Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , July 22, 1898, p. 3

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THE ERA FRIDAY JULY Keeks toed lews III GOING OH IN TOWN Vegetable Thief Saturday ntjlit Monday morning entered the garden Mr Geo on and in neighborhood of of potatoes destroying the crop thief in air vay to n terra at Central Prison pans Belt Buckles Tics Groat at Public fleeting By order of Council a Public Mooting will bo this Friday or of propriety of tho ttpcoialty Go to en- their buildings is an and general ly particularly property at tend Town ft For last who over gal lons of a day ban been utscd in Town Engineer OHal- has had to pump regularly every hours day and there was only feet of in Upper All of the water in being used that the artcnlau run and it fair presumo that some aro using water on who only pay for lap Postal Information A notice his just from Post Department at Ottawa over name of Coulter Deputy informing tho of im portance of putting tho and of the sender of any mail matter in upper loft hand corner of or wrapper and pointing out by thin means the returning of undelivered articles or communications will bo greatly facilita ted In addition to tho saying of limo and labor the public would in this re lieved of unpaid postage for the return of mail matter through the dead letter or wrappers neatly printed at at small cost Still Mr Martin received a telegram from Mr Roche on Tuesday stating that ho had- purr the Bankrupt Stock of Ottawa amounting to This makes of Bankrupt Stocks that A- Co have purchased since the firat of year p Mr editor of tho Richmond Liberal Chief of thoAnciont Order of Forest paid on vloit to tho Monday After had been dis poned of In adjourned to Parlors ft was spent dis tinguished yiBltor duly honored Dont povQet To read week this Cheese market chccso offered on tho Barrio Market on Thursday of last buyers prcocnt Liverpool obo that morning shillings sold but at priooa running from to boarded 400 and was only lot that tho ruling was complainod of grout drought ovor and unanimous in their opinion that a light of or of wilt follow Considering tho dis tance from soabord Mar ket is as good for factories as any in Province day sold at Kingston at 7 illOthsand and at at Jo The The in referring to wondor which appeared in tho sky on Tuesday inst says bright Hash must have been caused by the of the hall an fragment broken were picked up in Mr A barn yard at Tlio Owen Sound Advertiser says It not without its fatal effects in this neighborhood Mr John Campbell who liven had a cow killed at the very time When found immedi ately afterward she was and al most dead dying in a short On her shoulder and back was noticed singed appearance when the was taken off underneath showed of electric burning As tno sky was clear at tho time this makes the phenomena remarkable Gtand Hatch in last Friday afternoon between Tala- without beat and moat scientific of over played in After a delay of about an hour in gelling started largely on account of midday trains being through an accident on road following took their J Hamburg Glover Wales Whinoak Latimer J Ration and Wilson Fox A Meeon J Kelly Wil kinson MoKinsfy T Doyle Doyle R Dr Campbell Manning Cain and J Walker Montgomery Um pire J A Allan Referee Mr Stark of Tho balanced Tor fcize and when word was givon every man was eager for ball They all got it for rubber passed from ono end to other freely that until the last minu tes of tho twohours play nobody could how tho garno would end ThoTala- goos took tho first goals and Mark- ham next three when game be came exceedingly Tho Bradford- Combination played like light- ning and got in some very line work for which they heartily cheered home men keeping tho ball almost entirely at that end of field finally counting two goals making score to The time way an follows JJ nun Scorer Cain 2nd 3rd Campbell Wilson Wilson Campbell Campbell Those Beautiful Belts At Hughes good sellers Horse Thieving Last Wednesday a Newmarket carriage trimmer named who was doing some work at Lisle in the township of had his cart harness and a couple of yalise3 which in vehicle stolen- The news of theft was at forward ed to the police in all neighboring towns with instructions to keep ft sharp lookout High Constable Marshall got information which led him to believe that a wellknown Mono character was the thief Later on he recovered the horse cart and harness which had disposed of to various parties The harness was in tho possession of Geo Fish of Hockley who had bought them from cents Samuel Ritchie of Corners had tie cart for which he paid just cents The horse was in possession of of Primrose who had bought it for five of which he paid down The constable was at Wilsons