Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , July 22, 1898, p. 4

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY JULY WELL KNOWN VIOLINIST Throughout Interesting Concerning Hlo Murray known violinUt ot who throughout mokes this was running in health and my foil off to did mo but good was called nervous I resorted to Hoods and after taking flvo bottles I was greatly feel as now an over In life and in BO that I now weigh pounds I am well known la of country having followed wy profession that of a violin musician last years I friends what Hoods for mo I began taking I did hot any ambition but nor my perfectly cured you to Hood do ot bo Induced to buy any the PHlSwlthlloodiflutapMilla pom in Parlia ment beat to Hon may now tako a Beat All honor to North Yorks representative for the success that has his efforts Township do- is roiiortcd to bo short in Provincial Auditor has re turned from an investigation of books and of and Bays is a of about This created a Thos J Robertson Public o Street Newmarket to Farm sec Amono admitted to tho Homo for was tho author of following referring to Span ish Admiral being bottled up in harbor of Cuba Jones Do you know what I would do if I Cor- vera No what enter field as a temperance think what a hit he could on a of too much familiarity with I Solicitor for etc dp of King to Court Newmar ket Ontario This Toronto organ of Government ficoms to is room for congrotu- on account of way at Ottawa managing affairs of Dominion It sayo Ottawa Government nowt is pleasant rcftding of tho Yukon organised with Mr Ogilvio at its bend a milliondollar surplus British pro tariff of cent in forco in sight largely as result of tho of Pout- of Canada Agonizing Endured by Those Who From flciaticaA Victim Tolls How to Obtain Probably no that mankind causes more agony than the victim iw utterly helpless least causing most agonizing pains Those who are suffering from this mal ady following statement- from Mr John I Inyo of York Co will point the road to relief and cure Mr Hayes say For up- wart of twenty years I from weakness and pain in back Homo four years ago my was intensified by sciatica sotting in my right leg What I suffered seems al most beyond description I employed three doctors but all to no purpose I had to givo up work entirely and al most despaired of life This continu ed for two yearn years filled with misery At this time was advised to try Dr Williams Pink Pills and after using six boxes the sciatica and weakness in the back which troubled mo so long were gone I was again a well man and feeling fifteen years younger than before I began pills Nearly two years has passed since I discontinued use of Dr Williams Pink Pills and in that time no symptoms of the lias shown itself Under God I thank Dr Williams Pink Pills for what they have done for me o Santiago Washington July first chapter in land campaign of the United States against Spain closed to day when Spanish clors gave place over Santiago to American flag Next will follow transportation of the Spanish troops back to their na tive land and capture of the Is land of Porto Rico unless peace soon intervenes of Santiago has lasted ho it will do good tattle Shoes At a temperance meeting in Eng land the chairman addressing a young man yet a reformed drunkard Come William Turner vouve known as much about the drink as anyone here or como tell us for I never heard how it was that you changed rightabout mouth of hell to gate of hope man out with it may p S Solicitor Conveyancer etc with Estates carefully tinged and promptly Money to lowest t Dunn St Arc Mannns Arcade K1n to Tub foreshadows intention of the Provincial Government when it t that session of tho next month should ho a short one a week or ten to ho to Our on to ray that the Government think it will not to appoint any sessional writers and that a vory fow bo required It is expect ed joint of the and of that during winter will not creator than expenses of an ordinary certainly not more than the addition of one to and this they might throw as they travel on a Government pass lintcr Block Money to Loan AUCTIONEERS Auctioneer York Co Farm and Chattel receive special Mali8l- or Box Newmarket PO Duncan Auctioneer or the Co of York on Terms reason able- Farm attended to A trial solicited Street Newmarket PAINTING So The leading House titer flralnerand Paper years experience In all branches of tho Full line of of latest designs In Wall Papers Ask to sec them 2nd door North of the Primary Church III I I Practical Painter House Decorator Corner Church Street Millards and Fire Hall Main Street Simpson in Pan Main jrlsU Sundries and Fancy tut Opposition lender in the Ontario Aseomblv I reported as Provincial Governments action and exploration for calling The Star thinks that had bolter along this line and Every word of denunciation of Government in tine inetanco is condemna tion of Sir John Kir John Thompson and McCarthy juestion is then asked Can the Conser vatives afford to do this Well that de pends on circumstances If Mr deposed or Mr Whitney his successor in the Opposition leadership think they can inake votes by it the opinion of old veteran leaders wont stand in way Tub commenoing to howl An Eastern city organ of that party speak ing of way the Grits are doing things at Ottawa Instead of Alexander Mackenzie guarding treasury now is that of a horde of banditti helping to bags of gold at Ottawa I yes a terrible ban ditti All the the are run- country with tariff tax and in will show a surplus over ex penditure something for years An- other peculiar feature about the discovery of our Eastern is that while Alex Mac- and honestly administered the Government of the country the press that now calls the present Administration a horde of banditti is the same claes of journals that could not find It in their hearts to say a good word for Mr Mac kenzie till after he was dead Dont Dean Dont worry dear Tho years That tho forward view thins to nothing when it And wo may through darkest moment never