the Malleable Iron Co and the Kerr Engine Co at Walker- ville Starving Refugees Return to Santiago A Santiago inly Since oclock this morning a stream of re fugees has en pouring into the city some naked and ail hungry skeletons and footsore JIany had fallen by the wayside The town of Santiago presents ft dismal sight Most of the houses have sacked and the stores have all been looted and nothing to cite can be had for love or money In the street of the city this morning at the entrenchments at the breast works and at every hundred feet or so of the barbed wire fences were the living skeletons of Spanish soldiers Among the arrivals today were the German Japanese and Portuguese Consuls and their the British and French Consuls having arrived day before yesterday General was never here but men from arrived on July making the total garrison here The contact mines in the harbor were removed the day Admiral Cer vera left but two chains of electric mines from point and the other from are still down Four Spanish merchant steamers and the gunboat are now in the harbor market place has been sacked by the troops refugees are quartered at El 5000 at Fir- meza and at Cuabitan El and Ban Vicente where they have been living for a fortnight In one case were crowded into building which was a regular pig sty with a horrible stench They used the water from the river where soiled clothing was washed and all manner of filth is floating The Spanish troops will be camped two miles outside the city limits under guard until their embarkation takes place The docks crowded by incoming refugees in a starving condition awaiting the arriv al in tho harbor of the Red Cross So cietys steamer State of Texas as there are no eatables to be got in the city The entrance of the refugees was quiet and peaceful They viewed their wrecked homes philosophically a the fortune of war Admiral Sampsons last The Greatest Aid You can give the local news paper is your Job Printing If you do not feel able to run an advertisement surely you can afford to give the news paper your Cards Dodgers Bill Heads Letter Heads and Envelopes to print I I The Newspaper Man Needs it and it helps him to pay the printers for putting in type the thousand and one free notices lie gives you and the town The Era will you nice work and the prices will compare favorably with any place in the country Try Us mm BLIZZARD SIBLEY Have purchased the business of Mr end are prepared to take photographs In filiU of art Carbon and Gloss Finish PHOTOS ENLARGED Amateur work finished and outside work promptly attended to Photos from the negative taken by Hood or can be obtained Dont forget address STAND Next to Royal Hotel ment of Santiago wrecked houses in the city causing heavy damages Family Pets If the Philippines ultimately become a possession of the United States and Americans flock thither to establish new homes they will have to include snakes and lizarda among their family pets In an article on Life in Man ila in The Youth Companion for tne week of June Charles Howard says Our household includes or Chinese chow dogs with thick orangecolored fur and coal black tongues and Pedro the housesnake a small which travelled about inside canvas walls and keep us free from rats and mice Pedro never came out and we were not disturbed at all by his proximity We slept on strips of matting spread over cane- seated couches the logs of which rest ed bowls of water to prevent visits from centipedes tarantulas while ants and other tropical gentry that cannot be kept out of the houses Washstands sideboards and refrigera tors are protected in tho same way TLo big white ant and little red ant seem particularly fond of toothpowder and not a vestige would be left in the morning if a washstand rested direct ly upon the floor Tiny little green and yellow lizards used to dart about among the books on the table after lamps were lighted devouring the insects which swarmed around the lights Occasionally of tbeso lizards would drop from the ceiling alighting with a resounding smack The old button factory at Berlin was destroyed by fire on Monday morning Loss PERMANENTLY CUBED publicity lost cf by fccn Iinctdiai remits sod clear No or bid effect scaled DIXON CURE CO Park Are Jacksons Point Steam Mills that Iuettjet L Your corf will be at tended to with more promptness fetation- cry on band We can give you Note Loiter and Envelopes printed to cult your fancy at that will sur prise you Call at Che and see i Bill Stuff Cut to Order Shingles for Sale These hist have kinds or bill feturJ Cut t Ordt on short order On ikmv it larKuioanilty Well Seasoned ten to McDonald Proprietor Sutton West Jm J BO YEARS EXPERIENCE edition now Easy to the field CO Toronto of Life- of to A Old House Church o urk an mini Of do yUlce to act as Ave 3ml0 Scientific A New York

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