on Sunday night and learned that had boon there the night before Enquiry in the direction of has information that was in that village on Mon day morning and took the train north for whence he is supposed to have pro ceeded to the of Orange- Complimentary Tho The Newmarket band who evidently know the elect of the gods serenade the three newspapers oil Thursday afternoon last Mr Price our mechanical superintendent who is an authority on all sorts of airs informs us that we were well treated Tho Timet has the following Sun- day Schools of ran- a union excursion to last Thursday about fcur hundred coming to town per An enjoyable timo was spent at Park after which visitors Strolled about town Tho band accompanied the excursion end played a choice program of music on main street in frout of the newspaper office The band consists of eighteen members and is under the leadership of Mr Thos McPonald Mr Scott is secretary The outing was ft most enjoyable one but owing to ft in regard to boat accommodation the crowd so largo as was antici- pted Jbe had following paragraph The Newmarket Sunday Schools ran a big to on Thursday by steam er They were accompanied by ft fine band which spent the afternoon in treating to some excellent The Packet was honoured with a visit and a couple of tunes which set the of going to the double quick R Snap last Tempest at Hughes or These wheels sold at year Gracious On learning of contemplated removal of Mr J P and family from New market friends united in a basket surprise party at bis residence lust Friday levelling and spent a very social time Others disappointed that knew nothing about it until after party was Last Saturday as the men at Factory quit work Mr was asked to atop to the front of the ofiice and bid them when he was taken by Mr Thomas Mc Donald advanced and following address y P Belfry Sin It is with sincere regret that wo your fellowemployees of the William A Sons Manufacturing Co learn that you aro about to severe your connec tion with the Firm with the interests of which vou have been so long identified and wo feel that wo cannot let tho occasion pass without testify to you the high place you hold in our esteem Occupying a very important and responsible position and being thus brought into intimafo business relations vith us you have ever shown considerate and courteous and many of us in looking back over the past can recall instances when in our times of trial and days of afiliotion yon have proved yourself a friend in need As a memento therefore of the very pleasant existed between yourself and your during the eighteen years of your here wo ask you to accept this service and we unite in the wish that your new home may be one of happiness for yourself and your esteemed family and that success may crown your efforts in the new of to which you are to be trans ferred on behalf of the employees by Trivett Pretty Thos Mc Donald Mr Timothy Trivett sr made the pre sentation consisting of ft handsome Silver Tea Service suitably engraved towards which nearly every employee of the firm contributed is the inscription Presented to J P Belfry by the em ployees of the Cane Sons Mfg Co Ltd as a mark of their esteem on his leav ing employ of tho above Co Newmarket July Mr Belfry made a very appropriate re ply that although in the of his duties there had sometimes mm nun min in in min min Though every man played so well that they deserve praieo yet execution of Kelly as GoalKeeper for Com bination was so superior everybody ac quainted with was ready lo admit that ho did tho finest work ever seen hero and saved game timo after time The only disappointment was small gate receipts The crowd was nothing liko as large as the merits of tho match deserv ed There wero no particular only a of men were sent off the hold for fouls Mr Montgomery wus in city that morning and expected to come up on tho one oclock He telephoned up and had a rig meet him at Richmond Hill hav ing made that distance on a wheel Entrance Examination following are the names of the can pissed the Public and at Newmarket and Sutton William Brown Martha Byron Vandewtiter Foil Puttie The following obtained Entrance Stand ing differences of opinion he had always tried to do what right between the firm and employees Ho would go away from without a feeling of animosity against anyone with very grateful re membrances for handsome token of respect as well as many other kindnesses As tho long line of men shook the parting hand and individually expressed their goodbye there was still a warmth of ex pression it their manly breasts but conveyed by the hearty grasp On closing his books the earns evening Mr Relfry was invited by the senior mem ber of the firm Cane Esq to call at residence he being in feeble health