comes It only looms before Ions of what Not trouble at the door worry dear Tho black But with them comes rain And stifled that parch and May with Bap again Tim bear as best we can And thoryU bo none to hear work an billed a man Hut worry did Us share Dont worry dear dont blanch dont yield But daro the years to come Nor give thoenemy the field Because he beats bis drum woob that hover near Aro nothing though they gall Wo know that lifo is love my dear And life and love are all Youth Companion It Is to example of millions of wo men who have mode tho Diamond Dyes their chosen and only for domestic dyeing The faith of all is so firmly established in tho powers and excellence of Diamond Dyes hat they would not use any other make oven if the common dyes were given free of cost Valuable and useful goods should not bo experimented on with poor and untried package dyes Ruin and loss of goods and money will meet the users of adulterated dyes Follow the safe example of earths millions and use the Diamond Dyes and success happiness and pleasure will be your reward What other Or miss deceive record of to do at private residences guaranteed in all the latest Ordea scut through PO receive prompt attention ciro OIK Stouten of Tuner of and NEWMARKET TiiB Toronto Nttv has this observation respecting newly appointed Adminis- of Yukon district In as administrator of the Yukon the Minister of Interior has taken a far stop towards preventing scandals that were likely to in of the operations of claimgrabbing officials Mr will not tolerate any slippery transactions by his subordinates are glad to learn that Mr is of man the News declares him to bo With reports in circulation such as given to the Winnipeg Tribune respecting the Registrar of Mining Claims and also the Inspection of Mines in the Yukon it important to have Administrator at the head of affairs that will not allow Government officials to profit by knowledge procured at government expense That would ho doing business akin to Old Family times in the early history of Upper and Lower Canada The at Wei land port was burglarized Thursday night The looty taken was not large Mrs Hamil ton took her own life by hanging her self in the kitchen of her residence Frank Olviero an Italian labor er was killed by a train while working on the Grand Trunk track at two weeks and was remarkable hi respects and in none more than the heavy percentage through death wounds or sickness of soldiers and sailors engaged on lxth sides Look ing back over the record of thcfe two weeks it is seen that a great ironclad squadron has destroyed that nearly a thousand Spanish sailors have been drowned or killed by shell and and that an untold of Spanish died in trenches of Santiago On the other hand about American soldiers have killed and in round sent the hospitals from wounds fever and other ailments Tho American fleet had a remarkable exemption from dis aster in many engagements it has had with tho forts at entrance of and with the Spanish squadron The War Department has notified Gen that his plans are ap proved so far they have been made known including the shipment of Spanish troops to Spain The state ment that the Spanish proposition em braces all eastern Cuba from Ascera- to is important in that it shows the surrender to embrace all the harbor and contiguous territory of Santiago It dose not include Hoi- guin and where the Span iards are reported to have considerable bodies of soldiers as these places ate to the west of the surrendered zone The territory surrendered by Gen eral Toral makes about square miles The Spanish soldiers that are to be sent to Spain estimated at 10000 men Major Hopkins tho military aide to Secretary Alger this afternoon had spread before him a huge of Cuba showing the surrendered mo turned over to the American troops The line logins Ascoraderos about miles west of Santiago harbor and then runs due north about miles to Had the line con tinued due north it would have passed west of thus taking the Spanish garrison at that point Evi dently Gen Toral wishes to avoid the inclusion of so line turns abruptly to the northeast at and runs to the coast town of del on the coast The extreme width is about miles The Navy Department had not heard up to the close of office hours to what extent the American fleet was partici pating in the Spanish surrender With Santiago in the hands of the hands of the Americans tho way will I be clear for Admrial Sampsons fleet to enter the harbor and proceed up to the wharves as the torpedoes and mines at the harbor entrance are re moved Tho fortifications of Castle Smith and others are in cluded in surrendered zone The possession of these fine fortresses par ticularly Castle will afford val uable garrison points for a largo num ber of men The terms under which those strong holds are surrendered are not yet known in detail but- it is regarded as likely that their big guns pass with the surrendered The Porto Rico campaign will start at once Fresh troops will be utilized The American troops now at Santi ago will return to the United States to recover their health young man thus urged rose and looked for a moment very con fused All he could say was The little shoes they did With a thick voice as if his heart was in his throat kept repoating this was a stare of perplexity on his faco and at length some thoughtless people to titter The man in all his heard this sound and rallied once The light came into his with a flash he drow himself up and looked at tho audience the choking went from his throat Yes friends he said in a voice that cut its way clear as a bell whatever you may think of it Ive told you the truth the little shoes did it I was a brute and a fool strong drink had made me both and starved and stripped me into the bar gain I suffered I deserved to suf fer but I suffer alone No man docs who has a wife and child for the woman gets the worst share But Im no speaker to enlarge on that Ill stick to the little shoes I saw one night when 1 was all but done for publicans