when the retiring bookkeeper was present ed on behalf of Tho Cane Sons Manufacturing Co with a beautiful Gold Watch and Chain in recognition of faith ful Mr Belfry is to bo congratulated on leaving Newmarket with such of confidence Ho left on Monday morn hie situation Wesley Brown Clara Davis George Carrol Ethel Leonard Emma Terry Ernest Wright BUTTON V Guy Morton obtained Entrance Stand ing Fountain Cora Fred Morton Edgar Wintield NEWMAJtKET ENTRANCE Viola Boynton Laura William Carrie Clay Flossie Forrest Edward Flora Gray Fred Doan Ethel Grantham Norman Douglas Frank Doyle Olive Hodge Albert Flanagan TesBio Clarence Eraser Eva Lush Everett Laura Willie Jessie Mintern John Mary Gordon Mabel Skinner Stanley Lena Thompson W Rogers Edna Terry Snyder Edna Webster Bort Traviss SUTTON ENTRANCE Carrie William Harding Gertie Ernest Morton P Terry Allan Proa William Crocker Hugh There Leaving and Entrance Candidates at Newmarket and 12 Leaving and Entrance Candidates at Sutton We did not desire to cast any reflection on the Board by our remarks last week but we wanted to that the Departmental Regulation requiring that the names of successful candidates shall not made until the of July is not regarded in the and will bo until the pay of the examiners is forfeit ed for noncompliance The fact is the Regulation is contrary to the spirit of the timed Tho Examiners should be allowed to make their report as soon as the work is completed and then those who whe- hustle will duo credit The Board of Examiners for Newmarket High School are not one whit more dilatory than those for Aurora and and yet the results in all these places were published In last weeks local papers The upon the mind is that New market is 4 while virtually they simply had due regard for those in author ity in educational matters It Is time this thing was attended to by tho Government as it places those disposed to be governed by law at a disadvantage In a One Starrs delivery was bad- in ft runaway at North end the othorday Starling who was driving was thrown from tho rig but escaped injury Of Robertsons Bakery Open day Painless extraction Years Council At the end of a radical change will in our town council In stead of as ftt present will bo only seven a mayor and six conooillor8 by a general voto Tho firat o Aot of every population of not than by las Canadian census shall consiat of a mayor who shall bo head thereof and six councillors to bo by a voto Act further provides that at the end of two years tho town may bo divided into wards by a majority voto of electors Produce There was ft splendid market lout Satur day and an upward tendency In prices of butter and cggii that armors smile As high as was paid for butter last Saturday though Mo was tho ruling figure Eggs commenced at lie and closed at The bulk sold for New potatoes dropped join to per peck in carrots onions green peas etc Green beans per gal lon Red currants per quart black currants rod and Jo per lb Cherries per with on with off Live chickens from to per pair Generations A very interesting and quite unique group framed at Millards on Tuesday comprising a picture of Mis Lucinda Morton Newmarket her daughter Mrs of Sharon her daughter Mrs liolbrook of her daughter Mrs Hall and son The great greatgrandmother of boy is in her year and wouldnever listen to entreaties of her children or to have her picture taken so ono day when her granddaughter was over on a vieit alio took a snap shot with a The old lady knew nothing of it till alio was presented a finished picture and the nearly took her breath away It will bo carefully preserved by the families of live generations represented Expression of Appreciation In tho Vancouver Newt of July 1st which friend has kindly sent to this wo notice ft lengthy account of a presenta tion to Mr and Mrs The Utter is a daughter of Mr of who has at Winni peg and Vnncouver since her mar riage The News I A pleasant yet sad ceremony occupied time of a special meeting of the Van couver Board of Trade on Thursday after regular meeting it remembered that Mr Fred Manager for Messrs Dunn and Company handed in with regret his resigna tion owing to his leaving the City for business purposes This was received with feeling by his colleagues on the Board and yesterday the greater number of the members met together to tender an address of farewell and a small token of their esteem latter was twofold a hand some goldheaded ebony cane to Mr Cook- burn himself and a magnificent oak of silver and cutlery ft and thoughtful gift to Both bore cbastely plates succinctly reciting the date and of the donors and the re cipient President in submitting ad dress and gifts referred in hearty terms to regret ell by Board at Mr Cock- burns departure a gentleman for