child holding up her feel for her father to see her fine new shoes It was a simple thing but friends no fist ever struck me such a blow as those little shoes They kicked reason into me What business have I to clothe others and let my own go bare said I And there outside on a bitter night I took hold of my little one with a grip and I felt her chilled feet Men Fathers if the shoes what did the feet do I put them cold as ice to my breast they pierced me through and through Yes the little feet walked right into my heart and turn ed out my selfishness I had a trifle of money left I bought a loaf and a pair of little shoes never tasted anything but a bit of bread all the Sabbath day and I went to work like mad on Monday and from that day I have spent no more money in the public house Thats all Ive got to Bay it was the little shoes that did it Mf oa Newmarket LIMITED T IS f This is what our Customers say of our mil t The Tinware Gos factory at Montreal was damaged by fire to tho extent of Alex a young farm laborer of Galfc went to bed apparent ly in robust health and died in the night Our trade is constantly increasing AND Give us a trial A Cant UPTODATE mum Old DESIGNS IN Monuments and Stones Call Ordering Elsewhere Money to Loan At per cent on Firstclass Farm Security by liloyd Commissioner for taking Affidavits Heal Marriage Agent for the following To Cure a Gold in One Pay Laxative Tablets All Druggists the it fails to cure 25 Mr Cunningham lost two fingers of his right hand while running a jointer in the wood working depart ment of the Tudhopc Carriage Com pany Catarrh Cured A clear head and sweet breath with lobs Catarrh Item- sold on a guarantee Nasal injector free Sold by Lehman I On Tuesday at a barn raining on John farm con Uxbridge Usher of Scott was struck by a falling plate and three of his ribs were broken Karls Clover Root Tea for Constipation the Boat and it after using it yoa dont so return the package and your money Bold by Lehman- The police at Hudson Y captured nix Chinamen secreted in How Was Troubled ln J J lwa afflicted with that tired who it 8 mu had no appetite A friend advised mo Montreal to York Mrs Judge of was killed at Loup through her horses running away and carnage colliding with a telegraph pole John a team ster was instantly killed by the doubletrees breaking and one piece hitting him over stomach He leaves a wife and nine children of London Quwn and Liverpool Citizens Montreal Gore District Mutual established In alto for the Confederation Life Association To ronto Old Corner of Main and Lot to try which I did and in a short time my appetite was better and the tired feeling was gone then we take Hoods when we need a Mrs Beatrice Ontario Dr A- Bays Hoods Pills are the only pills to take with lie sure to net Hoods Burrow Gents From my per- tonal knowledge gained in the effect your Care in caeea of ad vanced Consumption I am prepared to it Is Remedy that has over been brought to my attention It has certainly many from Consumption Sold by Lehman Whitby carried a bylaw to lend the King Company tanners 10000 for years by majority By the explosion of a at it Smiths stave mill Sycamore Siding Kent County four are dead and several injured July George a young man aged yean- was drowned at the mouth of the river hero last night The body was re covered in about half an hour by Prof Wright and every effort made to resuscitate life but without avail July An acci dent happened at in north ern part of the county- by which a little twoyearold son of Mr George Cowley lost his life Another son of Mr Cowley had got his fathers rifle down from ham where it usually hung Thero were somo cartridges in the magazine By working tho lever he managed to load gun and it went off killing his little brother ag ed about two years who was playing on floor a short distance away The ball passed completely through his shoulder lodging in tho wall Ho died before assistance could be pro cured though from terrible nature of wound nothing could saved his life The boy who had the nine years old The weary vigils of the night anxious hours that like days How often they come and how unwelcome they are A system robbed by sleeplessness of natural rest cannot be vigorous and strong The nerves are at fault and must be built up Dr Wards Blood and Nerve are tho remedy that cured MISS EMMA TEMPLE HERE IS WHAT SHE At last after eight months of physical weakness and nervous prostration by over and want of which time I buffered on account of the of and for which I was unable to find any lie- I found a medicine Wards Blood and Nerve that In three months made my Serves iron removed all trouble built UP my physical syatem and made mo They Aj In consequence of taking your valuable Fills I hopefully- I Dave to thank your great cure tor nervousness and bodily weakness for my present good health and Yours truly Signed EMMA TEMPLE Hastings Ont Dr Wards Blood and Pills are sold At drug The Book of Information of r P01VDK1 We keep only the Best Quality and supply them at the same price is adulterated goods Next to the Post Office Wards Blood and Nerve are cents per box boxes for joists or mailed on receipt of by Co Victoria St Toronto Buffalo July By the explo sion of a boiler in he Niagara Starch Works at oclock today the build ing whs wrecked persons killed injured and others are missing who supposed to have perished PLASTER 90- To the best opportunity of a lifetime for buying cheap without any noise or nonsense We are putting a Magnificant Lino of Reasonable Goods on market ot prices that will make them jump a quick turn on very close- margin to satisfy a lively demand Call and inspect SUITINGS Latest and TROUSERINGS ALSO TiMB0XFRiC25ALS0miYW BACK For either Coat Vest or tho most reliable of ita kind on market giving a perfect pocket and keeping pockets from stretching Call and examine and be convinced There is money in it for us and deal more for the customer who deals at antral Tailor Shop MCLAUGHLIN

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