whom through all his or years as Manager for Messrs Dunn and Company in City all connected with him had felt the highest esteem He then read the formal address Mr replied most feelingly to the address tendered his hearty thanks for the presentation and par ticularly for the kindly conveyed thereby He made a few amusing allu sions to the gifts of the Board which bad come as a surprise to him and would be a moat unexpected pleasure to Mrs Cock- bum He then went on to refer to the position he had tilled in this City as Manager for Messrs Dunn and Company a position which he had done his beat to till adequately He recognized that there must have been shortcomings but he had honestly striven from the be ginning to act with conscientious duty He had done his beat to behave towards the merchants of the im partiality and always tried to put himself in their position He Englishborn Canadian by adoption but he felt he was primarily of Vancouver and it felt that he belonged to it and it belonged to him Much more ho in the same strain and expressed his firm that the future of Vanoiuver was a glorious one He referred to position with the Board of Trad in particular and hoped he hid always fulfilled all the work in connection therewith as a member should He predicted or the Board an honorable and prosperous life one growing year by year in its vital and beneficial influence on the Province and City Ho concluded by expressing his inner consciousness that he would soon be back in Vancouver Great greeted tho termination of Mr Cookburn8 acknowledgment and after a abort reply from tho President and a hearty handshako all round the Board adjourned Mr or Portland Or on Sunday where ho will fill an at the Companys branch official that City 38inch Cashmere all colors 8inch New Plaid Dress Goods ens Undershirts All Wool Tweeds Ladies Blk Cotton Hose fast color iiltZ White Spot Muslin per yard Fifty cent Blouses for White Counterpanes yards Ion c C Although Roller Blinds have advanced in price we still sell them for cents complete A The best Cakes are always made with Baking Powder CORNER Ul -oxo- When you intend buying a pair of Shoes or a Suit of Clothes you naturally want a large stock to select from We have the largest and most complete stock of Boots and Shoes BeadyMade Clothing Gents Furnishing and Hats and Caps in North York Mens Good Tweed Suits in a variety of colors worth 600 for Mens Fine Tweed Suits in checks worth 700 for Boys Good Strong Tweed Suits worth 2 00 for 125 Hoys all wool Serge Suits worth 200 for 150 Mens Strong Laced Hoots worth 125 for Boys Strong Laced Hoots worth 100 for 65c Mens Fine Laced Hoots worth 125 for Ladies Kid Low Shoes worth for Ladies Fine Kid Low Shoes worth 150 for We Lead in Low Prices and Good Goods Come and look through our Stock Goods Specials for Saturday July Light Shades Plain and Fancy regular price to Saturday yd All Shades wool Serges Saturday 20c yd Lijht Shades Double width Lustres Saturday yd I ight Shades 50c Tweed Dress Goods Saturday yd Light Shades Plain and Fancy Dress Goods Saturday yd Light Shades 75c Plain and Fancy Dress Goods Saturday 59c yd Black and White Check Navy White Stripe and Plaid reg Saturday yd Chances for Women Ladies Linen Cuffs pair Ladies Linen Collars each Ladies Linen Collars odd lines several shapes your choice Ladies Roman Stripe Silk Ties reg 45c for Ladies Plaid Silk Ties for Odd lines Silk Ties reg 25c for Ladies Colored Silk prices up to 50c your choice Ladies Colored Silk and Cotton Gloves your choice 5 Summer Corsets 35c and 50c Womens Common Sense Dongola Kid Button Boots reg 150 Saturday 19 Chances for Men and Boys Mens Summer Suits 2 Mens Tweed Suits Mens Fine Tweed Suits for Mens Low Shoes in Tan and Black your choice for Mens Fine Summer Shirts in Zephyr Cambric or Oxford soft bodies or laundried Saturday Mens 50c Straw Mats colored Silk Bands Mens Black Straw Hats Sat Boys Linen Suits Boys Straw Hats Saturday Boys Tweed Suits 2 Boys Linen Crash Suits Saturday Boys Odd Pants 20c and 00 00 ills 95 Get our prices for Hammocks Windows Screen Doors c To Farmers and Others Binder Twine is cheaper Get our prices Machine Oil the Best gallon Boiled Oil the Best gallon Raw Oil the Best 50c gallon Turpentine the Best 50c gallon Reaping Hooks Fly Exterminates for Cattle for Scythe Snaths the Best Harvest Mitts full lines Cradle Scyths and full line Harvest 50C Tools Coal 0 A Oil Stoves Ice Cream Freezers Screen Season Get our prices for Granite and Tin Pre serving Kettles and Glass Fruit Jars CAMPERS Campers Supplies of all kinds FISHERMEN should get our prices for Rods Tackle Reels Baits Hooks c Drugs and Patent Medicine A saving of from to per cent buying from us

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